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Hello Faith. The tics (nose, slight arm jerk, hand smelling & facial tic/with nose) & the personality improved together. My husband was amazed to see him watching TV w/a calmness we haven't seen in a while - no tension in the hands by way of making fists or nose tics. We have also been giving Epsom Salt baths for the past 6 days. The only vocal tics that he had were snorting & a kind of cough. Nothing beyond that. Those we have not seen in over a month or so. The school is the same & I have a nice relationship with the teacher due to our other son who is currently in Kindergarten. She is level headed & her emotions aren't as problematic as the Pre-k teacher & she worked w/us with our older boy on his attention problems (due to colds/bronchitis) & other normal boy issues! Like kissing a girl......is this supposed to happen in Kindergarten???? Well, we got that & other issues straightened out & she is up on many nutrional issues as well. Again, we are so hopeful that we will not even have to discuss our youngest current struggles since we will be aggressively dealing with it through out the summer. I hope this was helpful. There is so much hope in correcting our children's nutrional/imune deficiencies. I thank God for the answers He provides & my husband's amazing dedication to discovering those answers. Take care Faith! With kind regards, Pam
Thank you Chemar for your valuable input about what we can do at school. Our son is not diagnosed as having Tourette Syndrome. Also, our son did really well in the pre-kindergarten testing (yea!), so, we do not have any concerns regarding enrollment. We are going to our Dr.'s Monday, May 7th, to get a game plan in place for his recovery, so hopefully we will not need to have him diagnosed so that he will receive the proper treatment at school. His tics are barely noticeable now (thank God!) & his moods/anger management have improved over the past 3 days since we elliminated milk, wheat, gluten & peanut butter. They showed up on his food sensitivity test results. Our poor little guy's body is so unbalanced!! But we have SO MUCH HOPE since we now know what is going on inside of him & that we can help him heal with the proper guidance, diet & supplementation. One thing, with many others, that really grabed our attention was his amino acids. They are all out of whack. Amazing, isn't it?? There in lies so much of his personality struggles, fatigue, & digestive issues. Thanks again for your input & concern. Sorry it took me so long to respond. With kind regards, Pam
Hi Lenny, we also got the urinalysis for amino acids and stool analysis for yeast and a hair mineral analysis. Maybe I'll give you a buzz later, around 3 our time.
Good morning Owen's Mom & welcome to this wonderful forum. Bonnie's supplements: Our son, who is 5, started having tics this past December. We started him on the vitamin regime immediately & within 2 weeks had him on the full doseage of 11 vitamins & 4 fish oils w/MagTaurette. My husband takes them as well & as a result, the boys eagerly do what Dad does, so taking the vitamins has been more of a game & a passage to manhood than a bothersome task. Helps!! Food: On Bonnie's site, she decribed certain foods, preservatives & food dies that are tic triggers. Over the past 4 months we have elimainated them ALL & have been giving our son a probiotic enzyme & organic yogurt to help w/abosorption. Results: His eye, mouth, hand, nose & arm tics are down 93%. His behavior was & is so much better too. He was shy socially, irratible, & moody. Now, aside from fighting colds & allergies, he is more attentive & willingly to participate in group activities. We have had a cycle of every 3 weeks a bronchial infection sweeping through our 2 sons. As a result of this, we have not been able to observe them completely healthy, but, the tics are down considerably & we are hopeful that this is a clear sign of us being on the right track. These bronchial/sinus promblems started in December too. Doctor: We have found an Enviromental M.D. - Dr. Conrad Maulfair who has run several tests on our son. 90 food panel for allergies, blood count & tests for toxic metals & minerals count, hair analysis for mineral count, stool analysis for G.I. health & yeast activitiy. What we have found to be ailing our son so far is an absorbtion problem in his G.I. tract & this has weakened his immune system. This has compromised his overall health. We have posted our test results so far & you are welcome to check them out. Hang in there. It is tough & maddening at times with such little understanding in the medical community & within the schools/family. Diet is HUGE in this battle & getting your child's immune healthy is a large contributor in your child's overall health. With kind regards, Pam
Treating yeast w/out it appearing on stool analysis?
