ad_ccl Posted October 11, 2007 Report Posted October 11, 2007 Hi Everyone, Only you would all understand my stress. So...we have had lots of illness in the house since last Thursday - the little one had croup, then a cough that continues. My middle one had a high fever come out of nowhere on Sunday around noon. It was up to 104 and would go down to 102 on Advil. Monday was a Holiday, I considered going to the ER as his fever was still high Monday night - but after calling a nurse was told he should be ok to wait until the morning. His complaints were that he had a headache and felt hot/cold. Tuesday morning he came into the kitchen and appeared to do a hop - My heart dropped - he has NEVER had any tics of any kind - and I would not have even noticed the hop except it has been a tic my PANDAS son has had before. He may have just been hoping - but it was weird, sirens went off in my head, I asked if his throat hurt and he said no, I grabbed a flashlight and his throat looked terrible (why didn't I look sooner???? I would have for sure gone to the ER if I suspected strep.) I begged the doctor to see us right way and we were in by 11. I assumed he would give us antibiotics due to the fever for several days and what his throat looked like and the possible hop in light of the PANDAS in the family. But we had to do the swab and wait - 2 days! The fever continued but not as bad. I think he did another hop about an hour ago. The doctors office just called and said he has strep - so he will be starting antibiotics. My PANDAS son has been having more symptoms and we assumed it was due to the viral illnesses in the house, but we are increasing his antibiotics as well now that we know there has been strep. What is freaking me out is that my middle son is 6.5 and that is the usual time of onset of PANDAS - he has had an untreated strep infection. I cannot get these two hops out of my head. With my PANDAS son he did have transient tics leading up to the sudden/extreme onset, so I always hoped my other kids who have no tics to date may be out of the woods. I would appreciate any good thoughts/prayers in our direction.
Dedee Posted October 11, 2007 Report Posted October 11, 2007 First off let me start off by giving you a big ((((((((Hug))))))))). I can only imagine how scared you must be. I am sure I would be in your shoes. It is crazy that they did not start your son on antibiotics while waiting on his culture. I am assuming they didn't do a rapid strep test. I am sure you know logically that this is nothing you can control and that no amount of worring in the world will change the outcome. You do not know for sure that your second son will experience tics or not, but if he does you are a different mother this time around. This time you are armed with knowledge and experience and you will be prepared to deal with whatever arises with confidence. Just like when you became a mother for the second time, everything will be a little easier (because of your previous experiences as a mother) even though it isn't exactly what you expected. Whatever happens, I know you will be a great mother to all your children. Take deep breaths and long baths. Keep us updated. Keeping you in my thoughts. Dedee
ad_ccl Posted October 11, 2007 Author Report Posted October 11, 2007 Thanks Deedee, Thanks for the cyber hug! In Canada (in my experience) they don't seem to do the rapid strep test that I hear about so often here. You said exactly what my best friend told me this evening. I called her in a panic as well. She first said, don't worry it can't happen again - but that was not good enough - although I know she meant well. What really helped was when she told me if it happened again it WOULD NOT be the same experience. I have learned so much over the last 3 years - knowledge is power. I don't know what the odds are about having another PANDAS kid - I know it is genetic, boys are more likely to have it - and I have three boys so I have always in the back of my head tried to prepare myself. I am a different mom now then I was then, on so many levels. Thank you for your kind words. They really do mean so much. I will keep everyone posted - with hope it will only be good news - with no onset of symptoms for my middle son. I think these forums are so great as we are able to document these outcomes to help others. With hope I can say he is fine, then some other mom/dad down the road can read this and not worry quite so much in a similar situation.
