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7 Year old with pain in legs


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I'm new to the board and still researching TS as I think our 7 year old son with impulsive ADHD may have it. He started ticcing more noticably this spring and looking back, we can think of other tics that came and went. Time will tell.

My question is that he has been complaining about pain in his thigh muscle. Is pain common with TS? Is there any remedy or treatment to help alleviate the pain? His legs jerk occassionally along with him sniffing his fingers and hands.

Thank you and I am glad I found this board for guidance and support.


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Hi and welcome

the only time pain is associated with TS tics is if the tics themselves cause it


try a warm tub with 2 tubs epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in it and soak for 20 min. that can sooth the pain and also the magnesium helps reduce the tics. Epsom creme rubbed into the achy area can also be helpful

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Hi, my daugher has experienced tremendous muscle pain from ticcing in her shoulders. The pain was very severe because of constant muscle contracting. What helped us eliviate pain mostly was accupunture, deep tissue massage, epson salts bath- she soaked every night, for a few months. Eventually ticcing became less, after a few months of being on glutten free diet and overall healthier way of eating.


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My son also experienced neck pain and leg pain not as the result of tics. His neck pain actually triggers his neck tic. CST has been very helpful in this area.


His leg pain can happen during the day or at night, the location varies, front of leg, heel,... And the pain does not trigger tics. Arnica creme seems to be helpful or gentle massaging.



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Don't know if this will help, but I've mentioned before that I get the restless legs at night, and they are definitely exacerbated, if not triggered, by dairy it seems. Whenever it is bad at night, as it is on and off, I can trace back that I have had milk or ice cream that day.


Does this pain get worse at night?





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[/Does this pain get worse at night?]




Thank you all for your suggestions and replies. My son's pain seems to be the worse in the morning when he first wakes up. He walks like his leg is stiff and sore. It gets better as the day goes on. We have been trying the epsom baths and a magnesium cream. He didn't complain as much the past two mornings and the ticcing in his legs seems less in frequency. We are aslo paying more attention to possible environmental triggers and diet. Thanks again for your input. This a great forum!


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I remember lower leg pain when I was pre-pubertal. My mom said it was just "growing pains." That's what they used to call it. It passed. However, if you have a tic disorder and are subject to physical triggers, I can see where this might result in a tic. If I recall correctly, it was very short-lived, during a growth spurt. Out of curiosity, you might want to measure the boy!

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My son (only) not the girls had that (growing pains) about 8,9,10 years old, it would come and go.


I did just measure my son yesterday and he grew 2cm since about 10 days ago. He has had that in the past where he grew real fast then it slowed down. He is almost nose to nose with me so I can see real clear he grew. He is taller then me with shoes on now.



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