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Hi everyone!


An interesting observation has emerged from discussions on BrainTalk and what I and my friends with TS family have noted.......


Tourette Tics have been waxing over the last approx two weeks.


It is quite amazing to hear this coming in from all over ....so i know it isnt just our area, and with such uniformity.


I initially thought that my son's waxing of especially vocal tics was purely related to my changing his EFA supp to one containing more fishoil. However, although his tics reduced dramatically as soon as I removed the new supp and returned to his old one.....still, he is ticcing more than he has in ages....and now, hearing that others have found the same in the same time period......well, it is quite uncanny!!


Anyone else with TS here noticing this?

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Guest Guest_efgh

Chemar, that is interesting and concerning. What are the vocal tics that your son has now and how frequent are they? Why do you think its on the rise all of a sudden for so many people?

Guest Robin O

Chemar, my sons tics have also increased over the last couple of weeks. I think its realated to his seasonal allergies. The pollen count has been very high and my son has been sneezing, coughing etc. This has happened the last 2 years around this time and his tics always carm down in May. Robin


well.....maybe it is the pollen, but we have had a lot of pollen before and havent seen this intense of a waxing phase since he started on supps almost three years ago. It has been rather dry and windy here, so i guess the pollen is a-floatin....but still...why not other years??


efgh.....I am closely following the input of others to see why this waxing is happening to so many TSers in so many different parts of the USA & Canada....will be interested to hear what reports come in from our friends down under in Australia....different seasonal change there as they are in Autumn now.


My son says he KNOWS it started with the last full moon :wub: We have certainly noticed lunar phasing with his tics and OCD in the past...but again, the last time they were this intense was nearly three years ago when he was still on the meds.


He is having mainly strong vocal tics like "eh!" and "ah!" as well as a lot of shoulder shrugs and head jerks.


Just in case it needs clarification......although my son is in a waxing phase.....still, I would classify these tics as mild compared with the kinds we saw during waxing periods before he started the alternative treatment.


Back then, waxing was a VERY scary phenomenon....now, it is just taking us by surprise but is in no way alarming or debilitating. Phew! And it also does seem to be diminishing again....double phew!! :wub:



I would agree with this observation as I had not seen or heard tics in my son for a very long time, though he has said that he still has them on occassion. I already mentioned how in the last few weeks he started blinking again and couldn't stop. This is mild compared to how he used to be before we treated his yeast/clostridia overgrowths. He also ended up with a very irritated red eyes, which made us suspect allergies here too. Thankfully, it seems to be abating. We're outside of Boston. It is a weird observation that you've made.


Guest Guest_efgh

Phyl and Chemar


I do hope that your sons will get better soon. How are their tics now? a very interesting observation.




For your poll: As you know, my son has been better.


My own allergies have been worse, and I am a big believer that any stress on the system (yeast, allergies--food or dust/pollens) makes tics worse also.


The only other thing I could think of is if their TV watching/computer play has increased, or that he has some new food he has been eating, or that coincidentally some issue like yeast is reoccurring.


Chemar, I am sorry to hear thiS!




Thanks for the input Claire.


The really weird thing tho is the uniformity in time period for TSers all over the country, and some in Canada.

It would just be too far a stretch to attribute this to something they had injested, or to TV/Computer.


I tend to agree that it is "something in the air"........but my son is emphatic that this last lunar cycle was different. He says the moon remained full for a longer period (he is a sky watcher) and that he KNOWS his tics started to wax as the moon became full.

I know it sounds like something sci-fi but I have heard a lot of theories on the moon affecting body fluids etc just like it does tides, crops and stuff.


I dont really know, but I am fascinated as people contact me to confirm that they have also noted this waxing over the last two+ weeks.


I am VERY pleased to say that the tics are diminishing every day tho, and have not at all become problematic. it was just so strange to hear and see them so noticeable after so long!


as Alice would say......"Curiouser and curiouser!" ^_^




I have been working over the last few weeks and simply have not had any time to post anything or even check in much to view posts.


However, I do want to add here that 2 weeks ago to this day my son's tics suddenly increased to a point that I hadn't seen in months. It is still mild compared to what he has experienced in the past, however, it was a definite increase. There was a virus (5th disease) going around the school which I believe he did have a mild case of. My naturopath feels that since his tics are viral related (he was diagnosed with PANDAS by medical doctors), that this virus has caused the resurgence of tics and she has him now taking an antiviral homepathic drop. They are waning, thankfully. Dr. McCandless feels that viruses may play a big role in tics.


Anyway, it is interesting to me that there is a definite waxing of tics in many children during this time....makes me wonder if it is really the virus causing this or not.




Glad to hear your son is doing so well.







I wondered what happened to you. I have been so busy too.


Things took a step function change in the right direction in the last 2 weeks for us, but that is because we started a new phase--elimination of new foods he was allergic to and the capryllic acid for yeast. I think my son now is a believer, which makes life soooo much easier. Or maybe things are easier just because he is doing better and thus is easier going again, who knows!


Too odd that you, Chemar, Phyl's kids all had set-backs.




Re the lunar cycle, well, I know people who trade stocks by them...who knows?? My conservative side says spring allergies, but I know enough to know that I don't know!



Guest Guest_efgh

All your inputs are really interesting.

Chemar, my son too is a big SKYWATCHER... is it a trait of TS kids?? He loves astronomy...

How are your son's tics now? your input on lunar phase is interesting.. Could that be the reason that some kids tic more during the later half of the day (more during the nights...)

Phyl and Heather , how are things with you all? Heather, any particular trigger that you noticed in your son's case ... (since he was pretty calm for a long time).. also does he tic more during tv time..What are his tics now?

My son is like Claire's in this regard. TV is the BIGGEST trigger for him.. he was doing good for the past three months without TV and I just thought I would try out TV in my friend;s place just to find out if the trigger persists.. He generally repeats the sounds that he listens on the TV. I removed the audio and just put the TV with the video ..... Guess what - he started imitating certain actions (since there are no sounds) that he watched in the cartoons.. I switched off and he is fine!! Have you heard of tics of this kind?

Hoping that his tics subside EVEN when he watches TV. .. Claire, since your son is doing fine now - do you have any plans of introducing the TV to check things out...

Jean, how are your son;s tics now?


Thank you for your concern. My son seems fine again. Last night we watched a video on tv and it didn't seem to trigger anything. So, whatever it was, 'tis curious.



HI, I've just stumbled onto your most exciting site, it is such a relief to know there are other people out there with families like mine. I have three sons 9, 7 and 5.

9 and 7 have Tourettes with the 7yr having such a massive increase in tics in the last two weeks, I have considered giving up work to home school after our Easter hols which finish today. The 9 yr has had symptoms for 4yrs and the 7yr just started this year. The 5yr has the occasional suspicious movement, but I'm not sure if its me in denial!

I live in Australia Melbourne and have never used a chat site before, so if I do anything suss just let me know.

Thanks you guys.


Welcome Ausclare!


Many of us just found this site in the last 6 months, including me. I highly recommend reading through the various threads and asking questions--we have all learned so much from eachother.


Mostly we are looking for non-pharmaceutical methods to help our children be more comfortable. Some have TS, some have tic syndromes, and many have other issues coexisting. I can't believe the level of improvement we have seen. I am so happy with the results I have seen for my son.


Eveyone's path is different...good luck!



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