kim Posted July 30, 2005 Author Report Posted July 30, 2005 Hilarys notes from biochat: You can access this file at the URL: Michael Lang – Brainchild Nutritionals Michael is also on Autism One Radio every other Sunday Q: I have heard that TMG and possibly DMG can compete with or block MB12. Do you have any insight into this and/or have you had any personal experience using MB12 injections? Also, have you chelated your kids and for how long? A: I used DMG with my daughter in ‘96-98, sublingual. MB-12 is a very good protocol to start with for children with high mercury. All the research I’ve done (1996 when I started researching autism), I knew my kids had a detox impairment. We gave glutathione, antioxidants, sulphation, gluterate, glycine, taurine, methylation, acetylation. We gave sublingual DMG and B-12. But after a while the B-12, DMG, folinic all peaked, and it was clear to me that it was the sulfur that was still helping. I gave them a sophisticated blend of nutrients to support detox and redox. My daughter had problems when NOT on the Feingold diet, had a lot of trouble with phenols. Q: Hi, my son reacts to vitamin A even in small amounts. Do you know why? He gets irritable, and slightly aggressive. A: I don’t know exactly why, but here are some possibilities. What kind of vitamin A? Pulmitate? Cod liver oil? (answer: all, even RDA in multivitamin) Make sure it’s a good form, not rancid (oxidized). Did you see a similar reaction to vit C, vit E, or glutathione? There’s a workable halflife in antioxidants or glutathione, when they get into the bloodstream that face oxidative stress. When they go to do battle, there are 1000 enemy soldiers, and you march in 20 to fight them. Such is the case with free radicals and oxidative stress. There is a whole list of processes impaired in autism, they rely on recycling or redox, that is a very sulfur-dependant process. When you put glutathione or another antioxidant into this type of body with so many impaired processes, they oxidize fairly rapidly, you’ve just introduced more oxidative toxins. Perhaps this is what’s happening in your case. If you put oxidized glutathione into the body of someone who already has 4-5 times the oxidative burden, it’s not going to help. Look at that predominance of oxidative stress turning antioxidants to the dark side. Q: I was reading about your new metal detox product that comes in dropper form. Can you tell me more about it and what have you been seeing from it? A: Herbathione, developed 6 years ago. Combination western, Chinese, Indian herbs, that all help redox/recycling glutathione. Hepatic liver glutathione, plasma glutathione, cerebral glutathione was all increased by using these herbs. It’s almost like homeopathic. It’s a concentrated tincture. Another product that we resell is called NDF (nanocolloidal detox factors). It’s nanosized (extremely-small particle size) chlorella, a natural mineral product. I’m looking to make a mercuric reductase product, found in certain algaes. These organisms convert mercuric chloride (HgCl2) to an elemental form (Hg0). These species adapted over millions of years to detoxify water. There is a fish off Calcutta, India – a bottom feeder – water passes through its gills and this species of fish can resist mercury, it has a mercury-resistant bacteria. So I’m looking at things to help with redox, and detox of mercury. The folks at BioRay might on the same path. Q: Michael we are just refining the process 2 years into BioMed 1 year into successful chelation what more can we do to open sulfur pathways we are using Epsom Salts baths and oral MSM? We have noticed more language and clarity. I want to do all we can to capitalize on this since it is producing good results as we chelate. We also eat an organic diet GFCF dye free/preservative free diet as well. A: Those are all good things, organic, gfcf, etc. Wish we could just open sulfur pathways. The severity of autism is probably related to the compromise in sulfur pathways. I used many forms of sulfur. We didn’t use chelation or MB-12 shots back when I was recovering my children. It was like an apothecary. Doing research on phenolic foods, I found a close relationship with sulfur. If I overdosed on Tylenol, they’d use n-acetyl cysteine. So I started using that, methionine, MSM, glucosamine sulfate, condroitin sulfate, Epson salt baths. I discovered a lot of those were detrimental. On a high dose of sulfur, within a week my daughter would be worse then before we even started the process. The extra sulfur was causing a backup of some toxic material her body couldn’t process. I started to reduce. The methionine has to go through so many conversions before it gets through. MSM, Epson salts were both good, as well as food-based amounts (30 mg) of NAC (n-acetyl cysteine). Too much was detrimental. Too much NAC would go against methionine synthase. We eat broccoli, or onions, or brussel spouts each day. Once I cut back and found the right amount, she did well. 