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Yes! My mom and I just saw it on Today Show and said...PANDAS!


I thought I had read of a few kids in the past that had a hiccup tic. What a shame if that was the case and went un-dx'ed this long.


ahh.. the plot thickens~


It also sounds like she doesn't have a great home-life (living on the streets?)


This ia a sad example of what can happen to a PANDAS kid (assuming that is what she has) without an on-the-ball parent (or two) and docs like Dr. T. or Dr. B.

Posted (edited)

I've actually been thinking that all juvenile detention intakes should include strep tests (tho' negative tests might be common if exposure was the trigger, so blood tests would be needed...and I suppose Lyme, MP, and other infections should also be tested but strep at a minimum). And, could PANDAS actually be part of what is happening to our school system? Instead of Waiting for Superman, should we be waiting for the strep test results? Are "ineffective" teachers, strep carriers? Just a thought and after I get my son well (priorities!) then this may be worth bringing to action, eh? I know we're told this is "rare," but is it?...really?

Edited by SarahJane

First thing I thought of was PANDAS. I am very new to this but I am starting to believe this is much more widespread and undiagnosed. My DS6 is a perfect example. He was seemingly perfectly 'normal' developing until last year when he received the FluMist. Rarely sick, except for an ear infection each winter. Now, he fits the DSM for Aspergers (except for the age 3 or before requirement). If this had happened after a vaccination when he was a toddler, like happens to many kids diagnosed autistic, we might have never known he had PANDAS. Instead, it happened well after we 'knew' him and his development.




Yes, when my husband told me about this I said "I bet she had pandas" LOL! In all likelihood she did, but how funny that we all now blame everything around us on pandas!! Our eyes have been openned!!

Posted (edited)

I remember reading about this girl being on the Today Show when Lauren was on. At that time, yes, I thought PANDAS. But is it bad of me, now that she is involved in this, to not want to bring PANDAS into the picture with her?


Even if she does have PANDAS, it doesn't mean that caused her to take part in this murder. The thought of this disorder being dragged into this when it may not even play a role in it, would worry me. It also worries me how people may view our children. I can see a spiral occuring with that.

Edited by Vickie

I get your concern Vickie, and I would add that it may not be reasonable to expect that a PANDAS defense is going to be useful in the real world we live in today. On the other hand, if it gets a lot of publicity, it could push doctors to treat it more seriously, so there is possible positive there too.


As someone who has been through the rages, whether mine were lyme or PANDAS or both, and reading what other PANDAS rages can be like (on this forum), it just seems that if she does have PANDAS, how could it not have played some role in the murder...


I'm with Vickie on this one - it's hard enough for folks to understand what our kids are going though to begin with - we usually get the "bad parenting" thing thrown at us or the like.


To connect PANDAS to this girl (which I agree - it seems like a likely case) might fuel a fear that our kids are dangerous - which would set us back in the perception of the condition.


I'm all for all of the publicity we can get for PANDAS so folks will take it seriously - but in this case, I would think that not ALL publicity would be good publicity.

Posted (edited)

I remember reading about this girl being on the Today Show when Lauren was on. At that time, yes, I thought PANDAS. But is it bad of me, now that she is involved in this, to not want to bring PANDAS into the picture with her?


Even if she does have PANDAS, it doesn't mean that caused her to take part in this murder. The thought of this disorder being dragged into this when it may not even play a role in it, would worry me. It also worries me how people may view our children. I can see a spiral occuring with that.


Any untreated mental illness can cause issues. PANDAS is a physical disease that presents with mental illness symptoms. So, IF it is mentioned, I think it could blow the lid off the fact that many "disturbed" teens/kids could have an underlying physical concern that does mean they're unable to control themselves. Not saying that's the case here...many factors obviously go into this specific matter as well. Kids aren't even expected to be able to control themselves until their 10 or so due to regular brain development. Throw in an undetected autoimmune disease that attacks their brain...whew. Even treatment doesn't guarantee results but does give a name to it and explanation. And if you treat the mental illness presentations with undx'd PANDAS, you're still pumping chemicals into a child with unknown future effects (tho' it can be necessary for functioning...not judging...just saying). And to make matters worse, chemical treatment can make actual PANDAS symptoms worse, which leads to MORE chemical treatment in the undx'd. I hope that at some point we are able to help ALL the kids out there. I do believe this is more widespread. And I can imagine lots of anger will ensue from the mis-dx's & lost time. I think the release of info should be done in a prudent manner so as not to incite panic. But at the same time, I want to SCREAM about this possibility to everyone I know & meet. I just want our kids to be well. ALL OF THEM! And I want ALL OF THEM to get the help they deserve no matter what other dx's they may have.


P.S. I realize that we ALL want ALL OF THEM to get help. I was on a roll. :)

Edited by SarahJane
Posted (edited)

Do we know anything else besides her moving around a lot and being involved in the murder at that time? I haven't read much about the case so I really don't know. Before anyone can take a guess that PANDAS would have/could have played a direct part in something like this, we need to know more. I believe just because someone has PANDAS, it does not become the reason for every negative action that person does (especially if they are healthy at the time)....even though, yes, it could play a role if their health was in an exacerbation at the time.



it just seems that if she does have PANDAS, how could it not have played some role in the murder...

Edited by Vickie

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