itsme replied to itsme's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thank you Irena for responding. Your imput is valuable. We will be meeting w/our Dr. w/in the next 2 weeks & we want to be as prepared as possible so that we (Dr. & my husband & I) can come up with the best natural way to strenthen our son's immunity. With kind regards, Pam -
Hi all. Our Doctor told us that despite the negative yeast results for our son's stool analysis (he says this is common & also common with the blood tests) that he may very well treat him for yeast overgrowth. He says that prior to the lab work that is available to us now, they would treat yeast based on observation/symptoms. He says that even though the tests are negative that yeast may still be active in our son's G.I. Has anyone been treated for candida/yeast in this manner? My husband & I find this odd & would love to know if anyone out there has experienced this as well. Thanks so much! With kind regards, Pam
Good morning Faith. The various tests that were performed (not certain of the names) were: stool analysis (for intestinal health), 24 hr. urine analysis, 6 viles of blood to test for food allergies, yeast, mineral count, blood count, hair analysis for mineral count. There was a lot & there is still more to do & one that we would like to do is a vitamin test. Our son's spaciness began over a week ago. Prior to this, when he had a really bad bought with bronchitis, he was spacey too. We have had short periods of time in between sicknesses where our son was barely ticking, alert & happy, attentive, active & cooperative. The one thing my husband & I have been saying time & time again is that we just wish we could get past the illnesses & allergies to see where exactly our son is as far as his reaction to the suppliments & diet are concerned. It is very difficult to gauge his progress when he is under physical stress. We have been on Bonnie's vitamins since December '06. Full dose since the beginning of January '07. We have been using an enzyme - children's probiotic & Stoneyfield yogurt. He is an amazing little guy. He wants so much to do right & struggles terribly with his moods, irritability & fatigue. His teacher isn't too helpful or understanding & we are thankful that pre-k is almost over. He is having a hard time focusing in class & is not responding to her when questioned or directed. He will not sing in class as they practice for their graduation show, but at home he has all of his songs memorized. He is so brite & so capable of learning & following through, but he doesn't do it as school. His teacher worries that he will not be able to do well in Kindergarten or on the testing for Kindergarten; however, she has said it before, when he was doing well, that he is brite & not a problem. Selective memory, I guess. I have a wonderful relationship with the Kindergarten teacher & am hoping that she & I can continue this relationship & working together for our youngest son. Interestingly, in Tae Kwon Do, he focuses intently, even when not feeling well & does his best. He really likes his instructor & the instructor is positive, encouraging & knows how to challenge the children to do their best without degrading them. The teacher CAN DO SO MUCH to help our children through this difficult time. We are somewhat at a lose trying to get our pre-k teacher to understand - she doesn't seem to want to work with us. She seems much more comfortable describing the problems than looking for solutions or ways to work with our son. Thank you all for responding. I hope I ansewered your questions. We have not received all of the blood work back yet & when we do, we will share the results with you. With kind regards, Pam
He is doing much better in the tic area than a month ago. However his teaches said he has been kind of "spacey" over the past week or so. She says he is not responding quite right in class - seems a little slow. We believe it is due to the imbalances within the test results. We are expecting the rest of the results within the next week, after which we will develope a program for him. I'm hoping and praying that evrything comes together and works for him.
Hello everyone. We just received some of our test results back for our youngest son & we are wondering if anyone has information on a couple of things such as: sigA (secretory iga) was very low - it is a 10 & the reference range is between 40 & 204 mg's; SCFA's (short chain fatty acids) are low at 3.5 - normal range is between 4 - 14 mg's; & finally his maganese is low at .13 - reference range is between .20 & .55 & his magnesium is 16 & normal range is between 12 - 30. There are a number of other areas where he is unbalanced like his gut flora & others. The main area of concern is above & we were wondering if anyone has any helpful input on how to get his imune system back on track. We are currently giving him Bontech vitamins & an organic/whole food diet. We greatly appreciate it.
