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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Bonnie if you use the honey, soak a gauze pad in it and then adhere to the wound with an elastic bandage and leave all day then do a fresh honey auze dressing again next day etc till healed it also relives pain. I healed a badly infected cat bite wound with honey and we have successfully used it to speed healing of mouth ulcers etc too
  2. Hi CP deep breathing was one of the techniques my son learned at both occupational therapy for his sensory dysfunction as well as in cognitive behavioral therapy for his tourettic OCD he also finds clenching helpful.he says he feels much release of tension after tightly clenching his fists and tightening his muscles very briefly and then releasing cant help personally re the zyrtec, sorry but I seem to remember something about it not being good? or maybe i am mistaking that for claritin??
  3. Interesting re the charcoal Honey is also remarkable for healing infected wounds hope your wound heals quickly
  4. strep is bacteria *not* virus and should not be labeled as a virus as the 2 are *very* different
  5. one of the reasons antibiotics are by rx only is that they sure can have bad side effects....some research even suggesting possible mitochondrial damage with over exposure what about an appt with Dr Murphy in Tampa? you dont have to accept any rx for other drugs if that is suggested but perhaps she may rx the zith? I really dont know where she is at with her current protocol for PANDAS dx and treatment since we last saw her in 2001
  6. myrose, I would be very careful of medications, especially generic ones, purchased off the internet. you have no idea what is in them and a lot of generics contain Chinese ingredients. sadly we have seen how some products made there have been filled with harmful ingredients. have you asked Dr Franz if she would be willing to do a trial run on zith? she seemed very open minded when we saw her.
  7. we used B5 for my son's teeth grinding, taken separately as pantothenic acid supplement. we found that to be far more effective than B complex, to which he reacts negatively he was still getting other Bs from his multi "Royal Jelly" made by queen bees is very rich in B5
  8. some amino acids are dopaminergic and so can cause increased tics in people with TS even those that usually help with tics (eg taurine, carnitine) can sometimes have the opposite effect in some people so it is always wise to introduce them one at a time and very slowly there is more info on amino acids on Bonnie's site www.bonniegr.com
  9. my son likes mayonnaise and I make my own. we havent ever noticed any triggering of tics from it, but remember he doesnt have any natural food allergies. I make mine with organic egg yolks, virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice, Annie's mustard, salt and pepper
  10. Hi it isnt unusual for there to be multiple tic triggers if you have strep +ve then that is definitely the most important to bring under control. but simultaneously addressing the allergies and deficiencies is also important. from our experience supplementing the deficiencies will work much better when other issues are also dealt with. nomatter how many supps you give, if strep and allergies are still impacting health, you will not see them working optimally until you treat for those
  11. hello illness has always resulted in waxing tics for my son and yes, often medications can also trigger tics I hope she feels better soon
  12. i posted this to the TS forum but thought it may be helpful here too as so many PANDAS kids have OCD/ mood issues related to deficient serotonin http://www.adavic.org/education/health/Moh...f_Serotonin.htm
  13. The Secret of Serotonin http://www.adavic.org/education/health/Moh...f_Serotonin.htm
  14. guy if you read my post that you quoted, you will have seen that I DELETED the post by the spammer on snoring. the spammer had signature links to sell products. The reason you only see the original post is because the SPAM post was deleted.
  15. Hi acupuncture always brings remarkable tic relief for my son do be careful with medications when there are GIT etc things going on. we learned from bitter experience that sometimes kids can show the extremes of the side effects from the drugs, especially when they have other issues/illness.
  16. Kava does work for anxiety BUT one needs to be careful as it has also been implicated in possible liver damage so do be careful. I have been told it is ok in small amounts for short term use ie as needed, but should not be used in high doses or long term. I see the article at PC states the researchers found this potential for liver damage depended on the method used for extraction
  17. It was a spammer myrose I have deleted the post and asked the webmaster to block them
  18. hi and welcome sorry I cant help with your question but you may also want to ask on the PANDAS forum here http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17
  19. we have found special diet plus Candida Clear by NOW to be most effective good book for diet guidelines is The Yeast Syndrome by Walker & Trowbridge (it also has great recipes) epsom salts baths with increased water and vit c intake helps with detox
  20. helo and welcome I moved your post over to our PANDAS forum as the parents here would be best able to answer your questions
  21. Hi that's a very low dose of magnesium IMO you may want to also add something like Kid's Calm for extra magnesium also remember that some tics are caused by issues not related to magnesium deficiency (eg PANDAS, vaccines, candidiasis, allergies etc)
  22. we found a pure Knudsen farms cranberry juice that has no sugar in it we mix it with seltzer water to make nice spritzers. it has a very strong taste on its own, but a small glassful "neat" sure makes one feel very good
  23. I just replied on the autism forum too definitely something to get checked by a doctor
  24. I would not hesitate to take him to the doctor! Many things can cause a change in urine odor and it may be no big problem but just in case an infection, it would be wise for the doc to test his urine
  25. Hi and welcome another test is that for strep...not just the regular strep throat swab, but testing for a condition known as PANDAS. some children have tics induced by strep, even when they show no other strep symptoms. we have a PANDAS board where you can learn more http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=17 where a neurologist can usually give a TS diagnosis, sadly they seem to only offer drugs as a treatment which, from our experience, can often make things a lot worse with serious side effects. Neuros are also quick to give a TS dx when often other things are causing the tics. we have a lot of info here on vaccination induced tics, candida infection etc. here are some of our helpful threads http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459 best advice is read and ask as many questions as possible here. we have great members who are so very willing to help each other
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