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Everything posted by kim

  1. airial95, I know Buster and EAmom's daughter had an exacerbation with 5th's. Hopefully one of them will be along with some info for you.
  2. I know this is looking at the effects of curcumin in a diabetic rat model, but I think vascular inflammation and disordered blood sugar may apply to at least some of us. TNFa and IL6 again. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1897611...ogdbfrom=pubmed Curcumin supplementation lowers TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1 secretion in high glucose-treated cultured monocytes and blood levels of TNF-alpha, IL-6, MCP-1, glucose, and glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetic rats.
  3. Welcome Kevin, you're part of a wonderful place with tons of info to help your son! Fixit, Yes.... excerpt http://home.bluemarble.net/~heartcom/trypt...omelatonin.html
  4. Sherry.... (not that there is anything wrong with my memory, but yes I like investigating this type of stuff ) This article seems pretty relevant. Celery and green peppers! http://www.dietaryfiberfood.com/antioxidan...antioxidant.php and The "Sherry" was a joke!
  5. phasmid, Since you mentioned that your son suffered from trich, I found this quite remarkable in light of the "acetylcysteine for trich" study. Your post was fascinating. I have joked about setting up my own lab too, but don't have the background that you do! bolding mine http://iai.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/68/10/5881 Received 17 April 2000/Returned for modification 31 May 2000/Accepted 27 July 2000 It was recently found that a mixture of nine amino acids down-regulate Clostridium difficile toxin production when added to peptone yeast extract (PY) cultures of strain VPI 10463 (S. Karlsson, L. G. Burman, and T. Åkerlund, Microbiology 145:1683-1693, 1999). In the present study, seven of these amino acids were found to exhibit a moderate suppression of toxin production, whereas proline and particularly cysteine had the greatest impact, on both reference strains (n = 6) and clinical isolates (n = 28) of C. difficile (>99% suppression by cysteine in the highest toxin-producing strain). Also, cysteine derivatives such as acetylcysteine, glutathione, and cystine effectively down-regulated toxin expression
  6. Dut, Have you ever visited the Yasko forum? There is a ton of info there on berberine (oregon grape) and almost every supplement under the sun. If you use the search feature for berberine a bunch of threads will come up http://www.ch3nutrigenomics.com/phpBB2/index.php http://www.ch3nutrigenomics.com/phpBB2/vie...light=berberine how to attack alpha strep edit....I see the links will only take you to the login page. You will need to register to read, but it's very easy
  7. Recent testing has shown my son to be low copper/ceruloplasmin (this was blood and urine together that showed low copper). He is also testing at the very bottom of normal for zinc. This article mentions copper deficiency in relationship to bloody noses. Also, vit K (healthy gut flora is essential for vit K production) could be a factor with the bloody noses. I was also noticiing the mention of B vits being important for the utilization of copper. It sure would be interesting to know what the copper/zinc profiles of more of the kids looked like. This is a very easy thing to get reg. Drs. to test for. Wilson's disease is associated with movement disorders so I think most Dr.s feel justified ordering the tests. http://www.ithyroid.com/copper.htm How does copper work in the body and what are the documented effects of copper deficiency in humans? Copper is essential for maintaining the strength of the skin, blood vessels, and epithelial and connective tissue throughout the body. Deficiencies of copper can result in hernias, aneurysms, and blood vessel breakage manifesting as bruising or nosebleeds. If copper is important in cellular membrane structure, then a copper deficiency could seriously alter the movement of nutrients through cell walls.