Good morning Kim. There is a lot to learn!!! I will read more from the site you sent me. Clearly, there are deficiencies w/in our children that are causing the mis-firing in their brains thus causing the tics & other emotional/personality problems. I totally agree with you regarding the dark circles under your youngest son's eyes. Not having the right biological balance will create such physical qualities....listen to me. I sure can sound authoritative!!! From what I have read, the dark circles do not line up with allergies; rather, nutrition. Our youngest has really balanced out personality wise & tic wise since we have altered his diet & maintained the Bontech vitamin regimen. Currently, he is having a hard time with the tree pollen & this is causing a mild nose & mouth tic which is hardly noticable. From what my husband (itsme) & I have learned over the past 4 months, it seems that Tourettes is simply the body's way of saying "I have problems - fix me!!". The solution is out there & we have great hope of healing our boy along with our other son (who is one year older) who appears to have a G.I. problem. His personality (the oldest) has GREATLY improved since we started him, back in December, on Bonnie's vitatmins. We are taking him in today to our specialist to begin the process of discovering what exactly ailes him. Thanks again for the wonderful sites you sent me. I am looking forward to learning more. With kind regards, Pam
Good morning Kim. Our son, who is now 5 years old, was given soy formula for about 13 months. He was a terrible eater from the beginning & did not nurse well. I started him on formula & then switched to soy when he was about 4 months old. He was so difficult to feed all the way up to 3 years of age. My husband noticed his tics this past December & immediately began to research. We have changed his diet to whole foods (Basicly what Bonnie from Bontech recommends) & we have him on Bonnie's vitamins. His tics are down; however, he is currently in the midst of allergy season & this is affecting him. Was your child a problem eater from the get-go? We are currently seeing a doctor - Dr. Maulfair in Topton, Pa. He is running many blood, stool & urnine test to see what is going on with our child. He tends to think that it might be candida (yeast overgrowth in the G.I. track). My other son does not tic; however, he has complained about stomache discomfort for the past 2 years. This too can be a sign of candida & we are going to get him checked out as well. I am new to this whole TS thing. My husband has had it since he was a child. What, in simple words, is your concern with soy & your child's development. I have read your link but I was unable to comprehend the information & make the connection between TS & soy. Thanks so much. Pam
Hi Faith, Our son has been sick this past week and there is definitly an increase in tics this also happened a couple months ago. I would ask him several times a day "do you still have mucous in your throat" hoping he was still sick because of the increased tics. As the sickness went away so did the tics. Hoping the same happens this time - I believe they will.
Hi Jennifer, Wecome to the forum. I have found it VERY helpful here since i joined about 2 weeks ago. The people here are very helpful and filled with knowledge and resources. Our son has that tic very mildly now. He was doing it alot after it started on feb 9 07, but he doesn't do it much anymore now. We also took him to the dr. they thought it was asthma or allergy. We are still not sure exactly what it is/was but i believe it was either a tic or anxiety from ticcing alot. Hi
When did your childs tics become problematic
itsme replied to itsme's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Just a couple of weeks after his 12th birthday, my son started with tics. (His bday was at the end of February) But we started him on a multivitamin that very day, add I added mag & calcium and over a period of two weeks his ticcing calmed down a lot. He still tics but it is not as devasting as they were. I don't know at this point if his tics are in the waning period or if they have decreased in severity b/c of the vitamins. Or does it not matter when it comes to waxing and waning?? Ugh. I'm still learning the terminology at this point. Loren Loren, Same with our son. We started him on bontech vitamins just days after i saw his first tic (eye blimking) in December 06. He still tics some today. Not sure if it is all allergy related, food related (going to an environmental Dr. tomorrow) or what? Also not sure how much ther vitamins are affecting him because we started supplementing right away and we are not ready to pull back on vits to see how he is. Our son started eye blinking when he was around 6 years old just for a couple of weeks and it stopped. One year later in Feb. i believe he started again for about 2 weeks or so. Then it suddenly stopped and 2 weeks later full on neck jerks, hand wrist and leg jerks and 2 weeks after that major ocd. It turns out that he had had strep for months and we didnt know it. Never diagnosed after almost a dozen trips to the family doc. He never did a throat culture until it was too late. 9 months later after a 10 day round of clyndamycin and tonsils and adnoid removal and a strict diet, no dairy,wheat,gluten or sugar and religiously on the Yasko strep protocol to balance his system so strep can't thrive anylonger he is symptomfree completely. What ever it was that did the trick im afraid to stop. This seemed to work for our son. Dr. Yaskos theory is that once you balance your gut and body that an autoimmune response to strep or whatever can actually disappear eventually and after 6 months on her program i think that is what is happening finally with our son. Hes never looked so good and he says he feels fantastic. I know that could all change if he gets another overload of strep in his system, but im determined to try and create and