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  1. http://vaccinepapers.org/al-adjuvant-causes-brain-inflammation-behavioral-disorders/ "...the study found that the lowest dose (200 mcg/Kg) was the most toxic! For many outcomes, the 400 and 800 mcg/Kg dosages had no observable adverse effects, but the 200 mcg/Kg dose did. Crepeaux (paper): Non-linear dose-response of aluminium hydroxide adjuvant particles: Selective low dose neurotoxicity The low toxicity of the higher dosages appears to be a consequence of dosage-dependent inflammation at the injection site. The high dosages caused intense inflammation at the injection site, forming “granulomas”. The 200 mcg/Kg dosage did not produce granulomas. Granulomas are hard nodules in tissue produced in response to injury, infection or foreign substances. Its a way the body “walls off” injured tissue and prevents the spread of infection or toxins. The granuloma appears to provide protection from Al adjuvant toxicity. The granulomas prevented the Al adjuvant particles from leaving the injection site. This explains why the 200 mcg/Kg dosage affected the brain and behavior, while the higher dosages did not. This suggests that it is more dangerous and harmful to administer numerous small injections of Al adjuvant, compared to a large single injection capable of inducing a granuloma." "According to the US vaccination schedule recommended by the CDC, infants are urged to receive the following (maximum) dosages of Al adjuvant: Birth: 74 mcg/kg (250 mcg for 3.4 kg infant) (Hep B only) 2 month: 245 mcg/kg (1225 mcg for 5 kg infant) (Hep B, DTaP, HiB, pneumococcal, polio) 4 month: 150 mcg/kg (975 mcg for 6.5 kg infant) (DTaP, HiB, and pneumococcal) 6 month: 153 mcg/kg (1225 mcg for 8 kg infant) (Hep B, DTaP, HiB, pneumococcal, polio) Since each Al-containing vaccine is not given in exactly the same location (and are often given on different limbs), each vaccine may provide a “low” dose that does not form a granuloma and hence deposits transportable Al adjuvant. Human infants are likely receiving Al adjuvant in numerous small doses that can be transported to the brain."
  2. I am suggesting you follow up on bartonella specifically.
  3. Yes, remission is possible. DD15 has now been asymptomatic for 2 years, but we had to treat the proper infections to get there. Partial treatment was ineffective.
  4. I would also suggest that you follow up on your lyme diagnosis. Because of lyme's tendance to suppress immune function, coinfections (bartonella, babesia etc.) are very, very frequently involved. Bartonella especially will produce neuropsychiatric symptoms: Psychoimmunology of Tick borne Diseases and its Association with Neuropsychiatric Symptoms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kG7BHlByeQ
  5. Very interesting reading from AoA Contributing Editor Teresa Conrick: http://www.ageofautism.com/2016/12/cdc-denying-harmful-human-vaccine-consequences.html "A particularly notable finding in our study is the 900% increase in noninvasive pediatric vaccine-related isolates that was associated with serotypes 19A...serotype 19A frequently recovered from middle ear fluid specimens. ● It is noteworthy that serotype 19A—the original multidrug-resistant serotype reported from South Africa in 1978 [41]—emerged in the United States after the introduction of PCV7 in 2000, and many of these isolates are multidrug resistant." "Vaccination with PCV-7 resulted in a shift in bacterial community composition and structure, with an increase in presence or abundance of several anaerobes, such as Veillonella, Prevotella, Fusobacterium, and Leptotrichia species; gram-positive bacteria, such as Actinomyces and Rothia species, and nonpneumococcal streptococci; and gram-negative Neisseria species…. Together with S. pneumoniae nonvaccine serotype replacement, these effects may further jeopardize the net health benefit of vaccinations with PCV.” http://www.ageofautism.com/2014/06/the-human-microbiome-evolution-of-vaccine-exposure.html Vaccination is likely to have important consequences for the NP microbiome. Current pneumococcal vaccines are directed against multiple serotypes thus potentially eliminating these from the microbiome. Based on observations on this and other vaccines, new organisms are expected to move into the empty niches created by vaccine elimination of organisms. Thus the structure of the microbiome is altered by vaccines. The unintended consequences of this alteration remain to be seen. It seems very possible that if the microbiome takes a hit, like mercury exposure or immune manipulation via vaccination, the more we may see the immune system diseases rapidly rise. Autism and PANDAS/PANS and other immune-damaged diseases deserve huge concern and true research." http://www.ageofautism.com/2014/04/autism-does-mercury-modulate-the-microbiome.html#more "... here are studies showing how it is the microbiome, not genes, that will lead the way in helping so many stricken with these symptoms: • That veil is only very recently being lifted with respect to a potential role for autoimmunity in neuropsychiatric disorders. This shift has occurred as evidence accumulates to support the idea that dysregulated cross-talk between the brain and the immune system is an important contributor to the pathogenesis of conditions as diverse as schizophrenia, mood disorders, autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anorexia nervosa, narcolepsy, posttraumatic stress disorder and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).