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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Tracy did you already start the new supplements? that could well be the problem honestly, just like with all physicians, there are naturopaths that are good and then there are those that are getting rich by marketing their products. I am not saying yours is one but I dont get when docs tell you to stop the supps that ARE working in order to go on theirs....I simply refuse to buy their products unless itis something I know of and have specific testimonials for ...... the cupping draws out toxins and so yes, there is a "balance" change after cupping but it is usually (from our experience) for the better for my son the HFCS in soda is bad news so yes, the diet stuff can trigger the tics but personally I would suspect itis taking aways the supps that were working and replacing them I am a bit of a lioness so if it were me I would take back her supps and ask my money back
  2. I am glad you have found that something helps but have you researched the potential dangers of long term botox use, especially in children even the FDA has warnings on Botox http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2008/NEW01796.html
  3. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn41...11/ai_n10145152
  4. if you have found that gluten free is resolving things it may well be that was the primary trigger, tho it sure cant hurt to rule out strep as well. my son's sudden and dramatic onset was so typically PANDAS that I took him to Shands to see Dr Murphy...but his titres and throat culture were -ve. We do have family history of tics, TS and OCD
  5. my son has ADD(noH) with his TS and yes, sitting still is a problem. it also gets him into the loop where when he focuses on sitting still the harder it becomes to sit still.............. the fidgets are something we have always attributed to his ADD altho there are times when he moves around due to tics reading is a problem for him more re the OCD than his tics or attention probs as he finds he "has to" read over sentences etc to be sure he understands them "just right" etc etc he finds reading outdoors or in a bright sunlit room far easier than by artificial light
  6. just bumping this up for those who may not be aware of the conference here again is the info http://www.touretteconference.com/
  7. many people have undiagnosed candida overgrowth of the GIT. most conventional docs never even look for it books like "the Yeast Syndrome" by Walker & Trowbridge shed much light on this. for many eradicating the "yeast" parasitic overgrowth helps many of their illness symptoms resolve or at least significantly improve, including tics. my son became pretty adept over the years at substituting (redirecting) tics. he did have CBT(cognitive behavioral therapy) for the OCD and that helped with the tic coping skills too naturopathic, Integrative, environmental and DAN doctors seem best clued up on alternative/complimentary therapies I learned that doing my own research and then taking what I was learning to a good Integrative doctor was the turning point for my son. hoping you find the answers you need
  8. Hi my son takes far less supps now...he is 19yo. but yes, at the time I wrote that he was taking all those he really doesnt do well on fishoil at all so we stick with the flaxseed oil he now takes his magnesium in the form of Natural Calm powdered mix as well as those oh so valuable epsom salts baths (magnesium sulfate) it may be the zinc you did not tolerate well.....try magnesium on its own and see maybe. many people with TS seem to benefit from magnesium taurate for teeth grinding vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid ) is really good we found it best to introduce supplements one at a time so as to know which helped and quickly spot which did not...a week on is usually enough time for a negative reaction to show IMO....different people react differently best to ask your doc re the medications and supps together tho iHerb has some help on that Drug Interactions with Supplements Info
  9. Hi so sorry to hear what you are experiencing I have both my husband and son with TS, and we really did notice a vast improvement in my husband too when he started following the natural treatments that helped my son (see link in my signature) Sadly a few weeks on Clonidine seemed to trigger things for him again tho cleaning up diet & environment to eliminate artificial/chemical stuff and identifying allergens is a really helpful thing to do. Also checking on whether you may have candida infection in your GIT (commonly called "yeast" infection) nearly everyone with TS seems to find that taking extra magnesium and B vitamins helps. I do hope you find answers here to help you
  10. neither my husband nor my son ever "adapted" to the bad side effects of the meds they were on. My son was on them for a whole year and things just got worse, not better my husband was on the clonidine for about 6 weeks and it had made him psychotic. As soon as he stopped it was like a miracle switch had been turned off and he began to "be himself" again the bad side effects of the meds for them was a zillion times worse than the tics
  11. my son had pains off and on for almost 2 years till we discovered he had Crohn's but those pains are very sharp and usually early mornings with other symptoms. Initially we also thought he had an ulcer, which I guess he did as Crohn's autoimmune reaction causes ulcerated areas my son also had abdominal discomfort when he had candida infestation. I remember that did calm after the candida diet and supps. that was about 3 years before he got the Crohn's symptoms he has had tummy stuff since tiny tho He really feels Slippery Elm supplement is so very soothing and the DGL (not regular) Liquorice root lozenges heals irritated/ulcerated GIT mucosa. Curcumin helps settle the inflammation Faith, have they checked appendix? Has he eaten oysters before? also, what are the other ingredients in the GABA?