environment in his gut where strep can no longer thrive like before. It loves low glutathiione and high alluminum. It holds on to alluminun supposedly.and that why it hard to get rid of and keeps returning. Were trying to get rid of the alluminum(horsetail grass and edta) and then hopefully the strep will go with it. Dr. Yasko feels that one can keep reinfecting themselves with it that the strep lives in the nasalpharnex cavity. I think that the adnoids not sure. Anyhow this seems to be working for us, hes been symptomfree since Dec 15th. I never take one day of his health for granted. By the way he was diagnosed in Sept. with Pandas. The doctor said he had the highest antigens hes ever seen on record. I think this was because it had gone so long without ever being diagnosed. It was everywhere, heavy growth in his throat, gut blood and stool. We chose not to go on prophlactic antibiotics even though they were recommended, only that 10 day round of Clyndamycin. Anyhow that is our story. He just turned 8 years in Jan. I'm hoping we can get through puberty without ever getting strep again. Dominique That is a very encouaging story. Our sone seem to be getiing better until he got a bad bout of bronchitis 3 months ago. Since than his tics have increased? We'll keep looking. -
When did your childs tics become problematic
itsme replied to itsme's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Just a couple of weeks after his 12th birthday, my son started with tics. (His bday was at the end of February) But we started him on a multivitamin that very day, add I added mag & calcium and over a period of two weeks his ticcing calmed down a lot. He still tics but it is not as devasting as they were. I don't know at this point if his tics are in the waning period or if they have decreased in severity b/c of the vitamins. Or does it not matter when it comes to waxing and waning?? Ugh. I'm still learning the terminology at this point. Loren Loren, Same with our son. We started him on bontech vitamins just days after i saw his first tic (eye blimking) in December 06. He still tics some today. Not sure if it is all allergy related, food related (going to an environmental Dr. tomorrow) or what? Also not sure how much ther vitamins are affecting him because we started supplementing right away and we are not ready to pull back on vits to see how he is. -
Excellent Faith!! No Pun - I to thought and felt the same thing during "Stations".
When did your childs tics become problematic
itsme replied to itsme's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi Andy, Thanks for the reply. That's interesting, 2 - 5 yrs. old, i thought that was supposed to be a relatively mild time for tics - so i take it your son is doing much better now, as far as ticcing? How old is your son now? Has evrything your doing helped alot? -
Hi Faith, yes we had him skin tested last week and he is allergic to certain trees and grasses and sensitive to corn. We are going to an environmental dr. next week, i will ask him to do comprehensive allergy testing and anything else he can do. Hopefully things go well.
The Treatments that have Helped My Son
itsme replied to Chemar's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thank you. I do still have faith in the vitamin program. We are also going to see an Enviromental Dr. next week. Hope to find some answers there. -
When did your childs tics become problematic
itsme replied to itsme's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi Chemar, thanks for responding. When you say the tics "dramatically improved" - what percentage would you say.... 40%, 80% ect....? Thanks. -
I thought it might be a good idea to take a quick survey to gauge when the symptoms started to become a problem. Many people on here, including myself are not sure what to expect for our sons and daughters and so i thought this may be helpful. For me (having TS) the worst time was at 13 yrs old. Please join in. Thanks.
Hi Faith, I am wondering the exact same thing, except for the springtime. Great question, hopefully we can get some answers......?
Hi Cheri, sorry for writing you so much (i think this is the 3rd time today) but coul;d i ask about the Bach remedy. Our son is ticcing alot over the past couple weeks (a WHOLE lot today - UGH!! i feel so bad for him) do airborn allergies cause moodiness, sleepiness - he is very volitile today!! And does this remedy that you like take care of all that. We just started using Clarinex a week ago - do you know anything about the effects of clarinex on moods, tics, etc.... I know that you are very busy, so any input at all is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks again so much.
Thank you so much for the valuable input.
How long to rebuild immune - reduce tics.
itsme replied to itsme's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
I don't know if I have told you before before, but I want to thank you so much for all of your time providing me and others advice and suggestions and peace of mind. Also I love your profile qoute about "be anxious for nothing" I lean on God and he provides everyday - just as he has led me to this forum. Just a quick question. You said steroids are a tic trigger. We gave our 5 year old with Ts the prednisone for 4 days and stopped last monday. I do know they break down the immune. Do you think that could still be affecting him?? Also, (sorry, 2 questions) with everything you know - what are the chances of minimizing my boy's tics? I know - a LOADED question. I first thought 4 months ago when the tics started that Bontech sups were the only thing, now it looks like there are other possibilities. What's weird is it seemed like the sups were helping for a few days until he got a bad bout of bronchitis which ended about two months ago. I would think that his immune should have recovered from that. But it does seem like the supplements work for nearly everyone - just to varying degrees??? Thanks again so much.