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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. we used chlorella without any EDTA and my son's mercury levels came way down. After the course of chlorella, he was on ALA for a month to mop up any mercury that may have entered his brain. IMPORTANT NOTE!!! because ALA rapidly binds mercury and crosses blood brain barrier it is ESSENTIAL NOT TO USE IT until systemic mercury is right down or else it will carry mercury *into* brain!!! my son was also advised to eat a lot of cilantro as it also helps to eliminate mercury
  2. that's interesting that SJW affected your GIT Sarah my husband has been taking it daily for years with no upset and we didnt notice any when my son was on it
  3. http://www.mercola.com/article/mercury/mer...elimination.htm once chlorella begins the elimination of GIT mercury it mobilizes it from other areas to gut for further elimination
  4. read the full article http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080604/ap_on_...d_food_dyes_fda
  5. hi gfam honest I think you will hear a resounding agreement from board members here that most conventional MDs, neuros etc are not going to be very helpful for your child beyond possibly writing precriptions to dampen symptoms, rather than finding root issues and implementing treatments that will help to rectify these i can almost predict that, unless the ped neuro is on the ball re alternatives etc, all they will do is offer you a drug. you can end up on an endless cycle of conventional docs and get nowhere Docs that are more aware are Integrative, DAN, Environmental, Naturopaths, DOs etc we have a sticky thread here to try to help locate them http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=565
  6. Hi if you can get hold of a copy of "Your Drug May Be Your Problem" by Dr Peter Breggin it has detailed info for withdrawing from most of the neuro/psychiatric meds. http://www.breggin.com/yourdrug.html my son was carefully titrated down from luvox haldol zyprexa but still had long lasting and serious withdrawal. Do be very careful!! and be sure to see a physician to monitor your vitals.
  7. hi bmom take a look thru the essential threads sticky as it may have info for you too http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459
  8. NeuroScience neurotransmitter tests etc and good info on rest of website too https://www.neurorelief.com/index.php?optio...9&Itemid=74
  9. fishoil can be contaminated with mercury if not from a pure source. as my son tics more with fishoil we dont use it so I am not sure which brands are uncontaminated however re your comment about possible chlorella contamination ...... I have not heard such concerns before....chlorella removes mercury from the system and is usually from aquatic sources. I guess marine sources may be contaminated??? we used Solgar brand
  10. Greyhound some people with TS do fine on fish oils and if you do that is great as it really is the best source of Omega 3 many however do seem to react to fishoils with increased tics and for them flaxseed and other omega3 rich oils are better
  11. Hi Emma he was on 5 HTP for four years and on the combination of it with inositol, methionine and sjw for about 18 mths (we also added D-phenylalanine (NOT -L-) for a short while to boost endorphins as he had some self injurious OCD/tic blends he now only takes inositol and methionine we have always worked under physician supervision so that was how we added and removed supps Once his raging OCD was under control, he remained on just inositol and 5HTP began to get edgy on 5HTP a few years back so we removed it and added methionine back in ps we were told it is essential to the serotonin biosynthesis to have adequate vitB6 levels too
  12. hi emma my son wasn't on samE but was on methionine the doc had him on 500mg inositol, 300 mg SJW each morning and 500mg methionine plus 50mg 5HTP at night. He took extra B6 with the inositol
  13. emma if u feel the 5HTP is having digestive side effects it would be best to stop it, and gradually go up with the inositol again some people find tryptophan better than 5HTP
  14. Hi I dont know for sure re the link between chlorine and triggering PANDAS linked OCD, but it did trigger tics and also hives for my son at a time when he also had very high OCD. he does not have PANDAS but has genetic Tourette tics/OCD Bmom, chlorine has an effect that lasted days for my son. it really became intensified too the more he was exposed....a cumulative intensification of symptoms that eventually led to the hive outbreaks that was when he made the decision to stop swimming in any chlorinated water.
