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Everything posted by kim

  1. Jstone, I agree that it could be staph or strep and a culture would be a good idea. They can still culture the spot even if it looks relatively healed. My son had one that he popped and I was astounded that the spot was barely visable by the next day when I got him to the Dr. Staph is really contageous so be certain that you don't share any towels and protect other family members from anything that comes in contact with your son. Keep others off of his sheets etc. until treated. I guess I'm harping on staph because that's what my son had in the way of a skin infection. He had just had minor surgery and the staph was at the surgery site so MRSA was a concern. I don't think your Dr. will give you a hard time, if you tell him you would like it cultured.
  2. Ifran, I guess I would say no. It was just a clear watery discharge. Does your son have psoriasis or other dermatitis? Were the blisters on his face or elsewhere? Deby, Don't worry about not understanding! I wrestle with this stuff all of the time and still don't understand a lot either. As you can see below, antibodies are thought to activate calcium-calmodulin dependent protein kinase in PANDAS so I'm wondering how abnormal activity of a "calmodulin-containing enzyme," factors in to both conditions? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P...18/?tool=pubmed Recent evidence suggests that specific antibodies targeted to the dominant epitope of GABHS (N-acetyl-beta-D-Glucosamine) might influence neuronal signal transduction thus causing alterations in behavior and movement control. Accordingly, sera from some patients with Sydenham's chorea [20] or PANDAS [21] contain antibodies that induce calcium-calmodulin dependent protein (CaM) kinase II activity. From link above (Heng) We conclude that PK, a calmodulin-containing enzyme, is involved in regulating calcium-dependent phosphorylation events in human epidermis, and disturbance of its activity may play a key role in the clinical manifestations of psoriasis.
  3. phasmid...Great news on your appt! Sure hope the treatment course is the answer for your son. Not sure if this is the same thing that you meant to post but probably along the same lines http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/201...rence-tim-adams Gut instinct: the miracle of the parasitic hookworm
  4. Deby/All, Deby since you have an appt on Monday, I thought you might want to read some things that I've been looking at. I have had mild psoriasis for 20+ years too. About 1 1/2 years ago, I got an infection on the elbow that had psoriasis. I didn't get on an antibiotic for a couple of days after the weepy infection started. Over night, this became a full blown head to toe body rash. About a week (?) after the rash started, my head broke out in what looked like a horrific case of dandruff. I have never had dandruff in my life. I found a psoriasis web site and started reading. Lo and behold, I learned of the strep connection (altho as usual there is mixed evidence..let me know if you want to read some of my saved info) and others with the body rashes and the scalp reaction. One particular Dr. from UCLA School of Medicine has some research that really caught my attention. Here is one excerpt from her work http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal...=1&SRETRY=0 Elevated phosphorylase kinase activity in psoriatic epidermis: correlation with increased phosphorylation and psoriatic activity I found another paper that talked about calmodulin being elevated (grossly) in the skin of people with psoriasis. http://www.springerlink.com/content/x6380hv01745h5j7/ Calmodulin antagonism inhibits human keratinocyte proliferation The other thing that really seems to stand out in regards to the scalp outbreak, it seems in people with psoriasis that antibodies to this YEASTare recognizing N acetylglucosamine, the same component of the strep wall that has been found to be recognized in PANDAS. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P...ei0105-0079.pdf Antibodies from patients with Psoriasis recognize N acetylglucosamine terminals in glycoproteins from pityrosporum ovale Something else that has been pretty interesting, the psoriasis on my elbow (probably about 4 inches from elbow down toward wrist..so no small spot) is totally gone for the first time in all those years. It resolved with the other symptoms after the outbreak. I know that there was an attack on other connective tissue subsequent to that whole ordeal tho. I had some mild pitting on my fingernails and some arthritis type symptoms in other areas that I never had before. Also, some weird little bumps, mostly on my hands, and what looks like Keratosis pilaris on my legs at times. One of the worst periods where I noticed these symptoms was right around the time the boys were sick this past winter, and my oldest son started with some fairly bad gut issues. He was diagnosed with mild gastropherisis, and scope showed evidence of reflux. I know there's more but this is the 2nd time I'm trying to post this. The first one disappeared iinto thin air and I gotta run, but will post whatever else I think of later!