300-500 mg a day of MSM is about right. If you notice flatulence, cramping, bloating, you need to cut back 25%. Epson salts very good – I’ll take a half of the ½ gallon carton, and let them soak for a good hour. NAC in small amounts. Glucosamine sulphate, biotin, thiamine, molybdenum. Also enhance sulfur in the diet. Make stews and soups, with onion in broth. Eggs are also high in sulfur. Broaden the types of sulfur, keeping the amounts moderate to low. Q: Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Have you considered making your vitamin mixture in a pill form? A: Yes, it’s been asked. The body digests things to make them liquids, so the most effective way to get things into the body is in liquid form. It is possible to take this and put in a capsule, but difficult to get the concentration right. A 50 lb child would have to take 5-6 horse pills. I have friends that do colonics professionally – this is gross – when they look at the effluent from the colonics, they find capsules/tablets still undigested. When you have a dimishment of enzymes (like in autism) that would normally break these capsules down, it will stand more chance not to be broken down, so a liquid is better. Also we don’t have the equipment, we’d have to farm the process out. So those are all the reasons we haven’t yet. Q: there's been discussion that TD_DMPS - is not "really" acting as a chelator, but rather, it's doing something to open a sulfur pathway... what's your opinion on that?? A: I agree. If you look at the formulary, there is cysteine, glutathione ,methionine, etc. It’s 2/3 or ¾ sulfur, and the rest DMPS. So what is actually doing the work? We’ve been doing sulfur interventions (secretin, b6 magnesium, b12, etc) since the biomedical started. Both DMPS and DMSA are pro-sulfur. So I think that we’re using fairly weak chelators in TD-DMPS that have a propensity for grabbing mercury. You have a river that’s not flowing well, you supply water to tributaries, and the river flows better. This is kind of what you’re doing. Some side effects – potential for liver damage, bad dysbiosis, compromising immune function down to the level of bone marrow. My whole premise has been that you need to go low and slow. I’ve heard others say this too. There is probably some genetic component to autism, damage to the DNA that is passed on to successive generations, weaken the progeny, make them more susceptible to mercury. You have to rethink how to detox, don’t rush the process. It will take a couple of years. Low and slow. Q: Do you recommend oral (lipoceutical ) glutothione or TD??? Is there a problem with mercury or other heavy metals in the NDF Plus. I think I had heard it may contain metals??? What results have you seen with Herbathione? Thank You. A: I have some misgivings about TD-glutathione, because it has a chance of being preoxidized. The lipoceutical glutathione is a better bet, you’re surrounding it with a lipid to protect it from oxidation. As far as mercury in NDF+, metal free, pca-rx – these products are well-tested. We’ve been getting asked this a lot lately. They’re using cultured chlorella. Herbathione is not being used to the degree I wish it was. I have one child recovered with this amongst other things. She was using Herbathione. She asked us to make bigger bottles, the whole family is using it. My daughter, that child, plus 2 others are recovered – as long as there is redox support in their protocol. This mom does fish oil, antioxidants at this point. For my child Herbathione is a finishing step. If she misses her vitamins, we fill in with this. She regresses to asperger, HFA without having her redox support. These kids will have lifelong impairments in antioxidants, glutathione. Mercury most likely causes this damage. Q: Thanks for your awesome products. (We use III and megamins). Anyway, my son has started smelling like sulfur lately. He takes lipoGSH and TD-GSH, but this is a recent occurrence. When he sweats, he just reeks of sulfur. Is this a sign of GSH overdosing? A good thing? (He's doing great, behaviorally!) Also, are you adding ALA back into your vitamin III formula? I think my son did much better with that. I'm considering using TD-ALA until you guys (hopefully!) add it back in. A: If sweating sulfur, then you might want to ratchet down the lipo and Td glutathione. Find a better level. If sulfur in the stool, most commonly it’s and allergen reaction from yeast or fungal overgrowth. Adding ALA back – we’ve tried 3 different forms of lipoic acid. We used alpha-lipoic (R and S mix/counterparts). R is natural, S is synthetic. The concern was that with the synthetic form, it might block it’s natural counterpart. Then we used the single R alpha-lipoic, but when mixed with water it turns to a mix like playdough and crazy glue! It will stick to the gut, intestine. It was also very expensive. Then we used a liquid lipoic, wasn’t suitable for our multi. So I’m as frustrated as you, but for now we won’t be adding it back. Q: What supplements do you recommend for improving the sulfur pathway/redox recycling, sorry, late, if you already answered this. A: Start with small levels. 