  8. It's not all over the news is it? Not getting the kind of coverage that Wakefield got. He happened to be on the wrong side of what is imperative that we all keep believing. Has anyone heard any type of televised reporting on this? Anyone one who has followed the autism news has known that "science" of that study was horrible and was even pointed out in the paper itself (how data was added which may have skewed the results) but the headline was a different story. This is something else that I haven't heard anything about (but haven't had much time for TV). No worry though, apparently it's just a benign pig virus . There must be studies on what happens to infants when you INJECT this virus into their tiny bodies, hau? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0032201897.html For those of you who are interested in looking behind the vaccination scene, I think you might like to read this exchange. Google "New Zealand Parliament Paul Huchison," and see who this man is (the one who is involved in setting vaccination policy who obviously has no idea of what he's talking about) and read Hilary's scathing reply. This woman (Hilary Butler) was the single best source for helping me to come to the realization that the vaccination program was certainly not what I believed it to be (along with numerous other people who are dedicated to getting parents to educate themselves on this matter). She knows the science and can relay it in a way that the average person understands. Remember a SIXTH TdaP was recently added to our vaccine schedule (for adolescence) with the hopes that waning immunity in this group would be boosted and cut the incidence of pertussis in infants. SIX????? If 5 isn't cutting it, WHY ARE PARENTS BUYING INTO THIS? Hilary's info on pertussis is something that I have never read before. This is an excerpt from the final reply, but I hope you read the whole exchange http://www.beyondconformity.org.nz/_blog/H...Paul_Hutchison/ This is the whole series http://www.beyondconformity.org.nz/_blog/H...d_to_be_bribed/ http://www.beyondconformity.org.nz/_blog/H...chison_replies/ http://www.beyondconformity.org.nz/_blog/H...Paul_Hutchison/ http://www.beyondconformity.org.nz/_blog/H...Paul_Hutchison/ Other reading aluminum http://www.generationrescue.org/binstock/0...imer-autism.htm
  9. ameecram, I thought this article pointed out some very important info and that you might want to read it. http://www.ageofautism.com/2010/01/vaccine...ricians-do.html Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism, Pediatricians Do Vaccinating a child with neurological issues on the current schedule is just something that I find very reckless. I think the immune system involvement is really only catching attention now in tic/TS/PANDAS disorders. Just make sure you are comfortable with whatever decisions you make and don't let anyone pressure you until you are sure.
  10. Cheri, I tried to respond to this yesterday but my laptop seems to be worn out. It overheats and just snaps "off." I know just how it feels. ameecram, Seems I read somewhere just recently that the individual M M R vaccines are currently unavailable (no one is making them). You will need to confirm that tho. I don't spend nearly as much time on vax research as I used to. I'm wondering if you know how many doses of HIB your youngest son has had? If you look at the schedule, he should have completed that series already. Here are a couple of statements regarding HIB that might help you out? http://www.vaccineinformation.org/hib/qandavax.asp This whole thing is a lot more complicated when you are mid schedule, but I do believe with enough time and effort, you can come to "informed" decisions regarding the best way to proceed (or not proceed).
  11. ameecram. It seems your Dr. like many (I'm wondering if not the vast majority) doesn't understand what he's talking about regarding the MMR. Tell him to go to the CDC pinkbook and read about the measles, mumps and rubella in the "chapters" section. Then ask him if he stands by his statement regarding what the titers will likely show and what revaccination might accomplish. The 2nd MMR is not a booster, it is used to "catch" the estimated 3 to 5% of children who didn't show an immune response to the first one (I'm referring to measles..you can read the info on the other two below). Call some area schools and ask if they will accept proof of titers. I am unaware of anyone not accepting this. Educate that Dr. and then find a new Ped, would be my recommendation. The remark about the risk of disease outweighing the risk of vaccination is a sloppy lazy TIRED old line. We need better than this from our paid health care professionals. He does not understand the significance of the titer testing. I would be surprised if he really knows much more about vaccines than you do. Ask him which vaccines contain an alum adjuvant and what his opinion is on the safety of multiple vaccinations in combo with alum. Ask him if the flu vaccines that his office administers still contain thimerosal/ethyl mercury. Ask him why the pneumococcal vaccine (that your child likely recieved) only contained 7 strains and you hear that the new one contains 13. There are over 90 stains pneumococcus. What stains might we be facing next? How many children suffered with a highly antibiotic resistant strain that appears to have "stepped in to fill a void," left by the first vaccine (and possible overuse of antibiotics)? You can call ahead and ask for the name of the individual vaccines that your child is scheduled for and look up the vax inserts