  5. I think this assoc has been known about for awhile http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11779477
  6. If the tone of this post sounds like the frustration is directed at anyone here, IT ISN'T! I just find myself thinking more and more that this stuff is like some big revelation that these people are providing and I can't help but to feel a little resentful. For as many years as I have been gleaning info from autism websites without having an autistic child myself, not to mention the work that Sheila Rogers, Cheri and countless others have done, PARENTS have been screaming this for a long long time now. WHY is this a big surprize? They are only getting around to looking at this now? Parents have been using every method under the sun to try to treat the underlying cause of what they have been told was a psyciatric condition. What did they get? "Here take this drug or get out." Many many knew better. I sure understand that this is an important step in the right direction, for at least a substantial amt. of people, but I can't help but feel like its a little late to the table when so many without a PhD have thought it was fairly obvious. from the article
  7. Tantrums, Thought you might want to check this out too. Just popped up this morning. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/...ature09041.html Distinct FGFs promote differentiation of excitatory and inhibitory synapses edit...oh, now I see that you said you were taking Topamax for migraines not epilepsy!
  8. I think the problem is that they were promoting it which in my opinion is very very wrong, when they won't let the cherry growers say that cherry juice is a good natural anti inflam. out loud! If a med proff. decides to use it off label, that's one thing, but to actively promote it for something with nothing to back it up.....well, how many of us have been slammed for "anecdotal," when using a virtually zero side effect supplement. I think the situation described sounds like something that was needed to ward off the use of and SALES of drugs in a misleading manner. prosecutor told the Court that had the case proceeded to trial, the Government’s evidence would have proven that ORTHO-McNEIL PHARMACEUTICAL, LLC ed a promotional program called the “Doctor for a Day Program” as a tool to promote its epilepsy drug, Topamax, for uses which had never been approved by the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Through the “Doctor for a Day Program,” ORTHO-McNEIL PHARMACEUTICAL, LLC paid outside physicians to accompany sales representatives on sales calls, including to psychiatrists. On these sales calls, through the Doctor for a Day, ORTHO-McNEIL PHARMACEUTICAL, LLC promoted Topamax to psychiatrists, including some in Massachusetts, for psychiatric uses. However, ORTHO-McNEIL PHARMACEUTICAL, LLC had never applied to the FDA for any approval for Topamax to treat any psychiatric disorders and there was no data from any well-controlled clinical trial to demonstrate that Topamax was safe and effective to treat any psychiatric conditions
  9. Is anyone watching this? http://www.autismone.org/content/autismone...-streaming-live AutismOne Conference Streaming LIVE!
