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Here is the short end of it:

Last Sunday my 12year-old starting ticcing violently during his soccer game. I almost fell off of my chair.


Wednesday he saw our family doctor. Ty did not tic in front of the doc. The doc thought I was crazy. Ok. Nix that.


Thursday I was able to take advantage of a neurologistic cancellation and we got a 2:30 appt. That doc said that Ty is not suffering from a neurological disorder, and it was probably psycological. He said that he is 'nervous.' That was it.


Tyler has a complex tic, he does three things one after the other. He is beside himself. He is soo upset, as I am. I want to die for him. It has been the worst week of my life. I am trying to hold back the tears as I write.


I started him on a multivitamin and a b complex vitamin the day he started with tics (at the advice of my girlfriend).


Here is the big question. Tyer ABSOLUTELY LOVES to play xbox. It is his favorite thing to do. I took that away from him (and, unfortunately, his 11-year-old brother) bc I noticed that his tics got worse with playing. Tyler keeps crying and begging me to let him play. He ticced very badly last night. Cried his eyes out. Begged me to let him play b/c he said that he doesn't think about the tics when he plays (peace of mind, right?). What should I do??????? We've been trying to supplement playing xbox with doing other things.....movies....took them to get models.......went to bookstore-got books and puzzles. I don't know what to do!!!!


I don't know what to do about his ticcing, or xbox, or anything at all!!! I am so upset. My family was living life last week. Everything was great. We were happy-go-lucky. This week the floor fell out from under us. I'm not getting any help from doctors. I did order Sheila Rogers book which I received yesterday. Oh! The best part is that our insurance doesn't cover doctor's visits. So every penny is out of pocket. I can't afford to keep taking him to doctor after doctor after doctor. It was already $300 just for Wednesday and Thursday. Oh my. This is a complete mess.


Please give me your thoughts.


If I am understanding correctly these tics came out of nowhere? If so - go back to your doctor and ask them to do a strep test - both throat swab (not just the rapid test) and blood test to test for strep Titers. Insist on the blood work. Do some research on PANDAS. My son had a sudden onset of symptoms - had complained of a sore throat in passing the week before - nothing ongoing - we certainly did not think he had strep. Luckily the doctor tested for strep - he had it and very high titers and ultimately PANDAS. Antibiotics are needed as soon as possible if this was triggered by strep.

We found tv/games triggered for my son too - my son was 6 so it was easier to take away the tv etc - we replaced it with some money as a reward every day he did not watch tv.

While my son is mostly tic free now - and on long term antibiotics - he did recently start playing playstation with no symptoms - until last week when he played tons (we are renovating the basement so there is not as much to do) After a few days he started shaking his head (a tic we had never seen before) so.... we have a new rule, playstation only on Friday and Saturday - and for a limited amount of time.

If you read Claires posts on tv - photosensitivity and share the info with your son he may be willing to try for 7 days if there is a reward? I still think - if this is strep related that MUST be dealt with ASAP.


Good Luck.




The test Alison is referring to, is ASO and anti-DNase.


This page will explain it.




The 3 tics in a row, kind of sound like an OCD pattern? Are they always done in the same order? This could be an indicator that a viral or bacterial infection is at the heart of this too.


You may want to take a look at this page.




I have to ask, did your son by any chance receive any recent immunizations?


Did the soccer field have any chemical smell? Is there a chance it was recently treated with anything?


Just a couple of things to consider, along with PANDAS.


Loren. personally, I would be careful with B complex, at this point. You might want to just start a B6 in a low dose, and work up slowly while observing. Eventually you may want to switch to a complex, but personally, I wouldn't do a complex right now. B vits can and did with my sons, cause a hyper type reaction. Magnesium (many parents are using Natural Calm, I use magnesium taurate) balanced with Calcium, may be beneficial for calming the tics. I don't know how they work in a PANDAs situation, if that ends up being the culprit, but other's here will advise you on that, I'm sure.


dear Loren


I do feel for you as I know exactly what you are going through

I was there myself 11 years ago


firstly, at this point where you and Ty are so very stressed about all this,(and I imagine the rest of the family too) my personal opinion would be not to stop him from playing his games. Checking him for photosensitivity is something that can follow later.

The last thing you want is to have him feel he is being punished for ticcing. Yes, he may be photosensitive and yes, you may need to make adjustments for that but that can start when you are both in a less stressed out frame.


