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Everything posted by mar

  1. Wow thanks for the replys I don't feel alone:). So DH was also very angry and didn't want to hear anything from me and when dd started sniffing a couple years back he yelled you thought me and ds have issues she is going to be worst then both of us and threw a pillow on his head !!!! At that point I cried in the bathroom about dd and ds and DH saying this to me! I felt defeated and alone. I felt like I am dealing with 3 kids and I just don't know what is happening. He has gotten better where he will listen to me for about 5 min but I can tell it stresses him out and I think I am hitting it to close to home where he wonders about himself. But if he could help me out a bit with what he dealt with i could be prepared somewhat. But the sad part is he dealt with this throughout his childhood and his parents did nothing for him. Well for the crappy patty idea good idea I feel Like whatever helps I awsome. Ds and I looked at OCD book and called it the green guy on his shoulder and I did what I did in the past. I told him to fling him off your shoulder and image him bouncing back and forth around the room. And he smiled saying he remembers. He did well tonight. I just wish DH would stop hiding things from me. Doesn't he realize that this could make my life easier if I would know what he went through!! another one is a little while back he says around sixth grade I couldn't sit still!! I ask more he says I don't remember. Bull how can you not remember. Ds is going into 5th. But when ds or dd can't sit still he yells. Last thing if I was like that as a kid i would have sympathy for them and not get agrivated. What gives. Mar
  2. Do you test These children for defiencies or go straight to supplements. My children never dream. Mar
  3. What supplements are you using? Mar
  4. So here we go again. Ds is having fears about death before bed. So DH says all kids have these. I say did you and when. He said I was older around 13 . I say really you never told me this and at that age!! Yes I had fears like this when I was 8 but no one held me or talked about it I just dealt with it. But to hear something from DH like its no big thing at that age I was like really! One again he just pops things up on me like it doesn't matter. Especially what is going on with ds. Why couldnt he tell me this years ago . I guess the point is that he will never admit to anything till a year later. Thanks for the help!! Mar
  5. So the last 4 days ds is thinking about dying at night . Has not done this for awhile. Last couple of days is whispering the book. Omg he wants to look at the OCD book that we started when he was seven and we haven't looked at it for years.! So we look at the book and he says what does OCD Stand for? So I explain it and say that I have it and lots of other people do. Wow it's so different talking to a 10 yr old and 7. He never asked that question. So he tics a little while I explain it and says I get it . Then he says his stomach hurts. I tell hom its because he is probably stessing out. No he says but of course his stomach is better 10 min later. We talk about the "green guy" which is what we used back then and he wants to keep it at that. He says he trying to not think about dying but it keeps going in his head. We talk about how to control it. So then he blurts out OCD to dd this morning and she is like what does that mean? I tell him to be quiet and not say nothing b/c she will be on the 12 o clock news announcing it to everyone. Anyway, ds is now talking about mini bikes non stop. I know he will go with this for a couple of weeks until he gets on something else. Is there anything I could do for this type of situation. He will pick a topic and go with it for a week. He gets obsessive about it. What's crazy Is that when DH gets home DS calms down. So no one realizes that I am ready to pull my hair out! So today ds said dad thinks motorized scooters are more dangerous then mini bikes. I think really!!! So here we go for the next nine hours! Is there anything I can do to help him calm down and not dwell on mini bikes? Mar
  6. This is interesting because we at home have been eating better b/c of kids allergies. But I do cheat and I get the spacy off balance symptoms that have had a couple of panic symptoms. I assumed its from the stress of everything within the last three years. But I do notice if I eat something it gets worst. I feel more stressed. I am so into the kids and my diet being all different now I wonder if the foods I have that I don't typically have make this worst. I have been keeping an eye on this and I agree with you. It's the food I eat that makes me feel worst at times. Mar