  10. Another child with a serious medical condition, where SSRI was the recommendation, hau? I'm so sorry you have to go through this frustration (been there too). I just took a quick peek at mucoceles and the info regarding the levels of PGE-2 kinda jumped out. I'm wondering if IVIG will even be necessary after this is treated? I guess I would wonder about the length of time that this was forming and how that correlates with symptoms. You probably have covered all of this and more, but these were just a few things that I glanced at http://www.bcm.edu/oto/grand/110291.html Mucoceles develop from inadequately removed sinus mucosa in a poorly drained space. They expand locally and erode bone due to the secretion of high levels of PGE-2. Pyoceles form when mucoceles become secondarily infected. from the same page.....His final culture results revealed alpha hemolytic streptococcus (not pneumococcus). http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=24892 Prostaglandin E2: One of the prostaglandins, a group of hormone-like substances that participate in a wide range of body functions such as the contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle, the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, control of blood pressure, and modulation of inflammation. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE-2) is released by blood vessel walls in response to infection or inflammation that acts on the brain to induce fever. The enzyme mPGES-1 is involved in the production of PGE2 and is an important "switch" for activating the fever response http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostaglandin_E2 Like other prostaglandins, dinoprostone can be used as an abortifacient. It is a direct vasodilator, relaxing smooth muscles, and it inhibits the release of noradrenaline from sympathetic nerve terminals. It does not inhibit platelet aggregation, where PGI2 does. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympathetic_nervous_system
  11. Johnsmom, Very interesting post. Wondering if anything in this thread is leading you to believe that your problem and your sons may not be entirely seperate issues? I think there was a question in that last post? That is just referring to the inventor listed on the patent http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP0372730.html
  12. Karen, I just posted this on another thread (I'm thinking my computer is going to crash again soon and trying to unload some info that I don't want to lose) but I thought of your son when I was going over this. Does he have any skin issues, by chance? I couldn't really find any good reference for this but thought you might be interested. You might want to read the last post on the N acetylglucosamine thread that has a little more info. I'm starting to wonder if there shouldn't be a little better look at yeast antibodies in these conditions too which I believe Stefanie has just posted about her PA/Dr.s opinion on that too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malassezia#ci...e-TTMArchive-14 It is hypothesized that individuals with Trichotillomania suffer from a sort of autoimmune-disordered reaction to Malassezia and/or Candida yeast. Since Malassezia is especially present in the hair follicles and scalp, "hair pulling is like sneezing: the body is attempting to rid itself of an allergy-causing irritant." [15]
  13. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19480828 Med Sci (Paris). 2009 May;25(5):473-81. [Anti-glycan antibodies establish an unexpected link between C. albicans and Crohn disease] [Article in French] Sendid B, Jouault T, Vitse A, Fradin C, Colombel JF, Poulain D. Inserm U, Université Lille, CHRU de Lille, France. Abstract Almost 80 % of the dry weight of the yeast cell wall is composed of glycans including mannans, glucans and chitin. Within this variable and complex edifice, glycans play a major role in their relation with the environment. Experimental antibodies allowed to define the localization, the variability of expression and the biological role of numerous natural oligosaccharidic sequences. These glycans and their synthetic analogues were used to study the human humoral response during invasive candidiasis (IC) determined by Candida albicans and Crohn's disease (CD) where antibodies against the dietary yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been reported. On these bases, it was established experimentally and clinically that a large panel of CD biomarkers consisting in anti glycans antibodies were also generated during IC establishing a link never suspected between C. albicans and CD. We describe here the principle of this serological analysis and its perspectives related to the use of multianalyte profiling technology for a a better understanding of IC and CD pathophysiology. This may contribute to improve disease management in terms of diagnosis and therapy. http://dartmed.dartmouth.edu/spring06/html/disc_cholera.php http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8697640 Clin Exp Immunol. 1996 Jul;105(1):79-83. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11979041 Can't find any good reference for this but... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malassezia#ci...e-TTMArchive-14 further psoriasis/skin stuff connection? http://www.springerlink.com/content/x6380hv01745h5j7/ Calmodulin antagonism inhibits human keratinocyte proliferation calmodulin levels are grossly elevated in both lesional and nonlesional epidermis of psoriasis
  14. Study in adults...but still good exceerpt http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/16/2202.pdf Systematic review and meta-analysis of Saccharomyces boulardii in adult patients Of 31 randomized, placebo-controlled treatment arms in 27 trials (encompassing 5029 study patients), S. boulardii was found to be significantly efficacious and safe in 84% of those treatment arms. A meta- analysis found a significant therapeutic efficacy for S. boulardii in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) (RR = 0.47, 95% CI: 0.35-0.63, P < 0.001). In adults, S. boulardii can be strongly recommended for the prevention of AAD and the traveler’s diarrhea. Randomized trials also support the use of this yeast probiotic for prevention of enteral nutrition-related diarrhea and reduction of Heliobacter pylori treatment- related symptoms. S. boulardii shows promise for
  15. Lynn, I wanted to tell you that pink eye in the form of a bacterial conjunctivitis is usually caused by staph or strep. It seems in autoimmune conditions, symptoms can take weeks or even months in some cases to really manifest. Personally, in regards to vaccines, I feel that we don't have nearly enough research to know what role these things are playing in the manifestation of neurological problems, allergy, autoimmunity etc. If your son is due for any in the near future, please research this topic carefully. There are many posts on this forum that would probably get you pointed in a good direction for gathering info (just type "vaccines" in the search feature). Also, many have shared their experience with them in different posts. You have found a wonderful place for support and knowledge. welcome!
