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Everything posted by MichaelTampa

  1. Oh my, very impressive, that is definitely it, thanks so much!
  2. Dr. Klinghardt presented today at a lyme conference in Tampa. One thing he quickly went through was a study predicting brain cancer diagnoses would massively increase some years in the future, even while remaining flat for a good while. Here is the info I managed to copy from the slide: Title: Potential Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation Causing Brain Cancer (had these words, but may have been more words too) Place Published: J Neurol Neurophysiology Year: 2011 Something Else: 55-033 (might be issue number or something like that) Authors: Hailberg O and Morgan L Anyone clever enough to be able to find this article? I haven't had any luck with google, but really am not experienced at all with this.
  3. I have used that in the past and it was okay. More recently I had used Xymogen brand "Nrf2 Activator" and found it much better for me--it contains curcumin as well a 3-4 other items. The mix is much more powerful than any one of the items together.
  4. Oh my gosh - Thera had tics after mono in the past... HELLO!! Can you say PITAND?? An earlier bout of hysteria? j/k, sorry, couldn't resist
  5. Sounds like you wouldn't want too much of the glutamate and other things, of course you probably need some to live and whatnot... I have heard that bartonella symptoms can come back within a day upon stopping abx, that quick relapses like that tend to indicate bartonella relapse versus lyme, that lyme relapse takes weeks. Babesia I think is between the two, perhaps a few days to a week. All this has to do with their growth cycles.
  6. (partial quote from above) Do you know if there is a test--blood test or energy test or any kind of test--to indicate whether the regen cryosurgery would be helpful? Is there something specific that is looked for symptomwise to indicate it would be helpful, or a particular result looked for or reason to do it? I've heard it can be very useful but don't know much on the why and how we know kind of stuff. The GcMAF really gobbles up the vitamin D, mine went from 132 down to 40-something in a period of a little over a month of this therapy plus a couple weeks without it. Michael Dietrich and I both tested DS for regen Cryo indirectly with ARt. Upon both two pointing and prioritizing, the focus was the tonsils for Ds. Dietrich suggested t&A or cryo is best if I was up for it, my choice. I researched and chose Cryo. I also spoke with other Dietrich's patients and got some more info. A phone consult with the doc in Germany taught us that the mom needs to be examined and treated and dad too to be totally covered. DS got the t&A done, DH and I got T&A and sinus cryosurgery too. Sinuses are contraindicated for kids. I wanted to preserve the MALT immunity for DS. Since PANDAS is a huge issue for him and has had Vitiligo in the past and autoimmune in family history, I felt getting rid of any immune tissue cannot be good. So decided to preserve and clean out the tonsils instead. DS was TOTALLY asymptomatic for 38 days post cryo until he contracted Myco P. in school.I am still feeling fantastic and DH is totally off abx and on only herbals. I am using Bionic for Ds and myself and hope to be off abx soon too. As an added bonus DH's trumpet like snoring is a thing of the past! whew! The entire viral load disappeared for all 3 of us. DS's ASO went back to normal and Dnase too. Good to know there is some testing for it, and happy to see how much it has helped you all.
  7. Looked up the GcMAF again and it was quoted as being $900 for 2 months per dr. Are you still using it? How has it helped? Thanks again Michael. Sort of not sure if I'm using the GcMAF or not, as I test everyday now with no real pattern anymore. Started out weekly injections, increasing amount, then twice a week, then every other day and quick stop for a week or so. Back recently twice a week and then 3 days in a row ending yesterday, violent "no" this morning. Wondering if this is in response to treating something that has cycles, and the pendulum is timing things with when bugs are vulnerable, or other ups and downs. In the beginning I had fatigue rest of day following injection, no more of that response, and generally fatigue has improved, I do believe this is the reason, not doing too much else significant lately. So, think it has helped, not sure if it is short-term or making real lasting progress with things, we will see.
  8. I can't imagine it would have any DIRECT impact on autoimmunity. Macrophages are a part (or the part?) of the immune system that gobbles up kills and destroys the buggies such as viruses and bacterias. But they need to bind with vitamin D to do the job. What GcMAF is, is the protein that binds the macrophages with the vitamin D. Without this protein, the macrophages won't do their job. There is some belief it is viruses or retroviruses the create nagalase which is the enzyme that tells the person to stop making the GcMAF by itself, so taking GcMAF can help kill these viruses/retroviruses along with other things, which could allow nagalase levels to return to normal lower levels and then allow person to make the GcMAF by themself. That is the theory anyway, but that is what the GcMAF is. So, looking at what it is, that is how I say I can't see it directly impacting autoimmunity. Perhaps it would have the same affect on PANDAS that abx or IVIG might, at least generally, in that it will help reduce the load of buggies that could be what the autoimmunity is directing itself at. All these things are complicated, so perhaps there is a chain of events that would also address autoimmunity itself, I wouldn't know about that.
  9. (partial quote from above) Do you know if there is a test--blood test or energy test or any kind of test--to indicate whether the regen cryosurgery would be helpful? Is there something specific that is looked for symptomwise to indicate it would be helpful, or a particular result looked for or reason to do it? I've heard it can be very useful but don't know much on the why and how we know kind of stuff. The GcMAF really gobbles up the vitamin D, mine went from 132 down to 40-something in a period of a little over a month of this therapy plus a couple weeks without it.
