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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. thank you for that Caryn!
  2. the epsom (mag sulfate) cream works very well for my son's motor tics CP I havent tried the magnesia (mag hydroxide) cream so cant speak personally, but it sure sounds like a very beneficial mix the sulfates in epsom do give that extra benefit, but this other method adds the omega and coconut oil, each with their own health benefits too
  3. You mean during the 1.5 seconds they're being swallowed they somehow lose their effectiveness? I think that doc was likely trying to sell their own product not sure which liquids they were referring to but Kefir is one of the oldest and most effective probiotics known
  4. I posted this a s a reply to Bev as well but thought to put it here too we have discussed the benefits of (magnesium sulfate) epsom salts on tic reduction for many years now (baths, footbaths, creams and compresses) and I have posted before of the method of making epsom cream to use on tic affected areas (1 heaped tblsp epsom salts dissolved in a small saucer of hot water and added to about 1/4 cup cream/ointment...aquaphor works well as it absorbs water) anyways, someone posted to a long running magnesium information thread on NeuroTalk with a novel recipe for making mag ointment from a blend with milk of magnesia http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/post608661-182.html
  5. bev chiropractic and acupuncture have always been very helpful for my son's motor tics you can also make your own epsom salts cream to rub in to neck (or any other area where tics are focal point) My son actually prefers a washcloth soaked in warm epsom water applied to the neck, and resoaked and repeated for about 15-20 min here is my recipe for making the cream (courtesy of mrsD) I use a tablespoon epsom for about 1/4 cup cream here is a more recent and very innovative method for just magnesium cream http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/post608661-182.html however, mag sulfate as in the epsom salts has additional benefits to just mag alone, as the sulfates have their own effect in conjunction with the magnesium effect
  6. thanks for updating us Jules what a relief to hear that you are at least finding answers and so can more proactively treat what is wrong so glad to hear you found a doc that understands about PANDAS hoping for healing and wellness.
  7. Hi ScaredMom a lot of young kids have eye tics that are transient and go as quickly as they appeared. especially as you have no family history and also that your child isnt exhibiting more than this one tic, I would just be as relaxed as you can be while observing for anything that may be atrigger for this tic just to be sure did your child have any recent vaccinations? illness? especially strep? does the preschool or your home have any new carpeting? new woodwork? Perfumed Air fresheners? Mold? for some people those can trigger tics too try not to let your child notice you are scared/worried or even observing him just be as normal as possible around him and hopefully these will be transient tics and quickly go away
  8. could be he is sensitive to the nuts lele also it is full moon, first of 2010 so an especially large bright one tonite expected. I have posted before that my son (and others with TS, I have heard) seems to experience waxing with full moon, altho interestingly enough his tics and OCD are pretty subdued at present
  9. die off reaction really varies in individuals I had a yucky time of it, lasting a few weeks symptoms for me were headache, irritability and digestive upset, and a lot of "brain fog" my son had hardly any...only about three days, as he was having acupuncture and biofeedback detox at the time drinking lots of pure water, epsom baths really helps
  10. so glad to read your update Mar May it just keep getting better and better!
  11. oh no! no offense at all....just realized perhaps you didnt know the book was kinda "home grown" and wholesome
  12. I have only heard of Amy Yasko's work on autism but some websites suggest it has been used for other neuro stuff http://planetthrive.com/2009/08/dr-amy-yas...omics-protocol/
  13. Bev that book is written by Sheila Rogers, who is the administrator of this website It isnt in any way claiming a cure, but rather just a comprehensive compilation of info and resources to help one thru the maze http://www.latitudes.org/book.html
  14. Hi Valerie and welcome my son did not test allergic to corn but has been avoiding all forms of it for some time now and feels it has been a very positive thing to do Caryn is the "expert" on all the nitty gritty on corn and its many modifications etc so hopefully she will be along soon to add info for you I do know that of all the corn stuff, HFCS was a major tic trigger for my son. I think it is the chemical alteration there that affected him, especially as he does have multiple chemical sensitivity it does seem that some people with tics do ok on corn so I am not sure that it is universal that corn products trigger tics, but it does seem that a number of people have found this I have seen suggestions that possible mold on the corn may be the actual trigger as far as genetically modified corn....I would say dont go anywhere near it!
