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Hi Everyone,

I just felt compelled to write because I have made some breakthroughs and discoveries regarding my two boys.


First, I remember when my older son was 5 and going through a sudden, pretty decent stuttering phase. This started in the spring and he was about to start kindergarten, so, we took him to a speech pathologist to be evaulated. He did perfect in the evaluation, didn't stutter once, but, promptly began to as we left the building. :) Sound familiar. Anyway, I said my prayers for God to let me know if he needed help while he was in there, and when he did great, I had to follow that answer and trust he didn't need help. Anyway, the stuttering dissappeared before school and all was well. (see, God didn't let me down, of course).

Anyway, since all this has been happening with my younger son also, (PANDAS), I have really been putting pieces of the puzzle together. I sent for the kids medical records, had a hunch, and just checked this yesterday. Low and behold, just as I suspected, what did my older son have the beginning of spring shortly before the stuttering started? Yep, his 5!!!!!! kindergarten shots! Coincidence? No way. I am 1000% convinced these vaccines caused my kids neurological problems. Yes, I also believe there is a genetic predisposition to it, but, these vaccines given so many at such a young age, I think these kids develope an immune reaction and antibodies that don't function properly and create these problems. Man, I feel guilty taking my kids to get these shots. I thought I was helping them and just doing "what I am supposed to do." Anyway, as I think I have heard a poster say before, "over my dead body", my kids will have NO more shots, vaccinations, etc. Ryan is 8, and Ethan is 5 (he has not had his kindergarten shots, nor will he) I am not so sure it even has to do with the other crap in these shots, (mercury, etc), as just the sheer fact these tiny kids are pumped full of multiple viruses at a time, with an immature system, and boom, stuff goes haywire.

Since the first stuttering episode, we had no problems with my older son until this past summer when strep brought on some tics and mild behavior issues. He now will tic (mainly mildly) and stutter when he is ill. We just had his blood work done a few weeks ago, 6 months after strep, and his ASO is borderline, antiDNAase B, negative, but, he is also 99.9% symptom free. I also know when he is ill and tics, etc., there are triggers. T.V., STRESS, excitement, homework, and I believe artificial food coloring. When he is healthy, he can tolerate these things without a problem.

Now to my younger son. Same shots, same doctors, etc. Got strep at age 3, mild ocd behaviors emerged. Thought it was strange, but, it wasn't really that bad and went away. Two years later, strep again (this past summer), and this time a severe reaction with bad OCD and bad vocal tics. We were just completely taken out by this for a few weeks, and by my own research, I discovered PANDAS. 3 months after onset, he improved dramatically and when I finally got his blood work done, both tests were negative, but, that correlated with his symptoms being gone, he is PANDAS. Neurologist did nothing, no one really helped. (we have help now) Now, he has been sick three times since this past strep and he gets an increase of symptoms every time. Got blood work done a few weeks ago, and his ASO was higher this time 6 months after strep than it was 3 months after strep, (and he hasn't even has it since.) So, when ill, many, many illness still cause a rise, although much milder, in his strep titers and cause symptoms. He also has triggers when vunerable, t.v., excitement, stress, and with him I am just beginning to think he may be sensitive to salylicites (spelling). He gets red ears, increased vocal throat tic, short temper, etc., and it seems to happen after Oj or tomatoes, or grape juice, etc. Humm......... so many pieces to this puzzle.