Stress is probably the biggest tic trigger of all...and so your #1 goal right now should be to get him as stress free as possible (and that is going to mean you are going to have to give yourself timeouts too where you can get yourself together so that you can appear more calm and not worried to him...hard I know ....but essential!)


The only way to move forward now is ONE DAY AT A TIME


You have done the right thing by getting Sheila's book so that you have a good reference to work from


So now begins the process where you work through things one at a time toward finding answers for your son


My first recommendation would be to try Epsom Salts baths for their soothing and detoxing effect. 2 cups of Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) in a warm tub and let Ty soak for 15-20 min in it (good for you to take them too, mom)



The terminology that your neurologist used is such a cop out ...."nervous"...........yes, we know they are nervous because they are neurological tics!! ^_^

So the next step is to find what is triggering them, whether internal or external


As you describe such a dramatic start to the tics, my personal opinion is that you son has been exposed to a triggering agent.


Has he had or been exposed to strep? any other viral or bacterial illness? The info that Alison and Kim have provided above is so valuable in your search for answers. Of the words best describing tic or OCD onset with PANDAS or PITANDS, "sudden" "overnight" "dramatic change" or "explosive out of nowhere" are ones I hear most often when a child has these tics or OCD becasue of a microbial infection, whether bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitical etc.


How about food? anything new? especially re foods that have artificial ingredients like color, sweetener (nutrasweet/aspartame and splenda/sucralose) ? Does he tic more after eating certain foods (eg dairy, wheat? corn? peanuts? etc


What about the environment? Any new carpet?furniture?paint? Chemicals like pesticides?(yard or home or sportsfields etc)

New car?


As you work thru trying to find what may have triggered the tics, keep a diary for your own reference...you would be amazed at the clues you will find when you start reading your observations


Usually, if the tics are Tourette Syndrome related, there would be some family history of tics, OCD etc so also start looking into that aspect




As you work through Sheila's book you will hopefully start coming up with some answers and can then use the search feature here (top right of the page) to get more info and also ask questions here


our membership has a vast range of experience with both TS as well as what are known as transient tics and chronic tics, and of course strep induced PANDAS tics, and so there will likely always be someone who can share their experience and knowledge with you


If I can encourage you Loren, it would be to tell you that as devastating as it is for you to see your little guy going through this...yet it is not life threatening! Your son needs for you to not make him feel that his tics are your primary focus when you look at him. He needs to know that this is not a "critical illness" and especially he needs to not be worrying that his tics are upsetting mom....that will only stress him out more and so make him tic more!


Although there are numerous natural supplements that can be helpful for him, at this point I would recommend most of all that you get extra magnesium into him ....many people are finding that the Natural Calm magnesium products are very beneficial and there is one formulated especially for kids http://www.iherb.com/store/ProductDetails....p;pid=PTG-00005

Here also is the full range of these products


These are also available at many health stores including the Vitamin Shoppe stores. I just order a lot at iHerb because their prices are so much lower, even including shipping


It is good that you have a multivitamin (tho do be sure it has not artificial color or flavor added)


Also be sure to look thru the articles available on the main ACN/Latitudes section for tics,especially the one on Tic Triggers



Again, do try to stop and breathe deep and take this one day at a time. Otherwise, everything becomes an overwhelming rollercoaster and that is no help to your son.

Remember too that we are not just here to offer advice and information and experience...we are also here to support you in all things...so dont hesitate to come and cry or vent to us....better you let it out here and then be able to put on a calm front for your son.


Dont worry Loren....the vast majority of members have come to this board frantic and worried and frustrated, yet have found that slowly implementing the things we discuss here as needed in their situation has really made a big difference



Here is a big hug from one mom who understands what you are going thru and can encourage you that there IS light at the end of the tunnel



OH... Loren,


I got goose bumps reading your post, and had to fight back tears. My son exploded with tics at 12 too. He did have some type of tics before that, but they were so mild we thought they were just things boys do since he is my only boy.


Can you remember if he did anything that looked like tics in the past? That might help you when trying to figure out if it is PANDAS, TS, or something triggered by the environment.


I'm so glad you came hear early to get answers, and help. I waited alomst a year, and that was the hardest 11 months of my life. I remember my husband saying the same thing about all was going so well for our family. Then... BAM!!! I remember thinking I can't carry this cross... You will be suprised how heroic you will become, and that will be a beautiful act of love.


Your hope will be strengthened with very post form this wonderful group of friends.