[4,5] In addition, intriguing new evidence lends support to the possibility that not only the microbes associated with infectious episodes but also the bacteria of the gut microbiome can foster the production of brain-reactive autoantibodies, and that these microbe-induced antibodies provide the critical link between infection and neuropsychiatric disorders. • ….Eventually, as more pathogens are incorporated into the microbiome and levels of dysbiosis increase, people begin to present with symptoms characteristic of an autoimmune or inflammatory diagnosis......There is increasing evidence that autoimmune diseases run in families due to the sharing of common microbes.... The microbiome a child develops is a direct reflection of those harbored by the mother and close relatives. Microbes are introduced by a multitude of sources including the placenta, sperm,egg, breast milk, and vaginal canal.[37] …. Autoimmune diseases are more likely passed in families due to inheritance of the familial microbiome than inheritance of Mendelian genetic abnormalities.” "Note that the above study refers to "regressive-type" autism as a disease. I have watched my own daughter suffer for years -- infections, pain, neuropsychiatric symptoms related to PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) and an autoimmune diagnosis shown by antinuclear antibodies. Since 1938, those with the symptoms called “autism” have been put on a spectrum, from low functioning to high functioning. It is very possible that their functioning had everything to do with a dysfunctional microbiome." Here is a good video by Stephanie Seneff on the association between glyphosate, vaccine constituents, gut bacteria and autism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3P6wVUH0pc
  6. Stephen Buhner recommends both Japanese knotweed and kudzu for brain inflammation. I have found that both work very well.
  7. LLM is very experienced and will give you important information. Please take the time to search her archives to see what she has accomplished with her children. MTHFR deletions were an important factor in DD15's illness. Inability to detoxify will result in metal and toxin (from infections, but also from pesticides in food/water and vaccinations) overload which compromises immune function. In our case, bartonella was responsible for DD's PANS reactions. And very much like you, her symptoms increased with antibiotic treatment that addressed that infection. If you have been diagnosed with lyme, coinfections are almost certain. Our LLMD told me on our first visit that bartonella was responsible for DD's PANS reactions and that once we had treated that infection properly they would resolve; they did. With herx symptoms including raging and OCD, please consider bartonella as a probable cause. Here is DD's complete timeline: Born Sept 2001 – born with light / sound / touch sensitivity. Nursed and slept well, appeared healthy, accomplished first year milestones but with low percentile height and weight. All vaccinations received on schedule. 2002 - Loss of speech/fine motor ability 2 weeks after 15 month MMR vaccination. Self weaned at that time. 2004 – Diagnosed with ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder (light, sound, touch), motor delay (with toe-walking), hypotonia, oral apraxia. Private speech therapy recovered speech by 2007 using the PROMPT method. 2005 - Private OT to improve fine motor control. 2006 – Enters school system with IEP. Kindergarten accommodations include OT, PT, weighted vest, ear muffs. 2008 - MMR / DPT boosters (told by GP that the original regression was a coincidence) and insect bite (bruise-like rash). New symptoms include: motor/vocal tics, emotional lability (including rage), age regressive behaviour, low level OCD, urinary frequency, diminished fine motor ability, insomnia, loss of executive function. Waxed and waned with strep/viral infections. 2009 - School IEP re-evaluated to include removal from classroom for tests with EA available to redirect to task, seating behind a screen for in-class work to reduce sensory overload, more time allowed for testing, decreased work and test load, removal to remedial class for lunch with EA available to redirect to eating. Accompanied by EA to the washroom to prevent wandering. 2010 – Diagnosed with ADHD, Tourette’s, Asperger’s, motor delay, probable PANDAS. Jan 2011 - shin/forearm pain, cyclic IBS, foot (sole) pain, dizziness, palpitations, chest pain, anxiety/panic attacks, pick-like skull pain, pain and stiffness at base of skull, tingling in extremities, chills and hot flashes, extreme fatigue, nightly fever. June 2011 - Negative Canadian ELISA, Igenex PCR positive Bartonella henselae, Negative Babesia microti. Negative lyme (IND IgM kDa 41; IND IgG kDa 39, 34. kDa 41++). CD57 18. Positive ANA (speckled type), heterozygous A1298C MTHFR. Multiple Abx, methyl B12, methylfolate, P-5-P, herbal homeopathic and supplement treatment by LLMD. 2012 – Vaccine exemptions acquired. Jan 2013 - Bartonella IgG titers declined from 160 (Jun 2011) to 80. CD57 16. April 2013 - Weaned from abx treatment at 80% improvement. Continued with Full Buhner bartonella herbal protocol, GF/CF/SF, organic, pastured, Terry Wahls / PerfectHealthDiet . Minimize EMF exposure. Sept 2013 - CD57 45. Oct 2013 - All symptoms (PANS and pain/fatigue) 95% resolved. No flares with viral or other infections. Herxing remains with changes in herbal protocols. Dec 2013 - Clinical babesia diagnosis. Improvement to 98% with addition of Buhner herbal protozoan treatment. ANA titers negative. PANS symptoms resolved. Regular classroom requiring no accommodations. B+/A student. Mar 2014 - Continued improvement in cognitive/executive function with increased dosages of cryptolepis/sida/alchornea (CSA) tincture. Sept 2014 - Continued improvement with the addition of red root. Resolution of EMF sensitivities with low dose cilantro tincture, diatomaceous earth and psyllium husk. Dec 2015 – To present. Symptom improvement to100% with removal of PUFA supplements (Cod Liver Oil, organic hemp oil). B+/A student in Grade 9, active in Celtic Dancing, curling, cycling, church Youth Group. Remains 1 year or so behind peers in ability to socially interact.
