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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. ((((Emma)))) OCD has always been a much bigger issue for my son than his tics. and i know how hard it is as a mom to see your kid struggle with it we used supplements after having tried meds (so sorry I didnt follow my 'dont want to medicate' instinct on that....but we had docs and school pushing the meds and a child who was having serious onset symptoms and needed help! my son was given luvox for the OCD (and was also on haldol at the time for the TS.) the side effects were horrid and serious for my son and if anything, his OCD-tic interactivity, where they kinda feed off each other, got worse!! but the supps really did make a positive difference and tho he only uses inositol when he feels he needs it now, he benfitted from low dose 5HTP (he got 50mg at bedtime each night) and 500 mg inositol each morning. he also had 500 mg methionine with that, tho some people benefit more from the samE form an important thing re 5HTP...it is part of the biosynthesis of serotonin and can have different effects on different people and should not ever be taken along with meds or supps that increase serotonin without physician supervision. my son found it helpful. my husband said it made him edgy. so do discuss with a doc on that for a child especially. My son was almost 12 when he went on it. the PANDAS parents would know more re the antibiotic side, but freom what I have gathered zithromax aka azithromycin is most (?) effective hope you find the answers you need to help your daughter
  2. Wendy Florida is known as allergy central cos of the climate and vegetation personally, I dont think humans were made to live in this swamp
  3. My firstborn took me thru 3 days of VERY hard labor . It was an easy pregnancy(no nausea etc at all) but a very very hard birth. Docs said he was in danger and were pushing for a C-section. Eventually I agreed to an epidural which only took on one side but thankfully he arrived shortly thereafter. Healthy overall and has remained that way. He was as contented a baby as you could ever inagine. I was 34 when he was born Three years later, youngest was a very hard pregnancy......nauseaous me all day every day. He was overdue and so I was eventually, and reluctantly, induced and he arrived within an hour. very easily. He had infantile rash, concave chest and "floppy larynx" (made clucking noises...I still wonder if he was born with vocal tic........ ) He was a very restless baby and cried a lot. I had a miscarriage the year before he was born. He has had health issues all his life. Shortly after his dx with TS and when things were really at their lowest point for him, I would spend agonizing hours going thru everything to try to find out why. The reasons I think are many and varied. No one thing has contributed to my son's condition. He was born with genes that made him susceptible and a bunch of things probably worked together to cause his manifestation of the TS and other neuro issues he has, and likely also led to the eventual development of the Crohn's
  4. interesting stuff Kim! Not sure if I have noted this before but my son did *not* have any varicella vaccination as he and his brother both had fullblown chickenpox in 1992, a year before his eye blinking/rolling started I had chickenpox as a child, and had also had shingles in 1996, which thankfully did not spread to my family and thankfully also appears to have remained dormant since that initial outbreak (buccal mucosa) the doc I saw at the time recommended L-lysine which inhibits the herpes virus
  5. that is about as specific as I can be Kelly. I wouldnt want to try to start elaborating beyond that and setting up subjective criteria for others.
  6. Hi Kelly no, I would not even begin to suggest I could diagnose kids' causes of tics just by observing them...that is not what I am saying at all what I am saying is that, having been in the company of kids who tic for a variety of reasons, I tend to be able to recognize those who have TS. It isnt a definable set of criteria to me so I am not doing anything other than to state my own personal observation. When you live with family TS, you tend to recognize it. that is all I am saying.
  7. Wendy, I would think that for those who have tics/OCD and /or other neuro issues for reasons other than PANDAS, LYME disease or other microbial induced stuff, being on long term antibiotics would be a very negative thing altho many kids with PANDAS have tics, not all do, which is IMO a very definite distinction in Tourette tics, as there, all tic I dont think antibiotics are an answer for all kids who tic, as there are many other root causes for tics other than microbes, as those dealing with dietary allergies, photosensitive induced tics, vaccine related tics, and those "transient" tic disorders that appear and then disappear forever in some kids I know I sound like a cracked record sometimes but I must say again that when you have genetic TS in the family, and meet others with TS, you dont need a 'test' to confirm it. You can spot it immediately as TS!! I have met kids dealing with tics who do not have TS and I can see the difference.