Anyway, I am convinced that tics, TS, PANDAS, are basically one in the same and are the result of an immune system problem, even when said to be inherited, I believe the inherited problem is with the immune system and not any particular gene (which they are STILL looking for). Just because Dad, grandpa have tics, it can still be an inherited immune system problem. Yes, a spectrum disorder, some tics, behaviors lasting a short time, some lasting into adulthood. Whatever the culprit, allergies, infections, etc, this is all immune stuff. (allergies are the result of an autoimmune problem). When neurologically taxed, this stuff puts these vunerable kids over the edge. Now, I was told, "just tics" also, it will probably go away,. Well, I went and got an antibiotic for my older son when he suddenly started ticcing (after I was told just to wait it out), and the antibiotic cleared the tics. This has happened twice. (he was ill both times, not strep the second time) If I would have listened to the doctor....... who knows. How many kids are suffering from these things and being told, "just wait it out, " when indeed, there are safe, effective treatments for these kids!!! I DO NOT by any means think strep is the only culprit, I believe any virus, bacteria, allergies, etc., can cause this reaction. I think it is just that strep can cause a more sudden, severe reaction, and therefore has FINALLY gotten SOME recognition. Oh, the blood work showed my older son was also dealing with the Epstein Barr virus also. We would Never have known if it weren't for the blood work, kids don't show many symptoms with it as opposed to teens or young adults when they get it. Blood tests should be a STANDARD for kids with tics, etc. You never know what is floating around in their systems. There are antibodies involved in the Epstein Barr virus that rise and then stay elevated to a certain level for life! Could these elevated levels cause TS in predisposed kids? Man, so many things to think about. I really don't believe the neurologists really have a clue. We need to look at the immune system!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, sorry so long, I didn't mean it to be, but, then I started to vent, I'll catch my breath now.

Just a side note, both my kids are doing very well right now, nothing really worth mentioning. They are both on prophylactic antibiotic becasue strep is the big bad guy that we want to definitely do our best to avoid! The other illnesses create milder symptoms which, although not fun, they are tolerable. I thank God every day for my kids and for every day we have. I know we will get through this, one day at a time. I have learned so much from this experience, and our lives have been changed. (for the better, if you can believe that!) I definitely prefer the good days, but, I also know I have to accept the bad and keep hanging on, even if sometimes it is just by my fingernails.........


God Bless you all!


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Just a question for all of you who say NO MORE SHOTS


Have you thought about what NOT getting these shots really mean if your child somehow contracts the disease that these shots are protecting them from?

That is where I run into the problem of making a statement saying I will never allow my child to get anymore immunizations.


I understand that alot of these immunizations have side effects that do cause our children to tic more or to have problems but are those problems the shots are causing worse or less worse then if the child contrats the disease they are being protected from?


I know a lot of these diseases are now unhead of because so many people did have the immunizations but there is still a chance that they could get them. That is what I think about.

Eariler this year infact whooping cough was in my area and 2 kids in my daughters middle school were pulled out because of it.


I am just curious how you weigh the risks.


See I would also rather my child NOT have the side effects or things that are associated with the shots, but I refused to play the lottery of them being exposed to a disease or an illness I could have protected them from. I know tics are a horrible thing for my daughter to live with but at least she can LIVE with them. If she gets exposed to a deadly disease she may not be as lucky.


Just curious what others think.



Hi Everyone,

I just felt compelled to write because I have made some breakthroughs and discoveries regarding my two boys.


vaccines given so many at such a young age, I think these kids develope an immune reaction and antibodies that don't function properly and create these problems. Man, I feel guilty taking my kids to get these shots. I thought I was helping them and just doing "what I am supposed to do." Anyway, as I think I have heard a poster say before, "over my dead body", my kids will have NO more shots, vaccinations, etc.


I have a one year old and after the history we have lived through with my son after his twelve month immunizations which I also believe weakened his immune system, brought on tics and high fevers. I am a wreck about what to do. Somewhere I read administering the MMR in increments is suggested measles, then mumps then rubella at three different visits. Any ideas on this? She also had very high fevers after her first illness which was throat related. 105 degree fevers that lasted on and off for a week. It was very freaky because it was fevers and strep that brought out his immune condition/tics at thirteen months. I want to prevent this happening again to another one of my children. She has the genetic predisposition. I just fear the shots. The Dr's don't get it though I've talked to them all they say is the benefits outweigh the risks.


