abbe Posted December 4, 2008 Report Posted December 4, 2008 Hi everyone, My name is abbe and I have been reading your posts since this Halloween. My son Nicholas was a perfectly normal healthy child until at age 5 he dove over a swing and tore the artery in the back of his neck. it was a mother worse nightmare. The story is to long to even get into but Nicholas suffer 2 strokes from the artery forming a clot and peices of that clot were dislodged into his brain. The very sad part is Children Hospital in Philadelphia actually misdiagnosed my son and sent him home at one point. The GOOD news is Nicholas FULLY recovered. He is my youngest son now age 7. His older brother are 13 and 16. You could never tell anything happened to Nicholas he is super athletic (more than his brothers) smart etc. He made a complete recovery. The artery only has 20% blood flow but the lesions in his brain showed signs of complete healing on Mri's. He had no damage to the basil ganglia as per his Neurologists. Anyway as to the ticks, this past summer Nicky started to roll his eyes out of nowhere. I thought he was having problems with his vision so I took him to an eye dr. and he did in fact need glasses. So I thought that was the cause. On Halloween suddenly he started telling me my throat and neck hurt. He was upset . By Monday of that weekend he had a throat clearing and neck tick. I of course was freaking out. I have been a WRECK since then. I ordered Bonnie's vitamins (it might help to say I have been into herbs and nutrition far before this) Nicholas ' ticks were less severe on the supplements but I cannot give him her multi because it has an excessive amount of Vitamin e and he takes a baby asprin to keep his blood thin already. So I made my own combo for him with Lecithan, b complex. Magnesium , just started NOW and creatine. I am so confused about giving him a multi that has calcium in it with the whole magnesium antagonist thing. I also use acidolphilus and the epson salt baths. We just went to a holistic md (Magiziner) and Nicky got blood work, two urine tests and we have allergy testing in 2 weeks. One week ago I took him off diary, OJ and wheat. Again his ticks are there but more mild. At the onset his head was rolling and he pulled his neck in and back (pretty scary stuff) Now he sretches his neck and has the eye roll tick (but not as much) and the throat tick seems to get started when he eats. I suppose it is from the swallowing. I had taken him in for a strep test to the regular dr. at the onset and it came back negative but I don't know if she sent it to a lab etc. My two biggest questions are has your child developed gassiness from the supplements? Which ones ? Why are the ticks worse at night? Why are they so mild first thing in the morning? When a throat clearing tick is present does that mean TS? Can children outgrow TS? I WILL do all I can to get my son better. I want to be able to talk to other people about this on this board because I need the ideas and support. I was wondering how LONG it took from the onset of ticks to figure out the causes and have the ticks dissapate in the success stories. It seems that some things I read are disappointing like all that was doing is giving my child Magnesium and they were better. I want to keep my eye on the target and not lose hope ever, ever. It might be important to add that his teacher says she wouldn't even notice it if I didn't tell her to look? Do kids hold them in at school better? Abbe
MARYANN Posted December 4, 2008 Report Posted December 4, 2008 My two biggest questions are has your child developed gassiness from the supplements? Which ones ? Why are the ticks worse at night? Why are they so mild first thing in the morning? When a throat clearing tick is present does that mean TS? Can children outgrow TS? Hi Abbe, I'm sure you are going to get a lot of responces. I thought I try to answer your questions by my experience with my daughter because every child seems to be different. It's like you have to figure out a puzzle. I don't think my daughter had any gassiness with the supplements; however, when she starting ticing she had alot of digestion problems one being gas. I believe my daughter tics are not worse at night or the morning. You mentioned halloween, did your son have alot of candy and could this have triggered the tics? My daughter gets the huh throat sound also most of the time from MSG and it is instant. She has not had the huh sound in awhile since I took her off ranch dressing. Can children out grow this, from reading so much about this I believe Yes. When I told my brother about my daughter he told me he did some wierd things when he was a kid, scrunching of the eyes was his big tic. He is fine now. He told me he had that tic for two year. I rarly answer questions, just me being nervous I guess and I hope I helped a little. I'm sure you are going to get alot of support. This site has helped me so much. Hang in there Maryann