online and know the answers to these questions before hand. I met with huffy dismisal when asking peds these questions. One said, "I don't believe vaccines contain any of the things that your talking about and the Dr. that started these rumors has since apologized." I could rest assured she had no real knowledge of what she was strongly recommending for my newborn neice right then and there. The bottom line here ameecram, we could sure use another parent out in the trenches that has become educated enough to put pressure on these people to start asking these questions and understanding THEMSELVES. Without it, we are putting our children at the mercy of an industry which generates billions and billions of dollars with no safety net. Here are some links that should help get you started. I would really suggest that you read the archive section at the top of the mothering.com forum, on the individual vaccines. They had some really educated parents on that forum a few years ago that really helped me to understand some of these complicated issues. 0-6 year vaccine schedule http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/recs/schedules...schedule-pr.pdf Vaccinations - MotheringDotCommunity Forums http://www.mothering.com/discussions/forumdisplay.php?f=47 Vaccination Archives http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/pink-chapters.htm chapters excerpts from chapters http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/...loads/mumps.pdf Mumps More than 97% of recipients of a single dose develop measurable antibody. Seroconversion rates are similar for single antigen mumps vaccine, MMR, and MMRV. Postlicensure studies conducted in the United States during 1973–1989 determined that one dose of mumps or MMR vaccine was 75%–91% effective. A study from the United Kingdom documented vaccine effectiveness of 88% with two doses. The duration of vaccine-induced immunity is believed to be greater than 25 years, and is probably lifelong in most vaccine recipients. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/...ads/rubella.pdf Immunogenicity and Vaccine Efficacy RA 27/3 rubella vaccine is safe and more immunogenic than rubella vaccines used previously. In clinical trials, 95% or more of vaccinees aged 12 months and older developed serologic evidence of rubella immunity after a single dose. More than 90% of vaccinated persons have protection against both clinical rubella and viremia for at least 15 years. Follow-up studies indicate that one dose of vaccine confers long-term, probably lifelong, protection. Seroconversion rates are similar for single-antigen rubella vaccine, MMR, and MMRV. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/meas.pdf Immunogenicity and Vaccine Efficacy Measles vaccine produces an inapparent or mild, noncommunicable infection. Measles antibodies develop in approximately 95% of children vaccinated at 12 months of age and 98% of children vaccinated at 15 months of age. Seroconversion rates are similar for single-antigen measles vaccine, MMR, and MMRV. Approximately 2%–5% of children who receive only one dose of MMR vaccine fail to respond to it (i.e., primary vaccine failure). and Most vaccinated persons who appear to lose antibody show an anamnestic immune response upon revaccination, indicating that they are probably still immune. Although revaccination can increase antibody titer in some persons, available data indicate that the increased titer may not be sustained. Some studies indicate that secondary vaccine failure (waning immunity) may occur after successful vaccination, but this appears to occur rarely and to play only a minor role in measles transmission and outbreaks.
  12. I haven't finished the above article but wanted to share this one too. Myco/MS connection? http://www.msrc.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction...CFTOKEN=5729539
  13. That sure seems like great info Worried Dad (and others). I went back through and realized that I hadn't read all of the posts on this thread before I replied the first time. I too hope that something useful can come of the interest that has been indicated to Mom2two.
  14. I sure agree with your statement Cheri. When I swung over to the PANDAS forum, it was mainly to learn more about another aspect. Even with our strep history, I didn't really think we fit the PANDA profile. I don't reply to PANDAS type surveys, because I still don't know where we fit. With the incorporation of a type 2 subset, it got a little more plausable in my mind, but ultimately, I think you sumed it up nicely.
  15. I thought this one was interesting http://www.mdvu.org/emove/article.asp?ID=1218 Subject: RLS Gene Increases Risk for Tourette Syndrome
  16. Can you prove it in a dish? Would one of Cunninghams ganglioside "everybody holding hands and getting along nicely" until the PANDAS sera was added, then they started "boxing each other," work (or something similar using your blood prior and post IVIG)? As much as it pains me to say it, I'm just afraid if a vax of any kind were to be involved here, you will probably have a much harder time getting funding. That is exactly what parents are clamoring for!!!!!! If you can get Baxter to acknowledge that there is a substantial group of individuals that are predisposed to adverse reactions, develope a test for it, well, I will host that party that others have talked about! The implications of acknowledging that scenerio tho are huge and none of the Pharma people have wanted to persue it, that I'm aware of. Seems it's much easier to stick with the rare rare event mantra.