30 mg NAC, 300-500 mg MSM, Epson salt bath, glucosamine sulfate, condroitin sulfate, biotin, thiamine, molybdenum. Cruciferous vegetables, beef and chicken, broccoli and brussel sprouts, asparagus, cabbage. Durian fruit (sp?) – looks like alien seed pod, like a custard texture inside, smells sulfury. We’ve tried that a little. B1,B2,B3,B6,B12, A, C, E, selenium, zinc, lipoic acid, glycine, will all help with glutathione formation and glutathione recycling. If you go to Autism One website, my presentation Beyond Methylation is there. Powerpoint. Shows variety of nutrients and what they do in the body. Q: Where do you recommend new parents begin with all of the above information? Feeling a little overwhelmed. We are GFCF and non-verbal. We also just had our 5 yr physical and skipped our vaccinations for the first time. A: Good on skipping the vaccinations. A good start online to do research is PubMed. You can type in glutathione and antioxidants, for example. ABMD, CK2 are good yahoo groups. I didn’t do a lot of biomed work with doctors, I went on my own, that was my choice. Not everyone does things this way. I did do some testing. But mostly I researched, and observed what my children were presenting. And take care of yourself. This is a hard thing to go through. Keep your hope and optimism. Q: My son (50 lbs) has been on level 2 of your vitamin mineral and he has seemed very stimmy. There are other variables in his regimen, but I did cut back to 1 teaspoon TID (from 2 t.) It seems to be tolerated a bit better. (admittedly, I worked him up quickly to the 2 t. TID). Do you have kids who don't reach their "optimal dose"? Should I try to work him back up? Or is it better to switch to PAK or level one at full dose (2t. TID)? Thank you for your response. A: Whenever you see stimmy behavior, this is probably B6 in excess. Only use as much as is necessary to do the job. B6 also will inhibit some sulfur processes. If this is a new supplementation protocol, he might be better on the PAK formula. If he has been on this formula for a while, and the stimminess is new, you can probably do fine with less B6 Q: What’s the name of the fruit? A: Durian, you can get it at some Asian markets, it’s very expensive, cheaper to buy frozen. Q: Were your children GFCF and are they off the diet now? Also, why are many of these children not able to tolerate folinic acid but can tolerate FolaPro. A: My children are still gfcf. When my daughter was 3.5 we were just on Feingold, it brought about profound changes for her. My son had allergy symptoms. I do think he has an immune problem. Wheat and dairy are also phenolic. I don’t recall the structure of Folapro, I think it’s calcium folinate? We use calcium folinate in our product. (Folapro is l-5 methyl tetrahydrofolate.) I don’t use a lot of folic acid with my kids. I’m hearing from folks doing mb-12 shots that the folinic is very helpful at first and its effects diminish over time. I would love to add methyl B-12 to our formula, have wanted to for a long time. It’s very expensive, and MB12 is not real stable in water, unfortunately. Q: Do some kids have an intolerance to sulfur? If so, what can we do to get them to tolerate it? Also, you said that sometimes a body under great oxidative stress can react badly to antioxidants. What should a parent do if this is the case? A: Most children would not have a broad intolerance, but there might be certain forms of sulfur that they react to, or certain levels they react to. Keep a log book – what level, what form, what manufacturer, what was it combined with, etc. Low doses will be better tolerated. The forms that have to undergo less biotransformation, fewer pathways will be better tolerated. That sort of bumps methionine out. Look at sulfur-bearing foods if the supplements aren’t working, also the Epson salt baths. I’d do tests to find out more about the oxidative stress issue. What are the levels of toxins in the body of the child that cause them to react this way, react to all the things that should be helping them. What is the mercury burden, what other toxins; how is the gut? Q: On your A1 pres. you mention DNA repair. Does micro algae, NDF+ do this, cat's claw?Is this done earlier or later in the recovery process? A: I don’t know about the cat’s claw, and whether it helps DNA repair. We need to understand the breaks/mutations in DNA, and look at how to patch the DNA. There are some emerging theories of DNA repair. I am finding that algae that has survived with mercury, volcanoes, etc have the ability to detoxify mercury. They have a unique construct of iron-sulfur clusters. Like a circular revolving door. The electrons that want to get in or out have to pass through this revolving door. When you put mercury, pesticide, barbiturates, pharmaceuticals in the body, it can inhibit this process. When you cannot transfer electrons back and forth, you have impaired redox and detox. Even though I know my daughter is really healthy, healthier then I am, (I don’t see any evidence of mercury toxicity), I still see when she goes off her supplements, she has slight regression. Fixing the DNA would be the holy grail. The micro algae is able to repair DNA in algae using the iron-sulfur clusters. Can we fix the DNA? I don’t know yet. I have to visualize a biochemical target. My premise is that if we can do DNA repair, we might have a child able to go off antioxidants and other supplements. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
