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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. here is a link to Natural Library's info on Taurine amino acids can occur in D- or L- isomer form (one of our chemistry minded members can explain more LOL)
  2. magnesium taurate is available at the Vitamin Shoppe stores or from their website Click here to link to it also available from BonTech http://www.bonniegr.com/ts-PLUS%20Mag%20Taurate.htm we have always used magnesium and taurine separately with good results
  3. magnesium aspartate should probably be avoided as aspartame is known to be a tic trigger and not good for all neuro disorders
  4. Hi Greyhound take two tablespoons and put tablets in hollow of one and then nestle the other tablespoon on top (ie bottom of it touching the tabs in the top of the other) and press down and use side to side motion too powdered tab will result
  5. just heard this from someone on another forum...... sounds like the new edition will include a treatment plan etc http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display...1556437472.html YAY Sheila!
  6. Hello Jeannette we have found the epsom salts tubs and the acupuncture/biofeedback/reflexology and chinese cupping treatments that our therapist does to be excellent for detox and so have not needed to follow any other protocols. My son does not like the sensation of craniosacral therapy, tho I know a couple of members here have reported good results with it.
  7. so sorry you are having these ups and downs TomsMom we have reports of some people just not being able to tolerate Bontech, even tho a majority do fine on it. have you ever had his magnesium levels checked? he may not be deficient, and so not need the extra, or he may need correct specific balancing of supps to achieve optimum for *him*. altho magnesium seems to help many with tics and specifically those with TS tics, yet your child's tics may be rooted in something else forgive me for not remembering, but does your son have a TS dx? also, have you had any food intolerance testing done? how about candida? heavy metals? I do hope you will find answers to help
  8. I dont go near "yeast extract" as most often is another way they hide MSG http://www.truthinlabeling.org/hiddensources.html
  9. Hi again magnesium deficiency is something many represented here seem to have. It convincingly appears to be so for those who have Tourette Syndrome and some of the other tic disorders, that show improvement with magnesium supplements ( and for many also epsom salts tubs & creams--magnesium sulfate) re the OCD symptoms your dd is displaying...there are supplements that can be helpful like inositol, methionine or the samE version of it, and 5HTP or the tryptophan intself. All increase serotonin, which is what seems to be one of the underlying deficiencies with OCD, depression, some anxiety disorders etc. They should NOT be taken with meds that increase serotonin!! and only taken with each other under guidance. Serotonin spiking is something one wants to avoid as it is dangerous! sorry to fly by with such quick posts but I am on a heavy work schedule plus caregiving sick hubby so kinda hope you find the info you need here...dont forget the handy "search" button top right...you can do quick searches or more advanced ones to look for more specific topics or member posts on them. talk later! bye
  10. I am not a PANDAS parent so dont have answers to all your questions but here is a thread that may answer some questions for you till more of our PANDAS parents can answer specifics http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1053 prophylactic antibiotic treatment seems to be the first line of treatment (many have had success with zithromax/azithromycin) finding physicians who are aware and willing to order the correct blood tests is challenging but more are thankfully becoming aware there are some considered experts...Dr Susan Swedo at NIMH in Maryland, Dr Tanya Murphy in Florida amongst others.
  11. Hi and welcome rapid strep testing isnt an accurate dx for PANDAS. Only strep antibody titre testing can really give better indication here is one of many many threads here on PANDAS testing and other PANDAS info http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1053 if you do searches here for PANDAS PITANDS you will get lots more microbial infection seems to be very much a factor in a lot of neurological illness IMHO
  12. Hi Emma we used daily Gingko and methionine with no problems and I dont see anything saying it shouldnt be used with samE either hoever as with all supps that boost serotonin, samE and methionine should not be used with SSRIs or other meds/supps that elevate serotonin without a physician's guidance as serotonin spiking can occur
  13. Hi faith samE is S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine, and so a compounded form of methionine and is helpful for mood/OCD etc Natural Library info on samE other info
  14. Hi Friend although I am not a PANDAS parent, I can see from the many posts here on it that it seems PANDAS kids do have different issues with the mood swings/OCD/explosive behaviour than kids with TS so I am not sure if the magnesium from the natural calm would be helpful or not in this case. As Michele has explained, PANDAS kids have neurological inflammation and so that is something to consider. I think Natural Calm (which is basically an expensive ionic form of inexpensive plain old magnesium citrate) helps kids with TS because of magnesium's beneficial neuro-muscular properties, but the mood issues associated with PANDAS are related to different mechanisms re the Abilify, I have heard good and bad about it and our admin, Sheila Rogers, did once post an alert on it related to FDA warnings, so I am just posting it here just as an FYI http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...post&p=7486
  15. we had the added benefit of my son's acne clearing when he went onto Candida Clear by NOW zinc oxide cream is also good and cleansing with chamomille tea
  16. Hi Emma as you probably have noted from the other threads, my son is extremely sensitive to chlorine, with it triggering major tic waxing as well as hives. This may also be why he reacts negatively to sucralose/Splenda as it is chemically altered to add chlorine if you scroll down the article Sheila has for tic triggers, you will see that chlorine fell into the second group...so IS a trigger, but was reported on less than others. that wasnt a scientific study, rather a gathering of anecdotal evidence, tho from my years on this board it seems to have correlation....for some chlorine is a big trigger whereas is may not be for others. Probably has to do with biochemical makeup of the individual IMO here is the Finding Triggers for Tics article http://www.latitudes.org/articles/finding_triggers.htm
  17. epsom salts tubs were one of the the very first "alternative" treatments we started for my son's TS, and it was primarily as detox/relaxant. I figured my son was so relaxed by it that his tics were diminished afterward it wasnt till almost a year later when I found Bonnie Grimaldi's info on magensium that I realised that aspect of it's benfit for my son as well
  18. Kim I confess I have barely skimmed your post ...... but wanted to mention that in the original treatment protocol for my son (see my siggie link) we supplemented phosphatidylcholine in the form of lecithin. He was getting 1200mg lecithin a day which equated to just over 400mg phosphatidylcholine per day.
  19. strong thick hair and nails for both my kids
  20. Peglem, I think they just cover the parameters that they have testing for, rather than all. The info isnt designed to be a reference site but rather just information related to the tests and products they provide. https://www.neurorelief.com/index.php?optio...0&Itemid=46 myrose, I guess that could well be a clue in the reason some react to fish oil, but wouldnt explain tho why eg my son can eat a lot of fish and not react with more tics? perhaps the oil has a higher tyrosine/tyramine level?
  21. I needed to find an old thread here today related to the lab that does the neurotransmitter testing and in looking at the website again, realized how clear and easy to understand their info page on neurotranmitters etc is, so thought to post it here in case the info can be of help to anyone neurotransmitter info https://www.neurorelief.com/index.php?optio...mid=48#Dopamine neuro, endo and immuno testing info https://www.neurorelief.com/index.php?optio...9&Itemid=74
  22. in addition to the flaxseed oil, and if your child doesnt have inflammatory problems, borage oil is very good. my son found gingko biloba very helpful for focus/attention issues
  23. Hi so sorry to hear this has happened PLEASE warn her mother that it is dangerous to give other serotonin boosting supplements or medications when still taking an SSRI as serotonin spiking can result giving a high dose of Inositol along with an SSRI could do this!! usually a severe itching reaction is indication of allergy. i would personally think if allergy, it is a reaction to something in the other ingredients rather than to the inositol however if it were me I would stop giving the inositol immediately and not risk more adverse reactions
  24. hi samsmom my son wears tinted lenses that are very helpful. bmom....fluorescent lighting at school was a tic trigger for my son.
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