  16. This is excellent and what a DARLING little girl! The look on her face along with the article, goes straight to your heart. Wonderful for parents and med professionals alike
  17. Can anyone get into this group and post a message for votes? EnzymesandAutism@yahoogroups.com I have been trying all day, and can't get the message to go through. This group has lot's of people who report PANDAS or P like illness. It's also a fairly large group. I'm sure many would be happy to help. I read messages that come to e mail with interesting titles, but don't post there much. Not sure why I can't send message. Kelly/Vickie and all who have worked so hard on this, a big thank you!
  18. Laurensmom, That's pretty interesting! I see this one too, which I feel doesn't get enough attention. We have had a couple of reports of parent or close family members with this on the TS forum What I really found interesting when this thread came up, was thinking back to Bonnie Grimaldi's hypothesis years ago (it's been a couple of years since I read it again). I think she touches on most of the things that are discussed here, including strep, histimine, etc. We found her vitamins to be very beneficial. Like Cheri, we have been putting together our own supplements that are a little more personalized, but I truly think they were the thing that kept rx meds out of the picture here. We were not the classic abrupt onset, clear cut PANDAS type symptoms tho. Bonnies 1996 Paper Tourette Syndrome, B6 dependency, allergy http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/neur-sci/1996...ary/022416.html http://www.bonniegr.com/ HOME http://www.bonniegr.com/Interview%20with%20Bonnie.htm Interview with Bonnie
  19. I would e mail her with a CC to the principal. This works very well for "appreciation" e mails too. You can probably find even better articles than what I posted below. Maybe include something like this I was very disappointed to learn of the way that you handled a situation regarding a reward treat that was offered to my son in your class, when he informed you that he was sensitive to an artificial dye in that "treat." We as parents are trying to teach our children responsibility for making good decisions regarding their health and well being. I would think as an educator you would be happy to reinforce this process. Please consider a different approach in the future. http://savvyconsumer.wordpress.com/2010/03...etic-food-dyes/ Groups calling on FDA to match UK’s ban on synthetic food dyes Monday, March 29, 2010 By Courtney Brein, Linda Golodner Food Safety and Nutrition Fellow Last week, the National Consumers League and a number of other concerned organizations sent letters to Members of Congress and FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg urging them to follow the United Kingdom’s example and start protecting children from synthetic food dyes. Specifically, the letter to Congress encouraged members to support legislation that would ban the use of dyes in school foods; fund a study by the Institute of Medicine on the broader issue of diet and behavior; and press the FDA to respond to a petition calling for a ban on most dyes. http://blogs.webmd.com/health-ehome/2010/0...en-red-and.html WebMD More than 90% of food colorings now in use are synthetic. According to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), nine synthetic food dyes, mostly petroleum-derived, are U.S.-approved for use in foods under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act of 1938 (FD&C;). (Down from roughly 80 at the turn of the 20th century.) Pigments from natural sources are exempt from FDA certification. and Avoid: RED 3 (found in candy and baked goods) The evidence that this dye caused thyroid tumors in rats is “convincing,” according to a 1983 review committee report requested by the FDA. The FDA’s recommendation that the dye be banned was overruled by pressure from elsewhere in the Reagan Administration. Red 3 used to color maraschino cherries, but it has been replaced there by the less