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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. posting on the run so havent looked at all yet but only 300mg magnesium daily for someone with TS may be a bit low my son takes daily 500mg magnesium from supplement sources in addition to that from his dietary sources at least a month on supplement program is a good idea to truly see the benefits as mentioned before, my son cant take fishoil as it increases his tics zinc oxide is not a very good form to take so glad you are switching to piccolinate are you getting enough calcium in your diet not to need to supplement with it? have you tried adding l-carnitine for tics too? some also find l-carnosine in combo with it good
  2. Hi Greyhound my son started the B1 when he went to south america on a youth trip to help build an orphanage in Nicaragua. We were advised that B1 would prevent mosquito bites. He found the added beenfit of neurological modulation too. He doesnt take it separately anymore, but has all the essential Bs incorporated into the protein shake he drinks daily and this doesn not upset his system like taking a B complex tab used to re fishoil...my son can eat as much fish as he chooses with only good results BUT if he goes near fishoil (we have tried many types) his tics skyrocket!!
  3. we have always used 100mg with no problems an added benefit of B1 is that mosquitoes hate it in your blood and wont bite ya!
  4. Hi we dont use fishoil, only flaxseed oil for omega 3 as my son tics more with fishoil...but the one you linked seems a good choice if your child tolerates fishoil the sound sleep is promoted by MELATONIN some people respond best to micrograms (300-600mcg) where others need 1-3 milligrams
  5. hello Guy and welcome it sounds to me like your tics were triggered by something in the "allergy shots" or by the Epstein Barr viral infection that causes mono or a combo of both. do you have a record of what was in these shots? You dont seem to have any vocal tics from what I understand? or any other tics?? just the blinking, yes? in that case it does not sound like TS we found L-carnitine (an amino acid) helpful for TS related eye tics
  6. Hi the doseage of BonTech supps depends on age/weight here is a link to her products: http://www.bonniegr.com/products.htm re the supps you are giving...hard for me to comment as both fish oil as well as B complex have adverse effects on my son. he takes flaxseed oil and has always doen better with B's being part of his multivitamin or as individual Bs as needed. If he takes B complex it leaves him feeling very weird and bad effect on his GIT too. Evening primrose is very good EXCEPT if there is any inflammatory illness accompanying the tics, in which case it should be avoided if you click on the treatments link in my signature you will see the combos of supplements and other things that helped my son
  7. https://www.neurorelief.com/index.php?optio...9&Itemid=74 and specifically https://www.neurorelief.com/index.php?optio...2&Itemid=46
  8. ((((Giselle)))) so sorry to hear this tho good to see you glad you checked for strep/scarlet fever first as I have heard of some misdx of Fifths when it is actually scarlet fever a friend's grandson recently had it so I will check with her for you. she did say the achiness and general malaise did not go away for months tho and I believe antibiotic (I think azith??) was used. I will check and let you know praying for speedy recovery blessings Cheri
  9. added my vote and also told them why I am opposed
  10. candida clear by NOW, plus kefir as the probiotic has worked wonders for our whole family....of course coupled with diet that doesnt overdo natural sugar or carbs that yeast thrives on, and avoiding the chemical additives that I think help to destroy our good intenstinal flora along with triggering so much neuro stuff!
  11. yes, myrose, 500mg B12 seems extremely high! I take 1000 a day (advised to take methylcobalamin *not* cyano cobalamin!! )
  12. Hi Emma nope there is no confusing a serotonin spike for a mood change!! it is pretty dramatic reaction to excessive serotonin here is the Wiki info (scroll down for symptoms) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin_syndrome and here is the info on USPharmacist http://www.uspharmacist.com/oldformat.asp?...eat/acf2fa6.htm it usually occurs when taking meds that elevate serotonin and then adding either more meds or herbs/supps that spike it ps interesting to see wiki mentions boswellia as my son takes a boswellin/curcumin combo for crohn's as an antiinflammatory so it is likely helping his OCD too
  13. ps Greyhound.... so sorry if my tone sounded disapproving LOL I tend to post while working and sometimes am short on time so post quickly and I guess can sound "brusque" ...dont mean too!! I do think "mental tics" is an understandable way to try to describe the complexity of these linked OCD or whatever-tics... so many people have these that we have encountered who have Tourette Syndrome with the spectrum of disorders that can often accompany it, that I do think it is as important in the symptoms as just the motor and vocal tics that accompany TS itself.