  7. First of all let me mention a couple of things for breakfast. They have gluten free oatmeal we purchase at whole foods. It's a pretty decent size bag that he will add frozen fruit and cinnamon to. There are also gluten free breakfast sausages I get from Costco. They have "pandas" cereal from jewel. Also nitrate fee/ preservative free and what not Kirkland bacon we use from Costco. The gluten/egg/soy free pancake mix and muffin mix I now buy from whole foods with they love. I believe it's king Arthur. Sorry my brain a mess at times. I went yeast free with ds b/c I believed he had candida and because he was reactioning to brewers yeastand bakers yeast very highly (his worst) on his igg bloodwork. We did do bloodwork on ds but did not on dd b/c she wouldn't allow it. Yes you will see tics every now and then but from my experience they are shorter lived and usually we can guess what and where they are coming from. This makes me feel a little more at ease. When he gets strep they come out or when one of them gets sick I notice them more but it could be stress related. My main concern is I keep him non congested then he seems better and that's why we stick with the diet. We use no allergy meds on him and have not in 3 years we stick with foods that don't make him congested and it seems to work for him. I did this other testing on dd in which they had here hold a metal rod in her hand and sensitivities came up. The main ones were gluten and milk. Of course dyes and preservatives came up but I believe those aren't good for any of us but anyway going gluten free and milk free with her worked wonders. Her leg pains and belly pains improving right away. I could find out what this test was called exactly and pm u. But the best thing is to try it out and see what helps. You are a strong mom. These kids need us and I believe if there is anyway to help them I we are here. Any help is better then none. Please pm md if you have any questions. Mar
  8. I second looking into food sensitives or allergies with the tics. Mar
  9. Lilly I am curious about how impulsive you dd is . My dd is impulsive also which makes my head spin at times. I always tell her you will not have friends if you act that way. Does your daughter have lyme ( yes I know this might sound silly since you are on the board but I don't know if dd does and your message sounds to close to home). Curious and wondering! Mar
  10. Something is going on with that antibiotic. It seems he is allergic or sensitive to it. What is he on if for? What is it? Mar
  11. Forgot to mention ds has had every tic you mentioned over time. . How old is your son? Pm me if you would like to talk. Mar
  12. I did yeast free with my children and still am mostly. Ds was test positive for brewers yeast and was put in a lot of antibotics as the child's. He was showing allergies and sensitivities to a lot of things (too many to list). Their tongues were also white and get worst when on antibiotics. Anyway what they eat: -All fruits and vegtables ( unless sensitive to any I was told to stay away for a time) -pasta (brown rice, corn) we do gluten free -oats ( gluten free I get at whole foods) -I cut out all sugar (this was hard and you will see them freaking out but it's for the better) I did it hard core for awhile) dd would lay on the ground kicking and sreaming for candy in the beginning. I got rid of all candy and cookies from the house or anything with sugar. If they didn't see it, it was better. They never drank pop so that was easy. For Halloween they would go collect candy and exchange it for a trip to the store to pick out a toy. Don't give in on this one trust me they will live without it. I do know that sugar makes both my children hyperactive and I have seen brain fog, crying episodes for more, and the list could go on. This was 3 years ago. Over time the treats they do get now is glee gum from whole foods ( no dyes or any aspartame) that is the only gum I could find and we stock up! They get "enjoy life" cookies (whole foods and jewel). ginger snaps at trader joes. I have a Popsicle maker (bed bath and beyond and that store in the mall with all the kitchen gadgets ). I buy pure organic fruit juice and they love the Popsicles. In il they have a store called new vitality and thank goodness they have gluten free/dye free candy canes that they enjoy over the holidays!! Now we do gluten/egg and a lot other allergen free muffins and pancakes that we make from scratch from whole foods. They also have good suckers at trader joes that are dye free. I don't recall but I went at least 9 months with ds because he was bad. These are things they enjoy now . -all meats we strive for