I agree with what you are saying Kelly. I think there is a lot of similarities that will be proven in research in the future in the spectrum disorders. The key is the now what? How do we treat the damage that is already done for these guys then prevent it from the next generation? I hope they are continuing the research at NIMH.



Just a question for all of you who say NO MORE SHOTS


Have you thought about what NOT getting these shots really mean if your child somehow contracts the disease that these shots are protecting them from?

That is where I run into the problem of making a statement saying I will never allow my child to get anymore immunizations.


I understand that alot of these immunizations have side effects that do cause our children to tic more or to have problems but are those problems the shots are causing worse or less worse then if the child contrats the disease they are being protected from?


I know a lot of these diseases are now unhead of because so many people did have the immunizations but there is still a chance that they could get them. That is what I think about.

Eariler this year infact whooping cough was in my area and 2 kids in my daughters middle school were pulled out because of it.


I am just curious how you weigh the risks.


See I would also rather my child NOT have the side effects or things that are associated with the shots, but I refused to play the lottery of them being exposed to a disease or an illness I could have protected them from. I know tics are a horrible thing for my daughter to live with but at least she can LIVE with them. If she gets exposed to a deadly disease she may not be as lucky.


Just curious what others think.



Hi Everyone,

I just felt compelled to write because I have made some breakthroughs and discoveries regarding my two boys.


vaccines given so many at such a young age, I think these kids develope an immune reaction and antibodies that don't function properly and create these problems. Man, I feel guilty taking my kids to get these shots. I thought I was helping them and just doing "what I am supposed to do." Anyway, as I think I have heard a poster say before, "over my dead body", my kids will have NO more shots, vaccinations, etc.


Wow Kelly, Thanks for the great post. It sounds like you pulled it from my head as to what I have come to think. As far as the vaccine issue, I believe that the mercury and junk don't help the situation, but the main problem is the viruses themselves. For kids with immune system problems, tics or autism or whatever it may be, the vaccine my just be too much for them to handle. I just haven't figured out how to get around them so I am still working on that. I have spoken to my sons pediatrician about antibiotics during flares and he said no. How did you get your Dr. to agree? Did it require a specialist? Anyway, progress seems sooooo slow as far as the Doctors are involved. I have spoken to a doctor that claims he knows the cure. He said he spoke with the tourettes association long ago and told them that he had discovered it is an immune system problem that eventually can affect the metabolic system and involves antibodies attacking the brain. His "cure" are proteins that boost the immune system. It sounds pretty close to what could help and he is writing a book, yet it seems to be a slow process. You sound like you are so great about it all now and I am hoping to get there. Thanks for keeping us all posted and I am so glad that there are so many moms that seem to make great strides on this issue.


I can say that I REGRET the chicken pox vaccine. My youngest son's tics started three weeks after the vaccine and they have yet to go away (5 months later). He had NO SYMPTOMS of any types of tics before this......the doctor said "you might as well get the shot now, they will require it in school eventually"....what a dumb A_ _ I was for listening. (My sons were screaming in the office and pulling each other away from the nurse....wish I would have walked away at that point!!!!)


I agree that genetics must play a part....my older son stuttered when he was 4 (but is fine now)....I am going to look back at the records to find out when the vaccines were. He had his kindergarten shots long before school!!! So, my story goes along with Kelly's.


I can not seem to find the triggers of my son's tics. I am exhausted from all of my reading....and the fact that the doctor's think I am crazy for thinking that vaccines, nutrition, or vitamins could have anything to do with this, or contolling it. My nuerologist's comment on Friday was "If it was an easy fix to controll tics, everyone would be doing it". How many of those moms who trust the doctor (like I did) would take time to research this....that is why everyone goes for the medicine and not the natural stuff!!!! UGHHHH....Why isn't Oprah reading everything we see on this site????????? She could get some attention on this subject!!!


EASY FIX!!! That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Nothing we are doing here at this site is EASY. It all requires a lot of individual research, constant note-taking, the observation prowess of a detective, a willingness to try and fail, and tons of perserverance. There is nothing easy about it! And all of the possibilities for triggers, deficiencies, viruses, etc, etc...


