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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. hi Patty we had most success with Occupational Therapy specifically designed for sensory integration dysfunction and by following suggestions in The Out of Sync Child book by Kranowitz ( http://www.out-of-sync-child.com/ ) I havent heard of actual supplements or homeopathy specifically for tactile issues or SID, tho I can see where a homepath may well have a remedy tp try for this
  2. hi brink we must have had the same neurologist it's never too soon to start supplements as long as they dont react with the med (you can always check interactions at the Natural health encyclopedia We have a number of members reporting improvement once offending triggers are removed, including foods that one is sensitive or allergic too, Cheri
  3. Hi jkc from what I have seen with my own son, as well as heard from others, for some, dental issues, and especially orthodontics, seem to be tic triggers. I think it may be related to pressure that the retainers or braces etc possibly create around the jaw area and that this in turn must trigger something neuralogically to cause the tic waxing A lot of my son's tics have been face/head/neck orientated and he has less tics in other parts of his body...its has always been that way for him, with eye blinking and rolling the first noticeable tic when he was around 4yo tho at the time we were told this was due to his vision. I now know it was a tic., altho yes, he does need glasses too. L carnitine has always been considered good for eye/facial and I have heard vocal sometimes too...my son used to do ok on it but later found it made him edgy so he doest take it anymore...it could have a lot to do with that he has been on various forms of his supplements for almost 7 years now and his own body has changed much in that time, with those topsy turvythe hormonal years almost past, which for many are the worst of their tic years. as an aside but related to metal braces, my son cannot tolerate any metal in his mouth, so much so that he doesnt use metal forks or spoons, instead using plastic. If he eats with metal utensils it sets of teeth tics for him. We have a special dentist who works with him on this too and dental visits are carefully handled to avoid a flare of his tics. food textures can also trigger tics for him. All this is likely related to his Sensory Integration dysfunction, (SID) which a lot of kids with TS have (for more see http://www.out-of-sync-child.com/ ) that book helped bring the realization that this was a reason for my son loathing labels in clothes or seams in socks and certain fabric feels etc etc etc as well as the other hypersensitivities that he has to sensory stimuli. And these "irritants" in turn can be very triggering to his tics so glad you saw the positive effects with the supps and hope this will continue as you work on how best to deal with the possible tic fallout related to the orthodontics. Cheri
  4. hi jkc just to clarify, I was answering a question re acupressure above.........my son has only ever had ACUPUNCTURE, not acupressure, and we have a clinically certified acupuncturist
  5. Emma I would personally follow the leads on PANDAS rather than transient tics, based on elevated strep titres That isnt to say that you are not dealing with transient tics...only that the strep titres do seem to be pointing to possible PANDAS We have PANDAS parents here who have reported good outcome using Bonnie's BonTech supps (Ronna for example) but I do believe that with any root cause of tics, the supps only work optimally when the root is correctly treated, which , if you are dealing with PANDAS would likely be the antibiotic treatment ( which btw azithromycin seems to be best)
  6. Hi Melanie my son also has Crohn's Disease and so his chiro work is pretty complex as it forms part of his holistic treatment protocol however, our NUCCA certified chiro primarily does cervical spine adjustment for the tic related issues
  7. hi honestly I would think his diet has more to do with the resurgence of the tics than anything else If he is not photosensitive, then his Nintendo should not be affecting him for my son, if we slip on diet or on his supplements, he has increased tics... here is iHerb's interaction for clonidine with supps page, which only mentions two things not to take with clonidine, magnesium NOT being one of them
  8. Sorry not to have seen this before jkc Back in 2000, when my son was newly dx, Bonnie had not yet started Bontech products but had published on the web what she had used to help her own child. I found that at her old web page (no longer up) and simply copied it, took it to our Integrative team of physicians and, based on his additional testing, began giving him supplements that matched what Bonnie had done for her child and on what his own test results revealed. She now has the BonTech range, which I have never used, only because what we have him on works and I am reluctant to fix what aint broke There is a phone order line for Bonnie's products but I cant seem to find the # at the moment...however, if you email Bonnie through her website about wanting to purchase, you will get a reply with details here is the ordering page on her site http://www.bonniegr.com/Order%20Info.htm hope that helps Cheri
  9. Dear Frazer I really do feel for what you are going through and want to encourage you that you are not alone.....I know so many people with TS and associated stuff that have suffered needlessly because of family and society dumping more on them than the load they already have to carry Frazer, have you got any local support groups or anyone else you can see. It isnt good for you to have all this bottled up and churning around inside of you perhaps a TSA group in your area? You can check from the TSA website at http://www.tsa-usa.org also a website you may benefit from is Life's A Twitch http://www.lifesatwitch.com Dr Dunc (Duncan McKinley) is a psychologist who has TS himself and he has a really honest way of addressing stuff like you are going through...he also replies to emails I hope things may take a brighter turn for you Frazer. I have certainly seen from your previous posts how motivated and encouraging you are, so I sure hope you will focus on your talents and abilities and use those to inspire you and at the same time help others I know for my son, when the "blahs" of having TS/OCD etc come, he finds using his musical and artistic talents to be uplifting, but most of all he finds giving of himself to others who are suffering to be by far the best "medicine"...it changes his focus completely hoping and praying for a positive turnaround for you too, Frazer Cheri