If I am understanding correctly these tics came out of nowhere? If so - go back to your doctor and ask them to do a strep test - both throat swab (not just the rapid test) and blood test to test for strep Titers. Insist on the blood work. Do some research on PANDAS. My son had a sudden onset of symptoms - had complained of a sore throat in passing the week before - nothing ongoing - we certainly did not think he had strep. Luckily the doctor tested for strep - he had it and very high titers and ultimately PANDAS. Antibiotics are needed as soon as possible if this was triggered by strep.

We found tv/games triggered for my son too - my son was 6 so it was easier to take away the tv etc - we replaced it with some money as a reward every day he did not watch tv.

While my son is mostly tic free now - and on long term antibiotics - he did recently start playing playstation with no symptoms - until last week when he played tons (we are renovating the basement so there is not as much to do) After a few days he started shaking his head (a tic we had never seen before) so.... we have a new rule, playstation only on Friday and Saturday - and for a limited amount of time.

If you read Claire's posts on tv - photosensitivity and share the info with your son he may be willing to try for 7 days if there is a reward? I still think - if this is strep related that MUST be dealt with ASAP.


Good Luck.


Hi again Loren

ad_ccl aka Alison ^_^ knows truly from experience about tics induced by PANDAS ie strep


I just wanted to mention that she, as well as Ronna, and also MANY other parents I have heard from, have all reported that azithromycin ( aka zithromax, z-pack) has been the most successful antibiotic


If you search here for PANDAS, azithromycin, zithromax you will get lots of info



Claire has written some excellent information re screens, video games, TV, computer, movies etc and photosensitive related ticcing.

Again if you use the search feature and enter her username and any of those key words and you will find a lot of really valuable experience, which a number of other members have benefited so much from as they have realised the impact photosensitivity to screen flicker has on their children's tics


you sure have come to the right place for a wealth of shared experience and anecdotal evidence that most conventional doctors truly just dont understand and often discount


But as you go thru each of our experiences along with the many articles(thanks Kim :) ) you will begin to go "aha! that is what I am experiencing with my child" and so the parts of the puzzle begin to be recognised and put together.

Same with the treatments we discuss here....again a wide range of tests and treatments which have, either as a whole or as single remedies or therapies.....some or all may be relevant to your son and so as you start learning and doing your own research, so you will be able to go to whichever doctors armed with a lot of information and questions, to better help you formulate the best way of helping your son


just know that we will all be here to offer support or info whenever you need it

If I am understanding correctly these tics came out of nowhere? If so - go back to your doctor and ask them to do a strep test - both throat swab (not just the rapid test) and blood test to test for strep Titers. Insist on the blood work. Do some research on PANDAS. My son had a sudden onset of symptoms - had complained of a sore throat in passing the week before - nothing ongoing - we certainly did not think he had strep. Luckily the doctor tested for strep - he had it and very high titers and ultimately PANDAS. Antibiotics are needed as soon as possible if this was triggered by strep.

We found tv/games triggered for my son too - my son was 6 so it was easier to take away the tv etc - we replaced it with some money as a reward every day he did not watch tv.

While my son is mostly tic free now - and on long term antibiotics - he did recently start playing playstation with no symptoms - until last week when he played tons (we are renovating the basement so there is not as much to do) After a few days he started shaking his head (a tic we had never seen before) so.... we have a new rule, playstation only on Friday and Saturday - and for a limited amount of time.

If you read Claire's posts on tv - photosensitivity and share the info with your son he may be willing to try for 7 days if there is a reward? I still think - if this is strep related that MUST be dealt with ASAP.


Good Luck.


Hi again Loren

ad_ccl aka Alison ^_^ knows truly from experience about tics induced by PANDAS ie strep


I just wanted to mention that she, as well as Ronna, and also MANY other parents I have heard from, have all reported that azithromycin ( aka zithromax, z-pack) has been the most successful antibiotic


If you search here for PANDAS, azithromycin, zithromax you will get lots of info



Claire has written some excellent information re screens, video games, TV, computer, movies etc and photosensitive related ticcing.

Again if you use the search feature and enter her username and any of those key words and you will find a lot of really valuable experience, which a number of other members have benefited so much from as they have realised the impact photosensitivity to screen flicker has on their children's tics


you sure have come to the right place for a wealth of shared experience and anecdotal evidence that most conventional doctors truly just dont understand and often discount


But as you go thru each of our experiences along with the many articles(thanks Kim :) ) you will begin to go "aha! that is what I am experiencing with my child" and so the parts of the puzzle begin to be recognised and put together.

