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Hi all, just a curiousity. After some amazing progress over the last year or more we are seeing an increase over the last two to three weeks in tics. They seem unexplained as foods etc haven't really changed. I was curious after reading other posts as to how many others are seeing a similar increase. I wonder if it may be lunar or even a reaction to weather patterns ie. Irene.

Would love to hear if anyone has thoughts etc.




Hi Megan,

We have had a noticeable rise here, too.

Trying to explain it in different ways, but really, we're like you, doing pretty much the same things.

Our multi has gone without an ingredient which was previously included in its formula (glucosamine sulfate), so I was thinking that might have something to do with it. I ordered some gs separately and have added it to his multi both yesterday and today. But this wouldn't relate to you, since you're using a different multi.


I was thinking seasonal inhalents might have something to do with it, and am about to schedule allergy tests for those that are most common around here.


Maybe school? We started last week.


I hope you'll (we'll) see things calm down soon.


Thanks for sharing; funny how things have been active for several people on the board over the past few weeks.


Take care!



Our kids started last week as well. It is a possibility but I'm not fully convinced, can't explain it...it just doesn't feel like that's his cause. Seasonal inhalants are definately a possibility here as well but again the tics don't sound like his usual allergy tics, although his sister is suffering from some allergy type symptoms and even I find I am clearing my throat more over the last weeks or so, who knows????

Please keep me posted, it would be very curious if they also decline around the same time, sigh-just when I think I've almost got it all figured out, how arrogant of me :wacko:


Best wishes as well and hopes for quick waning,




Make that 3...


We had been doing much better February through July. Now, the last 2-3 weeks have been awful. The tics are waxing & we have an almost constant breathing tic.


I thought DS was leveling out & I thought I was leveling out & have realized neither is the case. I'm about to go off the edge with this one. So, hard to watch. Plus, school starting. It's so disheartening! :(


I don't have any extra thoughts because I have no idea what caused our spike, but just wanted to say I can relate.


Take care.


me too i think it is the hurricane crazyness in nj


Us too. We have been almost tic free since January and then, about 4 weeks ago, we started to see the tics come back. I am so upset because i thought we were good. We had never had such a good stretch since his tics began. The neurologist believes it is the time of year when kids get nerves for school but i am not convinced. I hope they all settle soon and we all have an even longer good stretch.


Us too. We have had amazing progress over the year. But I have seen an increase in her tics the last two weeks. An old neck stretching rolling one I haven't seen in ages and a breathing tic this week. Last week it was an arm thrusting tic that is so severe that it causes pain. This too is a tic she had years ago. We don't start school until next week - so it isn't school stress I don't think. Pretty much everything else is the same. I had cut back drastically on vitamin D - because she was getting a lot naturally and I wasnt' consistent with her Vitamin E - so I was wondering if the reduction in those two vitamins were the cause. But maybe not if others are seeing the same? Interesting to see how the next few weeks will be for us all.


All of my children's tics have increased a bunch in the last 2-3 weeks also. My theory is the humidity building up over the summer--it increases the mold spores both in and out of the house. And with Irene coming up the coast carrying all that humidity with it, didn't help. This is the second summer I have paid real close attention and same thing happened last summer too. I also DO NOT think it is school nerves.


change of season always seems to be a tic increase time, with this time of year seemingly more pronounced.


re the hurricane, even tho it passed us by here in Florida, we were impacted by the outer bands and my son experienced increased tics which he attributes to the atmospheric pressure change it caused...something he can actively "feel" and has noticed before with hurricanes

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