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Your thread got a little side tracked. We have so many helpful and enthusiastic parents here, it's easy to have happen :lol:


I noticed them a few years ago now that we (my hubby & I) have thought about it and researched different types of tics. I now know that throat clearing, constant coughing, "huh" sounds constantly, always having a belly ache with no known source (she goes to the dr. more than any child around here, the dr. jokes what's wrong this time) but we never in a million years thought tics, just she was overly sensitive. The last time she was vaccinated was in 2005, so I don't know if it could be that. She has been sent home from school 4 times since school started this year for getting so dizzy from the neck bobbing she has fell out of her desk and once was unconscience for a few seconds so we took her to urgent care for tests. They did blood test for thyroid, lead, iron, and others but they came back normal. She had her ears cleaned b/c she produces alot of wax if that makes a difference. She has had a sleep deprived EEG that was normal, we still have a CT scan next Mon. I try really hard to keep her diet healthy when she is at home but she has 3 sets of grandparents she visits often and greatgrandparents that let her junk out on the weekend when she goes there.


What do I need to send to the school to let them know she has these tics and its not her fault and she can't control them. She is getting in trouble by the adults. and the bus driver actually told my daughter she needed professional help, (I was on the phone to his supervisor before he turned around in my driveway) BTW Thanks for all your help, your replies help to put a worried moms mind to ease a little

I must have missed your daughters age, is she 11? Do you know which vaccines your daughter got in 05? Do you happen to remember if she had any other illness or had been taking antibiotics around the same time?



She had her ears cleaned b/c she produces alot of wax if that makes a difference.


Btwn the frequent stomach aches and the excessive ear wax, I'm wondering if you have had any testing done for yeast overgrowth?



the bus driver actually told my daughter she needed professional help
Holy cow, did he lose his job? THAT is SO unacceptable! Did you follow up to see if this person had any consequences?



What do I need to send to the school to let them know she has these tics and its not her fault and she can't control them


I have had private conversations with teachers, and have talked with the counselor also. Recently, my youngest son was sent to a session where they make a contract with a counselor to correct a "misbehavior." In his case, he had 3 tardies for class. This was due to the fact that he was trying to use the bathroom btwn class. He said the halls are crowded, you have to get to your locker, and there just is not time to "take a whiz" in his words, btwn classes. Well, he doesn't eat a lot, but does drink quite a bit, and if he needs extra bathroom passes, he darn well better get them.


Cheri, and others can probably advise you on the best course for dealing with the school. I think Faith is going through that right now too.

Hugs to you and your daughter. I hope things are looking up.

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Your thread got a little side tracked. We have so many helpful and enthusiastic parents here, it's easy to have happen :)


I noticed them a few years ago now that we (my hubby & I) have thought about it and researched different types of tics. I now know that throat clearing, constant coughing, "huh" sounds constantly, always having a belly ache with no known source (she goes to the dr. more than any child around here, the dr. jokes what's wrong this time) but we never in a million years thought tics, just she was overly sensitive. The last time she was vaccinated was in 2005, so I don't know if it could be that. She has been sent home from school 4 times since school started this year for getting so dizzy from the neck bobbing she has fell out of her desk and once was unconscience for a few seconds so we took her to urgent care for tests. They did blood test for thyroid, lead, iron, and others but they came back normal. She had her ears cleaned b/c she produces alot of wax if that makes a difference. She has had a sleep deprived EEG that was normal, we still have a CT scan next Mon. I try really hard to keep her diet healthy when she is at home but she has 3 sets of grandparents she visits often and greatgrandparents that let her junk out on the weekend when she goes there.


What do I need to send to the school to let them know she has these tics and its not her fault and she can't control them. She is getting in trouble by the adults. and the bus driver actually told my daughter she needed professional help, (I was on the phone to his supervisor before he turned around in my driveway) BTW Thanks for all your help, your replies help to put a worried moms mind to ease a little

I must have missed your daughters age, is she 11? Do you know which vaccines your daughter got in 05? Do you happen to remember if she had any other illness or had been taking antibiotics around the same time?



She had her ears cleaned b/c she produces alot of wax if that makes a difference.
Btwn the frequent stomach aches and the excessive ear wax, I'm wondering if you have had any testing done for yeast overgrowth?



the bus driver actually told my daughter she needed professional help
Holy cow, did he lose his job? THAT is SO unacceptable! Did you follow up to see if this person had any consequences?



What do I need to send to the school to let them know she has these tics and its not her fault and she can't control them
I have had private conversations with teachers, and have talked with the counselor also. Recently, my youngest son was sent to a session where they make a contract with a counselor to correct a "misbehavior." In his case, he had 3 tardies for class. This was due to the fact that he was trying to use the bathroom btwn class. He said the halls are crowded, you have to get to your locker, and there just is not time to "take a whiz" in his words, btwn classes. Well, he doesn't eat a lot, but does drink quite a bit, and if he needs extra bathroom passes, he darn well better get them.