Same with the treatments we discuss here....again a wide range of tests and treatments which have, either as a whole or as single remedies or therapies.....some or all may be relevant to your son and so as you start learning and doing your own research, so you will be able to go to whichever doctors armed with a lot of information and questions, to better help you formulate the best way of helping your son


just know that we will all be here to offer support or info whenever you need it



Jeez. I don't even know if this reply is going to all? I'm not sure how these posts and replys work.


I want to thank you all for your wonderful replies. This whole thing is certainly a 'process' and it's going to take time.

I'm so tired right now.....what a long day......


Let me quickly try to answer some of your wonderful questions b/4 I am way too tired to type anymore:

Here we go. I asked my doc to do that strep test. He looked at Ty's throat and said that he was "fine." He also asked me if Ty had had a fever when he had a sore throat and I said, "No." He told me that it couldn't have beeb strep then. So he didn't order the blood work or do the strep test. That was Wed with the family doc and then Thurs with the loco neurologist.


My husband thinks that he may have noticed a head shake (Ty's most prominent tic) a few months ago on the hockey rink. When I think back, I wonder if I saw some eye blinks a year ago???? I don't know. But this I do know: Tyler only started Sunday with the violent, repetitive head shakes. Monday-ish, Tuesday-ish he started with the extra two ticks. Today, he is doing two of the three, but not all together. Oh my. This gets confusing. I guess this is all part of that 'wax & wane' thing I'm reading about.


They could have sprayed that soccer field, it was down the shore. But there is no way of finding out. And what does that mean? That his tics will end? Could a spraying of a field cause tics to start and stay forever? Or am I missing the point on that way? I don't know.


My biggest dissappointment is the lack of informative doctors in my area. It's ridiculous. And I don't understand all of the limited studies for Tourettes. What's up with that??? Why does every other ailment, disorder, disease get funding and research and hoopla, but not this?


I am stopping the B complex per the recommendation. I will look for magnesium tomorrow...and calcium too, right? 1:2 ratio? Calcium chews? Is all the magnesium alike? I read something about the one .....something 'calm'. I will go back and reread.


I'm so tired. My days are so emotionally exhausting anymore. A total rollercoaster ride. And, jeeez....how I hate roller coasters!


Oh! I gave Ty back the xbox. It made me so happy!!! He's laughing. He's forgetting he's ticking (but he has a sleep over buddy tonight so that makes it better too).


I guess now I should make an appointment with an allergist? Is that my next step? Is there ever really an answer? There is no 'getting rid of tics', just trying to make them less severe, right?


Ok. I'm rambling....so tired. Hopefully this reply went where it was supposed to. I'll find out as soon as I hit that 'add reply' button, haha.

Thanks girls




just a quick reply from me as I have to log off



The strep that we are talking about that is associated with PANDAS and can cause tics is NOT always detectable by a strep throat test.....it is ONLY detectable by a very specific blood test ...kids can have no symptoms of strep and even test negative from the throat swab...yet, as Alison explained....their strep antibodies can show alarmingly high in the blood test....



also, if the tics are being triggered by something and are not Tourette Syndrome, then there is a very good possibility that with the correct treatment they can be totally eliminated


hope you get a good night's sleep..............remember.....ONE DAY AT A TIME! ^_^




Welcome and I assure you you have come to the right place for info and support. Your story sounds so familiar. My son at 6 also had a sudden acute onset of tic, then later added on different tics. I was emotionally devastated because it came out of nowhere. I was not prepared and worse of all, his ped and neurologist offered no help, and told me to take the wait & see approach or get medicated.


Just want to add to Chemar's recommendation of Epsom Salt bath, have your son soak 2X/day to alleviate the tics. When my son's symptom increase, he soaks once in the AM and PM, and his symptom improve tremendously the next day. You can also use a magnesium creme in place of the Epsom Salt bath. You can order it on line from Kirkman, www.kirkmanlabs.com.


I am wondering if your son has any food or environmental allergies or asthma? Alot of kids with tics seem to have these issues. My son has asthma since birth along with food & environmental allergies. He has taken albuteral, and steriod medications in the past which i feel are all the contributing factors to his tics.


Acunpuncture was one of the first alternative treatments we used and i saw results after 2 treatments. Unfortunately, after 7 sessions, my son developed a phobia toward needles so i decided to stop the treatment since it caused him a great deal of stress. I would recommend you looking into accuppressure since it does not require needles.