For all their intelligence, doctors sure seem to simplify issues and keep their minds closed, don't they (and my sister is a doctor...).


And then there's the whole "well, the benefits outweigh the risks" statement. That statement is regarding the population AS A WHOLE, not your individual child. If your child has a genetic history or predisposition of some kind, the risk could ABSOLUTELY not be worth it. But doctors don't have much to say about it, do they? They just parrot the simple line they were taught in medical school...


In my case, I don't believe vaccination had anything to do with it, but I feel further vaccination would be a risk I'm not sure I'm willing to take. My daughter (6) had her DTaP at age 3. No vacs before that. No MMR, because I couldn't find a doc to split them into three doses. FRUSTRATING. Oh well, maybe it's best under the circumstances that she didn't have the MMR. No chicken pox or any other vac.


Anyway, just had to vent about the doctor thing. I know there are some good ones out there, but it bugs me so much that we put them on this big pedestal, but really, they are not all-knowing gods. You know how we're always told to "check with your doctor before starting any nutritional or exercise program"... give me a break! All they'll tell you is to follow the food guide and other BASIC stuff. I think it's the same with vaccinations; they just give the quick and easy answer that ensures the general population is protected, not your individual child.


Ok, I'm majorly rambling tonight. Hope some of it makes sense :)





I just wanted to say, that prior to Daniel being born back in 2000, I had heard a Naturopathic Doctor on the radio warn parents to look into the vaccination issue. I never thought twice about vaccinating prior to this. My dad was in the military and we had all kinds of shots.


Well once I started reading into the information as to how many children are effected by these shots but yet it is not well publicized I was in shock. I probably read every piece of information I could get my hands on because I was in the same boat as everyone else thinking what is worse not immunizing or taking the chance with the shots.


We ended up having Daniel immunized with only the Polio and DT (Diphtheria and Tetanus). After reading the literature a thousand times (ok maybe not that many but it felt like it) I took the advice of a doctor that I was going to at the time to do just these two shots. The biggest regret I have for him is I did these shots. I really do think this is a big part of Daniel's issue. Obviously I can not prove this but I certainly don't think it helped by any stretch. I am sooooo thankful I did not do the other shots on Daniel. I sometimes wonder where he would be if we had done the other shots for him as a baby with his very sensitive nervous system.


Here is a website I found very useful when I was considering to vaccinate or not. It is think http://thinktwice.com/ .


This website, which I have posted on other posts, goes into detail as to autism and the MMR http://www.newtreatments.org/fromweb/sulfur.html . This is a quote from this article... "William Walsh, senior scientist, Health Research Institute and Pfeiffer Treatment Center of Naperville, Ill., in his study of 503 children with PDD, Asperger's, and autism, found all but four were missing MT, which the body needs to bind with toxic metals-like mercury-so it can be excreted before it damages the brain and gut. Walsh believes a child who lacks MT may develop any of these developmental conditions if he gets mercury in his system. This may explain why some children become autistic after receiving a mercury-enhanced vaccine. It also explains why autism hits before the age of 3. After that, the brain and the gut have matured enough to withstand further doses of mercury, although the child may develop ADD and lesser developmental problems."


This is the conclusion I came to from many discussions with various practioners and again lots of reading. We obviously live in a very sanitary society in America. We do not have to worry about open sewers, dirty water, and basic filth. If you live in a country where these are the conditions, disease spreads very easily and certainly your immune system would benefit greater from having the shot then not. But we do not live in this kind of situation anymore. The average person in America, unless they have a compromised immune system, can fight off these viruses naturally. Not only this but naturopathic doctors have remedies to help your body fight off these diseases.


There is a another Naturopathic doctor, I have gone to in the past, who I have had discussed in detail about immunizations. This was his exact quote to me "I am not joking when I say dog vaccinations are cleaner then human vaccinations". How scary is this? He has done a lot of work in his practice developing "cleaner" vaccinations. When I see him again I am going to ask him what I should do if Daniel is to need a tetanus shot again at some point in his life. I am really frightened to give one to him after now knowing his nervous system is already having problems.