  12. Hi could be the anticipation of the trip triggering the tic...my son tics more when excited have you tried L-carnitine? it helped my son with vocals hope you have a great time away and remember your friends may be a lot more understanding than you think
  13. http://firstwatch.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2009/227/2 I could not believe here that would suggest that "treatment for chronic strep carriers is not warranted" http://www.aafp.org/afp/20090301/383-s1.html here is the Physician's First Watch newsletter piece:
  14. so sorry to hear this I know that steroid bursts help many who have PANDAS but I have long cautioned about their possible bad effect on anyone with TS as my husband had a dreadful reaction to a prednisone burst he was given for sciatica/herniation pain this was many months ago but some of the side effects it had are still plaguing him and his tics have not been this elevated since childhood (he is mid 60s now) I hope you manage to stabilize your precious child again soon
  15. many Parkinson's forums have some very alarming reports about Mirapex and reckless/compulsive behavior side effect here is the legal side http://injury-law.freeadvice.com/drug-toxi...rex-warning.htm more information http://www.mirapex-rx-for-disaster.net/mir...de_effects.html with the frequency of severe compulsive disorders comorbid with TS this would seem very problematic to me
  16. my son has cupping every time he goes for acupuncture it is a remarkable detox method and very beneficial to him
  17. I keep seeing more issues the more I read that article
  18. Hi and welcome 2 things stand out...the soy, to which some are allergic and the DHA as many seem to tic more when they take the fishoil form of omega 3 my son uses soy with no problems but if he takes fish oil he has a major tic wax. for this reason we use flaxseed oil for his source of omega 3 and he can eat fresh Alaskan (never farmed!!) salmon without problem also, we do have some kids represented who seem to react to certain fruits negatively...my son isnt one of them but many follow Feingold diet becasue of this we learned in the beginning to only add one supplement at a time and wait a few days as that way it gives a more clear picture of what may be working well and what not do be encouraged tho that most tic disorders in young kids seem to resolve quickly it's great that you are working on diet etc as nomatter the root cause of the tics, it is always a good idea to clean up diet and supplement deficiencies
  19. thank *you* for the encouraging post
  20. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-f-ken...a_b_169673.html
  21. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-f-ken...a_b_169673.html
  22. Hi Andrea the Epsom baths and creams help a lot in providing transdermal magnesium but he would likely still need a bit more than that yields, considering he has Tourette does he get any magnesium from a multi? Maybe try the mag taurate or other mag supplement. Even tho mag oxide is very poorly absorbed, yet its better to get some in that way than none at all. Also increasing the magnesium rich food in diet can help too http://www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/food/magnesium-foods.htm
  23. great interview Caryn...thanks!
  24. I think we have the same dehydtrator CP I love it!!
  25. I am sorry but I respectfully disagree the definition of chloride is "any compound containing a chlorine atom" just because it is in a compound does not make it have "nothing to do with chlorine" it is derived from chlorine therefore has plenty to do with it! also, if you had read anything on this forum besides this thread you would see that Magnesium itself is recognized as being a primary tic reducer, so no one is disputing that the discussion here was on magnesium chloride NOT magnesium per se the links you left on your other post were commercial and we prefer people not use this forum to try to sell products thanks
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