organic - we pop our own popcorn with some olive oil and salt and they love it! - on salads they drizzle some olive oil and some garlic salt (Costco). - they have gluten free/ preservative Free hotdogs at trader joes and whole foods. - I get coconut ice cream at whole foods and now have it my jewel. - depending on his other allergies they have gluten/ yeast free pancakes and waffles at trader joes. One comment is this was hard because the way I cooked had to be completely changed because of his diet. But one piece of advice I learned from a friend who had a child with allergies is to make dinner for the whole family that he can have also. This way they have a meal where they don't feel lleft out. There was no bread crumbs, eggs, yeast, soy, gluten, milk etc. but when he seen that we were all eating the same meal when he was 7 he was happy and felt like he wasn't an outcast or missing out on anything. We still do this now. Lunch and breakfast is different, he doesn't care anymore. But to have that meal shared as a family really helped ( also it would be hard making too seperate meals). When we went this route ds did not get an ear infection for three years which he used to get all the time. His tics improved and his attitude. He now likes the diet he is on because he feels better. Let me know if you have any questions. Mar
  13. Thanks for the replys. I needed that. They truly are great kids! I guess when I see dd from afar doing something that could hurt her mother bear comes out in me. Especially when she just wants to do what big brother is doing who is older and wiser. The whole time she was probably like yeah mom is not here to stop me and auntie is letting me do it so I better hurry and get it done! Yes they are kids and just want to have fun but of course j just wish she would slow down as she is doing it and that would make me feel better. I think I will lose many nights of sleep when she is a teen!! She is a go getter and always wants to be on top which like you mentioned is a very good thing. 23!! I have my work cut out for me:) Mar
  14. So we took kids to the beach today. So right when we get there my sister takes the kids on these huge rocks to climb by the water and I am watching dd like no!! Don't let her do it as she is jumping and climbing from one to another. Ds has those swim shoes and he is more cautious while she is in flip flops trying to be like her brother. So she survived without injury. Anyway we are all talking for a minute and dd is gone. I search around and she is in the water. I go to her and say you have to tell us that you are going in. She says I did. Really no you didn't!!! She took off and lied and when I talk to her about it she won't look me in the eyes until I tell her to do I assume she is listening. Why do we always but heads. I feel like she is trying to torture me . She seems all wired running back and forth to the water. Then I buried her legs and she mentioned a towel for her head and says " go get it" that's what I want! I say their is a nicer way of asking for that and she rolls her eyes and finally gets a please out of her. She is not always like this at all. But with grandparents and an aunt around I feel like really do you have to be so bossy. I feel Like she just losses it at times. She acted like this last year. Could it be the whole different beach in Michigan that we only sk twice a year or what. It's strange but I could see in in her eyes. Like she is just wired!! But on the ride there and back she is fine. This is what kills me about these kids is I see them behave very nicely and have manners and then they lose it and I am like who are these children. What are these moments when she just goes and does not think about the consequence. Does not think that it could hurt her. Mat
  15. I pray that your dd is doing better!! I just wanted to make a comment on the vomiting. Dd stressed out after she had threw up last year. But I pull out some hello kitty pajamas the other day b/c she said she had nothing to wear and she said " I don't like those". They remind me of when I through up and does not want to wear them . I think she threw up eight months ago!! Really! She does not like to be around people who through up bc she thinks she will. Interesting. Mar
  16. We don't have a dog bc ds is allergic to saliva. But he does play with neighbors dog and I am happy b/c he is not reacting to the saliva like he was years ago. But that's interesting. I can only image if I tell him the dog could have strep and you should stay away!! He would really think I am insane along with the neighbors and DH. I think they would all carry me to the psycho ward! At this point i would gladly go without a fight .