Chemar Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 Alison a ((hug)) from me too and prayers lifted for your whole family It's never easy when we have to face a new hurdle, but so good to see you focussed on the strength and knowledge you have gained
michele Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 So sorry to hear what you are going through. It is so miserable when sickness goes through the family. I sanitize everything but it still seems to spread! I know I especially freak out when my PANDAS son gets sick. I am so worried about fevers because his original problems came on with high fevers which turned out to be strep. I always wondered if the fever threshold brought on the PANDAS. I pray your other son is not getting PANDAS. What a shame they wouldn't have given you an antibiotic for him knowing your family history and how bad his throat looked. I am paranoid that my baby will get the fever and am constantly watching her every blink. My mom says don't let her get a fever like he did. It is hard not to worry when you have gone through this. At least you have the background knowledge to get him the right help if you need to. I have read about families who have several children with PANDAS. I guess it makes sence since it is genetic. Germ free Blessings and hugs to your family. Take care of yourself too. Michele Hi Everyone, Only you would all understand my stress. So...we have had lots of illness in the house since last Thursday - the little one had croup, then a cough that continues. My middle one had a high fever come out of nowhere on Sunday around noon. It was up to 104 and would go down to 102 on Advil. Monday was a Holiday, I considered going to the ER as his fever was still high Monday night - but after calling a nurse was told he should be ok to wait until the morning. His complaints were that he had a headache and felt hot/cold. Tuesday morning he came into the kitchen and appeared to do a hop - My heart dropped - he has NEVER had any tics of any kind - and I would not have even noticed the hop except it has been a tic my PANDAS son has had before. He may have just been hoping - but it was weird, sirens went off in my head, I asked if his throat hurt and he said no, I grabbed a flashlight and his throat looked terrible (why didn't I look sooner???? I would have for sure gone to the ER if I suspected strep.) I begged the doctor to see us right way and we were in by 11. I assumed he would give us antibiotics due to the fever for several days and what his throat looked like and the possible hop in light of the PANDAS in the family. But we had to do the swab and wait - 2 days! The fever continued but not as bad. I think he did another hop about an hour ago. The doctors office just called and said he has strep - so he will be starting antibiotics. My PANDAS son has been having more symptoms and we assumed it was due to the viral illnesses in the house, but we are increasing his antibiotics as well now that we know there has been strep. What is freaking me out is that my middle son is 6.5 and that is the usual time of onset of PANDAS - he has had an untreated strep infection. I cannot get these two hops out of my head. With my PANDAS son he did have transient tics leading up to the sudden/extreme onset, so I always hoped my other kids who have no tics to date may be out of the woods. I would appreciate any good thoughts/prayers in our direction.
bmom Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 It sounds like you, me, and "its me" are all concerned about the same thing this week-other children in the family having symptoms. I have become a tic watcher. Things that noone would think twice about, I panic. It's not any fun and I often watch other children and see that they as well have a few quirks that if my children did I would be worried that they might be a tic. Maybe we over think things and I hope that is the case for us all this week. I as well hate strep. I would take throw up over that any day!! Good luck and I hope it turns out to be nothing.
patty Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 ad ccl, I know what you are going thru. As many of us here also have other children. With one child having tics or PANDA, us mothers would do anything to prevent them from manifesting. I would say to you, don't panick. Children often do strange things. It may just be developmental. Since my son's tics, i start noticing other kids having mild tics which eventually resolved itself. I am sending you some positive vibes! Hope your children are getting better. Take care! Pat
ad_ccl Posted October 12, 2007 Author Report Posted October 12, 2007 Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts. I guess I just have to wait and see what happens. I will keep you posted.
kim Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 Alison, I'm late to this thread, but I wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please do keep us updated. Kim
emma1 Posted October 13, 2007 Report Posted October 13, 2007 I am also so sorry that this is happening to you, and will pray that it turns out to be nothing. I can completely relate to you watching every little move your child makes! I wanted to ask if anyone here had tried the home strep tests -- istrep is one, but I think there are others too. It sure would be nice to get instant results at home, and only contact the doctor if and when the test turned up positive.
michele Posted October 13, 2007 Report Posted October 13, 2007 Emma, I have never heard of home strep tests. That would be helpful if they work. Do you need to order them or buy them at the drugstore? GABA calm contains 100mg of GABA and 15mg Magnesium taurinate 15mg and 25mg NAcetyl l tyrosine and 3mg Magnesium. The DAN Dr. recommended Taurine and GABA seperately. I just thought we would try it as one capsule however the amounts are less. I have an eleven year old girl and this must b hard on your daughter. This is an emotional age already. Their hormones are going wild. However I know my daughter is at an age to have a lot of compassion for her brother. The other day I was reading her about one of the mom's here who set out art supplies and make a garden for fine motor skills. She set up an art area for Andrew downstairs. She also keeps on me with concern about the number of pils he takes. She tries to give me advice about the meds. She worries about him. I hope your daughter is doing better. Maybe her case was a one time reaction to strep. Blessings. Michele I am also so sorry that this is happening to you, and will pray that it turns out to be nothing. I can completely relate to you watching every little move your child makes! I wanted to ask if anyone here had tried the home strep tests -- istrep is one, but I think there are others too. It sure would be nice to get instant results at home, and only contact the doctor if and when the test turned up positive.