Claire Posted August 2, 2005 Report Posted August 2, 2005 Kim, You are an angel. ))))))))))))))))) This is wonderful wonderful thing for you to pull together. Please do tell Hilary that she is helping a whole group she didn't even know about. I haven't been around the forum at all lately--life and work are all-consuming now, and have only started to make a dent in reading this thread. Though I will say that summer with 'no homework' is a needed break for our family. I am also still blown away that you found that site to order your own tests. I am amazed that my friends aren't taking advantage of it--I tell them about it. I personally have just done a little there (doctors data hair test), since our DAN doctor has been so good about ordering whatever tests we want, so it is less necessary for me. I got all my amalgams out, and will start MT (metallothionine)promotion for myself soon via Pfeiffer. I have the supplements on hand--just figuring out if I need my crowns removed first also, since MT promotion is supposed to pull metals, and old crowns can have mercury/amalgams under them. I see that Dr. Usman (ex Pfeiffer) mentions metallothionine also. Caz, glad things are okay, I am sorry for the setback with the virus, but you know that is temporary! Good luck with B-12, we do sublingual B-12 ourselves. Again Kim, this is a very amazing thing for you to have uncovered this resource and shared it. As for blood tests with things in common--you know I believe they exist, they just aren't the ones the mainstream doctor's typically run. More like cancer and immune system specialists (and of course the autism community). I am still personally playing with the concept of whether metals redistribute or not if the gut isn't healthy. Andy Cutler on yahoo is convinced they don't IF you do a DMSA every 3 hours vs 8 hours--otherwise he believes that they do redistribute. Just one more opinion that I am throwing out there, not intended to be stated as fact at all. I don't believe anyone has proof on this one either way. I sure wish this one was known for sure. A friend of mine says that Donna Gates (bodyecology) says that healing the gut will pull out the mercury on its own. Man, what a lot of opinions on this one. I suspect that as with everything else here, one size doesn't fit all. But Donna wants to have you eat lots of fermented foods (e.g. fermented coconut water)--tough for kids--very sour. Good luck to everyone. Claire
kim Posted August 2, 2005 Author Report Posted August 2, 2005 Claire, What a wonderful surprise to see a post from you! I have to say that the reason this thread is here is because of you. You were the one who directed me to the Autism Enzyme board, and there is such amazing info. there and at asd_solutions. Karen DeFlyce has been an awesome resource too. I have to refrain from calling you "Our Dearly Departed" Claire. There are many many times, I have wanted to refer to information that you have shared. I was actually searching this forum for an old thread that you started on "testing" this morning. The metal redistributing, and how much improvement can be had with gut healing alone, are two of the many question I have also. On metals, from what I have listened to on biochat, the general impression I am left with is, it may not be as likely as some have thought, but as you pointed out, no one is certain, just theories. A couple of us have started using Houstons Digestive Enzymes. I think part of the reason we don't say "Wow" more often is because you are never sure exactly what is making the improvements. Again, this option was something you brought to my attention. I would love to ask you a million questions, but I am well aware of the sacrifice your family and work suffer when too much time is spent on the computer. I get so side tracked, that I don't accomplish what I got on for, quite often. I hope in the fall when things slow down a bit, you might have a little more time. I remember you were working toward MT Promotion for your son shortly before you quit posting, when his zinc/copper got out of line? Now, you are working toward it too. I am hoping that means you had good results with your son. I know Carolyn recently had her amalgams removed also. Again, it was wonderful to hear from you. You take care, and get back with us when you can! Kim
