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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Hi hopefully some of the members who deal with similar issues will be on soon to give you info. I do know there have been posts here about some of the respiratory meds/products being worse than others, so a search may bring some results.
  2. hi Kevin what else is in the Benedryl is a question I would also ask. antihistamine has actually proven helpful for some of the posters here, BUT if there is other artificial ick in that mix....well...yup, potential triggers. re the sweeteners, all my son uses now is organic 100%Maple Syrup, and raw local honey (we get ours at the Farmers market, great selection, including the seasonal harvest ones which are great for allergies!) I do want to encourage you in your determination to persevere, and to blog this. We kept a journal. Once one begins identifying the triggers and seeing the results, it does get easier. The start is always hard and so confusing. But once you see progress, it is fuel to keep going
  3. Hi and welcome I am working so cannot post long but just wanted to agree that yes, you should look in to PANDAS or other infection trigger , but also keep reading on this board too for the MANY OTHER possible triggers for tics, whether your child is found to have PANDAS or one of the other PITAND infection triggers or not. I have a link in my signature about my son. He had horrible side effects from all the meds we tried, and only showed some improvement with total transformation of his diet, and addition of supplemental nutrients and other natural remedies & treatments specific to his needs. He was diagnosed by one of the "expert" docs not to have PANDAS and to our knowledge has never had strep in any form, but we do know he has had other infections, and so likely he may fall into the PITAND(Pediatric Infection Triggered Autoimmune Disorders) category. We do however have a family history of the Tourette spectrum of disorders, and so my son is diagnosed as genetic TS. also, re school, Tourette Syndrome is covered for education by the Americans With Disabilities Act and so your child is legally entitled to special accommodations and modifications at school. The Tourette Syndrome Association has great info on that http://www.tsa-usa.o...cation_main.htm I will be back on later if you have any questions
  4. no suggestions but wanted to post the link to this article that came in my Journal Watch newsletter http://general-medicine.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2010/1021/1?q=etoc_jwgenmed
  5. my son was on LDN (low dose naltrexone) in 2001 briefly. It was supposed to help with the tourettic OCD. But he hated the way it made him feel and so we stopped it immediately. He was on other medications as well at that time and so it may have been a cumulative reaction, or just his own specific reaction to it I know it is used for autommune conditions to MODULATE the immune system. It is also used in treatment of alcoholism and opioid dependency re the finger licking...that could be either a tic or OCD, or the morphing that happens in tourettic OCD perhaps ask the doctor if you can give any of the supps that are known to increase serotonin and see if that helps it (eg Inositol or tryptophan or 5HTP or methionine etc) there are also foods rich in inositol that can help http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1245264/an_introduction_to_inositol_includes.html Lemon Balm tea is good too (we use Celbrations Herbal brand)
  6. glad to see things going well megan re the krill oil, we have not used it. My son reacts to fish oil (not fish)and so we started using organic flaxseed oil some time back. He also eats a lot of wild Alaskan salmon and wild caught herring which are high in the omega 3s
  7. so sorry to read this Lynn and am praying for all to heal quickly and that the tics will soon stabilize again. Praying too for you to have peace in the midst of the storm.
  8. Hi yes, what you are describing does sound like OCD Tourettic OCD is a term used to describe the OCD associated with Tourette Syndrome, where sometimes tics can become obsessive or compulsive, or where OCD behaviors can become tics. The "have to", "just right" and "or else something bad may happen" etc seen with so called classic OCD CAN also be present with tourettic OCD, so that is not a distinction. In fact, from our observance of both my hubby and son's tourettic OCD, it manifests with many of the same criteria as "classic" OCD, the only difference being the "morphing" of OCD symptoms into tics and tics becoming OCD-like Just as with classic OCD, treatment is centered primarily in CBT techniques (cognitive behavioral therapy) as well as on elevating serotonin, which seems to reduce the OCD symptoms my son currently uses foods high in serotonin and inositol to help, in addition to drinking lemon balm tea, and also the aromatherapy of pure jasmine oil. there are various supplements that are also used like inositol, tryptophan, 5HTP, methionine, samE and even st John's Wort HTH
  9. Bach's Rescue remedy has long been part of our "natural first aid kit" here. It really is an instant calming in a few drops under the tongue. And seems safe for anyone, as long as they can tolerate an alcohol base homeopathic extract of an assortment of flowers re the Progressive Multi...good news in that a very nice rep from the company returned my call today and reassured that those natural flavors are truly natural! so that is good However, for those who have to avoid corn, the fructose is corn derived, and she will be getting back to me re the source of the citric and malic acids. The vit E is Soy derived, so fine unless you have soy sensitivity The lady who called me (and oops sorry I forgot her name *blush*) was really most helpful and forthcoming with info and that which she did not know, she said she would get details and will call back. I also asked about the D-pinitol as I have not heard of that before. She is getting back to me on where it is derived from, but I have done a bit of research and it is in fact a form of INOSITOL! so excellent for those dealing with OCD, and some of the mood issues like depression, anxiety etc here is some info on it http://www.nutros.net/nsr-0204s.html here again is the product we are talking about. http://www.progressivenutritional.com/#/kids-multivitamins-overview and the ingredient list http://www.progressivenutritional.com/#/kids-multivitamins-ingredients
  10. Hi Patty if he does not already have a good B6 intake then it is usually recommended that it be taken along with inositol as it is required for proper absorption and conversion ie inositol does not work as well in the absence of B6 500-1000mg is usual dose but in acute OCD episodes one can go as high a 16 GRAMS short term(no more than 6 weeks)
  11. when kids struggle with swallowing pills, try giving them liquid through a straw to help swallow the pill. It seems to make it easier for them.