Also, keep a daily journal on his diet, activities and various tics, it may help you pinpoint his tic triggers.


Loren, i want you to know that most parents on this forum have made tremendous progress to keep their children's tics manageable, minimial or gone. There is hope insprite of the choas right now. Remember, it will take time to put the pieces together, so give yourself a break. One thing i learned during the course of my son's tics is try not to focus on the tics. Instead, i learned to focus on getting healthy. We made dietary changes, exercise, cut back TV screening, try alternative treatments and supplements. We are not in the clear yet, but i have to tell you my son is 85 to 90% better, and his good days are far more than bad days and when his symptoms flair, is not half as bad as before and short. There is alot to be hopeful.


I hope this helps.




Hello Loren,

Just wanted to join in and say welcome too. I don't know that I can be of any particular help right now, but do of course know what you are going through right now. You seem to be off to a good start in that you are seeking answers and support. I have a feeling things will get better after you get a handle on things.

Oh, I am not one to talk, I'm somewhat confused these days as well. Perhaps you've read some of my posts, my son just turned 8 and has been having some tics for a couple of years. We dealt with that head shake a few months ago, and if it gives you any hope, he did stop that now. I'm not for sure, but it was a few days after we eliminated food ingredients which he tested highly sensitive to on Igg type blood testing.


I must ask, (and I do that alot around here!), how did you get so far in your progress regarding doctors visits and finding info (even this site) after only seeing these tics a few days prior? I can see how your devestation matches many of ours (I and other members here), but in spite of your shock you seemed to know exactly where to go and what to ask. I must say I am impressed--I spent months walking around like a zombie and hiding tears from my son before I could pull myself togeher enough to take action. Am I understanding correctly, you say all of a sudden he got severe tics in one day, you never suspected anything before? Some of the questions the others asked are good, re any recent vaccinations, illnesses, or anything different happening? I always like to get a good picture of what's going on with each case, since it gives clues to all of us, I mean observations, comparisons and similarities really help us all to help each other.


I must say I hear alot of "sudden, acute onset", but I really don't feel that fits my son--mine is kind of like yours, Cheri, little things from 3-5 years old and then more obvious last two years. Although it has not been constantly bad, some time frames are pretty good, meaning as long as it is not so obvious to others, I am in a good way.


Please keep us posted....





I forgot to mention to you regarding medical insurance. Most insurance companies covers acunpuncture & chiropractic. In regard to seeing alternative doctors, like naturalpath, homeopath, environmental doctors..... Insurance will cover these expenses if the medical coding is "allergies". Just be sure that your insurance has "outside network" coverage. Although you have to meet a higher deductible than the "within network" doctors, it helps a great deal. As you have already know, medical expenses add up quickly.


The best price for Epsom Salt is from Costco. Otherwise you can get it from K-mart, Wal-mart or Target. Walgreen is the most expensive.






One more thing, start tracking your medical expenses, you may be able to deduct part of it on your tax return. Also, track your mileage traveling to the various doctors. It is also deductible.





I just wanted to respond and send you a big hug. I know exactly how you are feeling. I cried for three days after my son woke one morning with violent tics. At the time he was on medication for a strept infection, and had a history of strept induced OCD, so it was pretty obvious what was causing it. But I'll tell you, it sure didn't make it any easier to handle. I must say I really do not understand your doctors reaction. I am sure it is very difficult for you not having insurance that covers physician appointments, but is there any way you could find a different doctor for your son? We have had our share of doctor trouble as well, so I feel your pain. It is so frustrating. I have just gotten to the point that I really do not care what they think, I try to be as nice as I can, but my sons future is on the line and my job is to protect it, period. You have gotten great advice from everyone here, so take it all slowly and in no time you will realize that you never really lost your life at all, it is still right here where you left it. Breathe deep...


Peace and Grace - Dedee

Hello Loren,

Just wanted to join in and say welcome too. I don't know that I can be of any particular help right now, but do of course know what you are going through right now. You seem to be off to a good start in that you are seeking answers and support. I have a feeling things will get better after you get a handle on things.

Oh, I am not one to talk, I'm somewhat confused these days as well. Perhaps you've read some of my posts, my son just turned 8 and has been having some tics for a couple of years. We dealt with that head shake a few months ago, and if it gives you any hope, he did stop that now. I'm not for sure, but it was a few days after we eliminated food ingredients which he tested highly sensitive to on Igg type blood testing.