kim Posted August 2, 2005 Author Report Posted August 2, 2005 I had missed this one... Wednesday July 27, 9:00pm EST Alan Israel from Lee Silsby Alan Israel, R.Ph. is the owner of Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy. He graduated from Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy in 1976. Alan works tirelessly to meet the diverse needs of his patients and to insure that they have the best chance to receive positive treatment outcomes. He is a member of The International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists and the Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA). Alan also has had an article published in The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, the premier educational publication for compounding pharmacists worldwide. Alan Israel from Lee Silsby Compounding Pharmacy Lee Silsby specializes in compounding for Autism. (TD = transdermal) Q: What is your opinion of custom amino acids? Do you think they help with increasing glutathione in the body? We also use transdermal gluthithione and we think it helps? Also, we are using your td dmsa for 2 rounds, should we be seeing anything yet in terms of improvement? We are concerned with the strength being weak, or rubbing off. A: Amino acids are very important. We're always working on new formulas. We have a vitamin mineral formula that is GF/CF, and SCD, developed by Dr Baker, Dr Lonsdale, and the pharmacy. Lee Silsby has a study on their website on their TD-glutathione versus other companies' glutathione. Q: My son is about to start td-dmsa from you. What minerals/supplements should I be sure that he is taking? I have heard something about taking zinc, but I do not know how much or how often. Anything else? A: Your DAN! dr will steer you in the right direction. Additional supplements to the TD-DMSA – you need more vitamins and minerals. Zinc should be 30 mg, that's already in the Lee Silsby formula (vitamin/mineral formula). Q: Do most docs recommend continuing minerals on the ON days of TD- DMSA? Does DMSA have much affinity for beneficial minerals? Is it OK to keep your formulation of glutathione and TD-DMSA in the refrigerator? A: At the last DAN! conference, some drs said they go right through chelation with vitamins and minerals, in other words not just on OFF days not just on ON days. Store the TD-DMSA at room temperature. If you do refrigerate, put it on the door wrapped in a towel, not at the back of the fridge where it's really cold. Q: Do you have the transdermal EDTA at your pharmacy? A: A DAN! dr has asked for that, so yes we do have one. We looked at stability and penetration, and we feel this is the best, most stable formula available. Q: How much regression are you seeing with your TD DMSA? A: We only see regression if the dose is too high, so we caution DAN! doctors with their protocol. When they back off and lengthen time in between the regression does not appear at all. Q: how important is it to use gloves while rubbing on td glutathione or td dmsa? my son hates me wearing gloves!!! A: It's important, esp if you have mercury fillings. The glutathione is ok to get on you, but not the dmsa. You can use a glass bottle to rub on the gel. Q: What, to your knowledge, is the efficacy of TD-DMSA vs. oral in removing mercury? How much of the oral dose is actually "absorbed"? A: There is very little literature; Dr Bradstreet did most of the DMSA research. The TD-DMSA is much more effective then oral DMSA. When we first started working on TD-DMSA, we discussed with Dr Bock and Dr Lonsdale, and decided to go with ½ the usual dosage of oral DMSA. Even so, with the ability to penetrate, it's so much more effective. There are side effects (like yeast beast) with oral that you don't get with Transdermal. (Alan put his son on to speak, Adam, he's 30 years old. He's been chelated with DMSA. He is not on the spectrum, but had some things that kids on the spectrum do have) Q: Where is the best place on the body to apply TD GSH (transdermal glutathione)? How long does it take to absorb into the skin? Also, how long is TD GSH good for? Can you get a couple of months at a time when you fill the prescription? A: It takes 30 seconds to absorb most of it, but leave on 30 minutes at least. Apply to top of shins, top of thighs, elbows, etc, any thick skinned areas. Our version is 100% stable, you can order 3 months at a time. Other formulas tested lose 80% effectiveness after 90 days. Q: I have Melatonin which is hypoallergenic casein and gluten free - is this also scd legal? the ingredients are plant cellulose and magnesium stearate. A: Those ingredients are SCD legal. Q: I've looked at the ingredients in your ASD Vitamin/Mineral Powder. I'm interested in trying it but my son's current doses are higher than what it offers. How would you suggest getting the rest of the supplements into him. Prescribed compounding? He won't swallow pills, capsules, etc. We look for liquids. A: We could make a secondary formula for you to get you the