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Everything posted by guy123

  1. I'm sure most of you have probably seen the video. What was up with that? Was the whole thing fake? Apparently some quack "doctor" "cured" her Dystonia and she can walk and talk just fine now. Or do I not have the entire story?
  2. Is there anything in pistachios that could increase tics? I bought some tonight (because they're delicious) and I ate a bunch of them a few hours ago and ever since my tic has been worse than usual. Come to think of it, I haven't had them since I started taking Clonidine so I wouldn't have noticed any exacerbation before since before I started taking Clonidine, every day was a bad tic day. Anyone else had this same experience? So far I've only noticed a couple of things that I can eat that exacerbate my tic. I hope pistachios aren't on this list because they're awesome.
  3. still cheaper than Whole Foods!
  4. Are they fresh? Are they cheap? Sounds like it could save a lot of work (getting the seeds out manually).
  5. Did the vocal tic begin to go away after you discontinued the ACV? What is NAET?
  6. What is the difference between "niacin" and "naicinimide"?
  7. On a whim I bought a pomegranate, ate a ton of the seeds one day (delicious, put them in a bowl in the fridge and then eat them with a spoon... yeah!) anyway I noticed my blinking tic was less intense than usual. Now when this happens I always ask myself "did I do anything different recently?" Same thing that I ask myself when I notice an increase or exacerbation. Anyway, the only thing that was different was a I ate a bunch of pomegranate seeds. I took a day off and then tried again, same result. It was probably just a coincidence (as I do randomly have good days and bad days even when no external factors/diet/sleep/etc changes), but does anyone know if there is anything beneficial in pomegranates? Magnesium or Vitamin B or any of the supps that people have claimed help tics? Or maybe something that binds with something bad? I just bought another one the other day. I'm going to try this delicious experiment again. If you prepare pomegranates, wear old clothes. The seeds stain like crazy.
  8. Finasteride (aka. Propecia) reduces both motor and vocal tics in clinical study: http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/conten...4/12/1914?rss=1
  9. In USA the smallest pill form is 0.1mg, (which is why I have to break mine into 1/4s). I wish we had a 0.025mg pill here! The pills are scored across the middle so they're easy to break in half, but then I have to break the halves in half again and sometimes they don't break evenly and I end up having to toss the pill. Fortunately, it's between $4-10 for 30 pills so it's not too expensive so I don't care if I have to throw away some of them that don't break right.
  10. Oh please, if I wanted to brag about having sex there are other forums on the internet that would be way more appropriate. I suspect the reason tics sometimes go away when you're focused on something is because of neurotransmitter activity. Hey JensFromSweden, on a totally unrelated note, I just went to a Stratovarius concert last week. Their keyboardist is named Jens and he's from Sweden. Jens Johannson. He's awesome. Your username reminded me of that
  11. so he takes 2.5 total per day? wow, that's a lot!! what's his resting blood pressure? im glad you've found something that works for you
  12. fair enough. and my threads normally dont get much response anyway but i also didnt ask any questions; i was just relaying an experience. i wasnt really expecting any responses unless someone wanted to geek out with me about neurotransmitters, but people tend to prefer to do that via PM for some reason. cheers.
  13. When you say "and 2 at night" do you mean 2 full tablets?!!! Or 2 quarter tablets (so 1/2)?
  14. Sorry to bump this old thread. I thought your daughter was tic free on the Topamax? How is that going?
  15. Abilify can cause TD, too. So can Risperdal. What dose of Clonidine was he on? I weigh 150 now and I take 0.025mg per night (1/4 of a 0.1mg pill).
  16. Are you serious? First of all, it would've been impossible to convey that story without mentioning that I was having sex and specifically that I didn't orgasm, both of which were unique variables and therefore absolutely relevant to the discussion here. How was that too much information? I'm pretty sure all the "women on this forum" know what sex is, I'm pretty sure they know what masturbation is, and I'm pretty sure they know what an orgasm is, too. It's not like it was X-rated, nor was it detailed. In fact, I think I gave about the least amount of details possible for the story to still make sense; hardly a "locker room discussion." It's not like I mentioned positions, who was wearing what, who was screaming, what they were saying, where we were, or anything that would begin to put the story into "locker room talk" territory. This is (essentially) a medical discussion forum. Haven't you ever talked about sex with your doctor? I have. I told my doctor that the clonidine was making it difficult to maintain an erection so I reduced the dose. And I've mentioned that on this forum before, too. Do you know why? Because it's relevant to the discussion here when someone asks about Clonidine side effects. Seriously. Do you just giggle and blush when your doctor asks you a sexual question? My number one priority is eliminating my tic, and the solution will likely involve neurotransmitter modulation. Guess what happens during sexual intercourse? Neurotransmitter activity!! Therefore, discussion of what happens in the brain during sex is appropriate and relevant to the discussion on this forum. Sorry if that offends you. But I did put an R-Rating warning on the thread so if you are offended by talking about orgasms you didn't have to click in the thread.
