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Everything posted by MichaelTampa

  1. I just realized this appears to be the same brand I have been getting some other products in, they have a "vitamin C" made just from acerola cherry. But looking at their "green" products, looks like they have a number of them. Can you tell me which one you're using specifically?
  2. I had always thought doxycycline was the abx of choice for these situations. I went back to Burrascano's guidelines on the ilads site, and it wasn't as clear to me this time.
  3. For anyone looking for extremely high quality protein supplement, this MAP Protein is what I take. I've tried others, this one is different and very good, although expensive. http://www.bodyhealth.com/html/biobuilde/index.asp
  4. I am just wanting to add something to my previous post that I forgot to put ... While treating parasites and/or taking the lyme nosodes might be helpful in determining if lyme is still an issue (bad reaction, decline soon thereafter indicates still an issue), these are powerful treatments and reactions on probably would not make sense for anyone to do unless you felt you had lyme-specific treatments you trusted to work against the if that was the result. Otherwise, you confirm it's still a problem but end up in way worse shape without a remedy, that may not be what you would want. I mention in particular you talk about GSE and cat's claw, and my sense is for most this may help but not be really great against lyme ... I'm not sure what else is in your toolbox or how well they work for ya'all. Now I just noticed you are using the deseret biologicals lyme series. I have never taken those but my pendulum has always thought they were very weak compared to the BioPure. Maybe that is specific just to me, or maybe the BioPure ones are better and stronger and you might consider those. For me they have been so powerful they are great but because they are so strong, I only take them when I have a large supply of GcMAF (my current ammunition these days). Good luck with the tough decision here of what to do next.
  5. I use the CD57 test for myself. I have had many periods of feeling pretty good, only to relapse. Every time the CD57 predicted it as having too low a level. Every time I have relapsed. Another test I think is important is the nagalase test. If the levels are too high, I would suggest that would also predict a relapse. Dr. K. feels below 0.80 is good and the people who sell GcMAF feel below 0.62 is necessary. With nagalase levels too high, the body won't be making macrophages like it should. While it's possible you've killed all the lyme and bartonella and babesia and FL1953 without adequate macrophages, seems like that might be hard to do. Other measures are pulse (higher than 60, ask yourself why, and if infection is the reason) and body temperature a couple hours after waking (lower than normal, ask yourself why, and if infection is the reason). Some things that have really brought back out the lyme wars in my body when I was doing well were BioPure lyme homeopathic nosodes, which tell the body to really fight the lyme, and heavy treatment of parasites during a full moon. In both cases I felt much worse until I treated lyme aggresively with substances. The problem with looking for antibodies like that $1,500 sounds like it will be doing, is lyme will trick your body not to bother fighting it, so you won't measure any. I don't think that would be a good test to judge. It would probably be more reliable if you did the lyme homeopathic nosodes completed just before the test, but still, who knows how reliable? Another "test" might simply be to treat parasites heavily on a full moon with lots of herbs and potentially antihelminthics, then take the lyme nosodes. If you're feeling well after all that, I think that would really say something as well.
  6. Dr. Klinghardt, a very well known doctor who treats lyme disease (an infection-based disease), has said that his experience is that 90% of the autistic patients he sees have lyme disease and are helped by lyme disease treatment. So that is a similar thought and number.
  7. I use BioPure. About 6 years ago I went to someone regularly who did mercury detox and helped others with it. He had been very ill from mercury at one time, and was still working on dealing with that. Anyway, he had a machine that was manufactured generally for the use of measuring quality of air in workplaces or other public places. It measured mercury in the air, specifically. He noted and demonstrated, most restaurants when they are relatively full, do violate the legal limit for mercury, as there are all those toxic people in there exhaling the mercury. We also did a lot of checking of various foods and supplements, by disolving them in water in a glass container for a few hours with the cover on, then measuring the air in the container. How polluted the air was with mercury is something we used as an indication regarding whether it was anything we would want to consume. Some products and brands were very pure; others were extremely polluted; others were modestly polluted, as were most foods. Organic cabbage tended to be extremely polluted on a regular basis. I mention all this only because all of the 3-4 regular health food store brands of chlorella we tested showed the highest level of polution (exceeding 999 parts per billion or whatever, which turned off the machine). One of these brands was an extremely well known brand with an excellent reputation of having the highest quality. I do not have access to this person or device now, but would certainly love to test the BioPure brand. What I do know is my pendulum says the BioPure brand is much better for me than this extremely popular brand. Perhaps injesting chlorella polluted with mercury can still be useful. If it holds on to it so well, perhaps it will hold on all the way through your body and still collect more. But this experience certainly gives me caution on picking brands of chlorella.
  8. Yes, the chlorella is for detox support. These biofilm breakers can create a mess inside the body and you'll want to try to clean it up.
