KevinInMA Posted October 16, 2010 Author Report Posted October 16, 2010 (edited) Ya know, now that I think about it, the cough does tend to worsen with exertion. Over the summer I remember noticing that he coughed a lot when he was playing in the pool but it went away shortly after he relaxed. I should bring that up with Thea. See what she thinks. By the way, as soon as he got in the bath he stopped coughing and hasn't started since. Edited October 16, 2010 by KevinInMA
KevinInMA Posted October 17, 2010 Author Report Posted October 17, 2010 Well, after the bath this morning the rest of the day was smoooooth sailing. Even now as he (and this is where it starts because I'm talking about it) eats his final snack before bed he's not making a sound. A LITTLE eye rolling but for the most part the huge majority of his eye rolls have been replaced by a simple blink. I can tell where he'd normal roll his eyes and it's not mostly just a slightly more pronounced blink. Breakfast was fried egg, millet toast and bacon. Snacks were: banana, sweet potato chips (not much), carrots, popcorn, some cashews, some sunflower seeds and finally millet with cashew butter. We had a CRAZY busy fun day. Museum of Science in the morning, Ringling Brothers Circus in the afternoon, and then he spend the evening at my moms so my wife and I could have a nice evening out. We had the challenge of finding things to eat while we were out all day. Lunch at the museum was a hamburger with lettuce and onion. No bread, no condiments. Dinner was the millet chicken fingers again. He loves those things and they're just baked chicken. I can't find a reason to not give them to him when he wants them. I made several extra and froze a bunch. My mom gave them to him tonight. All in all, the day started out concerning (and also kinda stressful for him) and quickly changed to a COMPLETE pleasure. It ended exactly like every night should end- quietly. 'Nite all.
Chemar Posted October 17, 2010 Report Posted October 17, 2010 so glad to hear the update Kevin yay for whatever the epsom tub did to contribute! the epsom salts has dual duty it seems in that the magnesium works its magic on the muscles and nerves while the sulfates seem to aid the detox process and have their own healing properties (eg hot sulfur springs long known for healing ailments)
KevinInMA Posted October 17, 2010 Author Report Posted October 17, 2010 Thanks Cheri, I wasn't aware of the fact that epsom was a different form of Mg than what he's been taking internally. I need to do some reading up on the benefits of sulfates.
KevinInMA Posted October 17, 2010 Author Report Posted October 17, 2010 VERY good morning. Minimal everything. This is getting interesting. Breakfast was scrambled egg sandwich w/ bacon. Then a banana. Lunch will be roast beef with brown rice and green beans. He's got friends over now and they're running around like crazies. We'll see how the activity affects the cough. I also bought some goats milk. I wonder if he'll notice. I don't think I'll tell him what it is before I try to get him to drink it. Also hoping to make a goat yogurt smoothie. Anybody have any thoughts on what fruits to put in it? I have a WIDE variety of fruits now.
KevinInMA Posted October 18, 2010 Author Report Posted October 18, 2010 Well, sometimes no news is good news. This is one of those times. Things continue a slow progression. Once interesting note. We're working on homework a few minutes ago and he says- out of the blue- "Dad! My cough is gone!" to which I replied, "Yeah, it's been pretty much gone for a few days. This is working, isn't it?" This morning before school he coughed a LITTLE. After school, so far nothing. I expect to see it back after gymnastics tonight. While he was playing with his friends yesterday he was coughing quite a bit but nothing concerning. Almost as soon as he was done playing it went away. I'm hoping the same happens tonight after gym. We'll see! Today I'm seeing a small amount of eye rolling and the finger movements are back but so far only during homework. Hope it subsides. I need ideas for breakfast, too. So far it's either his rice cereal, which he likes (he also likes the goats milk!), or some kind of egg sandwich. He prefers his eggs in sandwich form, which is fine. Dinner today is roast chicken, green beans, and brown rice... All leftovers.
KevinInMA Posted October 19, 2010 Author Report Posted October 19, 2010 Well.... End of the night. 3 hours of gymnastics and we're left with...silence. Very pleased. Still, LOTS of blinking and some eye rolling. Hoping this isn't just waxing and waning disguised as progress. Second dinner was an egg sandwich and cashew butter on banana nut toast.
KevinInMA Posted October 19, 2010 Author Report Posted October 19, 2010 Day 10: The cough is severely diminished- nearly gone. All other tics are still going strong except the eye roll which still seems to be more of a blink. The breathing thing that was starting to become a problem a couple weeks ago is still happening but not as bad as it could be. He sniffles all the time now but I'm not sure if thats just allergies. It IS that season. So many variables. This is complicated.
