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Hi Lenny,

Could you elaborate more on the b-complex that you used and then switched to. If anyone recalls, I have been wondering myself about my son's reaction to b vits and have been experimenting. My current suspicion is that he seems(?) to tic more while on something in b complex--niacin or folic acid? So I'm cutting it out for now. Could you tell me more about what's in your b-complex and the one you switched to? So you think he had minimal tics when you switched back to the old one? Please let me know your experience. It would be interesting to know other experiences with B's.




Sure, I had (and have) him on Natural Factors Hi Potency B 50mg dose. When we switched to Kirkland (Costco) B Complex he seemed to increas tics mildly. The main difference is dosage I.E B1 in Costco was 15mg and NF was 50mg. The Costco B1 used was from Mononitrate and the NF was Hydrochloride. Otherwise, thinking about it now, I should have increased the amount of the Costco, but they are quite large and the NF is the same size. We also give him chidrens Natural Calm in the evening, and along with his B-complex in the morning I give him 1 Attentive child by Source Naturals and 1 Learning Factors by Natural Factors. Maybe it is the right combination for now, but like I mentioned in a previous response, was it the Almonds or Cheezies he was on??

He seems to be tic free this weekend, and sleeping much better.



Tics seem to have subsided again. Only see one or two small shoulder shrugs every couple hours if that. We are keeping x-box and WII playing very limited. Also trying to totally eliminate the artificial everything. I just keep thinking in my mind the tics will come back, I wish I could relax! After the supplements we have been giving him for the last 5 months, when the tics have come back, they are very mild.





Glad to hear that your son's tics returned mildly and infrequently. I did notice when we took away food coloring, additives, preservatives and artifical flavors, my son's tics reduced.


If you need help on what to buy, i will be glad to help you. Hopefully i can save you some time on this time-consuming task.




Well yesterday he started a bit with the shoulder shrugs, this has to be transient. He was playing on some grass, not sure if it was the fertilizer, he had Pizza as well, then he has a jacket that has been bugging him, it seems to keep falling off his shoulders. Once again, I wish I knew. They are mild, hopefully they will not get worse. It just makes me feel sick inside, tomorrow is another day!


What you are decribing is almost exactly what we are experiencing with my 8 year old daughter. So far very mild, most days hardly noticable. Mostly now only shoulder shrugs and grimacing. I don't know what to make of this whole thing either. Its the not knowing whats going to happen with this that is the worst. If this is all that ever comes of it then no big deal, but how do you really know eh?


We have been making sure our daughter gets some magnesium each day. Mainly, she has been eating broccoli (fortunetly she loves it) and purified water enhanced with magnesium sulfate. Not sure if this appropriate levels of magnesium but I do know that tics have not worsened since her onset about 5 weeks ago. In fact, we they first appeared they seemed to be at their worst.


Although I have a brother with TS and clearly a genetic link, I'm clinging to the statistics that as many as 20% of children experience transient tics in their early school years.


Hoping for the best for all of us!



What you are decribing is almost exactly what we are experiencing with my 8 year old daughter. So far very mild, most days hardly noticable. Mostly now only shoulder shrugs and grimacing. I don't know what to make of this whole thing either. Its the not knowing whats going to happen with this that is the worst. If this is all that ever comes of it then no big deal, but how do you really know eh?


We have been making sure our daughter gets some magnesium each day. Mainly, she has been eating broccoli (fortunetly she loves it) and purified water enhanced with magnesium sulfate. Not sure if this appropriate levels of magnesium but I do know that tics have not worsened since her onset about 5 weeks ago. In fact, we they first appeared they seemed to be at their worst.


Although I have a brother with TS and clearly a genetic link, I'm clinging to the statistics that as many as 20% of children experience transient tics in their early school years.


Hoping for the best for all of us!



I am thinking the same thing! He has had them on and off for about 9 months and they have not been bad compared to others on this forum. I do not think he has TS, we have no history in our family and he has never had any vocal tics. As of this morning, he was still doing the shoulder shrugs and some eye rolling.

What really had me sick inside is not knowing if it will turn into TS, or more importantly, if it will get worse!

Somtimes reading too much on the web can be a bad thing. I keep hearing that the tics can peak at 11 or 12. I am not too sure how to prepare. They do go away for months at a time, and the last time he had them before this weekend was first of March and they were very mild and only lasted for a couple days. Please send a personal PM if you would like, I am thinking about trying "Bontech" supps, just need to find out where to get them??



Here is the link to Bonnie's site.


Both of my boys use the Bontech vits. and we have found them to be very helpful.



I see her site, but can you get her products at any local Vitamin stores? I did email the site on the weekend and have not had a response yet.




When I email a vit. order, I usually get a confirmation email, that the order has shipped, within a day or two.


If they are available in any health stores, I'm not aware of it.


Did you email an inquiry, or an order?


Hello, I just wanted to say that even IF your son had TS there is an upside: http://p069.ezboard.com/ftourettesyndromen...picID=740.topic


My name is gullydevi on the board above and I put this info together a while back after my dd was diagnosed. Also researchers are beginning to look at "tics" as a "marker" for related issues rather than the arbitrary TS dx criteria. I feel that a tic is a tic frankly. Kids with transient tics likely have many of the same "issues" as kids with the defined TS diagnosis.


Also wanted to mention that TV doesn't personally effect my child tic wise, but she does seem to benefit from Inositol for OCD and magnesium for her tics?


Best wishes to you. Your son sounds amazing and it sounds like he's thriving in spite of his challenges. How wonderful that is!




I agree, all that talk about tics or TS get worse between 10 to 12 is a bit unnerving.


I have a mantra that i say to myself everyday and it keeps me focus.


"I will not worry or fear what tomorrow will bring. I will trust my faith in God and do the best i can today to lay the foundation for tomorrow." I know everyday my son's immune system is getting better because we eat healthy, excercise, used alternative treatments and take supplements. As Laurensmom point out, tics & TS can be outgrow.





I agree, all that talk about tics or TS get worse between 10 to 12 is a bit unnerving.


I have a mantra that i say to myself everyday and it keeps me focus.


"I will not worry or fear what tomorrow will bring. I will trust my faith in God and do the best i can today to lay the foundation for tomorrow." I know everyday my son's immune system is getting better because we eat healthy, excercise, used alternative treatments and take supplements. As Laurensmom point out, tics & TS can be outgrow.



My mantra is claiming Gods promise that "He will never give us more then we are individualy allowed to bare"



We went away for Easter to our inlaws. He started the eye rolling as well as the shoulder shrugging. I am (almost) convinced it is eggs. He seems to have increased tics on the weekend, and he only gets eggs on the weekends.

I got him some Taurine tabs Friday, I am curious as to if they will help. Otherwise, I am going to try no eggs for a week.

I am also going to make an appointment for a Naturalist Dr. I want some more in depth test done for food/enviroment alergies. Here in BC Canada, we have to pay for that kind of DR!


  • 4 weeks later...


I finally have an appointment with a Naturapath Dr today. When I first called the Dr I am taking my son too asked some good questions. She also wants me to bring in the current supp. he is taking. I am going to ask for a in depth alergy test as well as heavy metal. Any other tests that I should ask for?

Thanks in advance

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