levels you need. Work with your DAN! dr to get this. We can make them gf/cf and/or SCD. Q: What's the best test for checking metal excretion on TD-DMSA--is fecal OK for a kid who is not potty trained? When to collect the sample during the 3 day round? A: From my experience, patients have done 3x a day for 3 days, then 11 days off. They do the fecal test right before starting the next "round". We've seen much more metals in fecal then urine with our TD-DMSA. Some states (NY) do not allow fecal tests, but you can go out of state for that. Q: Is it important to be taking glutathione while chelating? Although I am about to start td-dmsa it is not in my son's reportoire. A: We're hoping by the next DAN! conf one of the drs who works with us will have a spreadsheet from her patients. It is important to use glutathione, in our eyes, while chelating. TD-DMSA, TD-glutathione, and a good vitamin/mineral. Some of the drs use IV glutathione, but I don't have firsthand experience with that. Q: My son is clearly a gut child and we only did one trial of dmps oral and he stimmed and became more autistic than i care to remember...I have been told by many parents that my son will probably test positive for metals and was wondering i would love not to put more pressure on his gut. And what role does glutathione play in a child's recovery i am fairly new to biomed and dan. A: Look at, there is a DAN! treatment protocol. Glutathione is important. Q: My daughter has done 2 rounds of TD-DMSA. She had a terrible reaction to TD-DMPS but is doing great (so far) with TD-DMSA. Just wanted to share with those who may have had a bad reaction to DMPS. Thanks Alan for talking to me before we started! A: There are about 350 children right now using the TD-DMSA. Q: Do you or could you compound vitamin C into a high-dose TD formula? If so, is this absorbed effectively? Also, what other vitamins and minerals do you make in a TD form? A: There are a lot of stability issues with transdermal vitamins, esp vitamin C. You should be careful, to get C transdermally might not be the best thing. Q: We started with oral DMSA, had the yeast problem. Switch to TD- DMPS, which we're happy with. Can you give us a crash course on which chelators have an affinity for which metals? A: Some drs say DMPS pulls mercury better, but we see that our TD- DMSA pulls mercury better. We're seeing variations of folks combining EDTA with DMPS or DMSA. Hopefully the DAN! drs will share what they're seeing at the next DAN! conference. Q: My 4 year old son is receiving IV push DMPS followed by push of sanuvis. He is seeing a DAN doctor in CA. How important is the diet during detox. What is the lesser evil....wheat or sugar? A: Diet is very important during detox, gut issues can occur. You should watch wheat and sugar, gf/cf is a good way to go. Q: Does TD DMSA pull less minerals than TD DMPS??? Thank You. A: We don't have that data. Q: I have been reading on many post that Nystatin has preservatives in it is this true? A: Nystatin off the shelf is about 50% sugar, with preservatives. We compound it gf/cf and sugar free with no preservatives. Q: Is giving Glutathione via a nebulizer effective? In conjunction with transdermal? A: There are folks doing both. I work with Dr Nancy O'Hara. We are reviewing it to see how valuable it is. In some patients she's seeing good, in others she's seeing no changes. It remains to be seen. Q: Alan, can you speak about the dosage of TD DMSA and how often one should test? Many people are wondering how long they will have to chelate. A: The dosage is 5mg per kilo. My son pulled all his mercury after 90 days, still has nickel. Many drs test after 60 days, each dr makes his/her own decision on when to test, but typically 60 days. Q: Are you dispensing much TTFD any more? Is yours a two part cream like the gsh? A: Ours is soy-free, yes we still dispense. Since authia came on market, we dispense less TTFD. The odor of our compounded version is less strong. Q: Does TD-DMSA have glutathione in it as well or should we get Transdermal glutathione separately? How many times a day do we apply td-glutathione? Does it help to apply it even on the td-dmsa-OFF days? A: Twice a day. Some practitioners increase to 3 times a day during chelation, and they notice the child is not as tired. Q: This question is regarding my NT kid who has lost complete self control after his flu shot this year and I give him Epson salt baths but the change has not reversed. He has gone from Student of the month to in the principles office at 6 years of age. Would he be a good candidate from td dmps or td dmsa? A: It's a cause for concern. Talk to your DAN! practitioner. Q: My question is what is the opinion of the speakers on IV push DMPS followed by a push of sanuvis? Do they feel it is safe and is it a quicker chelating process? A: I'm not familiar with sanuvis, and don't have DMPS experience. Q: Do you make a pleasant tasting herbal anitbacterial formulation for bacterial overgrowth in the gut ? A: There are many things on the market like biocidin, so we haven't compounded anything. Q: Any side effects while using TTFD? A: (this is Adam answering) I didn't notice any, except on the first night of using the formulation I was overheated. That seems to happen to me every time I start a chelator. I wake at 1:30 AM overheated. Other then that, no side effects. I'm done chelating now. My wife and I are about to have a baby, and she and I are both mercury free. The first several rounds make me tired, run down. By the end, there were no noticeable effects from it. So as the metals are pulled out, it becomes less different. The 3/11 schedule is better then the 3 on 4 off, because I really needed the 11 days rest. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
Chemar Posted August 2, 2005 Report Posted August 2, 2005 GREAT to see a post from you Claire Kim, i echo that appreciation for the excellent job you are doing with this very informative thread.... sure wish this depth of knowledge had been available when we started floundering around 5 years ago....but am just so thankful that there is finally a very valuable opening up of real and natural understanding of all these underlying mechanisms and natural ways to try to remedy things
kim Posted August 18, 2005 Author Report Posted August 18, 2005 Chemar, I am simply transferring information. You are the one who did the tough work going it alone to help your son as you did, and hanging around to help so many and giving so much of yourself. I don't know if you will ever really know how many you have helped. Sorry, I didn't post when this biochat was to take place. The 16th seemed a long way off, a few weeks ago. Mary Romaniec GFCF in 10 EASY weeks. A Streets-Smart Approach to Negotiating your Child's IEP. Her experiences with IVIG. Recently she completed an article on relationship challenges. MRomaniec@a... Her son is recovered from autism (article in Mothering magazine a year ago). *************************** Q: My daughter is starting IVIG next week. She has very high ASO titers. How did you determine that you needed IVIG for your son, and what benefits did you see? A: My son went to see Dr Gupta. My son's immune system was suppressed. But because my son's immune system was not suppressed enough, insurance would not pay. We went ahead and did the IVIG. Without this my son would not be recovered. We're so happy we did it. Q: How long did this take to recover? A: Saw progress after the first infusion. We saw jumps for 19 months that we did this. All major jumps. After a few months went from non- verbal to verbal. When he plateaued we stopped. It is expensive. My son was recovered by age 4. Q: can you please explain what IVIG is? A: IV immunoglobin – human blood. Comes from thousands of donors. You're taking antibodies from donors. It helps with autoimmune issues. Q: How long, and what did you see? A: We did the treatment (IVIG) for 19 months. We saw significant improvements every month. The school district saw remarkable changes. They'd never seen anything like this before. We were witnessing miracle events every day. Q: What is the test to determine if your child qualifies? A: There are a series of tests to be done by an immunologist. Dr Gupta is at UC Irvine in California. He did tests to tell where the immune system was struggling. He also did an antibody titer. My son was missing the antibody titer to polio even though he had the vaccine. Q: Is it blood? A: yes. We asked about the blood resources. We were comfortable Q: Do you know if IVIG works as well for kids that are older? My son is now 11. A: It does work, at what age I don't know. The best way to determine if appropriate, do the tests, find out if his immune system is severely suppressed. If it is, that's actually good news, because insurance might cover. For a child that age, could be $5000/treatment. Q: can you talk about types of carnitine vs carnitor? A: sorry, I'm not familiar Q: you consider your son cured from ivig, not diet? A: Actually, he's recovered, not cured. I'm always looking out to make sure he stays well. Without gf/cf we don't think IVIG would have worked as well. We're still on the diet. For us, all 3 things worked together, gf/cf, IVIG and behavior therapy. My son is very well trained to keep himself on the diet. Daniel is 6 years old now. Q: Is IVIG considered a "mainstream" therapy for immune suppression? In my wonderful home state of FL insurance companies are exempted from anything considered experimental-never mind for autism. A: yes, for immune suppression, this is the treatment. FL is one of those interesting states. If you have a physician ordering IVIG, they will be looked at closely. Dr Bradstreet and Kartzinel got nailed on that. Insurance would need to see immune-suppression, or something other then autism. Dr Bradstreet is a fan of IVIG…but now has to use it as a last resort. He has to show due diligence now. Q: We will be going thru the IEP process for