KevinInMA Posted October 21, 2010 Author Report Posted October 21, 2010 Side note- a friends 13 year old daughter succumbed to brain cancer last night after a 6 year fight. I bring this up for two reasons. 1) the following post reminds me slightly of what happened when she first began treatment for her tumor. and 2) Hug your kids often. It could be SO much worse than what we're dealing with. For the last three nights I'd sit down to write a post and start with "Okay, I'm calling it. This cough tic is now dead" but I'm still afraid to make that claim. Even though we're treading new ground with this treatment, we won't know for a LONG time if this is really the cause should the tic going away. We also won't know whether or not it'll come back at any moment. With that in mind, I will say, he hasn't coughed once since early this morning when he coughed... once. Now, with the cough on the way out and the eye rolling to a minimum, the finger fluttering is still around. It's not excessive and it's the least disruptive of all his tics. The newest problem is the sniffling. It's very studdery. It's far more often. It's very very annoying. He says there's nothing in there when he blows his nose and there really doesn't sound like there's anything in there. This doesn't SEEM like a cold or allergies. It has all the makings of a tic. The frustration continues, its just switched sources. None of today's meals were anything out of the ordinary. Don't forget to hug your kids.
Rick43 Posted October 22, 2010 Report Posted October 22, 2010 Kevin, I just found this blog of yours and read the entire thing. That's really great to see the improvements you have seen with your son. Although your last post seems to suggest that you may be seeing a shift in tics from coughing, etc to sniffing. I only just found this forum a few weeks ago, and unlike many people on this forum, it's not my child that has TS/OCD, but me. (43 year old male). I do have very young kids, so I obviously know what to look for as they get older given the fact taht I have it (and have had it basically since I was about 8 or 9). I've only been on the restrictive diet since Oct. 2nd, however I personally am not sure if its working -- but I try to remain optimistic that it will work given what everone else has said. I am also on Bontech and have been taking that since July. I need to re-read your full list of diet restrictions, but I believe I am pretty darn close to that. However, I have been using evaporated cane juice sweetener for gluten free oatmeal, and your blog is making me wonder if I need to cut that out. And I agree, organic brown rice milk is not my favorite, but it's getting better. I am seeing my naturopath tomorrow, as I called her today saying I needed some more ideas, as I don't get why my bontech/restrictive diet doesn't seem to be working. Cheri mentioned tomatoes as a possible issue, so I cut those out 3 days ago as well. I also heard bananas could be bad, so haven't eaten banana's - however, I see banana's aren't an issue for you, which is sure nice. I need to reread your blog again to see if I need to eliminate other foods. I have not yet made the switch to organic meats and do wonder if that may be an issue. only reason I haven't moved to it yet was the chicken I buy is stated as "minimally processed, no additives/preservatives" so it seemed safe. Ohhh, and should mention that I pick up my natural Calm tomorrow that Cheri (Chemar) recommended - however, I did read from Lynn777 who is also on bontech that she say minimal benefit from Natural Calm - so, we'll see. And yes, free will can be tough... the diet I am on (no wheat/gluten, dairy, soy, coffee, alcohol, artificial flavor/color, preservative, artificial sweetener) can be limiting. I will remove evaporated cane juice sweetener if people insist that makes a difference, but man it's sure nice to have just a bit of that on my oatmeal. Rick
mommyfor4 Posted October 22, 2010 Report Posted October 22, 2010 Kevin, I just found this blog of yours and read the entire thing. That's really great to see the improvements you have seen with your son. Although your last post seems to suggest that you may be seeing a shift in tics from coughing, etc to sniffing. I only just found this forum a few weeks ago, and unlike many people on this forum, it's not my child that has TS/OCD, but me. (43 year old male). I do have very young kids, so I obviously know what to look for as they get older given the fact taht I have it (and have had it basically since I was about 8 or 9). I've only been on the restrictive diet since Oct. 2nd, however I personally am not sure if its working -- but I try to remain optimistic that it will work given what everone else has said. I am also on Bontech and have been taking that since July. I need to re-read your full list of diet restrictions, but I believe I am pretty darn close to that. However, I have been using evaporated cane juice sweetener for gluten free oatmeal, and your blog is making me wonder if I need to cut that out. And I agree, organic brown rice milk is not my favorite, but it's