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Everything posted by SSS

  1. Byron White makes an A-Myco formula, and Stephen Buhner just released a new book Healing Lyme Disease Co-infections: Complementary and Holistic Treatments for Bartonella and Mycoplasma. Also, Researched Nutritionals had a supplement Transfer Factor PlasMYC. I did herb tinctures and some Researched Nutritionals supplements while on antibiotics for infections.
  2. I just read on your other thread all the antibiotics your son has been taking; have you also been giving him massive doses of probiotics hours away from the antibiotics? I am voting yeast as well- canidia systemic infections- the fermentation is compared to alcohol, and 'silly, drunken laughter' is one of the signs. I'd try daily dosed diflucan or ketoconazole (prescriptions) with massive doses of quality probiotics and take out all sugar from the diet.
  3. My daughter used to have a phenol issue - seems better now that her gut is healed up some, but I still avoid food dyes for her, and she does take a digestive enzyme (Trienza) that includes the 'no phenol' component. She also always did well with Epsom salt baths (or magnesium sulfate cream) and Taurine, which helps combat the phenol issue/ detox. Here is a good article that explains it: http://healingautismandadhd.wordpress.com/diet-2/phenolssalicylates/
  4. Sorry, hate to add confusion, but my dd had bad reactions to Gaba, and believe me I tried it a few times, since it is the calming natural pill. We use melatonin here, too. I used to have prescriptions for sleep pills (Ambien) and never thought I'd be able to give it up- and lived with chronic sleep issues. Gave it up, take 2 gram melatonin- no sleep issues! For months now. My dd also uses it, falls right asleep, and all through the night. We take it within 20 minutes of lights out for bed. Little chewable tablet.
  5. I don't know if infections increases the odds of having a gluten intolerance, but wheat itself has changed dramatically, through hybridization, and adding gliadin to it- the increase to folks intolerant to wheat and/or celiac disease is staggering. It sounds like your dd might have a 'leaky gut' which can happen from overgrowth of yeast/ fungus, poking holes in the intestines, and then certain food proteins (like gluten, casein) leak into the blood stream, and can cause autoimmune reactions/ inflammation. When my dd was 4, before any type of medical or immune system issues hit our radar, before any antibiotics, etc. She was in preschool with selective mutism. She had a horrific temper at home- and ate NO meat or protein whatsoever- she ate only carbs and fruit. Truckloads of it. That's IT. No milk. I decided to do 100% GF and CF. Cold turkey. Red hot rage, would not eat for 1 1/2 days. I held my ground, had shopped GF with plenty to offer. Then, she started to eat the GF/CF things I put in front of her- protein! I couldn't believe it. I never told the preschool (brought her own snacks in) Within weeks, I realized her eyes were NOT dialated- I never knew they were dialated before! But the preschool- they came to me 6 weeks into it (we were 100% GF/CF) and said: What have you done?! She is talking! She is engaging! She is involved! What I had done was reduce inflammation. I then figured out she had real gut dysbiosis, with major yeast overgrowth (again, before any antibiotics) I did have her tested for celiac, it was negative. Here is my opinion, FWIW: You have spent a lot of money on a metamatrix test and an OAT test, looking for something. I think what it is telling you is she has a gluten intolerance, causing inflammation. The HIGH gliadin on the metamatrix is not saying HIGH because she is consuming it. It is saying HIGH because she is reacting to it. You can always just give it a 100% try for 3 months, and see what happens. You can always go back.
  6. Philamom, you are not going to like me, but you also did a metamatrix stool test on your dd that came back gliadin HIGH - red flag- also on this OAT I looked at this morning, it indicated inflammation/and said possible celiac disease. I really, really think she needs to go 100% gluten free. If there is an intolerance, or god forbid celiac, it can wreak havoc and completely inflame. I know it sux- because I had to do it with my dd years ago, and I also had to go gluten free- I tried adding gluten back after Lyme treatment, and couldn't do it- still GF. Give it a trial for 3 months. It must be done 100%, no slips or cheats. There are a lot of GF foods to choose from now in the grocery store. You may also want to test for Cealic disease.
  7. Hi- I'm sure you've been to Great Plains Labratory website and seen this, but in case not: http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/home/eng/full_oat.asp When I had a few done on my dd, GPL also used to offer a free phone consult with an RN to briefly go over results. One time they told me Vitamin C always registers low, since it is a water soluable vitamin, and leaves the body so rapidly. So, you've got an obvious yeast problem. Antifungals need to be on board, and a diet change, probiotics, you know this stuff. Oxalate are high-not crazy high, but here is some information- http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/oxalates/ In the bio-med/autism recovery world, some people think oxalates are a big deal. Maybe a few easy food adjustments can help. Also, don't know if your dd is gluten free, but some of your Amino acid metabalites suggest it may be a good idea http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/home/eng/Clinical%20Significance%20of%20the%20OAT.pdf The B vitamin thiamine may be helpful as well. Just what I'm seeing from the interpretive guide.