emma1 Posted October 14, 2007 Report Posted October 14, 2007 I googled "home strep test" and came up with several. I spoke with my husband, though, and he said he had read that a new one was about to be released, and the buzz was that it was supposed to be accurate, and a big seller. He is going to look through his papers to try and find the information for me. Michele, I saw that you are using Monolaurin, and Dr. Murphy said that it was OK to use. Do you use it daily, or just when your son is starting to feel ill or show symptoms? Do you use a particular brand? If I don't keep my daughter on antibiotics, I am pretty concerned about reinfection. As it starts to get colder, friends are dropping like flies with one thing or another! And with four kids in the house, just keeping the family healthy is a challenge. Michele, your daughter sounds sweet. My son suggested that we all take vitamins (as his sister was making such a big deal about taking hers) which I thought was sweet of him. Of course, no one is taking as many as she is, but at least now everyone has something to take each morning. I may try the Nordic Berries you are using for my littlest. I had been using Little Angels, but honestly I don't know what a "good multivitamin" should be -- they all contain different things in different amounts!
michele Posted October 15, 2007 Report Posted October 15, 2007 We are giving Ecological Formulas Monolaurin 300 MG daily. I ordered it from the Vitamin Shop online. I hear the Lauric acid is supposed to be very helpful for immune function and overall nutritional balance. I think it was recommended in The Starving Brain book or one of the books recommended here. They are large pills so at first my son was hesitant to take it but has gotten use to it. They are bitter if broken open and do not dissolve well. I give them along with antibiotics and digestive enzymes AFP Protease and the Nordic Berries multivitamin and Coremega and Culturelle. The only one he really dislikes is the Coremega. I usually bribe him to take them with something each day! Also the GF diet helps too. My husband gave him a piece of pizza Sat. night and he was unbearable Sun. morning. It seems we get this same reaction everytime he eats pizza. Michele I googled "home strep test" and came up with several. I spoke with my husband, though, and he said he had read that a new one was about to be released, and the buzz was that it was supposed to be accurate, and a big seller. He is going to look through his papers to try and find the information for me. Michele, I saw that you are using Monolaurin, and Dr. Murphy said that it was OK to use. Do you use it daily, or just when your son is starting to feel ill or show symptoms? Do you use a particular brand? If I don't keep my daughter on antibiotics, I am pretty concerned about reinfection. As it starts to get colder, friends are dropping like flies with one thing or another! And with four kids in the house, just keeping the family healthy is a challenge. Michele, your daughter sounds sweet. My son suggested that we all take vitamins (as his sister was making such a big deal about taking hers) which I thought was sweet of him. Of course, no one is taking as many as she is, but at least now everyone has something to take each morning. I may try the Nordic Berries you are using for my littlest. I had been using Little Angels, but honestly I don't know what a "good multivitamin" should be -- they all contain different things in different amounts!
Ronnas Posted October 15, 2007 Report Posted October 15, 2007 Hi there, I hope all is going well! I wanted to let you know we have had the same experience with our second son and nothing ever came of it. Without everything my oldest son had been through I would not have even known it was a tic that my other son was doing. He had a hmmmm sound for awhile (it seriously made my heart sink at the time) and another tic of pulling his top lip in. Both disappeared and were around only with some illness (around the end of winter for the last two years). He was a little more sentitive and maybe a bit restless but really nothing like my oldest son. Hopefully this will be your experience. Take Care!
ad_ccl Posted October 23, 2007 Author Report Posted October 23, 2007 Just to update - my middle son has completed the antibiotics with no PANDAS symptoms - early on there was day he was crying a lot - up and down all day - the littlest thing would set him off - I was worried, but that has stopped - and it could have been just because he was sick, grumpy and stir crazy! My little one is still coughing (the other day it almost sounded tic like - and I recalled how my PANDAS son at 3 was sick then had a cough that dragged on and on - when we went to the doctor (a different doctor) she said it was a transient tic - that was the first time we had heard of tics with him) - and my PANDAS son after his round of antibiotics got worse - so yesterday I kept him home from school - he has a loud vocal tic - I took them all to the doctors to get swabs. I did ask about omniseph as per Micheles info from Dr. Murphy for exposure to strep for PANDAS kids - the pharmacist is looking into it - as I am not sure it is available in Canada. The doctor was open to trying a round - but feels his symptoms are probably the result of a viral infection - and we had already done the round of azith - so to let things ride out. I am going to keep him home today too - all the rest of the family has been sick over the last few weeks, and the other kids have missed school - as usual my PANDAS son shows no normal signs of illness - just the increase in tics. He had a crazy weekend of hockey and birthday parties so I am sure he wore himself out. Anyway - he continues to be happy - an no emotional lability etc - so all in all - it is really just an increase in the tics - and they are not horrific the way they have been in the past. I am hoping a couple days of resting will improve things. We did take him off Bonnies until things settle down.
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