controversial Red 40 dye. It is still used in a smattering of foods ranging from cake icing to fruit roll-ups to chewing gum. Caution: RED 40 (found in soda pop, candy, gelatin desserts, pastries, pet food and sausage) The most widely used food dye. While this is one of the most-tested food dyes, the key mouse tests were flawed and inconclusive. An FDA review committee acknowledged problems, but said evidence of harm was not “consistent” or “substantial.” Red 40 can cause allergy-like reactions. Like oth er dyes, Red 40 is used mainly in junk foods. http://www.cspinet.org/new/200806022.html The science shows that kids' behavior improves when these artificial colorings are removed from their diets and worsens when they’re added to the their diets," said Dr. David Schab, a psychiatrist at Columbia University Medical Center, who conducted the 2004 meta-analysis with his colleague Dr. Nhi-Ha T. Trinh. "While not all children seem to be sensitive to these chemicals, it's hard to justify their continued use in foods—especially those foods heavily marketed to young children." and CSPI's petition asks the FDA to require a warning label on foods with artificial dyes while it mulls CSPI's request to ban the dyes outright. CSPI also wants the FDA to correct the information it presents to parents on its web site about the impact of artificial food dyes on behavior. Joining CSPI's call are 19 prominent psychiatrists, toxicologists, and pediatricians who today co-signed letter urging members of Congress to hold hearings on artificial food dyes and behavior, and to fund an Institute of Medicine research project on the issue. Those doctors include L. Eugene Arnold, professor emeritus of psychiatry at Ohio State University; Bernard Weiss, professor of environmental medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry; and Stanley Greenspan, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at George Washington University Medical School.
  20. EAmom, There are many many of us wondering about that and angry that it's we the parents and not the peds that are doing the wondering. I couldn't open your link but this page has some good stuff A couple of examples below http://www.whale.to/v/binstock3.html Auwaerter PG, Hussey GD, Goddard EA, Hughes J, Ryon JJ, Strebel PM, Beatty D, Griffin DE. Changes within T cell receptor V beta subsets in infants following measles vaccination. Clin Immunol Immunopathol. 1996 May;79(2):163-70. PMID: 8620622 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Measles produces immune suppression which contributes to an increased susceptibility to other infections. Recently, high titered measles vaccines have been linked to increased long-term mortality among some female recipients.... [The following citation reiterates that vaccinations can impair cell-mediated immunity by shifting cytokines release into a Th2 pattern, thereby allowing intracellular pathogens (eg, many viruses) to be more successful. We note that the authors of this 1997 study are trying to devise a way around the general immune-impairing effect of conventional vaccinations.] 4. Martinez X et al. DNA immunization circumvents deficient induction of T helper type 1 and cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses in neonates and during early life. Proc of the National Academy of Sciences 94.8726-31 1997. ab: The relative deficiency of T helper type 1 (Th1) and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in early life is associated with an increased susceptibility to infections by intracellular microorganisms. This is likely to reflect a preferential polarization of immature CD4 T cells toward a Th2 rather than a Th1 pattern upon immunization with conventional vaccines... Faith, We dodged the bullet because my youngest son was current when records were checked for 6th grade and oldest was current for entry to 9th. We will most likely have to do a religious exemption for youngest next year as he will be a freshman. Entry to Jr. high and high school are the only time they're checked.