My other two children have not been vaccinated at all. They are VERY healthy children and they barely ever ill. All I have had to do is sign a waiver to the vaccinations for public/private school. It just states for personal reasons I have chosen not to vaccinate. Here is some information as to how to handle getting around vaccinations http://thinktwice.com/laws.htm#2 .


I certainly would never out right tell a parent not to vaccinate but the life long effects of the vaccinations is something that truly needs to be considered verses dealing with a disease for a few weeks for the average person who is fairly healthy.


Carolyn N.


I'm sure most of you know that 6 weeks after my son recieved dtap and meningococcal vaccine, he exploded with the screaming tic. This was very bad, it hurt my ears to stand near him. Again my son had some tics, but they were so mild I never knew he had TS or even heard of TS. So yes I do believe it made things worse.


The fact that children can still get measles, whooping cough, ect. ect. even after being vaccnated, that bothers me. I remember the Dr. telling me that My youngest would not get the chicken pox, or if she did they would be very mild. Now she will have to have it again because it is not effective for as long as the Dr. has said.


I'm so glad at the time people were running to the Dr for flu shots, mine told me not to do that for healthy children. Just let their own body fight off the flu.


I'm just going to pray, pray, pray, that God will show me what to do. Kelly, I believe our lives have been change for the better too. God has shown me how self-indulgent I have been in my life. How so meny souls forget about him, as I did, in my teens and twenties. I believe God has shown me my failures, and also has placed such a peace in my heart that he will cure me of my faults. He is here, He sees everything, and wants me to give up the things that led me astray. I have come across a small prayer that I say everyday and hope to be the last words on my lips as I pass this world.


"O my Jesus, forget and forgive what I have been." Amen


I have spent the last 2 years before the Blessed Sacrament, and God is telling me to... Forget myself for others.


Again, I say a fervent prayer for you all and your children.


God Bless from a soul who wants to be honest, patient, and more charitable,



My daughter received all the required vaccinations, beginning at 2 months of age in 1996. My doctor convinced me to give her the old DPT vaccine at 2, 4 and 6 months erven though they had already recommended the new DTap. I later found out that a lot of doctors had so much DPT still on their shelves that it was common to give it to use up the supply. I, unfortunately, new nothing bad about vaccines at the time. I was taught in nursing school that vaccines were good and very much needed. She received the chicken pox vaccine and the MMR on the week before her first birthday. She had a terrible reaction (rash and high fever) a week later. Looking back to that time I realize that was the time when she started doing something bizarre. She wanted to constantly poke at her belly button and would freak out if she had a onsie on and could not get to it. I am pretty sure that is when different behaviors started up and I attribute it to the vaccines. When she turned five she went to bed "normal" and woke up the next day with major OCD behaviors and tics. She was diagnosed with PANDAS. Forward fast to the age of ten. She came down with a horrible, terrible case of shingles. Since she was vaccinated against chicken pox, she, according to doctors, should never get shingles b/c she never had the chicken pox virus in her. She was very ill for weeks and in excruciating pain and it was heartbreaking to see her go through that. I have a lot of guilt about vaccinating her b/c I truly believe that was the main culprit of the PANDAS. There definitely could be other factors, genetic predisposition, but I believe the vaccines made it so much worse. I also have a one year old, five year old, and almost seven year old. The 5 and 7 year olds have each received 2 doses of polio and the one year old has had one dose of polio, nothing else. My 5 and 7 year old sons have never been formally diagnosed with PANDAS, but show some mild signs whenever they get strep. My 7 year old have a tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy when he was 5 b/c his tonsils/adenoids were so huge it caused sleep apnea. My daughter had hers removed also when she was 6 for the same reasons. My 5 year old had HUGE tonsils and it beginning snore loudly at night which is how the others sleep apnea began. My original plan was to get the full 4 polio vaccinations for all three boys, but now I am scared that I will make things worse. I just wanted to share my vaccine story with the group.