  8. My PANS dd has been wearing a retainer the last 9 months, to pull in her 2 front teeth, which we protruding rather noticeably - and therefore vulnerable to be taken out or chipped off in activity. She has done great with it- it has caused no problems whatsoever, and has straightened out the issue. Smarty, you could check to see what your insurance covers- if it's nothing, perhaps you have an option to switch to better before you start ortho work? My DS15 had braces for 2 years, they are off - cost around 5k, but our dental insurance covered 50% of orthodontia work.
  9. I hate to say this, terribly sorry, but maybe (sorry again) bed bugs? It is becoming much more common at hotels. It indicates a rash like you are describing.
  10. Unfortunately, I think we have all had these experiences with Dr.s without knowledge of our children's serious health infections and issues. I also had a Kaiser pediatric disease specialist mock our high positive Cunningham test, (which had a test explanation included) our treating PANDAS Dr.s recommendation for IVIG along with a phone number offered for consult, and then I was told he didn't believe in PANDAS, and started defying my carefully typed pages of symptoms - I then abruptly took my daughter and left. It was awful. I was so angry. At least open your mind up to a sliver of possibility! New insurance, took dd in to regular pediatrician, who was aghast when I disclosed she was then on Cipro and Rifampin. We ended up having a back and forth, me explaining Lyme bacteria in detail, etc. At the end, I said: if it were your daughter, what would you do? He was honest, at least. He said: I don't know. Fast forward a year and a half later, and this same Dr. is readily willing to prescribe us Risperadone. So there you have it. The great divide. I do think some of your antibiotics are perhaps overlapping, and assume you are getting labs for liver checks regulary. When I was on high dose antibiotic combinations (and dd) we both took quality milk thistle daily- I really believe in that product for liver detox. Our liver labs were always healthy. And, high count, quality probiotics. Hang in there-- it is hard, I know.
  11. I'm sorry ((hugs)) sending good thoughts-- hang in there--
  12. You have to do what you feel is best. No- one from the Internet can really tell you if you or your daughter 'really' have Lyme and/ or co- infections. Doxycycline curing Lyme disease alone happens if you are lucky enough to catch the tick bite/ infection within days and then start taking it. Otherwise, the spirochetes multiple and burrow into tissue and organs. The spirochete bacteria can morph into 3 different life forms, which is why after time passes from infection, 1 type of antibiotic alone won't kill it. If you feel you have no more symptoms left, or for other reasons you want to stop treating, that is fine. I get it. I stopped all Lyme and Bartonella treatment after 18 months- but, I feel I did a very thorough job, the best I could- with 2 LLMD's, major antibiotic and herb combinations. Among other things. Treatment is extremely difficult to go through. I am left with a few 'issues', but have had improvement, and am doing okay. If you feel a burning desire to try and 'know for sure', you could do the Advanced Lyme test, and if positive, you will get a big colored picture of spirochetes found in your blood. I really understand how hard it can be to believe- I myself have no memory of any tick bite. Guess I was 'lucky' to get a positive PCR blood test from Igenex, and a high positive Bartonella test as well. Good luck in your decision.
  13. Good article. Ironically, some months back I was at a leading city hospital waiting room with my daughter, for an appointment for a neuro psychology evaluation. The hospitals monthly magazine in front of us on the table had PANDAS: Real or controversy? Type article on the front page. (The irony in my life.) But that article was not nearly as good as this one- this one citing Swedo, and the change from PANDAS to PANS.
  14. I don't know if you are aware (probably, but in case you are not) Dr. Jeff Bradstreet has an ongoing blog on GcMAF... :-)
  15. I find your theory interesting (and am really, really sorry for the additional pain and stress- we all know and feel how horrible that is) Interesting in the blood barrier PANS autoimmune and Tindamax- I had a positive PCR blood test for Lyme disease- 100% positive spirochetes in my blood- and found Tindamax my top favorite drug to treat my Lyme- I did it 2 full weeks on/ 2 weeks off for 6 months plus, and yes, building up to the first 2 weeks on gave me an excruciating migraine that lasted for days, and it was he!! to get through, but after that, I felt Tindamax (along with Bicillin shots) cleared out my Lyme like no other- gave me neurological gains in my memory. However, I do not have PANS, nor an autoimmune condition. When I tried Tindamax for my dd, we had massive, unacceptable rages- that my best efforts at detox could not thwart. Flagyl, another cyst buster, did not have this type of reaction in my dd. She had some rounds of Flagyl that were tolerable. I believe it is Dr. Eva Sapi's research on Tindamax being a top cyst buster for spirochetes- and warning TMI ahead- when I was using it, I saw irrefutable evidence of biofilm mucus crud leaving my body-
  16. Mmm, JMO-- Everyone can detox- some may need more help at it than others. Absolutely, of course, people really do heal. My 1st LLMD did the popular Shoemaker protocol (for mold illness) one of my genetic genes (and my dd ended up with one, too) claims to make it 'incapable of detoxing Lyme and mold toxins' I didn't care to be told that, frankly. What it meant to us was we needed to make sure detoxing our bodies while going through all the 'killing' of infections was very important - and necessary. It also made treatment easier (as far as not being too sick to not function while going through treatment, or being able to handle high doses of antibiotics or herbs) So, we did things like Binders: cholystramine powder, bentonite capsules, sometimes charcoal caps, or triphala herb caps- Always kept bowels regular and moving: Oxy powder capsules, magnesium citrate caps Nightly hot Epsom salt baths, body brushing beforehand, then sitting for at least 20 minutes- Sweating: through exercise, the Epsom salt baths, FIR sauna, walking, mini tramp for lymph movement Some homeopathic for body drainage- Pekana big 3 trio Support liver- milk thistle, ALA, liver life Nutrimedix detox drops: Burbur, Parsley, Pinella Supported immune system with transfer factor Massage Rest when needed Keep the diet as clean and healthy as possible- cut the blatant sugar, etc. Vitamin and minerals- D3, healthy oils, Curcumin, high quality probiotics On and on. Yep, it was a lot of work, and added expense. But part of the deal to feel better and tolerate treatment.