  8. Yes, the video is a good one. I feel better about our choices to eat organically and exempt from vaccinations every time I see it.
  9. DD14 was negative for lyme through Igenex, but she did have an IND result on one of the lyme-specific bands. She was positive for bartonella and negative for babesia microti. We treated bartonella with abx but didn't get to full remission. Her lyme WB (Igenex) started reacting more fully (more lyme bands popping up) as her immune response improved with bartonella treatment. It wasn't until we moved to herbal treatment with Buhner's full bartonella protocol plus the addition of some antimicrobial protozoan/babesia herbs that she became asymptomatic.
  10. Although in this article they mention improved socialization, even DD herself noticed a decrease in ticcing and other PANS symptoms during a fever. http://www.ageofautism.com/2016/07/immune-system-autism.html#more The researchers found that without interferon gamma, signals in a brain region called the prefrontal cortex run rampant, and mice tend to be asocial. The prefrontal cortex is involved in social behavior, and is thought to be overactive in some people with autism. “We show that an immune molecule directly controls brain circuits through neurons,” Kipnis says. ...This suggests that interferon gamma normally dampens brain signals in this region — and that it affects social behavior. Replenishing the spinal fluid of the mice with interferon gamma is enough to restore social behavior in the mice...The findings may explain the observation that some children with autism seem to become more sociable when they have a fever, Kipnis says. Elevated levels of molecules such as interferon gamma accompany fevers. In that same article, I posted two studies that seemed related to each other, and to my daughter. The first one showed "EtHg [THIMEROSAL] decreases IFN-gamma release". Further reading showed that IFN-gamma has antiviral activity and also important immunoregulatory functions. It is a potent activator of macrophages, has antiproliferative effects on transformed cells and it can potentiate the antiviral and antitumor effects of the type I interferons." Another study I have since discovered from the same year Megan was born, 1993, details this same phenomenon: "mercury interferes with T cell IFN-gamma production by affecting the intracellular availability of GSH." A comment below the article written by "Tim" is interesting: There are a number of herbs that increase IFN-gamma, such as guduci (which curiously enough was highly recommended by a commenter here to heal ADD). Stephen Buhner recommends using adaptogens instead of just trying to increase INF-gamma, because chronically high IFN-gamma causes its own problems. So his suggestion (in his book Healing Lyme) is to use Withania Somnifera (Ashwaghanda), Rhodiola, Licorice, Scutellaria Baicalensis (Chinese skullcap), and Astragalus. These all raise low levels and lower high levels. Give Ashwaghanda at night; Licorice in the morning; the others 3 or 4 times per day. Licorice should only be used short-term, the others can be used indefinitely. We use astragalus 500 mg 3x weekly.
  11. DD14 was ANA positive (speckled type) indicating connective tissue involvement. No other indicators of lupus though. She tested positively for bartonella and lyme, and was later clinically diagnosed with babesia although testing negatively for it (all through Igenex). As her infections were treated, her ANA returned to normal. It wasn't a reach to assume that lyme was likely responsible for the observed connective tissue destruction. She remains in remission.
  12. Why folic acid supplementation/food fortification (energy bars, cereal etc.) can be problematic if we have MTHFR deletions. /www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWFPRI6X7P4&inf_contact_key=30aab23c6df2132c1a540c189895646f33499b9de8e26120377f0d2028093332 DD has an MTHFR deletion, and I was supplemented with high prescribed doses of folic acid when I was carrying her. She was born with a bruise at the base of her spine which has only faded in the last couple of years. I think we are lucky that she didn't acquire spina bifida from my supplementation; which was prescribed to decrease just that risk.
  13. Our LLMD originally used biaxin/rifampin to treat DD's bartonella infection. It produced herxing (die-off) symptoms which included increased fatigue, shin pain, emotional lability and headache. We were on vacation during the herx and we ended up having to get a wheel chair to get her from place to place (or around museums etc.). Be aware of the possibility of an increase in symptoms or the development of new ones, which might be an indication of other underlying infections.
  14. I was going to ask about coinfections as well. DD14's PANS symptoms were caused by bartonella infection which is notorious for causing psychiatric issues. For DD is caused motor/vocal ticcing, ADHD, the gamet of PANS symptoms.
  15. Thank you! I'm glad this information is making it to the mainstream - everyone needs to be aware.
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