There are so many remarks that i would love to respond to on this thread! I don't have much time right now, but wanted to share a couple of things that some of you might want to read through. Forgive the disorganization please.






David Kirby

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Pediatricians, ABC and Censorship: Facts Are Scarier Than Fiction




Cell damage and autoimmunity: A critical appraisal.

Mackay IR, Leskovsek NV, Rose NR.


Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University,

Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia.


In April 2007, an international Colloquium bridging scientific and

clinical disciplines was held to discuss the role of cellular and

tissue damage in the initiation, development and persistence of

autoimmune disease. Five potential etiologic and pathophysiologic

processes fundamental to autoimmune disease (i.e. inflammation,

infection, apoptosis, environmental exposure and genetics) were the

focus of the presentations and integrative discussions at the

Colloquium. The information presented on these topics is condensed in

this review. Inflammation has close clinico-pathologic associations

with autoimmunity, but future analyses will require better definition

and metrics of inflammation, particularly for the earliest cellular

and molecular components dependent on recruitment of elements of

innate immunity. Although infection may be associated with increased

levels of autoantibodies, most infections and virtually all

vaccinations in humans lack well-established links to autoimmune


Further application of well-designed, long-term epidemiologic and

population-based studies is urgently needed to relate antecedent

exposures with later occurring stigmata of autoimmunity with a goal of

discerning potentially susceptible individuals or subpopulations.

Suspect infections requiring closer interrogation include EB virus

(SLE and other diseases), HCV (autoimmune hepatitis), beta hemolytic

streptococci (rheumatic carditis) and Helicobacter pylori (autoimmune

gastritis) among others. And even if a micro-organism was to be

incriminated, mechanisms of initiation/perpetua tion of autoimmunity

continue to challenge investigators. Plausible mechanisms include

potentiation and diversion of innate immunity; exposure or spillage of

intracellular autoantigens; or provision of autoantigenic mimics.

Integrity of apoptosis as a critical safeguard against autoimmunity

was discussed in the contexts of over-reactivity causing autoantigens

to gain enhanced exposure to the immune system, or under-reactivity

producing insufficient elimination of autoreactive clones of

lymphocytes. Although environmental agents are widely believed to

serve as necessary "triggers" of autoimmune disease in genetically

predisposed individuals, only a few such agents (mainly drugs and some

nutrients) have been clearly identified and their mechanism of action

defined. Finally an essential genetic foundation underlies all these

hazards for autoimmunity in the form of risk-associated polymorphisms

in immunoregulatory genes. They may be predictive of future or

impending disease.


PMID: 18194728 [PubMed - in process]





U of M researcher links asthma, early vaccinations


Updated at 10:12 PM


By Jen Skerritt



Children who have their routine vaccinations delayed by two months or

more cut their risk of asthma by half, a University of Manitoba

researcher has found.


Anita Kozyrskyj, an asthma researcher in the U of M faculty of pharmacy,

studied the immunization and health records of 14,000 children born in

Manitoba in 1995.


Kozyrskyj found nearly 14 per cent of the children who received their

first shot of diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine at two months of

age developed asthma --- compared with only 5.9 per cent of children who

were vaccinated more than four months after the scheduled date.


Manitoba recommends vaccinating children at two months, four months, six

months and 18 months of age for diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough)

and tetanus (DPT).


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -



Do you worry about a health risk when children are vaccinated?




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Physicians warranty of vaccine safety


I have a hard time being so matter of fact like many of you are.


My daughter is currently caught up on every "required" shot there is.

however, I am hesitant from her recieving certain shots that will be required coming up (her next visit)


See I don't think in her case her tics came from these immunizations since the timing just wasn't there.. However, how do any of us really know what causes what since some things can take a while to show up while other things show up right away..