  15. i honestly dont know anything about hydroxyproline Liane. here is what Wiki has on it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxyproline It seems to be related to levels of collagen and gelatin? but I am a biochemistry dumbo so someone else will hopefully be able to give better input the taurine would be elevated yes, because of the supplement, and as long as it is elevated within acceptable range to your doc, should be fine at being slightly higher IMO...unless it is not being properly metabolized, in which case the doc may recommend lowering taurine dose and maybe up the magnesium from other sources to compensate
  16. thanks for posting that Carole! My oldest just graduated with hons in music and my youngest is at this very moment getting ready for a "jam session" with his friends and their band, Sonic Fix For my youngest, music has been integral in providiing a haven and de-stress zone. He has been playing assorted instruments since tiny. I have seen what tremendous healing power there is in expression of musical talent as well as just relaxing and listening to it.
  17. also, dont forget the chemical reactivity from the pesticides/fertilizers on playing fields our acupuncture therapist found a direct corelation between his son's hyper episodes and his playing and practising forfootball games
  18. Hi bmom, yes, it can last days to weeks for my son depending on the level of stress. with the Crohn's a flare can last a loooooooooooong time so we have optimized his life to be minimal stress as possible within our ability to control
  19. CP altho I dont always understand all the underlying biochemistry ....I can say for sure that stress (and excitement) is a major trigger for my son re tics as well as GIT stuff
  20. my grandmother always insisted that a teaspoon of bicarb a day was "good for the gut and the brain" (she drank a shot glass of cider vinegar each day as well) amazing how so much of the "common sense health" I grew up with (I am 55yo) makes even more sense now that I get to understand more about how fine tuned the GIT is to the neuro system too interesting info ....thanks Carolyn
  21. Hi Emma my son no longer takes 5HTP for his OCD (only inositol and methionine now) but I cant say I recall any appetite suppressant effect from before and he was on it for about 4 yrs at 50 mg per night... however I just found a note on weight reduction-serotonin increase on iHerb's Natural Library that could explain this 5HTP Info
  22. Hi Liane it's possible that the group you are referring to is doing a different form of therapy than that which we looked into in 2000...if so I sure would appreciate if you can find more info on it. Therapies thankfully metamorph and so if this is not the suppressive techniques being used back then, that is excellent. The principle then, as I understood it, was to re-channel by suppression and substitution. Those with TS that we encountered who had tried this said they found elevations in tics with the focus so strongly on them, and that the suppression caused later increased anxiety and OCD etc. Dr Dunc I think once did a seminar series on suppression of tics and elevation of the co-morbid disorders - his website is Life's a Twitch but again, if this is a new form of therapy showing promise, that is great my son found cognitive behavioral therapy for OCD very helpful, and during those sessions he and his therapist would certainly discuss substituion techniques for some of the more intrusive tics he was having then, amongst them coprolalia. But there was *never* a requirement for tic suppression, rather an emphasis on substituion that allowed the tic to manifest freely but in a way that wasnt injurious or socially embarassing. eg he learnt substitute words for bad ones and how to say them under his breath instead of blurt them out.
  23. Hi gfam I also agree that it would be most beneficial to have an evaluation by hopefully a doctor who has latitudional thinking. just a few points to note....carolyn_lsc found she has coconut allergy ....you mention coconut in the unda so do be sure he isnt sensitive to it. most people benefit tremendously from coconut but for others it can be a problem. as you have already found, diet plays an enormous role in our kids wellbeing! hoping you find answers to help you child
  24. Hi Emma Native remedies makes a lot of good herbal treatments. only thing to be careful of is if things that may help with the OCD/depression that SJW does, yet they may be not good for tics. We had to learn that balance when my son needed the endorphins from D- phenylalanine. It helped his raging OCD but triggered tics, because phenylalanine stimulates dopamine. I dont know what's in mindsoothe? could u link to it from the NR site..... the caution would be classic OCD and depression and anxiety can be helped by things that sometimes are contra-indicated for tics we found SJW at very minimal dose, and in conjunction with the other supps he was taking for this, helped the OCD and depression and anxiety very much. dont forget those sunlight sensitivity warnings for st john's wort active ingredient, hypericin, tho if you do try it. sun time would need to be very limited.
  25. Hi we dont use BonTech but Bonnie has very carefully researched the doseage of her products to be age/weight optimized people with TS need *more* than the RDA of magnesium are you using the TS-plus as well as the magnesium taurate?
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