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Everything posted by Chemar
Doctors we have seen who helped with PANDAS
Chemar replied to T_Mom's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Dr Tanya Murphy is at the Univ of South Florida and is one of the first physicians who recognized and began treating PANDAS. Tanya Murphy MD Rothman Center for Pediatric Psychiatry 880 6th St S Dept 7523 St Petersburg, FL, 33701 Phone: (727) 767-8230 Fax: (727) 767-7786 -
Picked up some magnesium taurate at Vitamin Shoppe
Chemar replied to guy123's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
if you feel any reaction like that you really should stop taking it till you have spoken with your doctor about it! You may not need extra magnesium and it may be throwing off the balance of things eg the calcium we were always told to supplement 2 parts calcium to every 1 part added magnesium do talk to your doctor about that fluttering! -
confused mum of a 4 year pld with tics
Chemar replied to mummyof2's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
You may want to take a look at these 2 websites for info on PANDAS http://www.pandasnetwork.org http://www.pandasresourcenetwork.org Remember that even if your child has never had strep, other infectious agents can cause a similar condition Specific antibiotics and other treatments are needed, depending on what the infection is -
Have you posted on our PANDAS forum? That really is the best place to get strep questions answered. IMHO with that family history of strep issues...I would investigate it. Glad your son is doing better
?PANDAS-like illness in 33 y.o. man, Ft. Myers, FL
Chemar replied to concerned lady's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Dr Tanya Murphy is a PANDAS expert at the Univ of S. Florida in Tampa I believe she is still only seeing pediatric patients, but perhaps her office can suggest someone? -
confused mum of a 4 year pld with tics
Chemar replied to mummyof2's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
strep = streptocuccus and most often occurs as strep throat...I guess if you have not heard of it then it is unlikely a doctor has ever diagnosed your child with it...but that does not mean he has never had it! Are you in the USA? -
Hi I have not read anything to do with this protocol yet.....but when my son was younger, the combo of supplements based on BonTech, plus omega 3 from flaxseed oil, and most importantly 5HTP was very instrumental in calming his then severe OCD. (documented in my signature link) 5HTP or l-tryptophan have long been used as OTC help for increasing serotonin, and the benefits of correct nutritional supplements and Omega fatty acids also well established
confused mum of a 4 year pld with tics
Chemar replied to mummyof2's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi again does he have a history of strep infections? or any other infections with that kind of behavior accompanying the tics especially, I would strongly suggest you also check into possible PANDAS or PITAND (infection induced tics/neuropsychiatric autoimmune conditions) We have a special forum here where you can ask questions http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17 -
confused mum of a 4 year pld with tics
Chemar replied to mummyof2's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi and welcome The doctor is missing that lip licking/biting and even whistling can be tics as well. So yes, it sounds like your son is having tics. But these may be what are known as "transient" tics and go away on their own...or there could be something causing them...maybe Tourette but also maybe one of many other things that can trigger tics Here is an informal survey of some common tic triggers (scroll down to see the list) http://www.latitudes.org/articles/finding_triggers.htm Does you son have any behavior problems that seem more intense than normal kid stuff? Any signs of OCD? -
Hi and welcome bumping your post up so others can respond also, I found this on the helpful threads Doctors list where I see 2 doctors in the Boston MA area http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5023&view=findpost&p=35049
Diane we honestly found the goat's milk to be the better substitute as allergies to it's type A2 casein are rare. Even it's lactose is easier to digest, so people with lactose insensitivity seem to tolerate it better
Most DAN doctors are Integrative physicians
just an FYI that we shop at iherb and are in Florida east coast..we use their FREE expedited shipping service and get our order within 3 days (usually only takes 2 days)
you are correct to be suspicious as some of those ingredients are not ok carrageenan can cause severe digestive distress in susceptible individuals "natural flavors" is a slippery slope as not all companies are honest about how "natural" these are etc the vitamins/minerals are ok...not sure why they have sodium bicarb in tho? I think Wholefoods does have a range of more pure milk substitutes, Almond, Rice, Soy etc but some people are sensitive to those as well so it is trial and error unless you know for sure your child tolerates those ok Goat's milk is often a good substitute as people who are dairy sensitive can usually tolerate goat milk products Most milk allergy is related either to casein and/or lactose
no...environmental medicine or Biomedical treatment can be naturopathic, depending on the protocol used...but not all naturopaths use it as the term naturopath has become broadly used for alternative doctors...not just those who practice it by the definition Naturopathic means using natural elements and substances to treat illness (diet, excercise, physical elements (air, water, electricity) etc... It avoids pharmaceuticals and invasive treatments. It is often also referred to as "alternative" medicine, to distinguish from "conventional" allopathic practice Allopathic refers to the practice of conventional medicine with pharmaceuticals, surgery etc as the treatment of choice