Cheri, and others can probably advise you on the best course for dealing with the school. I think Faith is going through that right now too.

Hugs to you and your daughter. I hope things are looking up.

Hi Kim,


I'm a Kim too. Yes my daughters 11 years old. I can't remember off the top of my head what the vaccines were for in 05 (I have Epilepsy and am on medication myself) I think it was a booster. She has only had regular run of the mill colds, nothing major. She's been on antibiotics a few times (amoxicillan sp).


I did have a talk with the bus driver and of course he says he didn't mean no harm he was concerned, but it hurt my babies feeling reguardless of his intent. I called his supervisor and had a letter put in his file. It was all on video tape for his boss to see, since his bus has a camera.


Another question I have is this, my girl loves her candy!!! I have been trying to find her some with no artificial colors or flavors and it is hard as heck. Does anyone know where I can find some that she might like? This place is a wealth of info and peace of mind, I am so glad I found it. Thanks to EVERYONE who has helped me helped my daughter. Have a nice night!!!


Hey kim too!


Does your daughter ever complain of her ears itching? My son with the excessive ear wax, used to frantically itch his ears, even in his sleep. I have seen this ear wax, itching, referred to many many times as yeast in ear. He never had any ear wax that you could see, it was always deep in the ear canal. Also, "loves her candy," another sign of yeast overgrowth. You may want to try some Mullan's garlic ear drops. There are several things to treat yeast in the gut, naturally, or if you plan on seeing any type of an environmental, DAN dr. etc. you could get testing and guidance that way.


If your Dr. did the lead blood test, that mine did (reg ped.) this test will show ongoing exposure, if present. However, these metals will only show in the blood for a short time, then they settle in tissue or bone. A neg lead test, is good, but it does not necessarily rule out past exposure and what has been retained elsewhere.


If you think, in any way, shape or form, that your daughters health or tic status deteriorated around the time she was vaccinated, I would definitely get a copy of her record from her Dr. Just tell them that you need a copy for your records, school needs a copy, whatever. As long as you just ask, casually, no one will even question it. Please consider this link, as likely, you will be faced with the decision of further vaccines, in the near future.


I am so happy to hear that a letter was placed in the bus drivers file anyway. Maybe it will stop him from making another child, who is struggling with medical issues, feel bad. These kids have enough to deal with in the self esteem dept. to have to put up with things like that, out of adults too

  • 3 weeks later...
Hey kim too!


Does your daughter ever complain of her ears itching? My son with the excessive ear wax, used to frantically itch his ears, even in his sleep. I have seen this ear wax, itching, referred to many many times as yeast in ear. He never had any ear wax that you could see, it was always deep in the ear canal. Also, "loves her candy," another sign of yeast overgrowth. You may want to try some Mullan's garlic ear drops. There are several things to treat yeast in the gut, naturally, or if you plan on seeing any type of an environmental, DAN dr. etc. you could get testing and guidance that way.


If your Dr. did the lead blood test, that mine did (reg ped.) this test will show ongoing exposure, if present. However, these metals will only show in the blood for a short time, then they settle in tissue or bone. A neg lead test, is good, but it does not necessarily rule out past exposure and what has been retained elsewhere.


If you think, in any way, shape or form, that your daughters health or tic status deteriorated around the time she was vaccinated, I would definitely get a copy of her record from her Dr. Just tell them that you need a copy for your records, school needs a copy, whatever. As long as you just ask, casually, no one will even question it. Please consider this link, as likely, you will be faced with the decision of further vaccines, in the near future.


I am so happy to hear that a letter was placed in the bus drivers file anyway. Maybe it will stop him from making another child, who is struggling with medical issues, feel bad. These kids have enough to deal with in the self esteem dept. to have to put up with things like that, out of adults too

Just wanted to let everyone know that my daughters tics are almost un-noticeable anymore since I've been following the advice given on this website. Finding this website was a Godsend!!! Giving her the liquid magnesium, natural vitamins, staying away from artificial colorings as much as possible (darn Halloween had to come :) ) and keeping her away from so much caffine was the trick for us. I just had to go back to the neuro and show him what I found on the "world wide web". In his words "unless we put her on meds, their is NOTHING to do" and he had to go to how many years and pay how much money to medical school to come up with this conclusion! I'm sorry I am losing faith in medical docs. I will start going the homeopathic way from now on. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart everyone. My daughter is happy again.


what wonderful news pesosmom :)


thank you so much for the feedback, and I am so glad that you too have found such good results from what many of us have found to be beneficial in reducing tics.


all the best



Hello, I was just wondering how your daughter is now and what have you done since this post. I am new here, and posted just 2 days ago about my daughters tick which began 2 months ago, she is 12. I am so desperate to help her. Just wanted to know if you did anything that was helpful.