  12. yes, artificial ingredients can trigger the mood changes. you may want to continue the Natural Calm as the multi does not have enough in as needed for keeping tics down (300-500 mg is optimum) and yes, ailing can spike tics as well as change mood. keep us posted if he likes things like cantaloupe, that is naturally high in inositol and so can help with depression, OCD/anxiety etc. Limes are also high in inositol my son drinks lemon balm tea at night now as it relaxes anxiety/OCD and seems to promote good sleep
  13. It looks like a good multi, albeit with a lot more than a regular multi would have re all the foodstuff elements added, but unless your child has any allergies to those foods, then should be fine. the non medicinal ingredients tho are ones my son would not take, as citric acid and fructose (both usually corn derived) plus malic acid of unknown source, are things he avoids, and we are always suspicious of "natural" flavors nowadays since learning companies use this when in fact these are not the real deal, just more "naturally" made (but can still contain not allowed stuff) I have put in a call to the company to ask about those other ingredients and will post back if I get a return call http://www.progressi...ins-ingredients that does not mean there is a problem for your child with those.
  14. Hi Megan glad to hear of tic improvement since eliminating those artificial sweeteners from the other multi...and yes, could you post the brand you are using now. That will also help in seeing if anything in it could be triggering the depressive sounding symptoms you are seeing at bedtime When my son's tics started it was accompanied by a period of deep depression and then OCD increase. I know this has been reported with other kids before, during or after tic onset, whether TS or other tic disorders. It is also something I see mentioned by some the PANDAS & PITAND parents so it seems there may be multiple potential triggers
  15. I have not heard of vit A being a tic trigger but we have many people on this site who have noted fish oil triggers tics for them or their kids, and some theories have been posted too as to why...but I don't recall vit A being part of the discussion before, nor that cod liver oil was better or worse...but I honestly don't remember the details...perhaps a search will bring it up for you. one of our members whose son reacted badly to fish oil has reported a very good reaction to Krill Oil What made you switch from the other fish oil he was taking? Were the tics ok when on that one? as Megan mentioned, it could also be an ingredient in the capsule that is triggering more tics
  16. This just another way the FDA in the US is failing to protect children by allowing these horrible dyes in food and drink and medications when most of the rest of the world has banned them, knowing their toxic effects! to the mom who mentioned giving something as an antidote to the dye...my question would be why??? surely it is better to not give your child something harmful at all, than let them have it and then give something to mask the bad reaction ps generic azith comes in white tabs
  17. Nola I do just want to encourage you to try to not let your son see how upset you are. One of the biggest triggers for tics is stress, and when a child realizes their parent is in an upset state, and realizes that somehow they have caused the distress, it can intensify tics. I know it is hard, but remember, these are only tics, not a life threatening illness! TS is not some dreadful doom diagnosis and as Lenny, myself and many others here can tell you, nomatter what is causing the tics, there are ways to help make things better. But the most important thing right now is for you to take a deep breath and try to bring your own emotions under control so that you can be at your best to stay focused and help your child. ((hugs))
  18. hi Rick have you tried the Lemon Balm tea ? I have it listed in one of the later updates on my son's treatments. there are other supps that help OCD, like tryptophan, 5HTP, methionine, samE etc but as you are on a relatively high dose of Inositol, these may have too dramatic effect (serotonin spiking) if added in with it. An adult can go up to 16 grams of inositol for up to 6 weeks to bring OCD under control. personally, I would try the lemon balm tea, as well as cantaloupe and limes, which are the foods with high inositol as mentioned in my last update, my son now uses only teas and food for his needed TS/OCD nutrients
  19. hi Nola I just replied to your PM too. I dont know if the Agar drops you took are the same remedy as the Agaricus pillules my son was given.If it is, please be very careful as it definitely brought out the worst reactions in my son
  20. so glad to hear the update Kevin yay for whatever the epsom tub did to contribute! the epsom salts has dual duty it seems in that the magnesium works its magic on the muscles and nerves while the sulfates seem to aid the detox process and have their own healing properties (eg hot sulfur springs long known for healing ailments)
  21. just felt this was worth highlighting!
  22. yes, I think one of the things that seems to cause confusion here is that many people dont realize that PANDAS is a PITAND remember PITAND = Pediatric INFECTION Triggered Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder
  23. Kevin it seems to me you are seeing an increase after gymnastics each time? that would indicate to me that something either in the gymn, or following the exertion, is triggering him. The fact that it is coughing that results does make me wonder about that chalk (which I note from a Google search can be an allergen for some people) Did you try the epsom bath after gymn last night? I did notice that there don't seem to be any other fruits and veggies in his diet apart from mangoes? or perhaps I missed it. My concern is that he is possibly not getting all the necessary nutrients he needs to sustain that kind of activity? Just a thought.
  24. good that you are working with a naturopath who sounds like she knows what she is doing Rick the very fact that she asked about strep indicates she is at least aware of PANDAS I hope you find much benefit from the acupuncture. My son has always maintained it is the most remarkable help for him
  25. as I have posted before, it is believed that a potent homeopathic remedy (agaricus) is what brought out my son's tics and OCD so very intensely when he was 10yo do heed Patty's advice in proceeding with caution and knowledge. Homeopathy is remarkable and has helped in many conditions (including one of my own) but it is powerful medicine!
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