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.........they meet at work............................ :)







all italian here...................lemme have it if you want... ^_^

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This is my favorite post of the day. Another American Mutt - 1/8 italian, 1/8 german, 1/2 irish (pure hubby!) and another 1/4 of everything in Europe! I remember my mom talking about a grandmother who spent all of her time cleaning, sweeping, didn't really interact with her grandkids - at the time it was an "old-country" tale of hardwork & cleanliness - nowadays, it sounds like OCD to me! Lots of TS/OCD on the Irish side - often wonder who else in our family has PANDAS, as they all had childhood onset. In my next life, I think I'll marry a man with a spanish heritage to balance out my italian/german - not seeing the Spanish here yet!!




Don't you know the rule about Polish jokes...only Polocks can make them!






worried dad .. I thought we had a good mix but your's trumped ours :-)



sorry, I can't resist...........have you heard about the polish carpool? :)


I just thought of something. My BIL recently sent me an article about how people's DNA and gentic make up can be altered over generations by things like diet. Whether it be by famine and starvation or eating too much junk.


Now, I don't remember my world history here, but was most famine in nothern Europe, Ireland, etc or was it like that at one point or another over all of Europe?

I just thought of something. My BIL recently sent me an article about how people's DNA and gentic make up can be altered over generations by things like diet. Whether it be by famine and starvation or eating too much junk.


Now, I don't remember my world history here, but was most famine in nothern Europe, Ireland, etc or was it like that at one point or another over all of Europe?



1st Arent most Americans from Europe?

2nd Am I the only Jew?(lol)


Well, I think that can open a whole other conversation. I believe all people derive essentially from the same place, then something like tribes began to migrate and that's how we started to separate. It was at the time when the continents were still all connected.


But then it depends where in Europe your ancestors ended up settling. We're talking about generations upon generations of influence.


well i'm certain the condition stems from my husbands side as he tics and so does his mother and she's had a nervrous condtion on that side also

i see my hubby's brothers do some weird things and so do their kids

they are mutts English, French, Belguim etc and no slavic nations in that group and hale fromt the Maine area where i believe more of that part of the world settle some time ago...And i think there is English connect


i've mentioned eppicgentics before about how diet affects generations to come....and turning switches off and on.


I am Polish. Zero problems here other than alot of drinking :) I notice a lot of Polish researchers here....


Anyway....this made sound mean or inappropriate....but i am a just talking out loud and i am referring to actual knowledge of kings and queens, and keeping the money in the famiy and not going outside your rank and i think this was more common in English type cultures......Marrying a cousin or uncle ......a little to much in breeding?????? Yes i know it goes on today even in the USA(for other reasons)

Again, just talking out loud as i don't think this is as common in African or Latino Cultures.....And maybe there will be a surge in areas where that practice starts or continues


It just crosses my mind, as the populatons grow and cross over, these conditions are observed in people who are black but probably have a grandparent who is white.


And then there are other who are just triggered by the enviromental, toxins, viral or structural ssues. everyone is subseptable to Malaria.

Now that makes me think....husbands grandfather had maleria during the war....he had nervous problems after and then his daughters had first case of history of nervous problem and slight tic, not hs son that we know of hubbies mom was the only one to have kids out of those siblings.

Hubby had seizue at age 5

Ds has had at least 12-15 cases of strep from age 2-8


sorry to digress and not trying to offend anyone if i did


It is kind of interesting that it's still far and away northern/central Europe. Only a tiny tidbit of Asian, no African, no Indian, no South American, no Central American, not even very much southern or eastern (beyond Poland) Europe... kind of interesting given that we do seem to be far flung across the country.


Of course, I wonder if this is just a description of internet users, rather than a description of PANDAS families. Or maybe a description of people dogged enough to figure it out at least this far...



Just curious - I remember, back in my days of research in psychiatry, this clustering of anorexia nervosa/anxiety disorder/autoimmune cases in families with Mediterranean background, e.g. Italian, Jewish, Greek, Armenian, etc. I know it's hard to get a read from a forum like this, but just curious if there is a lot of Mediterranean blood in this group.


We're Italian and Armenian, here.

  • 1 year later...
I just thought of something. My BIL recently sent me an article about how people's DNA and gentic make up can be altered over generations by things like diet. Whether it be by famine and starvation or eating too much junk.


Now, I don't remember my world history here, but was most famine in nothern Europe, Ireland, etc or was it like that at one point or another over all of Europe?



1st Arent most Americans from Europe?

2nd Am I the only Jew?(lol)

Nope, were Jewish too, but also generations from Poland, czech, Germany


Just curious - I remember, back in my days of research in psychiatry, this clustering of anorexia nervosa/anxiety disorder/autoimmune cases in families with Mediterranean background, e.g. Italian, Jewish, Greek, Armenian, etc. I know it's hard to get a read from a forum like this, but just curious if there is a lot of Mediterranean blood in this group.


We're Italian and Armenian, here.


Mediterranean descent here - both sides

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