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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. so sorry to hear things were not improved yet Jack I pray you will find answers to what is causing these intense symptoms for your child. You did say he was diagnosed with Tourette? yes? Is there a family history of tics/OCD ? also, when you had him on the Haldol and Luvox...was there an improvement at all in the severity of his tics/OCD? my prayers remain lifted for your son and you and wife Jack
  2. my goodness...when we used the product some years ago all they sold was fresh Royal Jelly in tubs or capsules seems they have become quite a business now and very expensive too! The freeze dried one by NOW is very good too myrose re B complex...it has a very weird reaction on my son (and on me!) which is why we give individual Bs Strangely tho the combined Bs in his multis have never bothered him
  3. myrose my son was on Naltrexone for 3 months and had horrible side effects I know however that low dose Naltrexone (LDN) has proven very helpful for those with Multiple Sclerosis and it is also used to help people who are battling alcoholism
  4. ((((((((((((Bonnie)))))))))))))) what a scare for you! you sure have had a rough time lately. praying things stabilize for your son and also that your wound heals quickly
  5. Baclofen is a derivative of GABA but is not GABA itself http://www.rxlist.com/kemstro-drug.htm
  6. I have no idea whether or not colloidal silver interferes with antibiotics but I do know that it is helping my husband greatly. He is seriously ill and if he stops taking it his condition worsens. He was told by the doctor to only use Sovereign Silver Bonnie, I do hope your wound is healing
  7. Hi Suzs having a 504 plan was one of the best school things we ever did for my son. having the accommodations for all of his co morbid stuff (TS, OCD, ADD, CAPD and SID) meant a smoother path with all teachers as we had regular meetings with all having to be present and he could articulate what he needed re the accom and they would ensure implementation where possible. even allowing him to keep a peppermint in his mouth during class to suck on which he finds keeps his vocals down we were in an excellent school disctrict in terms of accomodations but I know some are not so... the fact that tourette is now classified "other health impaired" for education under the American's with Disability Act" means they are legally obliged to. re the supps, you seem to have a good mix there. the l-carnitine can take a while to show full effect on vocals For OCD, we found my son has had to go up high with Inositol (emergency up to 16gm per day--maintenance around 12 gm per day) and he finds taking methylB12 and P-5-P with it essential, and he also feels extra vitD3 has helped it work optimally. he adds methionine only when OCD waxing now at 500mg/day Before, when he took 5HTP as well, he only took around 500-1000mg inositol a day
  8. hi myrose we used "Bee Alive" Royal Jelly purchased from their website http://www.beealive.com/ I personally think that one is best but the dried ones made by NOW and Vitamin Shoppe are also ok, just not as potent or fast acting IMO I order NOW pantothenic acid (B5) from iherb.com tho we have also used the Vitamin Shoppe own brand one
  9. I suggested to Jack that he may want to post here and look into PANDAS as nothing that usually at least silghtly reduces symptoms seems to help his son and many of the symptoms he shows are ones that I hear PANDAS parents report on EAmom, from what I have understood the mouth sores are caused by his son continuously biting his cheeks
  10. remodelling work can bring many tic triggers including the fumes from the glue, the formaldehyde in woodwork etc and paint fumes etc etc my son has learned the hard way that even a little junk in food results in a looooong waxing period of tics there is no test as such for genetic TS yet altho the gene research should hopefully soon enable detection. usually a family history of tics and one year of both motor and vocal tics (not necessarily at the same time) is what the clinical criteria are for dx IMO many kids are misdx with TS when in fact there are other reasons for the tics
  11. Hi and welcome has your son had recent vaccinations? any diet changes?? many things can trigger tics and in many young kids they come suddenly and leave as abruptly ie transient tic disorders our son had a sudden onset of dramatic tics but on reflection we realized he had subtle ones for many years that we just didnt recognize as tics. he has genetic Tourette Syndrome
  12. Bonnie, soak the gauze in honey then attach to the wound with elastic bandage to hold in place. I changed the dressing twice a day.
  13. you can also find taurine as a separate supplement but I think once again only capsule form. when my son was younger we would open capsules and divide the contents. you can also get empty capsules to refill if needed
  14. (((((((((((Jack, son and family))))))))))))) just wanted to leave a hug and say I continue to pray for answers that will lead to correct treatment for your son
  15. so glad you have posted this here Jack! if this is PANDAS, the parents on this forum will be able to give much guidance praying for answers and help in healing for your dear son
  16. Bonnie have you tried the honey on the wound? it was the only thing that turned around my infected cat bite wound praying you will heal quickly
  17. Hi and welcome my son has genetic TS and often is totally unaware when ticcing. he is not athletic either, but rather very artistic and musical, writer etc. aspergers was one of the first things we checked but he also doesnt fit the profile as very sociable, outgoing, gentle disposition we found magnesium key to his supplemental needs as well as eliminating anything artificial/chemical from his diet. he doesnt have food allergies per se tho lately has mentioned he feels digestively better when avoiding peanuts and potatoes/nightshades.
  18. wonderful news!! congrats Carolyn and welcome Aiden
  19. just sending hugs to Sheila and all forum members attending the conference. Hope it is an excellent time of learning and sharing and getting to know one another sadly, although I had really hoped to be there, I am not able to travel at present because of my husband's serious health issues.But I am with you in thought and prayers for a really good conference. we look forward to as many reports as possible and hoping it will be recorded
  20. my goodness!! sounds like those ridiculous "high fructose corn syrup is good for you" ads they should pay a visit here and get the testimonials of the horrid stuff that MSG triggers in many of us and our kids
  21. here is the FDA warning on it http://www.fda.gov/medWatch/SAFETY/2002/baclofen.pdf and genl info http://www.medlink.com/medlinkcontent.asp
  22. it is a very high powered drug and personally I would not go near it, especially for a child there are some threads all over NeuroTalk on it here is one of them http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/showthread.php?t=78328
  23. just a word of caution as grapeFRUIT seed extract (as opposed to grapeseed extract) is known to have some interactions with medications so please anyone reading this who has themselves or a child on prescription meds, check with your physician first before using grapeFRUIT seed extract https://www.health.harvard.edu/fhg/updates/update0206d.shtml
  24. Hi we went through a lot of that when my son was younger. his food phases. they would usually cycle round again tho so things that were out could come back in he is much better with it but still has specific rules re his food. when he goes off something he refers to it still as having "funny tastebuds" on it I do think it has an OCD component as well as related to the sensory integration dysfunction that my son has one thing I can guarantee is if he likes something and I stock up on it....it will soon be a no no. something about seeing lots of a thing puts him off have you had PANDAS testing done re the throat culture and antibody blood tests?
  25. sorry if I wasnt clear enough with what I posted above...yes, he took it separately and yes it helped greatly. B5 is specifically recommended for bruxism/teeth grinding tics
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