I'm new to this all. About 6 months ago is when we started noticing our daughter tics. I noticed that she was always clearing her throat and grunting like she had something in it and she would rub her eyes and look so far off towards her ears that you couldn't see the colored part anymore. We took her to the reg. doc who ran test and said she was fine, went to the eye doc who said her vision was fine. Then a few month later the tics got worse along with awful headaches. I have epilepsy so I made an appt. with a neuro to rule out any sort of seizures. They ran a sleep deprived EEG and said it was normal, even though she was ticcing during the test. The neuro says it is a mild form "TRANSIENT TICS" and we shouldn't be worried. But I am, she has always done well in school, now she never does homework because she forgets to bring it home. Kids are making fun of her, the teachers are on her case for not staying still and disrupting class(I have had numerous meeting with them letting them now what is going on with her health, I live in a small town 10 minutes from UGA) and the stress from all of this is making her tics worse. She is now ticcing where her head shakes up and down like she is saying yes but hard. She won't let anyone touch her without getting mad. We didn't want to put her on meds but since school started its gotten 10 times worse. Is their anything to try before meds, the doctor said meds can make it worse in the long run and they were amphetamine based and the side effects weren't worth it in his opinion. Should I get a 2nd opinion? I just want my daughter too be health and happy like she was a year ago :) Thanks Kim


if you read just above your and my last posts you will see pesosmom gave an update today on how well her child is doing now on the supplements and good diet :)


Terrific Pesosmom!!!,


I just prayed yesterday for God to ease my burden of worry about our son's future. And a couple hours later read your post. Yours, along with many others on here gives tremendous hope and does in fact lift that burden. I to thanked God for the ACN forum and all of the terrific people who take time out of their busy schedules to post.


May God bless everyone on this forum with great health, hope, perserverance and the answers they search for. And may God provide an extra blessing for those who dedicate their time and energy to help those (who come here in desparation) who never fail to provide a response even though they have many other things they could be doing with their time - they, and everyone here knows who they are. This is my prayer that I ask in our Lord's name, Amen.




This is such good news Pesosmom. I am very happy to read of your good results and pray that your child will have complete healing. Your post has also been very encouraging for me as since mid August my 14 year old daughter started the same head nodding like she is saying yes and also does it side to side. Someone else described it well, "... head nodding as in saying yes and trying to crack her neck at the same time". It is very odd and it just started out of the blue with my daughter. However, in mid July she had to have her booster shots for school, as well as a mengitis vaccine, and I am now wondering if those caused this to happen.


You will see from my previous posts that my daughter suffered from excessive eye blinking some years ago but, thankfully, that just about disappeared! In the past I have noticed her flexing her stomach muscles as well but didnt' realise it could also be a tic! I read on here that others have seen the same thing happen.


This new head nodding etc is such a worry. In late August/early September I put her back on some of the supplements that helped for her eye blinking - Super Vitamin B Complex by Allergy Research Group, Klaire Labs P-5-P Plus (Pyridoxal 5 phosphate with magnesium) and Klaire Labs Zinc Plus (all natural vits. with no added dyes or preservatives) - and these helped initially, along with massage sessions, and the nodding subsided. However, over the last two weeks it is back again and I am not sure what else to do. She was on mid-term break and was watching TV excessively and I believe it contributed to this happening again. She had two massages this week and I have been making sure she takes her supplements (she will sometime not take them and pretend that she has because she hates it!). Yesterday her head movements were pretty bad and I am worried sick. I know it is all stressful for her too. She is a sweet and quiet girl (tends to hold things to herself) and I worry about her personal stress levels and the emotional effect it is having on her. The magnesium in her tablets is only 100 mg and at this age she probably needs more, so I think it is time to consult the doctor again and I will ask about adding taurine.


In the meantime, any advice anyone can offer me will be welcome! Thank you all for sharing and for being there.




Hello pesosmom,

I am so delighted that your daughters tics subsided! It gives hope to everyone else. As I mentioned in a previous posting, my 12 year old daughter developed twitching in both of her shoulders at the end of August, after being very anxious about starting Middle school, we have had so many tests, all came back normal. Yet both shoulders are ticing and the muscles hurt a lot as a result of it. the kids are asking her in school why her shoulder is jumping all the time and I am so afraid that it will become a vicious cycle where it will only increase in intensity because the kids are asking, she feels more uncomfartable. We have gone thru physical theraphy(was useless), biofeedback(did not help), accupunture (3 sessions so far, insurance does not cover it and I don't know if it helps), and are doing massage theraphy as well. Massage makes her feel better, interesting that the massage therapist told me that she thinks the problem is in her neck with all the muscles being so tied up and that it manifests itself in a shoulder. Should we go to chiropractor? I am really besides myself. Untill I found this website, I truly thought that we were the only one with this issue. We leave about 30 min from NY city in a highly populated area, one would think that either neourologist or pediatrician dealt with issues like this one before.

