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Everything posted by DoriansMom

  1. Here is a good one! http://www.myvegancookbook.com/recipes/recipe.php?id=78 1/2 Cup Coconut Milk 1 TBS Canola Oil 1 Cup Sugar 2 TBS Corn Starch 2 TBS All-Purpose Unbleached Flour 1 tsp Vanilla Pinch of Salt 1/3 Cup Maple Syrup 1/3 Cup Cocoa Powder 1/2 Cup Water 4 1/2 Cups Soy or Almond Milk Place coconut milk, canola oil, sugar, corn starch, flour, vanilla, salt, maple syrup, cocoa powder, water in blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into sauce pan. Boil until mixture has thickened (about 2 minutes) stirring constantly. Let cool until just warm to the touch. Pour soy milk into ice cream maker. Then pour chocolate mixture into soy milk and stir well. Follow directions that came with your ice cream maker to finish.
  2. Tags were our biggest issue, but everything is tagless now so that isn't an issue any more. He also likes everything tight so I have to make sure his pants have adjustable waist and he seems to be fine with that.
  3. I agree, I would go at this slowly. changing utensil is extrem imo. Are you able to see a natropath in your area? or anyone who can do an intolerance test? It might be soemthing you want to consdier before yo go full force with it. But if that isn't any option I think going gluten free slowly is your best bet. we have noticed huge improvments in just cutting out sugar and it isn't as hard as you might think.
  4. Honestly, HMF Forte by Genstra is the best probiotics you can buy. All natropaths suggest and use this brand themselves. I open two caps and put it in my sons drink. it desolves completley with no chalky texture. But if he will swollow the caps that is even better.
  5. we have never given our kids any flu shots and we did selective vaccinations. DTP, MMR and chicken pox are the only ones they got. But with that said we never gave our son his 5 year boosters for anything. I was a little worried about his behaviour at about age 4 so we avoided any boosters. He started his major tics at age 6. We wont be giving our daughter any boosters either.
  6. I found this link http://www.qualityfirst.on.ca/FAQ's.htm
  7. From what I have read all children tic more at home because they are comfortable with it. My son was the same way. As soon as children at school started saying something he started ticing at home nonstop. We have a Golden Retriever and 2 cats. Have you tried any natural remodies like magnesium, fish oils or probiotics? As soon as I introduced magnesium my son's vocal tics and head movements went away. will they ever come back? maybe, but for now I know it has nothing to do with the pets. Have you had your son tested for pet allergies? I would seriously consider the allergy testing before you did anything drastic about your pup. That would help to make the right decision.
  8. Hi What brand are you giving? I contacted the makers of Peter Gillham's Natrual Vitality and this is what they told me In the book The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. she says the following for an RDA of magnesium: Children 1 to 3 years: 80mg Children 4 to 8 years: 130mg Children 9 to 13 years: 240mg If you were to use this rule of thumb then a ¾ teaspoon would be the dosage for a six year-old. If a person ingests more magnesium than they can absorb at once then it is eliminated through the bowels and can be in the form of diarrhea. With this in mind, you may want to start with 1/4 teaspoon for your boy, while monitoring the stools that they are not too loose. If all is well then increase to 1/2 teaspoon the next day. Continue in the same manner until you have reached the dose ¾ teaspoon or less. I would assume a 15 year old might be in the adult dossage? Your best bet is to contact the company of the brand you are using so you don't over dose.
  9. I only give him 85mg of the Peter Gillham's magnesium, it is a powder form you dilute in water. I tried giving him more but it made his stools very soft. So I cut it back to 1/4 tsp 2x a day and it seems to be the right amount. If his tics come back I will probably up the amount to 3/4tsp. We also give him HMF Forte probiotic, if that is doing anything I am not sure, but I wont stop just incase.
  10. We had our son's first Teachers meeting of the year and they told us they have seen a big diffrence in Dorian for about 3 weeks now. That is exactly when we started giving him the magnesium supplement!!! We never told his Teacher's anything about the supplements, I am so happy about this because we have seen huge changes at home as well. I just wanted to pass this on incase anyone was thinking of trying magnesium.
  11. We are in the begining stages of trying to find out answers as to what is going on with out son. But while we have been waiting to see the neurologist we decided to put dorian on a magnesium supplement(the Natural calm powder) and HMF probiotics. I have to say we have seen a big change. He use to tic non stop while he was awake and now it is very mild. His loud uncontrolled sniffing has stopped altogether. My husband wasn't convinced that the magnesium was working so I stopped giving it to him for a few days and he was out of control most of today. My husband is now convinced! The magnesium wont hurt him if given in proper doses. You should give it a try. Also probiotics are very improtant especialy durring and after antibitoics.
  12. we avoid 3D because of the cost, but I have noticed my son is even sensative to some free games on the computer. He mentioned one time that the lights were bothering him so we quickly changed websites.
  13. I just wanted to mention the other side of the spectrum. Our son has OCD about constantly eating. he is 6 years old, oddly enough very skinny, but would eat himself ill if we let him. He even questions his behaviour to us and we have to almost physicaly remove him from the main floor of the house so he stays away from where there is food. we always thought that he was just a big eater but we have come to realise that this is another one of his OCD symptoms.