  15. we have always continued to have Stoneyfield farms yoghurt, and for me, natural kefir, while treating with candida clear, but especially after the die off to replenish the good GIT flora
  16. Hi jewlz and welcome my son is dx with TS as well as ADD (no Hyperativity tho) He used to have very very severe TS and his ADD was impacting his education too We tried meds (not for ADD but for his tics, as well as his severe OCD) but stopped after a horrible year of alarming side effects that were far worse than the tics or OCD we started a supplement, healthy diet and other alternative treatments like acupuncture and chiropractic when he was in 5th grade and immediately saw dramatic improvements. He is now 20yo and is doing great yes, he still tics and has bouts of OCD, but nothing like it was in those bad early days! Also, his ADD became almost negligible once we started the supps and pure diet you can read about what helped him by following the link in my signature re diet, that really is very dependent on the individual's specific needs and allergies/sensitivities. But it does seem everyone benefits from a "clean" diet of pure, whole foods and avoiding artificial additives the book written by our admin, Sheila Rogers, really is excellent for providing a comprehensive coverage http://www.latitudes.org/book.html do also take a look at our helpful threads compilation http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459
  17. that is how many genetic conditions, not just TS, manifest. It depends on the combination of the genetic components that the individual inherits. I have 2 sons, the oldest does not have TS and the youngest does the waxing and waning is characteristic of TS but many OTHER factors both within and around the individual alter the manifestation, duration etc and yes, obviously there is an underlying issue which manifests with outward symptoms. That is the nature of all neurological illness as well as with all genetic inherited illness. If one inherits the genes for any illness and then begin to manifest that illness, there are outward symptoms of an internal illness. Not everyone that inherits the genes will manifest the illness tho. It has to do with dominant and recessive genes and other factors within each individual as well as those external "triggers"In TS it seems to be related to the dopaminergic system, in OCD the serotonin one actually my son exhibited what we now believe was his first tic shortly after birth. he made strange clucking noises which the doctors told us were due to a "floppy larynx" but later tests revealed no such thing in him and yes, no one is disputing that the manifestation of TS can be triggered the whole thing about genetics is that one inherits the predisposition for the disorder and then it manifests because of an inherent "switching on" of the gene(s) responsible, and/or because of other internal and/or external "triggers" I am just not sure why you feel that genetics and predisposition and triggers are mutually exclusive? That IS what genetics is all about.....inherited traits that exhibit based on variable factors
  18. we have never hidden from TS nor tried to hide that my son has it that approach has made him able to cope with it far better IMHO. I look at this exceptional 20yo today and think back to when we started this challenging journey and I just glow with pride at the young man he has become My husband reflects on his own childhood, when he was punished for the "habits", and ridiculed endlessly because his mother refused to acknowledge to anyone that he had a disorder. So he became a recluse and suffered much psychological trauma, both from not understanding what was going on in himself, nor in being able to openly talk about it with his parents or others. Especially as his dad and grandpa clearly had TS too!! I will forever be thankful that I saw that message on "It's Ok To Tic" by Lara near the start of our journey with TS. Fixit, altho there are documented genetic studies available, like the one Guy referred to (I did also recommend you get the details from the TSA)................... I really dont need a study to show me the genetic link in our family. Four generations of males clearly exhibiting TS is proof enough for me. returning to the topic...yup, people tend to be very ignorant and less than tactful about TS....but whenever there is a chance for another talented person with TS to advocate and educate, that is soooo good I dont ever watch American Idol, but I think I will tune in just to see this young man
  19. (((((((((((((((((((CP)))))))))))))))))))))))
  20. bit puzzled here Faith why wouldnt you want your son watching someone with TS doing something like this and especially with the reinforcement of how tics can often stop during performances or other artistic expression (as my son has also found) surely your son being exposed to the positive things like this is good?