I must ask, (and I do that alot around here!), how did you get so far in your progress regarding doctors visits and finding info (even this site) after only seeing these tics a few days prior? I can see how your devestation matches many of ours (I and other members here), but in spite of your shock you seemed to know exactly where to go and what to ask. I must say I am impressed--I spent months walking around like a zombie and hiding tears from my son before I could pull myself togeher enough to take action. Am I understanding correctly, you say all of a sudden he got severe tics in one day, you never suspected anything before? Some of the questions the others asked are good, re any recent vaccinations, illnesses, or anything different happening? I always like to get a good picture of what's going on with each case, since it gives clues to all of us, I mean observations, comparisons and similarities really help us all to help each other.


I must say I hear alot of "sudden, acute onset", but I really don't feel that fits my son--mine is kind of like yours, Cheri, little things from 3-5 years old and then more obvious last two years. Although it has not been constantly bad, some time frames are pretty good, meaning as long as it is not so obvious to others, I am in a good way.


Please keep us posted....




Hey Faith,


My best friend's daughter has T.S. so I was very aware of the symptoms associated with it. As soon as I saw Tyler ticing last Sunday, my girlfriend was the first person I called. She gave me all of the advice in one hour that took her almost a year to accumulate. She is also the one who told me to come here, where I have found a ton of information.


I was only able to get a quick appt with the neurologist b/c he had a cancelation. That was just a waste of time, though.


But I am going to call Tyler's old pediatrician (since the current one wouldn't do the strep test). So let me get this straight so that I don't sound like an idiot to her. I am asking for a blood test to check strep titers? I am asking for an ASO, ADB, and a streptozyme test? Is this correst? All three?


Also, my girlfriend has her daughter on Country Life Mag caps 300 mg. Is this what I should give Tyler? My girlfriend also gives her daughter P. Gilham's Natural Vitality Calm Kids when she doesn't give her the capsules. Should I buy this too? What do you give your child?


Tyler's head tic has calmed down a lot. He did it a few times yesterday. He has added a new tic but it is not really noticable to others. In fact, I'm finding that b/c others are not around him that much (parents of his playmates, his teachers, etc.) they don't really know what are his tics or not. They are telling me they don't see them (at his soccer and hockey games) when I am standing right there and I am seeing them. This is a double-edge sword. I am glad that his tics look normal enough as to not arouse attention, but I think these people think I am crazy (I am surely happy enough to live like this!!! 'Letting other's think I am crazy in trade for a child who's tics are not that noticable!!!!) . The teacher says she doesn't really see them. But I saw Tyler do it right in the classroom when I was talking to her (I was picking him up for an early dismissal for the neurologist appt).


Anyway, my step-father was the V.P. on the board for Tourette's when he lived in Canada, so he was also a huge help to me.


Please let me know about those three blood tests. I am going to call the old pediatrician after I hear from you about those. Also, please let me know about the mag.


Thanks for all of your help & support!



I am just a regular Nancy Drew, eh? Thanks for that background.


yes, the strep test is called ANTI DNASE B TITER and ANTI-STREPTOLYSIN O (Dnase and ASO titers).

They are done with a blood draw. The other will be a throat culture that is not a quick test, but must be cultured for 24 hrs. However, I'm not sure any regular pediatrition will just know what that is or if they even will do it. My doctor referred us to an Infectious Disease doctor, where they are more familiar with the term PANDAS. (I'm assuming you have done some reading on this, and maybe you could copy some pages for him/her to look at so he knows there is a such thing). Now, we had this done, but it did not seem to be the case for my child, so I can't give you any recs on how to treat--the others will help you if that is the case.


For now, I would definitely start him on some magnesium and many here are using the Kids or Natural Calm. I do sometimes, and something similar called Super Mag. It's a powder disolved in small amount of hot water. Anything else, I think you should start slow on that, do the research like your friend, she probably knows alot of what type things are good. The others have given good advice so far.


I totally relate to the way you describe your son's tics. It is only now that he has this vocal squeak that it has come to the attention of the teacher. Before this, no one (except grandma) would notice them to be a repetitive behavior. The first time I informed the teacher about his eye blinking in November, she called me back and told me she hadn't noticed anything. Now she's all over me. And that is why I'm not keen on giving him this formal label in his file in order to get special services. If it weren't for this vocal, I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue.


You mention you're father-in law--was he involved in that because there is TS in the family? Also, (I'm a nosey one) does your friend's daughter have noticeable tics and is it an issue in school--I ask since that is my problem to deal with right now.


Thanks and good luck


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