  10. Hi jkc even with "normal" range magnesium, TS patients benefit from more mag it seems do watch carefully with the B complex as I am hearing more and more people say they dont tolerate the COMPLEX in a pill form but do better with liquid Bco or with taking individual Bs 500mg taurine a day doesnt sound high to me HTH
  11. Hi melanie and welcome glad you are seeing improvements the one thing I noticed was that your calcium dose is much higher than the magnesium (500:100mg) generally if extra calcium is needed beyond that from diet, it is usually in a 2:1 ratio with magnesium. my son has benefited very much over the years from osteopathic and chiropractic treatment, both in relief of symptoms and their resultant effect on his musculo-skeletal system You mention that you also had tics...was this TS or transient? C
  12. hi emma My son has TS (tested negative for PANDAS at Shand's 7 years ago) He is able to get his omega3 from flaxseed oil and from his diet, but he cannot take any form of fish oil as it triggers tics for him, even tho he can eat fish with no problem I know this has also been reported bu some others who have TS, although othrs can take it with no problem However, Fishoil, if tolerated, is by far the best form of omega 3
  13. Hi trubiano I have always advocated for intake of probiotics via NATURAL yoghurt and kefir. just do check yoghurt for any artificial additives and also that it has a good spectrum of probiotics in it. Sadly altho natural yoghurt is and has always been a prime source of probiotics, so many companies have turned it into an artificial concoction that tastes good but has precious little nutritive of probiotic value I personally like the Stoneyfield farms yoghurts, although Dannon has recently been focussing on the health aspect rather than just the good taste I really would also recommend kefir as well as yoghurt . (just an footnote: since my son's dx of crohn's disease he has had to avoid these as, being that Crohn's is an autoimmune inflammatory bowel disease, he was finding that he had flare ups with probiotics)
  14. Faith Dr Murphy is a pediatric psychiatrist and, although she specializes in PANDAS research, yet she and her associates do see all kinds of child and adolescent neurological and psychiatric disorders here is a bit more about her http://www.psychiatry.ufl.edu/people/bios/murphy.htm
  15. A 20 minute soak in a warm tub of water with 2 cups of epsom salts dissolved in it works wonders in promoting restful sleep, and the magnesium in the salts also calms tics
  16. hi Amy yes, sadly, with most conventional doctors being clueless on much related to all this, one has to do one's own research and keep interviewing docs till you find one with knowledge, or at least willing to learn here is the link to my thread on our success with nutritional supps http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=687
  17. bumping up for those asking about our nutritional supplement program used successfully to bring my son's TS tics and OCD from very severe to very mild
  18. good to hear your success with bontech, itsme jkc, I honestly believe it is the COMBINATION of the right supplements that works best. When we formulated our plan I based it on Bonnie's original protocol, and even tho she has changed that slightly with bontech, yet once again it is a COMBINED supplement program that seems to be effective. so whether one puts it together individually or purchases bontech or other combos with similar ingredients, IMO it is the supps working TOGETHER that have the best effect
  19. hi CANDIDA CLEAR has been by far the best yeast buster we have ever tried and also cleared my son's acne
  20. Hi efgh so good to hear of the overall improvement for your son honestly, I have no info on calcium phosphate other than that I know there are cautions on it re med interactions and overdose poisoning. I would think that the best person to give you info on this may be mrsD, on the Vitamin etc Forum at NeuroTalk not only is she a pharmacist, but she is also very clued up on supplements hope that helps Cheri
  21. Tourette tics and many other tics are NOT habits they are neurologically generated movements or sounds I know from personal experience with my son, and have heard from many others (experts included) that to try to make someone with TS "control" their tics can frequently cause worse reactions ie heightened anxiety, OCD, etc which in turn can result in an increase in tics
  22. a summary of the full article from The Lancet
  23. good to see you Claire just wanted to mention that although we found a yeast eradication diet plus capryllic acid supp good ....yet by far the most effective yeast buster we have used so far is the CANDIDA CLEAR by NOW
  24. Hi Mike For PANDAS, boosting an already hyperactive immune system is not what one wants....modulating it is bringing it into balance, not boosting it Usually, one wants a boosted immune system to help fight illness etc, BUT in autoimmune disease/disorders, where it already in hyper mode. one wants to keep it controlled....not dampened,like some drugs do, but modulated so that it functions correctly
  25. Michelle I just read your comment above i find that reprehensible that you were billed for the doctor answering a question for you by phone!! It would be one thing not to be able to make an appointment and to have a "phone consult", but getting a reply from either the doc or nurse ona question is something different! thankfully that is not standard procedure....if I were you, I would protest, especially as they didnt have the courtesy to inform you that the Doc would charge to answer a question
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