Florida Posted June 9, 2007 Report Posted June 9, 2007 Hi Florida, Just wanted to mention that several folks on this board, myself included, have noticed an increase in tics when they take fish oil... You might want to look for an alternative.Jeff Thanks for the warning Jeff. He is so much better today. Only a slight ticcing in his face now... nothing compared to the last week! I'm watching him closely and if it gets bad again I'll try some flax oil or something else recommended here. I was absolutely desperate when I started him on the vitamins and fish oil the other night. I don't think it could have gotten much worse.
Florida Posted June 13, 2007 Report Posted June 13, 2007 It's been about a week now since I started giving my son B-Complex sublingual liquid, fish oil and zinc. Today he hasn't had one tic and he seems really happy about that. He is taking the supplements without me having to make him. He said he gets a good buzzing feeling in his head when he takes the B-complex and he doesn't feel as tired as he had been feeling.
lmcgill Posted June 14, 2007 Report Posted June 14, 2007 It's been about a week now since I started giving my son B-Complex sublingual liquid, fish oil and zinc. Today he hasn't had one tic and he seems really happy about that. He is taking the supplements without me having to make him. He said he gets a good buzzing feeling in his head when he takes the B-complex and he doesn't feel as tired as he had been feeling. So maybe you can change the topic to "Stopped tics". That is good news, our son has been doing great for a few weeks too. Please keep us updated every once in awile. Lenny
patty Posted June 14, 2007 Report Posted June 14, 2007 Florida, Great news! I am so happy for your son & you. Can you tell me info on the b-complex and zinc, like brand and dosage? Also, how do you figure he is deficient in these 2 areas? Patty
Florida Posted June 14, 2007 Report Posted June 14, 2007 Florida, Great news! I am so happy for your son & you. Can you tell me info on the b-complex and zinc, like brand and dosage? Also, how do you figure he is deficient in these 2 areas? Patty Hi Patty, I have or had no idea if he is deficient in b vitamins or zinc. I only came here and saw that many were taking those supplements with good results so I figured that they couldn't hurt to try and I did have some on hand. Only the Spring Valley brand sold at Walmart though. Sublingual B=Complex 1 dropper full and I break a 50 mg zinc tablet in half since he is already taking a daily vitamin for teens with 15 mg zinc and I give him 1 1000 mg Omega 3 Fish Oil softgel. He'll be 14 next month and seems to be having a very fast growth spurt right now, and having alot of growing pains, so he may be lacking in something... seems like he grew a couple of inches overnight... and can throw me up in the air and catch me. He has also been slow at getting his adult teeth and some more of them have been coming in lately. I have no idea if this has anything to do with the horrible tic episode.
patty Posted June 15, 2007 Report Posted June 15, 2007 Florida, Thx for the info. Just want to mention to you that according to my children's chiropractor, there is no such thing as growing pain. Most growing pain is in the shin area, the lower part of the leg and it is due to the uneven of the two legs. Since my kids having been getting chiropractic care, they hardly have anymore growing pain. Patty
Florida Posted June 15, 2007 Report Posted June 15, 2007 Florida, Thx for the info. Just want to mention to you that according to my children's chiropractor, there is no such thing as growing pain. Most growing pain is in the shin area, the lower part of the leg and it is due to the uneven of the two legs. Since my kids having been getting chiropractic care, they hardly have anymore growing pain. Patty We don't have insurance and I can't afford a chiropractor for my son. Doctor visits in our family are for emergency only. I remember having growing pains. My daughter had terrible growing pains in her legs. I know other mothers who have kids who suffer growing pains during growth spurts. It can't all be due to "un-even legs" because it does pass when growing stops. No offense, but why are you having your children treated for something by a chiropractor who claims there is "no such thing as" the thing he is treating? Our doctor said that sometimes it's a case of bones growing faster than the ligaments and such. They do catch up eventually and stretching exercises do help also. Zinc is supposed to help too.