  10. Julia - I had heard the GcMAF is human derived, did not know if it was from blood or otherwise. You've heard it's from blood? I am using it, it has helped a lot. My source is 660 euros (about $900) for 800ng which they are saying is an 8 week supply, I am using it a bit faster but surprised to hear your source saying $900 for a month. Wondering if it's a different more expensive source, or perhaps larger doses. S&S - I took L-Glutamine for several months (in a product that had 3 other things) and it was incredibly useful for repairing esophagus and stomach lining, I think that is its common use. I hear there are warnings about it being to excitatory and all that, really I had used it before I heard the warnings, so it was no decision for me as I knew then it wasn't causing problems and was helping a lot.
  11. I had a great 3 months of biofilm treatment with serrapeptase, cistus incanus tea, and Detoxamin suppositories. I think the combination was excellent. Later on I heard Dr. Fry speak about his protozoa and the extremely low fat diet he recommends of 10-15 calories of fat helping a lot as it also exposes the bugs to antibodies from the biofilm. Now, I misheard it as 10-15 percent of calories from fat, so I did about 20-25 grams of fat a day. I had an enormous herx (beyond any other herxlike symptoms for any other treatment, all other ones have been very mild compared to this). I actually had to back of for a couple days and then went at it again. While I think he may recommend people keep at it indefinitely, as his patients apparently relapse when going back to regular diet, I would not recommend that type of diet long-term. I did it 6 weeks and I think 6-8 weeks is plenty before you will have deprived yourself of fats which are necessary in many ways. I started experiencing much dryer skin, and that quickly rebounded when I went back on my regular diet, and that was the only "bad" that I noticed with too little fat, but doesn't mean there weren't other important bad things going on that would have developed into more if I had kept at it.
  12. Well, those test results, sounds like you're saying they were run just after ivig, might or might not be false positives, I don't imagine there's any way to know, so I don't imagine they really mean much, other than there were antibodies floating around in the blood at that point in time, from whatever source (self-made or ivig).
  13. Haven't done it on myself since I'm confident I have lyme. A positive result wouldn't change how I'll treat and a negative result wouldn't change how I'll treat. Haven't been to a true lyme specialist in a while. My llmd but not lyme specialist doc hasn't brought up this test, don't know if he's heard of it or not, so we haven't discussed it.
  14. I think if they were my kids, and they recently had that vaccine and this was going on and getting national coverage, I'd be worried about protecting them from how they might be treated the rest of their lives, and in that sense, I would be cautious abount disclosing they had the vaccine. Just thinking, even if one might feel comfortable about giving the vaccine, there are always crazies who might judge what that says about the child. So I'm not reading too much into the fact that this has not been disclosed.
  15. Really sounds like they're just talking out of their ###### there regarding "inflammatory conditions".
  16. I've understood those two things as simply slightly different sets of symptoms caused by the same thing.
  17. I ordered a number of the products to see if the protocol would make sense for me. They did not seem to be very helpful for me.
  18. I have heard abx suppress immune system and I would think fighting the lyme is going to cause a big fight and use up a lot of the immune system antibodies and whatnot, so seeing lowered counts there following initiation of treatment does not seem that strange to me (not a doc, never been told that by a doc, but just my thoughts).
  19. When I think of ART, I think of Autonomic Response Testing, which refers to various approaches of exposing the patient to a substance (such as having them hold it by their stomach) and then pushing an arm (or sometimes other limb) to see how strong or weak it has become. Sometimes other parts of the body are touched to see if they are sensitive to the substance. This can be used to diagnose what is going on, what is causing pain or a reaction to a substance, or if a substance is causing a reaction, including used to determine if a particular bacteria or food is causing a problem, or if a particular drug or herb would be helpful or harmful for a patient to take. Any patient with a complicated disease like lyme disease would be greatly benefited by having access to such an approach, since without it, people are just guessing regarding what form of treatment to use (or even what the problem really is). This is something acupuncturists have used for decades (or maybe centuries, I don't know), but other people including some MD's have begun to see the light as well.
  20. If you limit yourself to buying in the US, it is an expensive one for sure without a generic or compounded possibility, unless you are getting good coverage from an insurance company. It is used sometimes for C-Diff, sometimes for parasites following other parasite/worm meds, and sometimes in rotation with a cyst-buster like tindamax, such as 2 weeks tindamax then 2 weeks alinia. I used it a few times but really don't remember doses, it might have been 500mg a day or 1000mg a day.
  21. Does the "acute" sound like a good word to be a part of the name? The understanding I have of PANDAS from time spent on here is that the situation seems fairly chronic rather than acute.
  22. I have not read that book. Just scanned a few pages in that chapter as offered by google books. I have taken some enzymes that probably fall into that category, and with good use. I found the combination of the enzyme serrapeptase along with detoxamin suppositories and cistus incanus tea great for a few months, and I think a lot of stuff got cleaned out during that time.
  23. I am taking an EPA precursor and an excellent Xymogen product called "Nrf2 Activator", which has in it broccoli seed extract, turmeric extract, black pepper extract, green tea leaf extract, and pterostilbenes (last one is kind of a resveratrol like derivative).
  24. Just as a warning these drugs can lead to suicide. I am sure most take it without that situation, and good to keep that in mind, but something to also be aware they do have that risk. Attached is a long video on that, perhaps don't watch if faint at heart, so to speak.
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