I think the term Biomedical generally refers to the practice of environmental medicine
Children At Risk From Pesticides, School Bans Debated to read more please go to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/27/children-health-pesticides-fields-schools_n_1382688.html
Hi Diane An Integrative doctor is a qualified MD or DO who has gone on to also qualify in alternative/naturopathic medicine A naturopath may or may not have a medical degree IMHO if you feel the naturopath is experienced and you have confidence in them...then whether they are a qualified medical doctor or not is not what matters most.....UNLESS you need to have this covered by your insurance, as many do not cover "alternative" physicians A good Integrative doctor can be a plus as you have the benefit of the best of both ...if they are a good doctor of course Just as with conventional doctors, there are good and not so good ones in both integrative and naturopathic fields so it really is a choice that depends on your instinct...go with the one who seems to "get it" and that you feel confident treating your child
welcome to the forum Kim just bumping your post up so other members can respond
Hi Kristen and welcome Not all tics are Tourette Syndrome so I would be cautious in accepting that diagnosis without either a family history of TS or a longer period of evaluation etc So many other things can cause tics, especially in very young children...and sadly not many conventional doctors are even tuned in to this! I am getting ready to go to work, so can't post long now, but do take a look at our Helpful Threads pinned to the top of this board and maybe consider ordering Sheila's book as well as that really is such a valuable resource. re the strep...it is not as simple as just a strep test and some antibiotics in all cases as often the strep is only detectable via antibodies in the blood and not all antibiotics work the same way. In the case of PANDAS (or other infection induced tics) the immune system can be severely compromised and also brain inflammation can result, needing more intensive treatment. Most often (but not always) the tics in those cases are accompanied by behavioral changes, OCD etc anyway, do start reading through our helpful threads and also do some searches on the forum for information on diet, allergies etc Other members will have more info for you too
Dont worry minimaxwell...you have not offended me I have just been here long enough, and been on this journey with my son's health for so long too...that I *always* caution when I hear *any* doctor making these kinds of claims..... where I have absolutely no doubt that there are many misdiagnosed with TS who in fact do have infection based illness, still there are others who do not....so it is essential IMHO to present a balanced view, and not hold out false hope of "cures for all" with one treatment.... as that simply is not so, no matter which doctor/dentist etc claims it. I have seen so many parents pass by here whose kids have been helped by MANY different and varied treatments. Letting people know about the possibility of an infection source is important though, as most conventional doctors never mention it to them! and yes, many waste valuable time with misdiagnosis when their kids could be on the path to healing sooner.
Hi and welcome I will bump up your posts so others can respond
Chemar replied to MamaOnAMission's topic in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Lilly melatonin is an interesting hormone as for some people, the less they take the better it works, and if they take more, even the recommended dose, then it can have a negative effect, making them restless and edgy and groggy So it is often recommended to start with the very lowest dose (300 MICROgrams) and gradually work up if needed Many people start at higher doses (in MILIgrams) and then get those negative effects and so assume it is not for them...when in fact all they need to do is try a lower dose! -
so are you suggesting Dr K is claiming that he has a 80-85% success rate in CURING genetic TS with IVIG? I apologize for being pedantic on this, but claims like that really do need to be substantiated, as they can hold out false hope (and cost $$) for people who tic for very different reasons than IVIG can help We've had many claims of THE cure here...and people have run off and tried things at great expense only to be disappointed....most recently the dentists who suggested that all one needed to "cure" TS was a mouth device to correct TMJ Obviously yes, there are people who may benefit greatly and even be "cured" by these treatments because for them, the underlying cause of what was diagnosed as TS is something different that just a genetic disposition to dopaminergic malfunction in the basal ganglia resulting in involuntary motor or vocal tics, which is what TS predominantly is. I know that there are likely many people with genetic TS who are also PANDAS or PITAND (or PANS) and that yes, they may likely see success with IVIG. But the vast majority of genetic TS cases have absolutely no co-morbid conditions like OCD and all they have are simple tics, in many cases so mild that they never require any form of treatment ever.
Can you post any references or statistics to back up that rather broad statement? After all the years of seeing people come and go on these forums....one thing that really stands out is there is no such thing as one treatment (or doctor) fits all.