  8. ps and adding this archived thread for the record http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1326
  9. bumping up for anyone who may not yet have read this excellent article, especially as we have so many convos re vaccinations running here at present
  10. Hi Tami as my son's tics and OCDs frequently interact with one another, I have seen tics related to specific areas as you mention, but I do feel this is more related to this link between his TS and OCD but I really can say I have noticed a finite correlation with tooth issues and any specific tics, rather just a general waxing of tics and distinctive digestive changes when he has things going on with his teeth
  11. Hi Nan lots of potential tic triggers there................ toothy things have always been a major tic trigger for my son and we have a number of anecdotal reports here from others who have found the same for their kids. Even before we knew my son had TS, we always knew when he had teeth coming out or in as his whole system would react ripping up carpets.........could be causuing allergens in the air...dustmite, mold, etc the wood you are laying, if treated with arsenic, formaldehyde etc may also be triggering best to use a hepa filter to eliminate as much of the airborne allergens as possible hope things settle soon
  12. http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3254 an article by David Kirby in today's Huffington Post
  13. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/...mb_b_93627.html Bravo Mr Kirby!
  14. maybe this thread can help a bit trubiano http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=755
  15. I dont know if any here use this allergy med but I got this in today in my First Watch newsletter here is the full text of the article http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/early_comm/montelukast.htm
  16. Glad you spotted that MaryAnn. I just know that sucralose/splenda sets off both my son's tics and his Crohn's, so wanted to give the heads up. I suspect it is the chlorine that is in sucralose that affects my son as he is super sensitive to chlorine. Dr Mercola has a lot of info on splenda. especially for those with neuro or GIT disorders it just doesnt seem to be a good additive Try chamomille tea, or a drop of peppermint oil in the water. My son also likes to add a bit of the pure Knudsen Farms Cranberry juice to it. And yes, he has liked a few drops of pure maple syrup in too, as well as honey & lemon there really are a lot of ways to flavor the good water. also re reverse osmosis...there are easy faucet connecting portable units available now which can be helpful if one doesnt want to get into plumbing etc. pure spring water would always be best I think if one could be *sure* it is pure Now that all the traces of medications etc are confirmed in the tap water supply most places ..... I dont even rinse the produce under the cold water tap anymore but use a large clean basin of spring water and a collander to dip and shake the fruits and veggies clean.
  17. Maryann, are you sure it says sucrose and not SUCRALOSE? Propel used to contain sucrALose which is Splenda http://www.holisticmed.com/splenda/ perhaps they have changed the ingredients, but when we last looked at it, Propel had sucralose as well as sucrose syrup
  18. ((((((((((CP)))))))))))) I hope things begin to wane quickly for him
  19. Maryann you may want to think again on PROPEL water as it contains sucralose aka splenda which can be a tic trigger as well as other probs for kids with neuro issues We have a reverse osmosis system for drinking water and filters on showers also use spring water for cooking, rinsing produce, etc when my son didnt "like" plain water, he added a little organic concord grape juice, squeezed lime juice etc
  20. ps my husband's mom was a very heavy smoker and back then (1946 when he was born) she smoked thru pregnancy and around him as an infant ): and yes, I dont recall anymore where I saw it but I did once read an article on hypoxia in the womb causing all kinds of problems
  21. non smoker since my early 20s had kids in my mid 30s also as much as I dont recommend nasty nicotine to anyone,ever, it is documented and TSA research funded that it does reduce tics. Some people with TS use nicotine patches
  22. havent used either of those we have had success with Candida Clear by NOW
  23. CP for us waning has never meant tic free. it just means less intense and less frequent and less overall will post more later as working now
  24. hi Tracey so glad you posted this as my son has had IEP/504 since 1st grade all the way thru highschool and it has been a real benefit to have in place The IEP was in elementary and the 504 began in 7th grade My son is very smart, but he does have some LD, as well as ADD and CAPD, as well as the TS, OCD, SID etc and having the accommodations we requested helped him so much. After his Crohn's dx accommodations for that were added I know many parents are reluctant to go with IEP or 504 plan as they fear "labeling" their child as somehow not as smart etc as others but that is so not the case with these accommodations My son's educational psychologist wrote on the report that he was "above average" in intellect and abilities, yet the clear need for accommodations to suit his disabilities was there. (btw we used a private tester rather than just the school system as, altho our district is great, yet we do know of some who sadly make it hard for kids to get these accomodations, even tho they are legally entitled to them) How blessed kids must be to have a teacher like you who "gets" it Tracey
  25. hi so glad you are also finding benefit from chiropractic my son goes weekly. not only does it help realign those parts that the tics can put out, but it also seems to help the tics themselves real important tho to have a chiro who is gentle in their techniques, and we prefer NUCCA certified
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