  17. Given Baxters involvement in vaccine distribution....might this part be a problem? Might your case be an argument for a different proff of concept? I truly ask this with all due respect. The prospect is very exciting in regards to knowledge gained in PANDAS research, but I can see an area here that might not be quite as exciting from Baxters perspective?
  18. Does anyone get the sense that there is something really wrong with that post? How many "neurobiologist at an Ivy League institution," would lower themselves to such nonsense? Has he identified what gene is causing "his" condition? Is he implying that because there is research that shows a hereditary factor in some cases, that there isn't any more to be learned about movement disorders? Is he aware that there are at least two CDC acknowledged studies showing a higher incidence of tics in children recieving higher amts. of thimerosal? These studies did not include any children with autism spectrum disorders either (which may be the very group that would show this association most clearly). Does he know the ins and outs of the PANDAS research? Why didn't the responding Dr.s point out ANY one of these things? Anyway, I think you get my point. I hope he shows up here and proves me wrong. I'm sure there are a few others that would have some questions for him too, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Maybe he could set us straight on some of the questions that keep us awake at night....if he exists
  19. one tested level here of 37 excerpt http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20214992?dopt=Abstract J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2010 Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print] Low serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) among psychiatric out-patients in Sweden: Relations with season, age, ethnic origin and psychiatric diagnosis. During 19 months, 117 patients were included. Their median 25-OHD was 45 nmol/l; considerably lower than published reports on Swedish healthy populations. Only 14.5% had recommended levels (over 75). In 56.4%, 25-OHD was under 50 nmol/l, which is related to several unfavourable health outcomes. Seasonal variation of 25-OHD was blunted. Patients with ADHD had unexpectedly low iPTH levels.
  20. interesting Received May 9, 2009; Accepted August 1, 2009. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2773839/
  21. Prevnar was only designed to protect against 7 strains and there is very little data to give a reasonable amt. of time that you could expect to see "protective levels." I think this thread might be very helpful http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...c=6469&st=0
  22. Thanks for the response bronxsmom. Would really appreciate any observations regarding the NAG. In regards to BFing, couldn't agree with SF mom more. Thought you might find this interesting. This is well known, it's just not well publicized. Why might that be...... Seems with all of the concern about the well being of children, right down to the BILLIONS and BILLIONS spent on vaccination, this would be in our face constantly, you know, like the importance of a properly installed car seat. WHY would young mothers not be made more aware of such things????? Infant formulas and cow and buffalo milk showed a lower inhibitory activity against pneumococci and enhanced the adhesion of H. influenzae. http://www.jstor.org/pss/30105353 Abstract Human milk inhibited the attachment of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae to human pharyngeal or buccal epithelial cells. Infant formulas and cow and buffalo milk showed a lower inhibitory activity against pneumococci and enhanced the adhesion of H. influenzae. The antiadhesive effect against S. pneumoniae was found in both the high- and the low-molecular-weight fractions of milk. The inhibitory activity in the high-molecular-weight fraction was independent of specific antibody content; it was present after immunoadsorption and in the milk from IgA-deficient women. The inhibitory activity in the low-molecular-weight fraction was in part explained by the content of oligosaccharides corresponding to the carbohydrate moieties of the neolactoseries of glycolipids, which have previously been shown to act as receptors for attaching pneumococci. The antiadhesive activity against H. influenzae was restricted to the high-molecular-weight fraction of the milk and was unaffected by immunoadsorption. Milk may protect against otitis by reducing colonization
  23. Don't think this has been posted yet? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20193755?dopt=Abstract Elevated expression of MCP-1, IL-2 and PTPR-N in Basal Ganglia of Tourette Syndrome Cases. Buster, if you're reading I thought you might be interested in the "protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor-N," part in particular.
  24. Would a throat culture for Strep work the same way? I had noticed the last 2 times my youngest son had a culture grown, I was told that it was "within normal limits." Does that mean that strep was seen but not in what would be considered a high enough level to treat? He is the one that cultured postivie constantly and was labeled a carrier when he was younger, sometimes after 2 or 3 rounds of antibiotics. Amox was almost exclusively what we were given back then (he's 13 now).
  25. excerpt from http://www.ageofautism.com/2009/09/reuters...ne-flu-vac.html
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