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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Hi just heading out so cant post much response but I did want to mention that one of my son's biggest tic triggers has always been teeth.........even long before we knew he had Tourette Syndrome, we could always tell when a tooth was coming out or in weeks in advance becasue of changes in his digestion, behavior, moods, tics, OCD.....the whole kaboodle! we even had to find a pediatric dentist that was experienced with working with kids with TS as dental visits could set of weeks of waxing gotta run bye Cheri
  2. Hi Wendy IMO the very best info on magnesium in its different forms is the comprehensive thread by MrsD on NT's Vitamin Forum http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/thread1138.html Bonnie used to post on the old braintalk forum many years ago ( and I think she even posted here a few times too) and it was she who told us that it is always good to balance the magnesium with 2x the amount of calcium (ie 2 parts calcium to one part magnesium) I have read a lot of different info on this but that is what my son has always had. I am a bit jello brained after a loooong work day at present so am not going to even try to post much now so hope that helps a bit
  3. sorry to rush by again........ I did a quick search and found this thread so far http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1889
  4. do be very very careful on this! I dont have time to look for it now as am working, but I am pretty sure Claire has a thread here on the negative effect of regular paint on tics There are "friendlier" paints, and I think Claire named them too on that thread. maybe do an advanced search on PAINT and Claire for this forum to find the info
  5. Hi Debbie glad you are asking questions! if this doc is not very experienced in treating tics, then perhaps it may be wise to keep looking where severe havy metal toxicity can lead to all kinds of problems, yet I do find it rather off putting that a physician would say something so insensitive to the parent of a patient he has never even seen or had tested also where VitB12 really is a "wonder vitamin" in so many ways, nevertheless some people do *not* tolerate it well for a number of reasons and IMHO should not be supplemented with it until it is determined that they require and/or can tolerate it I know you mentioned feeling most comfortable with MDs, but DOs have the same qualifications and training and do tend to have a more holistic approach, yet are covered by most insurance, so you may want to consider one of them, again ensuring before making an appt that they have experience with tic disorders
  6. Hi Nan I bumped up two really helpful threads that Claire put together to help with tests etc. sorry so brief but have to go hope this helps Cheri
  7. bumping up for newbies
  8. Hi Shannon do be careful of mag aspartate in the Blue Bonnet as many kids with neuro issues are highly sensitive to aspartate, aspartame etc, which are documented as being excitatory in the neurotransmitter system
  9. Hi Nan there is also a Kids Calm product in the Natural Calm range which may be helpful we absorb only a small amount of supplemental magnesium and so I personally wouldnt worry about too much magnesium, at least not from regular supplements or Natural calm products you are very wise to start one thing at a time and gradually add others. that way you can keep a clear record of what helps there are so many things that can cause childhood tics that I do feel starting at the root of what is causing the tics is the most important before following any treatment plan. yet, there seem to be unifying factors for all of us, nomatter the casue of the tics, and those are things you can begin to implement. The primary common theme here seems to be diet. Just about all here, including those of us dealing with genetic Tourette Syndrome, have found that by eliminating things from the diet that the child is sensitive/intolerant or allergic to is already a big step in improving things. Then adding supplements specific to the individual needs and deficiencies Just keep reading here and in Sheila's book, asking questions and maintaining the one day/ one step at a time and you will hopefully begin to find ways to help your child all the best.