I started my daughter 2 days ago on (she weights 100 pnds and is very tall) Magnesium 2 tablespoon, Multivitamins from the health strore, coromega 3. I think I read somewhere that ticks may become more intense at first? For the past 2 days her shoulders have been twitching really a lot. I guess I need with above supplements no matter what hoping that reaction will reverse itself?

Thank you everyone for all your help!!! I feel like souch a scatter brain, asking questions that may be were already answered elsewhere, I don't thing I ever felt so hopeless...

Thank you!













Hey kim too!


Does your daughter ever complain of her ears itching? My son with the excessive ear wax, used to frantically itch his ears, even in his sleep. I have seen this ear wax, itching, referred to many many times as yeast in ear. He never had any ear wax that you could see, it was always deep in the ear canal. Also, "loves her candy," another sign of yeast overgrowth. You may want to try some Mullan's garlic ear drops. There are several things to treat yeast in the gut, naturally, or if you plan on seeing any type of an environmental, DAN dr. etc. you could get testing and guidance that way.


If your Dr. did the lead blood test, that mine did (reg ped.) this test will show ongoing exposure, if present. However, these metals will only show in the blood for a short time, then they settle in tissue or bone. A neg lead test, is good, but it does not necessarily rule out past exposure and what has been retained elsewhere.


If you think, in any way, shape or form, that your daughters health or tic status deteriorated around the time she was vaccinated, I would definitely get a copy of her record from her Dr. Just tell them that you need a copy for your records, school needs a copy, whatever. As long as you just ask, casually, no one will even question it. Please consider this link, as likely, you will be faced with the decision of further vaccines, in the near future.


I am so happy to hear that a letter was placed in the bus drivers file anyway. Maybe it will stop him from making another child, who is struggling with medical issues, feel bad. These kids have enough to deal with in the self esteem dept. to have to put up with things like that, out of adults too

Just wanted to let everyone know that my daughters tics are almost un-noticeable anymore since I've been following the advice given on this website. Finding this website was a Godsend!!! Giving her the liquid magnesium, natural vitamins, staying away from artificial colorings as much as possible (darn Halloween had to come :) ) and keeping her away from so much caffine was the trick for us. I just had to go back to the neuro and show him what I found on the "world wide web". In his words "unless we put her on meds, their is NOTHING to do" and he had to go to how many years and pay how much money to medical school to come up with this conclusion! I'm sorry I am losing faith in medical docs. I will start going the homeopathic way from now on. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart everyone. My daughter is happy again.


Hi Annag,


I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time. There is alot of help on this forum for tic problems. We use Bontech supplements (which are specifically made for kids with tics and ocd issues) and we found that they work quite well on our son. If you read through the posts on this forum as much as you can you shoulf be able to find some very useful information. During and after your reading through if you have questions right them down and than post them on here and someone will come along to try and help.


I and many others on here know that feeling of hopelessness. But be assured, there is always hope, and if you continue searching and asking I believe you will find some help for your daughter.


Another question I have is this, my girl loves her candy!!! I have been trying to find her some with no artificial colors or flavors and it is hard as heck. Does anyone know where I can find some that she might like? This place is a wealth of info and peace of mind, I am so glad I found it. Thanks to EVERYONE who has helped me helped my daughter. Have a nice night!!!



Im having a hard time following this but i do have some good news for candy lovers. I knew candy had to be the first thing to do from my son's diet when i tried to clean it up with all that sugar, Fd and C red and blue and all that junk. I went to the health food store and they had a wide variety of candy! They of course have all kinds of cookies which are all natural and i have bought dark chocolate bars and different gummy candies which are sweetend with fruit juice and naturally colored. They are a brand called "Lets Do Organic". I hope this helps. When we first took his candy away we kept the old wrappers and candy bags and filled them with the all natural candies - yes it was a trick but my son is only 8 and very emotional and easily upset so this was a way we transitioned him with candy. I really hate Halloween by the way!!! Good luck!


Airbucket and anyone interested in the candies,

I just want to mention that just because the candies are organic and made with some wholesome ingredients, there is still the issue of ingredients that may not be on someones menu, for instance I can't get a lot of those type candies anyway because I'll see some form of corn in it. And some of the cookies may have corn, yeast or dairy, which some here are watching for. So as usual, still read the labels and be aware of all the ingredients.



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