getting better. I am seeing my naturopath tomorrow, as I called her today saying I needed some more ideas, as I don't get why my bontech/restrictive diet doesn't seem to be working. Cheri mentioned tomatoes as a possible issue, so I cut those out 3 days ago as well. I also heard bananas could be bad, so haven't eaten banana's - however, I see banana's aren't an issue for you, which is sure nice. I need to reread your blog again to see if I need to eliminate other foods. I have not yet made the switch to organic meats and do wonder if that may be an issue. only reason I haven't moved to it yet was the chicken I buy is stated as "minimally processed, no additives/preservatives" so it seemed safe. Ohhh, and should mention that I pick up my natural Calm tomorrow that Cheri (Chemar) recommended - however, I did read from Lynn777 who is also on bontech that she say minimal benefit from Natural Calm - so, we'll see. And yes, free will can be tough... the diet I am on (no wheat/gluten, dairy, soy, coffee, alcohol, artificial flavor/color, preservative, artificial sweetener) can be limiting. I will remove evaporated cane juice sweetener if people insist that makes a difference, but man it's sure nice to have just a bit of that on my oatmeal. Rick Hi Rick, what about trying pure maple syrup or pure local honey? Our ds loves it on his oatmeal. Sorry Kevin for jumping in on your posts..... Megan
KevinInMA Posted October 22, 2010 Author Report Posted October 22, 2010 I forgot to post last night. Looks like the cough came back for a little while yesterday. It just so happens to coincide with the boneheaded move that I made to give him liquid Benadryl the night before. Haven't given him that in a while. Wonder if it's related????? _____________ Hey Rick, It's looking like this is far more of a long term detox than an overnight fix. If it was, then every doctor out there would be pushing it as an alternative. I'm pretty aware of that but as I write night after night I keep hoping for it to just kick in and all stop happening. That doesn't mean it's gong to happen though. My guess for you is that, as an adult, you have much longer road ahead of you to detoxing since it's been building up in your system for so long and the fact that you're just much larger than a 9 year old. The fact that you've gone this long is awesome. Changing diet as an adult is horribly difficult and if you can muster up the willpower to keep it going then more power to you! As adults we get set in our ways. Kids are still moldable. I hope you start to notice a difference, ANY difference, soon. If not then you can at least say that you're eating healthier as a result. Hope this helps!
KevinInMA Posted October 22, 2010 Author Report Posted October 22, 2010 Oh. About Megans post, Maple syrup, honey, and I think molasses are the first sweeteners she's allowing him to reintegrate in a couple weeks so you may want to switch to those instead. He'll be off of cane juice for a while, I think. Don't worry, Megan. Everyone should feel free to share ideas here! God knows we all need them!
Chemar Posted October 22, 2010 Report Posted October 22, 2010 hi Kevin what else is in the Benedryl is a question I would also ask. antihistamine has actually proven helpful for some of the posters here, BUT if there is other artificial ick in that mix....well...yup, potential triggers. re the sweeteners, all my son uses now is organic 100%Maple Syrup, and raw local honey (we get ours at the Farmers market, great selection, including the seasonal harvest ones which are great for allergies!) I do want to encourage you in your determination to persevere, and to blog this. We kept a journal. Once one begins identifying the triggers and seeing the results, it does get easier. The start is always hard and so confusing. But once you see progress, it is fuel to keep going
KevinInMA Posted October 22, 2010 Author Report Posted October 22, 2010 Thanks Cheri. Yeah, the issue I have with the Benadryl is all the other crap in it, including sucrose. The list of "other ingredients" is just way too extensive. We won't be using that again anytime soon. Oh. Last night we had tacos. He had the shell, who's ingredients were all allowed, the lettuce, onion, and beef. He was so happy to have something with a bunch of flavor. My wife and I don't like taco's all that much but we did it for him. Tonight.... Well, Friday's are tough cuz he eats alone before gym at 4:30 so I need to get something. Maybe I'll make another soup. I should check with the local turkey farm to see what is in theirs. That could be very convenient. I also started him back on Flonaise yesterday. This sniffle SEEMS tic-like but I'm still not convinced given the time of year. He's also complained that one of his ears seems clogged. Maybe I should just take him in to the Dr just to make sure it's nothing like an ear infection. He doesn't usually complain when he gets them (even though it's been a while) so he might not even know it. That sure would explain a lot. Just thinking out loud here....
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