  10. Shannon I forgot to mention before that chiropractic and acupuncture have proven to be amongst the most beneficial treatments for my son. Apart from the actual direct help the chiro seems to have on the tics themselves, tics, even mild ones, can cause the skeleton to become misaligned and apart fro the discomfort that causes, it also seems to generate more tics, at least for my son. He not only feels soothed after a visit to the chiro, he also has tic relief Acupuncture is for him still the #1 treatment when he needs immediate intervention during waxing phases, couplled with epsom salts baths
  11. Hi Kallik yes, as Tami has pointed out, there is a big difference between GRAPE SEED extract, which is in Bonnie's supplements, and Grapefruit seed extract, as the two do different things and although the citrus grapefruit and its extracts can be very beneficial yet it also has to be used with caution in certain conditions and also because of dangerous interactions with certain medicines. It is known as a very potent natural anti-microbial my son had Grape seed extract with pycnogenol initially as part of his supplement plan until we learned that he also had Crohn's Disease, which is autoimmune. We were then cautioned about it being a potent immune booster, which one wants to avoid in autoimmunity. here is some more on Grape Seed Extract
  12. hi again altho they werent diagnosed as tics till he was 10, yes, my son had tics from an early age, including eye blinking, eye rolling, squeaking, sniffing, tapping things, kicking repetitively against things and others that at the time we thought were habits. however, when he was seen by a school psychologist at 4 going on 5, she did write in the report to "monitor for Tourette Syndrome and OCD" which at the time I found ridiculous as we had friends with a TS son. Even they told me just before we got the dx that they thought he had TS and I became a bit indignant So yes, I do feel that TS can sometimes be spotted early on, but it is wise to keep watch a while, as so many other things can cause early childhood tics. I have linked your thread here on the Tourette/tics forum too as I felt others may have some insights for you Do also feel free to post there as it is a very active forum whereas this one is more quiet here is the link http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=1
  13. I know some of you are informed on autism/aspergers and this mom who posted on that forum here sounds so in need of support http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3063 thanks for anything anyone can add to help her
  14. Hi I just wanted to welcome you and say how much I feel for what you are going thru I have a son with Tourette Syndrome and he was around 4yo when his earliest symptoms started, but it wasnt till he was 10 that we got his dx and for me it really brought much relief as, altho it hurt to know my lil guy had stuff wrong, yet at least it gave opening for correct ways to help him so I sure understand your desire to find answers. I hope others will be along soon to give you some specific pointers
  15. Hi Shannon and welcome to the forum hoping you will find clues to help your lil guy from the many experiences shared here my son limits trips to the movies big time as he definitely tics more from multiple triggers there, from the flashing screen in a darkened room, to the loud base and high treble sounds, and especially to the chemical cleaners, pesticides, perfumes, etc etc eye blinking/rolling and head nods or shaking are actually very common tics, both in transient tic disorders and TS there is a good article on tic triggers on the Latitudes main page for TS that may help you identify some, and you will also find other good stuff there, including info on a really helpful book http://www.latitudes.org/tics_tourettes.htm Plus this forum is overflowing with info on other things that can cause tics just keep reading and asking questions and you will hopefully soon find answers that can help your son
  16. oh yesssss ..... mommy stress is tic trigger numero uno!! Hoping you get some clear answers Tami and that all goes well for him during the testing. My son is 18yo and he still loathes having to have blood taken, even just a finger prick
  17. hi Michele some people cannot tolerate 5HTP My son does well on it but it makes my husband edgy and restless..."hyper" I guess the different reactions probably have to do with each individual's neurotransmitter biochemistry
  18. Hi and welcome you are very wise to become informed before going to the appt with the psychiatrist and other physicians as sadly, a majority of mainstream docs just are not educated on many of the possible causes of tics etc and can sometimes give Tourette or other neurological diagnoses that may not be accurate PLEASE do be very cautious if they want to prescribe any psychiatric meds for the tics. ...especially as these tics and other behaviours could be related to a number of "triggers' which, when identified and treated for, can sometimes bring complete tic remission. In many cases, things like strep or other infections can cause this (see discussions here on PANDAS & PITANDS) and sometimes even a food allergy (most often dairy, gluten or most commonly artificial and chemical food additives) can cause tics and other neurological symptoms, and yes, so can vaccines there is a lot of info here and many members with experiences to share so I hope you will just keep steadily reading thru threads and asking questions
  19. hi Jasminsky finger picking can also be a form of OCD, sometimes tic linked
  20. magnesium helps with soooooo many things! mrsD has a great thread all about its many benefits and its most absorbable forms etc on NT http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/thread1138.html
  21. yes, I would absolutely agree that just because there is a family history of tics does *not* rule out that there is possible PANDAS triggering the tics. Altho my son was dx very quickly with genetic TS because of my husband and his dad's tics, one of the first things we did was to go to Dr Murphy for testing as my son had the classic PANDAS type onset...explosive tics and OCD etc In his case he had no indication of elevated titres and has never had strep throat even....but I feel we would have ignored a very important test had we not ruled out PANDAS