abbe Posted December 4, 2008 Author Report Posted December 4, 2008 My two biggest questions are has your child developed gassiness from the supplements? Which ones ? Why are the ticks worse at night? Why are they so mild first thing in the morning? When a throat clearing tick is present does that mean TS? Can children outgrow TS? Hi Abbe, I'm sure you are going to get a lot of responces. I thought I try to answer your questions by my experience with my daughter because every child seems to be different. It's like you have to figure out a puzzle. I don't think my daughter had any gassiness with the supplements; however, when she starting ticing she had alot of digestion problems one being gas. I believe my daughter tics are not worse at not or the morning. You mentioned halloween, did your son have alot of candy and could this have triggered the tics? My daughter gets the huh throat sound also most of the time from MSG and it is instant. She has not had the huh sound in awhile since I took her off ranch dressing. Can children out grow this, from reading so much about this I believe Yes. When I told my brother about my daughter he told me he did some wierd things when he was a kid, scrunching of the eyes was his big tic. He is fine now. He told me he had that tic for two year. I rarly answer questions, just me being nervous I guess and I hope I helped a little. I'm sure you are going to get alot of support. This site has helped me so much. Hang in there Maryann Maryann, thanks for your response first one yet! I do need the help from this board because I am so upset inside I am getting physically sick. I just keep reading and reading. You know when I sat down my two older sons to tell them not to notice the tics from Nicky my 13 year old told me last summer he had a tick where he pulled his t shirt up off his shoulder. He said that he just started to lift his shoulder after that and it lasted all summer. i can't believe I didn't notice! He said he made himself stop and then he just stopped. Also my husband who is not my boys father developed a neck tick in his teen years. He said it was hard to stop but he made himself just stop it. This whole "tic" world is just so bizzare to me and foreign at the same time I thank god I have the people on this board to talk to. I feel much stronger with the support ..... abbe
Chemar Posted December 4, 2008 Report Posted December 4, 2008 Hi Abbe and welcome tho sorry to hear what is happening I cant post long at present but noticed you mentioned he said he had a sore throat....that sets off a flag for strep and possible PANDAS induced tics have you had a strep throat culture done or any strep antibody bloodwork? always a good idea when sore throat and tics are together will try to post more later. in the meantime, do take a look at my signature link on what we did to help my son
abbe Posted December 4, 2008 Author Report Posted December 4, 2008 Hi Abbe and welcome tho sorry to hear what is happening I cant post long at present but noticed you mentioned he said he had a sore throat....that sets off a flag for strep and possible PANDAS induced tics have you had a strep throat culture done or any strep antibody bloodwork? always a good idea when sore throat and tics are together will try to post more later. in the meantime, do take a look at my signature link on what we did to help my son Thanks for your response and I read EVERYTHING you wrote. I did go right away and get a strep test but it was the quick one in the dr's office. I am sure they didn't even send it away. I went to a big time Dr. this past week but we didn't talk about Pandas. i called the office today. I am so upset that I didn't think of it while I was there because it was awful doin the blood work on nick. I can't imagine if I have to do it again. I also wanted to tell everyine here something that has worked for me. i use an herbal combination on Nicks neck and spine from a company called Pure Herbs called NW. It is a bunch of nervines and applied topically they really calm dow the ticks. The down side is they smell!!!!! abbe
MARYANN Posted December 4, 2008 Report Posted December 4, 2008 Hi Abbe, It sounds like your older sons tic went away. That is good! It's funny I have been thinking alot about my childhood. I never thought this was a tic because I never did it in front of anyone. I remember doing this burping sounds but my mouth was closed. It was a sound I made from my throat and it sounded like a frog. I use to do it constantly. I use to stay in my room and do all the time. I just figured it was a habit. I wonder if this was a tic? I did that for the longest time, a few years mabey even longer. I'm glad Chemar told you about Panda's I thought of that later. I thought your son neck and throat could of hurt from the tic. About school I'll tell you something my daughter nerologist told my daughter is that your mother and myself is going to notice your tics more than anyone. He explained to her that when he goes to his kids school he can always find someone with a tic but other people don't notice them. I'm not saying that is true for everyone but what I am saying is you are going to notice alot more than other people because we look for it. I was just wondering did you eliminate artificail flavors and MSG from the diet that worked wonders for me ? What happened to your son when he was younger can this be related somehow? I think your being to hard on yourself not noticing your other sons tic, I don't think I would of noticed that either. He is older and he probably did not do it infront of you half the time. Your looking for answers now, I think that's a good mom! Hope you find more anwser and take care of yourself!