I know we don't live in a country with bad sewage systems, and filth and disease everywhere but I still worry about my children contracting these diseases from others who either come in from other countries or from those who have not been immunizied and could be carrying things.


I agree with what everyone is saying regarding the dangers of what is really in these shots but.. I still can't get the image out of my head of what the poor kids who contract some of these diseases go through to survive if they even do.


Has anyone seen what whooping cough does to a child or heard what it sounds like? you would NEVER want your child to go through that.

What about measles or mumps or rubella.. I know that many survive having those things but not everyone does..

I just feel like if I do make the decision that she has NO MORE shots, will something happen down the road that I could have protected her from.


I just worry about that.

So where is the line? It is hard to say (for me) yes or no to these shots but I really think you do have to put a lot more thought into it then the information sheet the doctor hands you.


Our next visit (yearly physical) she'll be up for the chicken pox booster (which I want to pass on) the new shot for girls (forget the name) and another booster for something else. (my brain is foggy this morning - but I have all the info written down in my purse)


Not sure what I will do.

Its very hard to regarding what is required by state and all the hoops you have to go through if you do chose not to have the shots, regarding schools..


Tough choice for me.


I am really very concerned about all of the vaccines too. I honestly don't believe they are safe for all. On the other hand, I do believe some of the vaccines are helpful in preventing serious diseases. So, what to do?


A few of the vaccines I would forget (chickenpox, for example, I don't believe that one even works!) and I don't think I would give pertussis after age 5 (my doctor said that before 5 it can be fatal, but after, you just get a bad cough -- it is recommended now for older kids and adults to protect them from getting and giving it to infants, I think). I did three separate shots for MMR -- and if I had to do again, might even skip the R!


But others -- polio, etc. -- I would be afraid to bypass. Right now I am researching the meningitis vaccine as it is recommended for my daughter in the next couple of years. I know it is a real threat, but I hate to give her something else that might shake things up!


I wish I had a clear cut story about vaccines and the timing of them, but even though I can't say for sure about any one vaccine (and we are up to date on all), and the tics coming on, who knows, I may have missed some mild ticcing that I didn't even recognize as a tic. But don't know, I have always been very astute about tics ever since the first one I saw at age 3 1/2, it was like a facial grimace. However, my mother always used to ask me way before that why he always rubbed his eyes, so who knows if there was something there.


Calicat, am I understanding that your daughter has never had the MMR vaccine? Also, did you say your sister is a doctor? Couldn't she have given the shots spread out for you? What is her stance on vaccines and your experience, or shoud I ask?


Mom2three, I get what your saying, but i guess in your case, just do the vaccines in which you are more worried about the actual disease, but forego the ones that aren't so big a deal, for instance, chicken pox, I say big deal, my generation all had that as a child, nobody died. And the gardisil for the girls, well, let's just say glad I don't have a girl, that one sounds like a farce to me, as does the flu shots.


From all I've read and judging from the experiences here, I have to give credence to the possibility of these vaccines having some effect on our kids who are neurologically compromised. But none of us could know, until all these symptoms started showing up. I had no real knowledge on vaccines except for the belief that some had connecting it to autism, but even then I didn't know enough to spread out, and I know alot of parents are doing that now, there was even an article about Trump doing that for his new baby in one of those articles that Kim posted.


Tracey, of course that doctor would say that "if it were an easy fix.............." because it is NOT, it takes much more knowledge and studying, research and energy than they all have the time for, but you know all it takes is ONE to take the time to figure it all out. -- Also, could you tell us more about the doctor you mention re tics/cure who is writing a book --its not Dr. Robbins, is it?




Hi All,

Tanks for taking the time to reply to my posts. I have got such a fire burnig under my butt right now with just EVERYTHING from vaccines to very unhelpful doctors that I was actually entertaining going to med school last night! Wow, that would be something to go from a basically stay home mom to a doc at 38!! :) I am sure if all these doctors who just want to medicate our kids, tell us vaccines are nothing to worry about, "just tics" nothing we can do, just wait and see, well, I am sure if these doctors lived what we lived and saw what we saw they would change their tune!!