  22. Hi Jasminsky I only know about waxing and waning of Tourette tics and OCD, so I cant comment re PANDAS altho we have been able to identify certain triggers that make these wax (ie increase) for my son, yet there are also times when they wax (or wane) and we cannot pinpoint anything specific having triggered it (or alleviated) I have never been able to establish any clear period ie how long they stay waxing or waning.....but I do know that before my son was on his careful diet with supplements, Epsom baths, acupuncture and chiro...he would have *very* intense waxing phases that lasted for very long periods and not much waning. Now, altho he still tics almost daily, yet the waxing, when his tics are more pronounced and multiple and 'stronger'......those phases are much reduced and usually associated for him with illness, full moon, tooth issues or if he accidentally is exposed to the food or environmental triggers. His waning phases, which are more the "norm" for him now, are characterized by tics that are so mild as to be barely noticeable by anyone not looking, a shoulder shrug, an eye blink, a head turn, an ""eh" sound etc
  23. ((((((Tracey))))))) I am so sorry you dont have any clear answers and really want to suggest again that you try to find a D.O. (no differently qualified than an M.D. but a whole lot more clued up and open to alternatives) Many D.O.'s are covered by all major insurance, including medicare and medicaid, as are many INTEGRATIVE doctors (conventionally trained, specialized in alternatives) Do you have any family members with tics, Tracey? I know it isnt something many want to hear but it really cant be stressed enough that, if your child has Tourette Syndrome, then please dont expect a magic fix for the tics. Yes, doing healthy diet and supplements and many other things can help enormously. But it isnt a "cure" for TS, only a help. and even if your child doesnt have TS, there can be so many variables causing the tics that honestly the only answer is to take things really slowly and one step at a time. I know only too well that feeling of seeing info on something that has helped someone and rushing to implement it only to find either no improvement or sometimes ( as with the niacin) a negative reaction (my son cannot take any supplemental niacin, not even the "no flush" ) As you menton that things are definitely improved by what you have done, maybe just focus on those areas for now. maybe start to keep a journal of foods eaten, places visited, activites etc etc and see if you can begin to find clues that way. I do hope you are feeling better this morning. And that you will have extra energy and strength and wisdom to move forward. blessings Cheri
  24. Hi CP phew...that is a tough one to answer without much thought and trips along some painful memory lanes I will give a short reply now and maybe post more on this in phases basically I think the most important step for me came when it was clear my son had genetically inherited Tourette Syndrome. It wasnt an easy dx to accept but it did put things into a different perspective for me. However, along the journey from meds through withdrawal from them...... and then all the testing for other stuff and the development of the treatments.......through it all it was then and still is now crystal clear that my son does MUCH MUCH better when he adheres to his healthy diet and supplements designed to address his deficiencies/needs, and when he is having his regular chiropracty and acupuncture. so for us, even tho the acceptance came re his having TS that waxes and wanes in ways we cant always control, yet we have never just "given in" and it has been worth the continued effort to maintain his health at as optimal a level as we can. I grieved most during the first year, as that was when the changes were most dramatic and also that is when the medications, NOT the TS, really did take my son away from me. Once he was off the meds and we started seeing the glimmers of his old personality and humor and talents return...honestly, the tics didnt seem so important anymore. I had my son back, tics and all and yes, watching how my son has overcome so many hurdles has made me so very proud of him but if I am to be fully honest, my deepest acceptance came from another forum, when I would read of children with life threatening illnesses, or those seriously ill or severely deformed or impaired. It gave me a very different perspective on tics. My son also deserves much credit for helping me. If he could accept it and rise above it and use it as a stepping stone, not a stumbling block............how could I keep holding him back with my continued fears and concerns!! I think as caring parents we will always feel that sense of sorrow and concern for our kids when they have health challenges. But if I can impart any advice. it would be to say please please please dont lose sight of your precious children while you are so focussed on "fixing" what is "wrong". Does that mean I dont think one should strive for answers and treatments that can help...not at all! If anything I would emphasize the importance of that as we sure found just how much better it has made life for my son. But I would just say remember they will be grown so fast and there is so much more to their lives than their tics. Dont lose one precious moment in appreciating them exactly as they are, and never lose a single opportunity to let them know just how much you value them. Dont let the tics cloud your vision. They are just tics............ I have posted before of the day I pulled to the side of the road and cried my heart out to God for my son. I firmly believe that day was a turning point for me. I stopped asking God "why me? why my son??" and rather just learned (slowly and painfully) to thank Him for the child He had blessed me with, trusting that He loved my son even more than I did. I could write sooooooo much more but I think that is about enough from me for right now ((((((((((CP))))))))))) Dont see it as years of emotional suffering lying ahead. It doesnt have to be. I know you have deep faith and so you will understand these words from one of my favorite songs with acceptance comes peace
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