  17. Hello- A few thoughts: you are giving more probiotics than just florastar, right? What else are you giving/ doing for detox? You could also try giving charcoal caps a few hours after the antibiotics (and away from everything else) to see if mopping up the die off relieves the symptoms- hence, it could be herx, too much toxins. Charcoal can be constipating, FYI- In my dd's 504 we get notified if anyone in the class is out with strep- just happened last week, one of her best little friends, and my dd had no reaction or uptick.
  18. This is from Dr. Jerry Kartzinel's book; he was also my dd's treating Dr. for over a year. I thought he was a master at yeast, and it was a huge issue for my dd, way before we started antibiotics. BEHAVIORS: Demanding Noncompliant Aggressive Stimming Hands over ears Chewing (on everything/anything) teeth grinding Laughing for no reason - night or day Climbing all the time Standing on head, hanging upside down Brain fog: giddy super-silly behaviors Loss of energy Seeming out of it Cravings for bread, pasta, sweets CLINICAL SIGNS Rashes Eczema Funky smelling scalp (the wet dog smell) Itching: perianal, genital, and/or generalized Redness: perianal, perivaginal Abdominal bloating Increase in flatulence Constipation or diarrhea Change in smell of stool (yeasty, bready, foul or sweet)
  19. GSE is very powerful for yeast, but also said to be a cyst buster for Lyme.
  20. Hello- you asked me about parasites. It took rounds of different herbs and medications to treat- with a messed up gut of bacteria, yeast and parasites, it can take some time. And, IMO, the lovely bunch of junk can travel and hang out together- Humaworm is an herbal product we started with - their website will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about parasites- Some of the herbs in Humaworm hit yeast as well- my dd does not do well with high phenol herbs, so she did better on prescriptions. Our treating LLMD had us do some rounds of Albendazole, Ivermectin- did some Pin-X also, Tindamax and Flagyl hit parasites. The herb Clove kills parasite eggs. Crazy as it sounds, these crazy creatures replicate around the full moon each month- that can be a rougher time as far as herx goes- Detox best you can- and my famous saying, make sure the bowels move regularly and frequently.
  21. Maybe this will make you feel better: We had Zyto testing (sort of the same thing- a machine is used, reads the persons health, etc.) So, yes, all kinds of fun bacterial infections were listed, including Rabies! I said: Uh, RABIES? Wouldn't I be dead? I was told something along the lines of that meaning I had been exposed to it. Still... quite disconcerting to see, among a slew of other frightening things. Remember, that the treatments you use to treat some of these infections will hit more than 1--- Example, typically the treatment for clamydia pneumonia (antibiotic protocol) is the same treatment for Lyme. We also came up high in parasites- more common than people realize or want to think about.
  22. I actually think it can be from detoxing bacteria- I have read that before- I am assuming he is on antibiotics?
  23. The Trienza formulation from Houston enzymes specifically states it can be used with time released medications without interference. FWIW, I went gluten free > a year ago (was NOT happy about it) but it did make an impact on me personally-so I stuck with it 100% After completing Lyme treatment this year, I tried eating gluten again with digestive enzymes designed to break up the gluten/ aid in digesting it- Well, very sad to say it didn't work nearly as well for me as being gluten free :-(. So, I am back to GF- better digestion, no stomach pains. My dd was GF/CF/SF for 2 whole years, took her off the diet, and give her the Trienza with meals.
  24. My dd used Serraptease for biofilms, and I used Boulke, Serraptease, and I did use the Klaire Interphase Plus (with EDTA), but only for about 3 weeks- Biofilm protocol (loosely)- give bust up biofilm products on empty stomach (upon awakening for us) Hour or so later, all the 'killers': antibiotics, yeast killers, herbs that eradicate, etc. Couple of hours later- mop up- over here we used bentonite capsules, charcoal capsules, or at night before bed I liked the herb Triphala. Make sure the bowels move! On the Klaire ETDA- I don't really have a heavy metal issue, and I felt like this product pulled minerals from me- which chelation does, of course, so be watchful of that- I discontinued it and thought Boulke was very effective- As far as the CBS mutation, not an issue over here- and I have heard good things about pectin from others.
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