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Everything posted by itsme

  1. Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to rebuild the immune system after using antibiotics for 10 days after a bad bout of bronchitis. This is what happened to our 5 yr. old. 2 months ago. He also took prednisone (a steroid that breaks down the immune system) for 4 days 1 week ago. Tics have been up and down over past 4 months since they started. Any input is greatly appreciated.
  2. Lulu, Hi, my son had TS for about 4 months now. They were worse over the past few weeks. He does have allergies. Do you find that your sons allergies make his tics worse??
  3. Hi, you said you tried Bonnie vitamins. If you don't mind, how long did you try them for? Were there any benefits?
  4. Hi CP, My son is 5. I think the "still time" like riding in a car causes more tics which cause stress and than tics, but not positive. I still have ts, it is probably mild to moderate. I think it may have been less severe when I was a kid 10, 11, etc.... than it is now. I still live a great life, the tics are simple a nuisance. I tic, maybe 1 to 2 thousand times a day. But as anyone with ts knows it is simply part of life when you've had it 30 years. I am doing a diet change now (since my son got ts 4 months ago) I am desparate for answers!! Thanks for your reply.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm just wondering how many people experience an increase in TS symptoms when it's allergy season. We just found out my son is allergic to some trees and grasses and his symptoms increased about 2 weeks ago - as it is getting warmer and things are blooming here in PA. What doesn't make sense to me is that his symptoms are increased all day long - first thing in the morning till he sleeps, not just when he is outside. If the increase was due to allergy I thought it might be when he is outside or shortly after he comes in - not when he is indoors for 10 hours?? Any input on this topic is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.
  6. Hi Faith, Thanks for your response. I've had TS since age 10 or 11. It was never a big deal at all for me. (I sure hope it's the same for my boy). Had alot of freinds, dates, played sports. I am now a financial advisor and married with 2 kids. If you want to know the full picture, please feel free to respond to my email address and I can give you my number and you can call me. To type it out would take me about 4 hours - Im a horrible typist.
  7. Thanks Dedee, I so much appreciate your input and this forum. I will definitely let you know how my son does.
  8. Hi Chemar, Thanks for the response. We are using Bontech vitamins - on her web site I've read so many positive tetimonies about the vitamins. It's frustrating because we thought the vitamins were helping a couple months ago, then he got bronchitis. Since than his tics have been moderate. Before that we believed his tics were getting milder due to the vitamins. If you don't mind - how are your son's tics, mild, moderate, severe? Thanks again.
  9. Thank you so much for the quick response.... I too believe that this breathing thing is a stressor on the body which is causing more tics. However it could be the other way around - that is the tics are causing the anxiety and thus the breathing problem. He has however complained of not getting enough air when he is running and this is a kid that could go all day until recently. also do you know if the clarinex (allergy medicine) may cause tics. Do you know of anything else to help improve tics?? I really did (and still do to some degree) feel that the vitamins are going to help?? Thank you.
  10. I think the tics did increase with use of prednisone.
  11. Hi everyone, I've never "posted" before so please bear with me. Our son developed eye blinking tic 4 months ago. I have had ts since i was around 10, so I knew what it was when it showed up. I tried Bontech supplements for myself before (without success) so I ordered them as soon as I saw this with my boy. Initially, his symptoms got worse. Than after about a month they got quite a bit better. Than, he developed a bad case of bronchitis (end of January) and he was on an antibiotic for 10 days. Afetr that his tics seemed much improved. However, (of course - this is never easy) he than got worse. A few days after the bad bout with bronchitis he developed, what seems to be a breathing problem - he can't seem to get enough air in his lungs. He'll take a deep breath , he does it more when at rest (like driving in the car or in bed at night). He also runs out of breath easily when he runs. I don't belive the breath thing is a tic, but not positive. We gave him Prednisone for 4 days on March 26 that ended (which breaks down the immune system!! - I don't know for how long it weakens the immune??) and are currently giving him albuteral for his breathing. We also just took him to the allergist and found out he is allergic to certain grasses and trees. He has had incresed ticcing over the past week and a half. Quite confused at this point - especially since we believed (and are still hoping) the vitamins work. I know there is alot here, but if anyone has any suggestions, answers, help etc.... I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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