  21. Faith, No ok...deleted the rest of my post cause I got on a rant. I will say with our history of staph and skin strep (probable on strep) chicken pox still would freak me out tho
  22. I have to wonder if these were the Willowbrook children again. I also wonder if there isn't a little something more here than meets the eye (could be wrong but something seems pretty strange)? This would not have been the first time institutionalized children had been used. Why do you go looking for an asymptomatic epidemic? Am I missing something (can't get whole paper). Mentally defective and inmates is how they are referred to in this paper. 7 mos to 10 year olds were used in this study for a measles vaccine http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1522575/?page=4 Of the 32 willowbrook children 94% had a fever over 101 40% of this group had a fever btwn 103 and 105 Some history on the use of children in experiments http://www.hss.energy.gov/healthsafety/OHR...re/chap7_2.html bolding mine http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=A...31b885df044a8ac M.D.Myron M. Levineb, , M.D.Eugene J. Gangarosaa, M.D.Max Wernerc and Ph.D.George K. Morrisa aBureau of Epidemiology, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Ga. USA bDivision of Infectious Diseases of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md. USA Willowbrook State School, Staten Island, N. Y. USA Shigellosis in custodial institutions: III. Prospective clinical and bacteriologic surveillance of children vaccinated with oral attenuated shigella vaccines http://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(73)80312-9/abstract Abstract Serial monitoring of rubella hemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies in institutionalized children revealed that 4 of 16 nonvaccinated rubella-susceptible children had developed antibodies and 4 of 29 children immunized with Cendehill rubella vaccine had a fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer during the same 4 year interval. This apparent spread of wild virus occurred within three building with a population estimated to be 91 per cent “immune.” The vaccinees have shown a slight fall in hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody titers over the four years, and both the vaccines and naturally immune children who experienced the “booster” response had titers lower than the others. These observations cast doubt on the ability of “herd immunity” to prevent the spread of wild rubella virus.
  23. Stephanie, it seems to me that SLOWLY...parents who don't question what is being injected into their children and WHY might be getting the reputation of "wackos" Comments section under the article might be worth reading too my bold http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-bob-sears...o_b_563334.html Today's USA Today story on the increasing trend of vaccine refusal shared some interesting information, but fell short of actually providing useful or workable answers. The article cites a new CDC study that showed in 2003 only 22 percent of parents refused or delayed a vaccine for their child, whereas in 2008 this number soared to 39 percent. For many years I believe the CDC has been trying to hide the fact that more and more parents are refusing or delaying vaccines. Why? Because if compliant parents hear that their neighbors or friends are questioning vaccines, they might start to think, "Hmm ... maybe I should begin to question vaccines as well. I think I'll start doing some research and educating myself about vaccines instead of just taking my doctor's word for it." These are a couple of things that I pulled up from links someone posted in comment section http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18845981 Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2008 Nov;27(11):1030-2. Five-fold increase in pediatric parapneumonic empyema since introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Our analysis indicates that non-PCV7 serotypes became more prevalent at our institution after introduction of the vaccine. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3262480 Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1988 Oct;27(10):491-4. Infectious episodes following diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccination. A preliminary observation in infants. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14679101 Vaccinations may induce diabetes-related autoantibodies in one-year-old children. We conclude that HIB vaccination may have an unspecific stimulatory polyclonal effect increasing the production of GADA and IA-2A. This might be of importance under circumstances when the beta cell-related immune response is activated by other mechanisms.
  24. That's the way I understand it too Vickie. The strep didn't show on throat culture, but could be sinus, ear, etc. Maybe this is helpful Worriedmommy I think symptom improvement with falling titer is the most reliable indicator (?) or maybe it's just symptom improvement with antibiotic use, since titers can stay elevated for quite some time http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...amp;#entry65872 Well, sort of. ASO is neutralized by certain lipids. GABHS on the skin does not tend to cause an ASO response as the Streptolycin O is neutralized by the skin. There seems to be some concern in your post about the higher Anti-DNAseB levels. If they are rising then there was likely an infection in the prior 8 weeks. If they are falling then who knows. If they are constant -- no one knows. Only a rising titer is informative. Generally a throat culture is preferable to taking blood titers. Use of blood titers is really to confirm a prior suspected strep infection in the prior 1-8 weeks. Are you concerned that your dh is still positive? The odd are that his titers are falling from a prior infection. Buster
  25. Sure is nice to have eyes all over the internet!
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