patty Posted June 15, 2007 Report Posted June 15, 2007 Florida, Our chirop told me "growing pain" is not due to growing or growth spurts. And one of the causes is uneven legs and it is not visible unless you know how to check for it. Of course, there are other causes, but i forgot what he told me. The chirop adjustment and CS therapy helped my children with pain. It may not be for everyone but it works for us. Patty
Florida Posted June 16, 2007 Report Posted June 16, 2007 Florida, Our chirop told me "growing pain" is not due to growing or growth spurts. And one of the causes is uneven legs and it is not visible unless you know how to check for it. Of course, there are other causes, but i forgot what he told me. The chirop adjustment and CS therapy helped my children with pain. It may not be for everyone but it works for us. Patty It's good that the chiropractor is helping. I mis-understood your post.
ml_gwi Posted June 16, 2007 Report Posted June 16, 2007 Hello everyone, I am very glad to have found this site. I have an 11 year old son who started having tics about a few months ago. however, we thought that it was just bad habits i.e. making sounds, barking, eye darting, throat clearing, shouting etc. as it comes and goes and moves from one tic to another and sometimes completely disappears, until we realized that it is in all probability signs of TS. He is taking vitamin B complex and as i have been reading the other posts in this forum I realize that food is a very important factor . is there anyone who can furnish or post a list of the FOODS TO AVOID and FOODS THAT HELP LESSEN THE TICS ? any help would be deeply appreciated. thanks in advance. ml_gwi
Chemar Posted June 16, 2007 Report Posted June 16, 2007 welcome ml_gwi the only foods one can absolutely say to consistently avoid are artificial, processed, preserved, artificially colored and flavored and sweetened (remember splenda/sucralose is ARTIFICIAL too!!) All of the other natural foods are subject to whether one has allergy or sensitivity to them. For example, my son does NOT have food allergies or sensitivities and we have found that he can pretty much eat anything wholesome. However, if he even nibbles on "junk food" his tics and OCD flare up For those who are sensitive or allergic to dairy products, or gluten, corn, salicylate containing foods etc etc........they are the ones who need to avoid those foods. Many have found that the best way to test (apart from formal food sensitivity/allergy tests) is to eliminate those foods groups one by one from the diet and note the effect. then reintroduce (again group by group) and note again. Many find that dairy, wheat and corn may be better being avoided, and those of our members who adhere to the Feingold diet have a number of food groups that they avoid. Becasue of children's nutritional needs, one really should give them as balanced a diet as possible and only remove food groups based on a clear allergy or as related to a specific health diet (eg feingold) otherwise malnutrition and other problems can arise Hope that explains the food issues a bit better. For starters, get rid of anything artificial, processed, preserved, colored, artificially sweetened and you should already see an improvement. then check dairy etc and see if things improve or not before eliminating them, hope that helps a bit. Cheri
Betty04 Posted February 7, 2009 Report Posted February 7, 2009 Itsme, I have meaning to respond to this sooner, but I couldn't find the info in my files that I needed This is just one possible thing, that I can see that may have negative effects for some. A Dr. that I have referred to on this forum a few times , made a couple of remarks regarding vit B6's involvement in regards to kynurenine, which apparently has been found to be high in people with TS, alzheimers and autism. Her work involves supplementation based on genetic profiles. Anyway, she basically said that she has not always found high levels of B6/P5P to be helpful (doesn't say what "high" levels would be) because kynurenic acid is calming for neuro. transmitters, but the substance which kynurenic acid is converted into by B6, quinolinic acid, is excitatory. If you were taking the full dose of the vits, it would have given you 100mgs of B6. I wonder if initially, you saw a reduction, but as you continued on the 100mgs of B6, you increased levels of quinolinic acid? This initial improvement with B6, is something a friend of mine on another forum, with a pretty severe vocal tics experienced too. He was not taking a multi, only a couple of individual supplements. If you have any further interest in this, let me know, and I can PM you, and provide links to the forum and threads where this is discussed by the Dr. I mentioned. There are also a couple of remarks regarding the involvement of tryptophan/chronic viral/bacterial infections/kyurenine/B6. Kim, Is it possible to get the links to the forums/threads you mentioned? I am trying to figure out what to give my son regarding the B vitamins. He initially responded very well to p-5-p and then things worsened. TIA!
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