  17. Quick question on this. I have done the netty pot on him years ago a couple of times. But do recall doctor saying don't do it when he has strep that it could pass it on to his sinuses. I thought the first smart thing I heard out of them. So we stopped the netty b/c I got scared that t would distribute the step up in his sinuses. So is this nasal flush different? Worry nelly that I am I always wonder. Mar
  18. That is great news! And to here that the sinus infections are gone that is the best!!!! My son suffered through months of those several years back and it's a great feeling when there gone! I hope he stays this way and enjoy the happiness!! Mar
  19. Amy I am happy to hear you dd enjoyed it. I hope it will give dd a boost of confidences and that she has fun. I also see her perfectionist coming tnrough and thats why she pays attention and focuses. Dance moms here we come!! Mar
  20. Forgot to mention that he looks out to DH who is staining the deck and saids dad needs to learn more about what he should eat. That he needs to learn self control and smiles at me again. B/c he knows DH chows down ice cream when it doesn't make him feel good. Wow! I love that smile !!! Mar
  21. So ds mentions the other day that the neighbors child went to this one allergiest that I recommended that doesn't used needles and says he is sensitive to gluten and dyes and what not and how come he is not on a diet. I say going gluten free is really challenging and hard for both the parent and the child. That a diet like that takes a lot of work and that it's real hard. . And some people may not have the time or just may not want to deal with it. I go to say that unfortunately you have a crazy mom that will try anything because I just want to see if it helps you. He looks at me and says you are not crazy and I am happy that you are one of those moms!! I am happy that you are like that and I am glad that you did the diet. He saids I think it's crazy that a mom would not at least try to see if it helps. He gives me a big smile. My heart just melted. He goes to say mom when I'm an adult i just want to say that I am going to try things but I am going to eat healthy. I will have junk once in awhile but I want to eat healthy so that I don't get sick. I say you do what is best for you and you will know what is making you feel good or bad. I say you have years of experience and you are a smart boy. He looks over and smiles. Wow!! I am having this conversation with a 10 year old!! Those are the moments when it's seems worth while. Mar
  22. My ds has been given this prescription several times in the last 2 years but we never used it. When his doctor said have him use this all spring and summer it just killed me because I thought really is this the answer. I guess I got scarred of b/c it's a steroid and at the time I also read that it's not good for tics. So I panicked and never used it. We helped him out with diet, tea and steam so he didnt need it eventually. But its kind of scary how these doctors just give it out like nothing. Dont take this to heart b/c i dont know how bad your childs congestion is and for how long. But my ds was horrible years ago so i know what it looks like and sounds likeand it would last for months on end. Anyway he was at the doctors this past month for strep and i guess was a little congested ( to me it was the last of my worries b/c it was nothing compared to how I am seen him before it was just a little sniffle) and they gave him the prescription again. I was like really he was not bad at all!!! What happened to some hot tea and steam. Of course I didn't give it b/c he was fine. Hopefully other parents can give you more insight who have actually used it. Mar
  23. I would definately not eliminate all common allergies. My son was not showing direct allergy to any type of food where if you were truely allergic to a food you would get an immediate reactipn. He had the igg blood test that is for food sensitivities. It tested about ninety different things and we were told to eliminate the 30 he was sensitive to depending on how severe for a period of time to strengthen his system. As we did this slowly I supplemented with a multivitamin and probiotics to help heal his gut. Yes he lost several pounds in the beginning but has regained them. I then got a skin prick for the ones he was high on and some came back positive which blew his allergiest away. (I got the blood test through a Dan b/c the allergiest believed that all his congestion and what not was due to his outdoor allergies and he didn't have eczema so she wouldn't test him for food in the first visit). So she was shocked when food was coming back positive. Once his congestion disappeared I introduced cheese and some egg and we see a huge difference. He can handle cheese now for a day or so he might wake up the next morning congested but it's short lived because Ds doesn't do anything else with dairy. It's really interesting once you start learning and tracking. I keep a food journal for a year b/c if was nice to go back and sed the correlation and it helped in tracking thinks. Let me know if you have any more questions and good luck to you. Mar
  24. I think you need to give this diet a chance to see any result. 1 or 2 weeks is not going to give you a clear perspective especially if there are other sensitivities you do not know about. Sorry I might of made it sound easy and to the point in my other post but it was not like that in the beginning. He had 30 things removed from his diet, known allergies and sensitivities. I did not introduce anything for many months. I think a week or two will not tell you anything. It took a long time trying to figure out what does show amn effect. If you are still seeing symtoms then I think you need to dig further and give it more time. Good luck to you and hope you find relieve. Mar
  25. Yes!! You cannot dwell on the tics because it does make them worse. The best thing is to ignore them. Trust me I have 1st hand experience with DH and both of my children. The more you point them out the worst they get. they get very self conscious and realize that you are noticing them and that causes stress and makes things worse. I have learned if you just let it be and act like its nothing it helps them tremendously. There have been times where ds mentions them and I say who cares what is the big deal we all have them at one point and he gets better. You don't want to point it out and make them feel like an outcast. And believe me they feel and see the stare from you. Whether its a quick glance or the look of worry in your face. Been there and done that. I think the best thing is to hug them and smile and treat them like everyone else. Easier said then done but it works in the longrun. Mar
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