  9. The double-stars on the left indicate that these are particularly significant bands. You will probably see a discussion of them with a footnote on the report. Perhaps it will say something like getting x out of these 6 bands will make you positive according to the CDC, or something equally inane. IND means the lab tech found something on the paper for the band but not as much as they would need to have seen to give it a "+" score; it's sort of like a half-"+". Band 41 has 3+, meaning lots of reaction were found there, indicating more antibodies in that category than single-"+". All-in-all, there are 6 bands with reaction, some of them pretty lyme-specific. For example, band 83-93 represents antibodies for DNA of lyme, band 39 in one study had like only 2% of the population testing positive (I'd bet all or nearly all infected with lyme). Overall, this test result along with your brief description of her health situation makes me think it is extremely likely she is infected and the infection is playing an important role in her situation.
  10. Serrapeptase is a very good one as far as the enzymes. It is available widely, I happen to use Enzymedica brand's "SerraGold". Cistus incanus tea is also excellent at this. As far as I know, it is only available through BioPure. I have found excellent success using the combination of serrapeptase, cistus incanus tea, and Detoxamin suppositories (calcium disodium EDTA, a heavy metal chelator that can also remove calcium from biofilm, apparently the other chelators cannot do this). Chlorella is good for mopping up the mess this stuff makes. The Detoxamin has recently been made illegal or some nonsense at least close to this by our friends at the FDA who are trying to protect us from getting healthy. I stocked up and it may still be possible to purchase this, I am not sure on the details. There may also be other brands of that availble, but not sure. Perhaps in a few years some big drug company will come out with the same thing with much higher price, but it will be cheaper than the Detoxamin is now if covered by insurance, except insurance companies will probably deny coverage for it for most people.
  11. I've never read temp during that process, so I don't know that.
  12. I have used it for my lyme disease. It is good for detox, but also has antibiotic properties. I use between 500mg and 2000mg doses.
  13. I haven't heard of that doc based on the initials, perhaps if you post the full name that would help some identify them. Having the insurance company ask you to go to that doc is a clue that the doc won't be any good. More than likely, the insurance company has that person set up as the person who is paid to say that you don't need treatment.
  14. I hear it "modulates" the immune system down, so unlikely a herx, and much more likely a result of stopping the NAC which can be important for detoxing. By the way, I have heard at least one doc caution regarding long-term use of LDN with lyme, anything regulating the immune system down long-term can be problematic. Sounds like that may be more of a minority view on the LDN based on at least one bad experience the doc had seen, don't know, don't really hear a lot about it either way. This was a long-term caution, nothing a few days of it would cause anything noticeable.
  15. I got off lyme abx a few times for various reasons (insurance disapproval, c-diff, ...), it was always "cold turkey" style. I always felt better right away. Some say the abx depress the immune system. Some say the bugs fight less when there aren't abx around. Some say the abx give your liver and the rest of your body more work. Regardless, I would say cold turkey would be the way to go, if you really want those tests, unless you've got a PANDAS-type situation. If you've got that, then I don't know, but probably plenty on the PANDAS board can help you with that. That all said, I'd think more in line with what LLM posted. The tests just aren't that good. Test enough to justify starting treatment ... whatever that means ... some people might be so sure and have willing docs that no testing is necessary. Perhaps others won't be satisfied until some test finds DNA. Try to think about what you really need and test for that. It looks more and more that everyone with lyme has all the coinfections. In the end, reaction to the treatment will be the biggest justification to continue pursuing treatment or not. By the way, there are a number of excellent herbs and herbal mixtures that could be used as a trial treatment that are cheaper than even the $200 test.
  16. Certainly seems possible to me.
  17. I made this move some months ago (a year ago). It wasn't by choice as much as it was my gut couldn't handle it anymore and any more abx just tore things up inside there and I couldn't sleep with so much acid reflux. This happened after maybe a year or so of what I think were a few different excellent combinations of abx that had given me a lot of progress, and they were starting to do less and less for me. I really felt like I was nearing the finish line, although now that seems to clearly have not been the case. There are other great things out there, some more or less convenient and more or less pricey. - Herbs, such as Byron White, which are strong - Some homeopathics - Acupuncture/NAET treatment can guide your system at the bugs as well - GcMAF, homeopathic or injectable real stuff - IV ozone treatment (draw blood, add ozone, put it back) - Light treatment machines such as the Bionic, some go to Germany for this, others buy a machine and go at it themselves (I haven't done either of this approach to this point, but do have experience with the other items I listed)
  18. For those using or considering using gcmaf from gcmaf.eu, they now take orders via credit card over the phone. This is much easier than the previously required bank wire transfer, so, just good to know. My latest result was 0.91, theoretically in the range, on the high side of the range. But my doc says Dr. K. likes it below 0.80 and gcmaf website says relapse unless get it below 0.62 (this is what he told me on the phone today). I had everything hit the fan, lyme and coinfections go crazy over a month ago when I treated parasites. I think this was caused by the parasites but I also took homeopathic lyme nosodes. As a result, I ended up using almost a whole vial, basically 7 weeks worth of the stuff, in a 5-day period. This was after the 0.91 test was taken. I am also taking the homeopathic for gcmaf as well. I have periodontal surgery coming up next week, but at some point I am going to go at the lyme again with a 1-2 punch of homeopathic lyme nosodes to direct my immune system and the buggies and gcmaf injections to give my immune system the bullets. This is what I did about a month ago when I used up a whole vial in 5 days, and you're supposed to repeat the nosodes about a month later.