Anyway, just to respond to a few things. I do not believe at all that there needs to be an immediate connection or reaction to a vaccine or illness to have these neurological problems take root. From what I have seen, these shots or illnesses get the ball rolling and prime the immune system to an over reaction in the future, or, very shortly after, depending what stage of the process you are in. So, a shot given at say, 2, with no effects, may very well have developed the immune system problem and antibodies that will then sit dormant in the system waitiing for the next trigger (illness, shot, allergy, etc.) to set off the tics, behaviors, etc. And it could be years!!

Also, as far as us with the No Shots, I stand absolute with my decision. For me, it is a no brainier. It is like this..... imagine you go to your doctor and he tells you you need to take this medicine because it MAY help you from getting sick. He then says, but, I can tell you that if you take this medicine, you WILL have a severe neurological reaction that will definitely be acute, and, it can mess you up neurologically for life. But, on the other hand, if you don't take this medicine, there is a very small chance you may get an illness someday, which, will normally be no big deal, but, just MAY be seriuos. For me, heck no, this is a difference between a GIVEN reaction as opposed to a possibility! For MY kids, no way, I already KNOW they have neurological problems which I KNOW vaccines are BAD for them, the other alternative with not vaccinating and POSSIBLY contracting an illness, well, it just doesn't compare for me. I do realize everyone is different and has different views and wants to do what is best for their kids, this is just my stance.

If I had to do it all over again I would not vaccinate, I could just kick myself for it, my husband always did say he didn't trust those things, but, what did we know. We trusted the docs, even when I was concerned about them from what I had been hearing about Autism, my doc almost laughed and said there is No connection. UGH!!!!

My kids are 5 and 8, they have already had MANY shots unfortunately. I will not subject them to it again. Their lives are in Gods hands anyway, he can protect them much better than any shot anyway! I wish I had realized that earlier and didn't go with what people said and pumped them full of that garbage!

Ugh! Told you I have a fire lit under my "butt!"




Wouldn't it be interesting if we could actually pull together an ACN forum get together somewhere, and then had reunions every few years or so. Just a thought, it would sure be nice to meet everyone!


Hi Faith,

Yes, that is correct, my daughter has never had the MMR. When she was born, I decided based on reading I had done to at the very least POSTPONE her shots, and get only the very basic ones, not all the new add-ons. But the two doctors I tried seemed to have absolutely no clue on how to find the single doses of M and M and R. Yeesh. If they don't know, who's gonna know?!


And yes, my sister is a doctor, but at this point is still a resident, and was just a med school student when I was sorting out this shot thing a few years ago. At any rate, she believes what she learned in med school... that it's simply the thing to do. We've had a couple mild arguments about it, and she says that it's a simple thing... a tiny amount of virus encouraging the body to make antibodies... and she doesn't see how there could be any ill effects from that. It's like she doesn't even recognise how a bunch at once could compomise the body's ability to handle it, or how a too-young baby might not have the immune system right off the bat to deal effectively with it, or how it's grown on disgusting things like monkey tissue that can contaminate it, or how the preservatives (mercury and now aluminum) just MIGHT be too much metal for a little body to handle and get rid of. I do not bring it up with her anymore.


I did want to comment on something you said:

"I say big deal, my generation all had that as a child, nobody died."


I think that probably some did die, actually. Hard to say exactly, as the adverse events reporting has been a bit of a hoopla. But aside from actual deaths, there has definitely been damage to some kids. And aside from that, I think it was a different kettle of fish at the time. I can't remember the numbers, but I think kids now who follow the total schedule get something like 3 or 4 TIMES the amount we received as kids (I'm guessing here, but I'm assuming the generation you mean is approximately people born in the 70's). THAT may be one of the biggest problems now... it's just too much. But there is SOOO much money to be made in developing new vaccines!



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