Printable Behavior Charts for Teachers & Students (7th Grade +)

Behavior Charts 7th Grade Plus Header Teachers

Classroom Behavior Charts Introduction

Older students in grades 7 and up can still benefit from behavior charts. Print out some of the behavior charts below when you want to reinforce critical skills that will make life easier for them both in and out of school. Remember, using behavior charts is all about reinforcing the positive and inspiring your students to make better choices and take more personal responsibility for their actions.

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    Selecting a Behavior Chart for your Students (7th Grade +)

    Students in grades 7 and up require special behavior charts that don’t look too cutesy. They need behavior charts that will help them improve their behavior while also making them feel a sense of pride and responsibility. The weekly behavior charts are incredibly popular with students this age, but any of the behavior charts below can help you inspire your middle school students toward better behavior and increased self-esteem.

    Using Our Printable Behavior Charts

    If you have a premium membership, you can customize behavior charts online and print one or as many as you wish of that version. Otherwise, print one and fill out fields that you want to have repeated (such as your name or subject) and make copies so you will have them on hand.

    Keep it Interesting

    Watch for new opportunities to celebrate your students’ successes! Give them new goals to aspire to and watch for students that are doing things above and beyond what’s expected. Look for students who are making progress, even if there’s still a lot of room for improvement. Remember that baby steps are cause for celebration, too! Aim to keep things fresh, adjusting goals, using new incentives and selecting different charts from our creative selection.

    Enjoy and Have Fun!

    If you like using our free classroom behavior charts, then please use our social share buttons to tell your friends and family about them.

    Be sure to check out all of the other free charts and printables we offer on our site by navigating our menu. We also suggest for you to follow our Pinterest page for more helpful goodies! We regularly post behavior charts and other useful behavioral tools to our followers.

    If you have any ideas on new charts that you would like to see us offer, then please send us a note. We would love to hear from you!

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