  19. I had read in places addressing the humidity can be important to limit mold growth, as mold is everywhere. Somewhere around 50% humidity is what the "experts" are recommending to target. In Florida here, we run air conditioning many months of the year which reduces humidity, but not so much in the winter, where temperature is good that time of year. But, the humidity still is not. In the winter I have come to run the air conditioning until it is too cold, then give the machine a little break, then run the heater until it is too hot, and back and forth. This keeps the humidity down. Perhaps the fact that I need that just to be comfortable is a sign of my illness, or that there is mold in the house, or both, who knows. If you look at average data, generally, in the morning, the humidity in Tampa is 85-90% year-round, way higher than 50%. I asked an A/C company I trusted fairly well, they work on businesses and residences, and they replaced our A/C ducts with metal ones where most places around here could not, so not just some rinky-dink operation ... I asked to get a whole-home dehumidifier, that could run instead of the A/C during winter months, and they measured the A/C closet for space and so on, finally when they got back to me, turns out they say they just don't make whole home dehumidifiers for residences, only for businesses. The ones for businesses are gigantic and heavy and normally go on the roof, which our residential roof couldn't even support, so, basically, out of the question. Need to go to use those portable room dehumidifiers it seems is the only option. What a nuisance. But they really tried to talk me out of needing a dehumidifier anyway, giving some talk that the numbers quoted are relative numbers, not a real sign of the moisture in the air. Here is a quote from a weather website, pretty standard. The relative humidity is expressed as a percentage measure of the amount of moisture in the air compared to the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold at the same temperature and pressure. Average humidity values are given for selected morning and afternoon observations. Maximum relative humidity values usually occur during morning hours. Here, the Local Standard Time (LST) of morning(M morning 7 A.M.) and afternoon(A afternoon 1 P.M.) humidity values are shown below. So, they are right, the 85-90% I was quoting aren't the "real" humidity. But still, what do the experts mean, if the experts mean target 50% RELATIVE humidity, then we still need a dehumidifier to meet that goal. Or could the experts mean "real" humidity, even though data on what those numbers generally are seems not to be available? Anyone know? Or anyone run into a whole-home dehumidifier, or any other approaches to dehumidify without the nuisance of managing those portable ones?
  20. Goodness, what a lot of work and how difficult!
  21. I have been considering changing brands to Custom Probiotics. I see the make a lactate free one that they say is particularly helpful for autism. As I believe most autism involves lyme, it makes me wonder if that makes sense for me. Of course, I am an adult and do not have autism. Can anyone speak to their experiences in this regard. Any problems with the "regular" version?
  22. Interesting. Can you share what other treatments they think will help with that. I still have not seen my results yet, but treated parasites last full moon, which made all heck break loose, and then took almost a full 8 week dose of this in a 5 day period. Need to figure out if I should get some more of it. The beat goes on...
  23. Beyond the helpful threads here, I want to point out that some think there is a huge link between autism and lyme, in case you had not heard. Dr. Klinghardt has stated that 90% of his autism patients have lyme. There is also www.lymeinducedautism.com that would probably be a worthwhile look.
  24. I am taking 1500mg of CoQ10 daily, but just want to point out that it is in some foods, such as broccoli and walnuts.
  25. Trying the regular-speak, the combination GcMAF and vitamin D ends up being antiviral antibacterial antifungal etc. These are basic building blocks of the immune system. The GcMAF binds with vitamin D and the macrophage and then this part of the immune system kills some variety of bugs. It is "just" support for the immune system. GcMAF is one tiny but important part of the immune system, no more, no less. It is a protein that binds those things together so they can work. As far as side effects, warnings, etc, too much of any good thing could be bad, so taking things slow and ramping up is good. Another issue is that it is human-derived, so of course if things get screwed up and you end up with other parts of a human in you, that could be bad (wouldn't want to inject yourself with HIV, for example). I don't understand how they come out of the system per se, but I imagine like all things such as cells, it is going to get used up and be eliminated at some point. The way they recommend weekly injections and my pendulum initially matched that timing so well before I ramped up to more frequent injections, it made me think they last 7 days in the system if not used up, but that is more of a guess than really knowing that.
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