  21. Marinol is prescribed legally for tics, tho I am not sure if it is available in all states The Tourette Syndrome association has funded a fair amount of research on the tic relieving properties of cannabis http://www.tsa-usa.org
  22. Hi and welcome both my husband and youngest son have TS meds have never really helped either and just caused side effects that were a whole lot worse than the tics! we have never used the BonTech supps but did base my son's program on the ingredients in them (see my signature link for details). A number of our members have found them very beneficial, but primarily for kids. I know some adults use them too but the dose has to be much higher and so many capsules a day needed. honestly, without proper dietary modifications, the full benefit of the supps are not going to be seen however, starting your husband on natural calm is a very good idea...maybe also see if he would be willing to start taking epsom salts baths in the evening (2 cups of the mag sulfate salts in a tub of warmest water comfortable. soak for 20 min bf bed) I think once your husband starts realizing how the supps and good diet help him he will become a voluntary participant
  23. Bev only people who have food intolerances need to avoid certain food types my son is fine with apples/applejuice as well as limited turbinado sugar and his tics are not triggered by any whole grains by clean diet I rather mean trying to avoid artificial chemical additives so if you can find glucose tabs without color that would be better re chlorine, again, that is one of my son's sensitivities. If your son isnt reacting to it (ie ticcing more when swimming in chlorinated water) then it isnt a problem for him. There are past threads here about different methods of purifying pools that dont require as much chlorine just because someone else posts that they have found tics reduced by avoiding gluten or dairy or salicylate containing fruits etc doesnt mean that is a trigger for everyone! Usually the artificial chemical things seem to be more universal triggers...but with foods it is more specific to the individual what you need to do is keep a log and try to find his specific triggers my son was first dx in 2000. We have a genetic link of TS. His tics and OCD were very severe and we did try meds for a year but saw very little improvement and in fact things got worse as the side effects triggered stuff. It became so bad that he was in hospital and we decided to withdraw from the meds with a doctor's help. After I read a copy of Latititudes magazine and learned of the research Bonnie was doing, I decided to try the natural route and we have never looked back. My son is now 20yo and doing great! yes, he still has tics, but they are very mild and hardly noticeable anymore and his OCD is so much more stable too. We noticed an improvement almost immeduiately after beginning the supp program I have in my signature You can t buy Bonnie's supps other than via her website, but she does list the ingredients of her products so you can try to put together your own plan, like I did for my son it does take trial and error but from our experience is so very worth it!
  24. Hi Bev I am biased as both my son and husband had awful side effects from meds for tics....so I would always urge a natural way forst magnsium alone wont always reduce tics sufficiently...it is a good idea to add the other supps that can help (my list is in my signature link, and the ingredients of Bonnie Grimaldi's BonTech supps are posted on her website) But it is also important to remove potential tic triggers, including artificial food additives that frequently act as neuro-excitatory agents etc have you tried the epsom salts baths for your son along with giving oral magnesium? is he taking a good pure multivitamin/mineral with all the B vits? Omega 3 is also very important (if fishoil sensitive, use flaxseed oil) the amino acids taurine and l-carnitine are helpful for tics, but introduce slowly and only one at a time to be sure they are tolerated as some people do not react well to them I know we found it was the combination of supplements that worked best around the core necessity of magnesium, along with a "clean" diet and environment free of triggers (eg chlorine, household chemicals, anything perfumed, dustmite etc are triggers for my son) and yes, the puberty years are the worst it seems
  25. Hi Jens this is probably a bit more comprehansive than you are asking but still may be helpful here It is a thread we once had running entitles These Treatments Helped Us here also is the Latitudes survey on things that trigger tics
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