  14. well my spouse doesnt..... but I know some of our friends and other family members do actually, truth be told, the only time my hubby looked at me that way re our son, was when I agreed to allow the trying of the medications his then neuro, pediatric,psychologist,psychiatrist and teachers were pushing so hard and he was truly suffering sooooo badly with the OCD related tics plus those that can cause injuries and we were desperate. My husband was very against the meds and surprised that my son (only 10yo at the time) and I were willing to risk side effects for some respite in this disorder that had suddenly taken over his life We shoulda listened to hubby!! But on the other stuff, my husband I guess thankfully comes from the perspective in seeing things helped for him since he implemented his own supplement/diet modifications and seen the benefits to his own TS, OCD,ADD and GIT issues. Even his erratic high blood pressure has stabilized more. And he was far more trusting of alternative medicine as was I since long before we even met each other....we had both seen results in alternative/natural herbal and dietary changes, and also results when we had acupuncture transdermal radiogenics testing and biofeedback therapy(which sounds to me similar to the NAET/NEAT/BIOSET that some of our members have mentioned helping ) My hubby always new he had "stuff" going on...he just didnt know it was TS spectrum stuff till our son was diagnosed As far as the other aquaintances who dont "get" our chemical and additrive free/ organic wholefood diet "obsession" I try my best to educate them nicely if they ask "why no dye?" or something like that...but most often I can see them mentally notching me up as "weird"
  15. Hi Emma honestly from all the research/references I have looked at, along with expert guidance by our physician, what is being described as a "mental tic" is in fact OCD/TS linked tic. The same things that help the tics and OCD help here. OCD is primarily related to serotonin deficiency (although other neurotransmitters/amino acids play an important role) and so most helpful IMHO is boosting serotonin for the OCD while keeping magnesium levels etc optimized for TS tics. As mentioned before, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be really helpful for all things OCD related, *provided* one has a good therapist. I always add that because some therapists sadly seem to be more intent on changing the patient into the therapist's own mold instead of helping them adapt within their own
  16. yes, Bonnie has a fishoil supplement in her Bontech range http://www.bonniegr.com/ts-PLUS%20EPA%20DHA.htm bmom, I do know that fishoil is recommended as being the very best source of omega 3 as it has all the right stuff in the best form and delivers it quickly to the system however people with TS *DO* often seem to exhibit an increase in tics from fishoil sources of omega 3 even when they dont have allergy/sensitivity to fish itself. Not sure why, but we have enough reports of it on this board alone to know that it *is* a problem for many. it is worth a try tho as it truly is the best omega 3 source. My son cannot take it as he has a marked waxing when he does. My hubby seems to do well on it tho. Son uses organic flaxseed oil and freshly ground organic flaxseed on salads etc.
  17. Hi Greyhound not sure why you felt I didnt "approve" of Jones terminology re "mental tics"?? We actually have their "Chemistry of TS" linked in our essential threads http://au.geocities.com/jones_kacm/chem.htm and altho I know that their explanation is a little flawed, nonetheless it is very helpful in promoting understanding of the chemical mechanisms that lie behind tics re the "mental tics" I see no problem in that classification, but it is a terminology not used outside of that reference and so that's why we werent aware of what you were referring to. As with the chemistry article, again a helpful attempt at explaining a complex issue, albeit that in simplifying it can become slightly flawed. My son would disagree strongly that most compulsions are "deliberate" tho...he has found they are frequently as involuntary as the tics....they are there and they "have to" come out and just do and trying to stop them only creates much higher tension and therefore accentuates them. He has always found those linked tics to be the most bothersome in the scale with which they interfere with his life but yes, OCD linked tics are something that many people with TS experience and it appears that tics can become OCD related as well as vice versa.
  18. yes it sure does make sense....my son feels that way about his methionine too as he knows it takes the edge off the OCD for him
  19. Emma I sure understand your frustration it honestly wasnt till we had the full combo of supps that we got the breakthru out of the endless cycle of OCD, anxiety, depression, frustration etc that my son was in and I really did feel the 5HTP and methionine worked best for him as mentioned before tho he did eventually find it was making him edgy so stopped it as well as the SJW as he doesnt seem to have much depression anymore. He now only uses inositol and methionine and all seems pretty stable, although we have come to understand some of the OCD etc is always mildly there as part of his TS spectrum, but it no longer interferes with his life and he really has learned excellent coping skills I am not sure your therapist is helping your daughter...talking and working out coping mechanisms should be bringing her release, not more anxiety so you may want to let her take a break there or look for a different therapist. My son learned much from a just few sessions and has not had any need to return
  20. ((((((((((CP)))))))))))) it happens and yes, not just to kids who have illness/disorders etc, but it does hurt that bit more when it happens to them my son had some "friends" drop him when his TS began to manifest more intensively and yes, it did hurt. He has been subject to ridicule and bullying but has managed to rise way above it. The friends that stayed have proven to be true and that means so much more than the fickle ones. I know the feelings you are going thru only too painfully well ): but your hubby is right that it will help your son get stronger to cope with the challenges that life with TS brings. praying for you and your son to be strengthened and encouraged. And that this friend will hopefully realize just how much more worth there is in your son's friendship
  21. ah ok yes I see this is terminology made up by Jones to explain what are commonly known as OCD-linked tics which occur often in people with TS
  22. Hi Emma the supplements that help with OCD all raise serotonin. that is why they work samE works becasue methionine also raises serotonin however, serotonin has to be elevated way above normal for "serotonin syndrome spiking" to occur. As I have mentioned to you in PM and posts, one really should have doctor supervision when using more than one of these supps so as to modulate their combination with care as your daughter responded well before to high levels of Inositol it may be worthwhile for you to follow the doc's advise and try her on just that and remove the other serotonin stimulating supps for a while did your doc give a reason for saying to avoid 5HTP? of all the serotonin boosting supps it is the one that has the biggest chance of side effects, which is why many people prefer using tryptophan
  23. just wanted to mention that my son's chest was concave at birth but filled out thereafter and is not concave now, nor has it been since infancy he has real good posture and is 6 foot tall at 18yo, sees a chiro regularly re the adjustments needed from tics but has no spinal curvature or other skeletal malformations
  24. you are very welcome Greyhound it's the least i can do after how my son was helped by following a natural treatment plan!
  25. I am puzzled by what you mean by "mental tic" as well greyhound are you referring to an OCD linked tic?? just wanted to mention again that we saw best supplement results with consistent regular use of the combinations optimized for my son's needs. whenever we jumped around with dose and combos we saw waxing follow
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