  17. lol. Well, I know there are a lot of neurotransmitters involved in sex as well as in exercise, but exercising never causes a reduction in tics. Sex increases dopamine. Cocaine also increases dopamine, but cocaine causes an exacerbation in tics. Dopamine blockers typically cause a decrease in tics but also have a host of horrible side effects. I am interested in the specific changes that occur during sex and I don't believe its ever been studied before on someone with TS or tics.
  18. it's been mentioned here before that tics essentially go away for most people most of the time during sex. Alright. This story deals with adult themes so let's be grown ups here. On Friday night I spent the night at my gf's apartment. On Saturday morning we were having sex and after a while her mother buzzed her apartment. Now, her mom was supposed to come over that day but she was like 30 minutes early so we weren't expecting her yet. lol. Anyway, we had to stop before either of us could "finish." Fast forward to later in the day: I noticed that my eye blinking tic was practically non-existent. Let me break it down for you. One a 1-10 scale where 1 is "normal (no tics)" and 10 is "nearly constant ticcing," before I ever started on Clonidine every day was an 8. I never waxed. I never waned. Every day was always an 8 all the time for the entire day. After starting Clonidine, days range from between 4 and 8. But on Saturday, I noticed it was like a 2. I was definitely enjoying it. After a while, I started to wonder if something was going on chemically in my brain related to the sex that morning. I know my tic vanishes during sex (or masturbation), so I wonder if whatever process is responsible for that never got "shut off," so to speak. But there have been times in the past when I "didn't finish" having sex and it never had this result, so maybe it was just a little fluke or something. Anyway, I noticed that this persisted through Tuesday evening. It was WONDERFUL. Literally, my tic was almost completely gone for the entire days. For a few minutes here and there I would get the urge to blink hard a couple times but overall it was gone and I wasn't even thinking about it since the sensation wasn't there to begin with. Anyway, Tuesday evening I ended up masturbating (sorry, I've got urges and my gf is out of town) and that seems to have "reset" whatever was going on in my brain. Today (Wednesday) the tic was back to normal. I just wanted to share my experience here. In 11 years of having a chronic tic, I've never experienced such a great relief in symptoms as I did for those 4 days. I've always hypothesized that if they could isolate what is going on in the brain during sex that stops the tics, that it could be recreated in pill form to calm the tics even when you're not actually having sex (assuming this could be done without exhausting the nervous system or whatever). I wish I had the resources to pursue this further*. The only other thing is that a few days prior to that (like last Wednesday or Thursday) I took a B complex and also 1/2 of a B-12 (methyl-) tablet that had like 8,000% of the RDA in it. But I've done that before and never experienced a great relief. So my working hypothesis is that some of the sex chemicals that temporarily eliminate tics stayed in circulation during my brain for those 4 days and it's probably related to the fact that I never orgasmed during the session since we were interrupted. But again, that's happened before and my tics didn't go away, so... I guess maybe I'll have to experiment. lol. * Hook people up to MRIs, PET scans, etc. Observe normal brain activity and neurotransmitter activity. Then get the person sexually excited (might be a little odd to do this in a lab but hey, it's for science). Observe the reduction in tics. Observe the change in brain and neurotransmitter activity. The natural hypothesis is that said change in brain activity is responsible for reduction in tics. Attempt to artificially recreate said changes in brain chemistry through the use of drugs rather than actually making the person have sex. If tics are reduced, success. btw if anyone here has the resources to do this and it ends up working, PM me because I want the procedure named after me if it's successful
  19. Wouldn't chelation be beneficial anyway, even if it doesn't reduce tics?
  20. Can someone post a pic of their mouthpiece. I'm curious. Also, I watched the vid of the guy with tics biting on the sticks... can this be simulated in home with a stack of popsicle sticks or something? It'd be interesting if it could work at home because it seems that many people with TS report that the tics disappear in the doctor's office anyway... so how would you know if he put a stack of sticks in your mouth if it's going away because of the sticks or because it would be lessened anyway?
  21. Thanks for summing up the first 17 pages for me Wow, that's quite an interesting bit of research. I have TMJ and I always hear popping in my ears when I swallow. I thought it was normal. lol. Most of my research up until this thread has suggested that tics are due to dopamine/neurotransmitter imbalances and/or basal ganglia abnormalities. Has there been any discussion on how the trigeminal nerve plays a role in these? Thanks.
  22. Sorry, can I have Cliffs Notes on the 17 pages in this thread? I haven't been on this forum in months. A mouthpiece stops tics? What?
  23. My eye blinking tic started while I was getting allergy shots. Anyway, 0.025mg of Clonidine nightly (that's 1/4 of a 0.1mg pill) has been helpful for my blinking tic. I haven't noticed anything else other than eating fish seems to make it worse. Good luck.
  24. Wow you're right, it says a case report suggests Clonazepam may induce Tourette's Syndrome! Guess I won't be using Klonopin anymore just in case.
  25. Could just be your metabolism or individual body chemistry. People have different reactions to drugs. I know someone for whom pain killers didn't work... I mean like hardcore prescription ones. Last time I talked to him, these scientists wanted to study him to find out why they weren't working.
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