abbe Posted December 5, 2008 Author Report Posted December 5, 2008 [quote name='MARYANN' d Maryann, I believe that my sons injury to his neck is not related for a couple of reasons 1. i don't think there would have been a delayed onset and 2. Nicky's ticks started at age 7 the most common age for ticks to start. I believe that he has repressed anger and tension from my divorce. I think that once I can clear that through herbs and eliminating maybe some allergens I might see an improvement. I have also taken him to a qigong healer in our area. He is doing energy work on his liver, lungs and spleen. I need to rule out Pandas just so I can be sure. He is going to a great natural doctor right now who will run the test for sure I just wish I thought of that this week before drwaing the blood. I assume it is a blood test???????? Nicholas hates to get blood drawn from being at the hospital before. I actually just remembered something at the hospital they used Lidocaine to numb his arm before hand maybe I will do that this time before the test. As far as your throat noises go I think years ago we didn't notice half the stuff we do now as mothers....I am trying to come to terms with things and count my blessings for what is right and not what is wrong. This is the same mind set that got me through his accident......abbe
patty Posted December 5, 2008 Report Posted December 5, 2008 Abbe, Welcome and sorry to hear what your son is going thru. My son had a neck tic as a result of neck pain. Couple of things that works for us is Kirkman's Lab magnesium creme and craniosacral therapy. I think you may be onto something regarding repress anger from your divorce. I am not agreeing with you to make you feel bad. My son's tic came on suddenly about couple of months after i was seriously discussing divorce with my husband. There were other things going on but the divorce issue was one of them and i often wonder if that was part of it?! You will find a wealth of info here. Pat
abbe Posted December 5, 2008 Author Report Posted December 5, 2008 Abbe, Welcome and sorry to hear what your son is going thru. My son had a neck tic as a result of neck pain. Couple of things that works for us is Kirkman's Lab magnesium creme and craniosacral therapy. I think you may be onto something regarding repress anger from your divorce. I am not agreeing with you to make you feel bad. My son's tic came on suddenly about couple of months after i was seriously discussing divorce with my husband. There were other things going on but the divorce issue was one of them and i often wonder if that was part of it?! You will find a wealth of info here. Pat Pat, Thanks for your message I will try the cream. I am new to this whole world of tics but I am not new to the holistice field. I have been into this alternative thinking since my late 20's (I am 43). I am quite sure there is a coorelation between stress and these tics and were they emerge. My sons might have picked his neck and throat because it was close to his injury. Also his eye tick happened when he needed to wear his glasses but didn't. All of these areas are weaknesses in his body. This morning I did the urine for the neuro test. that was a delight. My son was so upset he couldn't eat and my husband acted like he was 7. Some days I don't know what is worse ! I wonder if any of you out there could attribute any of the vitamins to constipation. My son always went after breakfast and now he skips a day. Could it be the new wheat free diary free diet? Doesn't make sense to me though. Also did you feel that any certain supplements made your children more hyper? Once again my son went to bed by 8pm or 8;30pm and now he shows no signs of being tired at that time. I still get him to bed but he seems wide awake? abbe
patty Posted December 6, 2008 Report Posted December 6, 2008 Abbe, I forgot to mentioned that acunpuncture really helped with the tics and neck pain. However, my son feared the needles and we had to stop after about 7 sessions. As you are familiar with holistic medicine, when one is repressed with anger it can build up wind and wind can cause twitches, along with heat from anger or emotional issues. For that i find acunpuncture very effect in clearing that stagnant energy. My son was very frustrated and angry when he was younger. As we have used different energetic modalities, along with a behavior therapy program i designed for him, his emotional state has changed drastically. Also, you may want to consider cut back on food that can cause heat to build up, like fried food, rich & greasy food, red meat... Pat
faith Posted December 6, 2008 Report Posted December 6, 2008 Patty, where can I read more about what you are talking about re the acupunture and stagnant energy, wind and the heat producing foods? This is piquijng my interest. Where did you learn this? Thanks Faith
Chemar Posted December 6, 2008 Report Posted December 6, 2008 where can I read more about what you are talking about re the acupunture and stagnant energy, wind and the heat producing foods? Info on Acupuncture Info on traditional Chinese Medicine principles in causes of illness lots more on that site I like it because it is easy to understand yet pretty detailed in explanation
guy123 Posted December 6, 2008 Report Posted December 6, 2008 What is your reason for giving him a creatine supplement?