  14. Sorry, I didn't even know you could get it in a liquid form. We give our children some ground almonds in their smoothies.
  15. The diet we do is a whole foods diet. Nothing premade or store bought food, everything is made from scratch. I buy flour(organic whole wheat, no preservatives only) and make our own breads and buns. we rarely eat canned foods and usualy only eat fresh fruit and veggies. We eat free ranged, antibiotic and hormone free meats, no dairy and no soy. But with all that said, I think the biggest change has been taking out sugar. He gets a magnesium supplement, HMF probiotic and cutting out the sugar has reduced his tics by about 60% in a very short period of time. I was only giving him one probiotic tablet per day(I just open the cap and put the powder in his drink) but I am going to up it to 2 a day to see how he feels. The mag supplement helps him sleep better so I give that to him (1/2 tsp) just before bed. He even askes for it, I think it helps to make him feel more relaxed.
  16. What probiotic are you given? Did the Dr, name the condition? There is a condition called Candida Albicans, I wonder if it is related.
  17. I can't say I see anything in the cereal to really make a drastic diffrence, but if it is working for you I say keep it up. I personaly have seen a big diffrence in just givng our son a magnesium supplement and cutting out sugar by 100%. for us as the same as you, sugar has major effects on our son and his moods. Bridy
  18. well getting him to give blood is going to be tough. we had him at the GP office today and we wanted blood drawn to check for some other things and he ran out of the building!
  19. I don't know if this will help you, but I suffer from TMJ and mine flairs up with stress(grinding my teeth at night) for relief from the pain(it is extremly painfull) I see a physio tharpist and I get acupuncture and ultrasound treatments done. I can not say enough at how these treatments take the TMJ away so that I have no more pain. I am not sure if a child would agree to acupuncture, but ultrasound treatment works amazing on its own as well.
  20. thank you both for the replies. I think we are going to do a food intolerance test. when our daughter was 2 we had a MVL allergy test done which uses both IgE and IgG4, is this the correct testing for intolerances?
  21. has anyone done any allergy testing? My husband is not on board with the thought that our son may have PANDAS. we both don't understand it well enough but from his thinking PANDAS is a sudden onset of symptoms? Our son has had gradual symptons from the time he was about 4 years old, almost right after he had his tonsils and adnoids removed. long story short, instead of arguing with my hsuband about our son I have agreed to let the PANDAS issue go for now and focus on it being TS, with a possible strep titer test done at some point. I was wondering if it was a good idea to get allergy testing done(skin pricks) to see if he has any food sensativites, or is this something that isn't usualy related to TS? Bridy
  22. Thank you I will have a look at the vitamine supplement. I don't know if corn is an issue or not, I sure hope it isn't if we decide tot ake wheat out of his diet. Hi again, we use Progressive Multivitamins for Kids, it is a multi vitamin/mineral. If you suspect corn as an issue I think Cheri found it did have corn derivatives but our ds is doing amazing with it. I also try to avoid too much juice and if necessary only 100% fruit juices and water them down. Our ds takes his Natural Calm with water and a small bit of pure Maple Syrup, seeing as we are yet unsure of some fruits as possible triggers. For us wheat and dairy are main triggers, an elimination at some point would probably be beneficial even if only to rule them out... Megan
  23. HI Yes, did post on the PANDAs forum, we don't have any conceret diagnosis and I want to make sure we investigate everything. We are still waiting to see a specialist about his tics. We have no family history of TS. I am giving him the Peter Gillham's Kids Calm. I have just been told that the kids calm has been discontinued and I must have just found it because the sore still had some on the shelf. I give him 1/2 tsp right now mixed in some juice but I will try to increase it to 1tsp to see if I notice any change. Megan what brand of multi do you use? He eats a very good diet right now but we have considered taking out gluten to see if we notice any change. We are not big dairy eaters as it is and only have about 1 serving per day at the most. But that might also be something to consider. we are seeing his GP tomorrow in hopes to get some testing doen to rule out PANDAS, I am just hoping his GP wont give us a hard time and we don't have to get the tests done some place else.
  24. thank you for all the information. I don't even know where to start. We took him to a P'doc in September because we noticed the ehad twitching along with the vocal tics. The vocal tics have been around for a long time now but when he started with the motor tics we became very concenred. The P'Doc said ti was TS and told us to contact a child neurolagist through the children's Hostpial. we are at the point of waiting to see one. We have an appointment to see his GP on Wednesday, but I am not sure what I should even be asking for from him. Should we tell him we want to rule out PANDAS and we didn't want to wait till we saw the neurolagist? we are trying a magnesium supplement(Kids calm) and he has had it for 3 days with no changes. The stuff tastes horrible so I will give it a month and if we see not changes I will stop giving it to him. I also got some HMF probiotics just because. He has mentioned head pain in the past, but nothing cornic and we never put two and two together. I honestly would NEVER have thought tics were caused by a virus or infection, or lyme disease. I am glad this forum is here. we try so hard not to treat our son diffrently because of his tics but they are getting worse as time goes on.
  25. Thank you for your reply. It is a shame that they added those two preservatives. I managed to find some of their old Kid Calm in the powder form and that is what we are using. If it works I will just go and buy the regular formula.
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