patty Posted December 6, 2008 Report Posted December 6, 2008 Faith, Here are a couple of books that i like: Chinese Herbal secrets Stefan Chmelik and Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchford that does a pretty good job in translating the principals & concepts in English. What i know about Chineses medicine i learned it from my mom and i grew up using it, not the pills from the bottle but the actual herbs itself. If you are interested in acunpuncture, just make sure that you find a qualified practitioner. I am more partial to someone who has training from China and speaks the language because from reading some of the chinese medicial texts some of the meanings seems to be lost in translation. In my experience, the ones who are trained here their techniques & knowledge can be a bit water down. When it comes to more chronic, deep seeded and neuro related illnesses, i want someone who has a deep understanding of Chinese medicine, esp when it comes to my kids. In general, i would say acunpuncture treatments are pretty much one directional (upside) because the goal is to clear the meridians to move the stagnant chi. Just my 2 cents. Faith, i know you have some reservation in using alternative energetic modalities on your son. I think that once you have some understand of Chinese medicine, you will feel more comfortable to try other modalities like NAET, chiropractic, craniosacral or homeopathy... All these modalities have one thing in common, energy. And energy is represented in different form. For ex. Chi for Chinese medicine and vital force for homeopathy. We are all made up of energy and it is this energy that keeps us alive. Health & disease is determined by this energy. Pat
abbe Posted December 6, 2008 Author Report Posted December 6, 2008 Hi everyone, I wanted to say I am happy for the disscusions on energy work and accupuncture. etc. My son would not do well with the needles so I haven't gone there yet but the qigong healer I take him to does move his energy around in the same manner. Pressure points for all meridians are found in the ears and the feet also so reflexology is another option. My oldest son went through a bad episode of OCD last year when he started high school. He never used any additional herbs to get through it. He had a very qualified pschologist and he worked it ALL out. He was very bad !!!... For alot of kids this whole mind body connection is all tied together. Stress burns out the adrenals which in turn effects the liver and so on. I even will go so far as to say my son's throa tick is from repressing what he has to say. That is your throat chakra. Nicholas gets pissed off alot. Far more than my other children ever did. I am trying to get him to vent and talk his anger out more. I do want to say that yesterday I did try two things new with Nicholas one I used a crushed apple cider vinegar pill with the NAC and two I used a paste of epson salt and cream with the liqued herb NW in it (it has Lady's slipper, valerian, blue vervain etc all nervine herbs) You can get from a company called Pure Herbs. For the first time since this mess started (10-31-08) His neck was almost tick free !!! The most unbelievable difference though was he ate a snack at night and didn't do the throat tick 1st time ever that he ate and didn't do it. Don't know if it was the inside or the outside that worked but it was surely nice to see. p.s. for the person who said why creatine I use that once per day cuz one of you said it might help with the vocal (throat clearing tick) abbe
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