the first time for my almost 3 yo son for preschool in the next couple of weeks... any advice? A: Yes, lots. There is a great book The Complete IEP Guide by Lauren Siegal has an IEP checklist that I wrote. I also wrote an article on this. Go in prepared, bring a tape recorder, notify them in writing about everything. Q: What is your view on soy products? A: Soy can cause erosion of the esophagus and large intestine. Many of our kids get OD'ed on soy because we put them on gf/cf. But it's a very common allergen. My son had to have an endoscopy because I OD'ed him on soy. Please use it very rarely, or not at all if you're child has a sensitivity. It's very common to have IgG allergy to soy, more common then not. Q: what do you think of electrodermal screening? A: Sorry, don't know about this Q: You are GFCF, what are your thoughts on SCD? A: I'm a big fan. I encourage folks to start with gf/cf though, it's easier to start with. The SCD has casein, and I think casein removal is important. (Rick N adds that casein is bad for MB12, interferes with methionine synthase pathway) Q: My daughter tested negative on hep B titers and tetanus titers. Did you mention that your son was negative for polio? A: If your daughter was immune suppressed on two or more tests, insurance will cover IVIG. Q: are you familiar with kefir and if so what are you thoughts on this as far as casein and - do you have experience with non-dairy kefirs A: I haven't heard of a non-dairy kefir, and I'm not a fan of casein. A little bit is not a good idea for our kiddos. If you need probiotics, rather then kefir go to acidophilus. Q: there is young green coconut kefir from body ecology diet A: I'm a fan of Body Ecology Diet. You have to determine if it's right for your particular child. Q: How can you determine if your child is having an intolerance to a food if your child's behavior is typically erratic anyway? My DAN doc wants me to remove soy/egg and reintroduce it to see if there is any rxn... A: Did your DAN dr not run an IgG? He should run a full IgG. This is the best way to find what your child is sensitive to. We had to remove 21 allergens for my son. Q: Can you recommend a bread mix that taste like "real" bread. We tried several (this was a couple of years ago) and they just tasted weird. If you know of something that will make good pancakes and biscuits that would be great. A: favorite bag mixes Q: 2 questions - We are starting the 3rd year of preschool and I've requested a full day program because he is progressing nicely. This will be a battle with our school which things "progressing means less is needed." So I'm trying to figure out if I should be satisfied with a full a.m. program and a unstructured p.m. play setting. A: If he hasn't achieved the goal, you don't dial back services. You as the parent need to lead the charge, and get the school to follow. We got a shadowed aide in a private preschool, with 5 hours speech, all paid for by the school district. I clearly demonstrated that the proposal for my son was not appropriate. I needed him to emulate normal children by kindergarten. Q: 2nd question - we are seeing better communication after b12 shots - but LOTS more frustration. HELP! It looks like terrible two's but I don't know how to help him since his communication skills progress so slowly! If anyone wants the article, go to Q: I'm really apprehensive to send my 3 year old to preschool because we are strictly following GFCF diet. Wherever there are young children, there are contra-band foods. I don't think an EA or teachers assistant would be able to police my child's grabby hands... any suggestions A: If your child is grabby, you need to get a shadow aide. Meet with the teacher at the beginning of school year, explain that a little bit of gluten or casein will turn your child into a demon. Make sure there is no regular playdough, the teacher should get gluten-free playdough. I've never had a problem getting teachers on board. Q: Can you take us through the 10 easy weeks to GFCF? It seems like we cannot get started because we are afraid our son won't eat anything. A: The 10 week calendar is on the website. Remove dairy for the first 2 weeks. Go slow with the rest of the diet. Stock up on ready to eat and package mixes at first. Third week, breakfast. Fourth week, tack on lunch. Fifth week, dinner. Etc. (see tacanow) There are usually 5 foods a child will eat because of the opiod high. When you remove these foods (gluten/casein), they'll over time get used to eating other foods, the craving will go away after a week or so. Q: does anyone know how to get a shadow aide? A: These are aides well-trained in autism, will not overwhelm the child, but is there to help. Q: what do you do for cheese? A: Almost all of them have casein, there is only one brand (Chreese) that is similar, but it has soy. We go without it. Q: What is the thing(s) in the diet that most effects tantruming A: There are a variety. Gluten and casein. Artificial colors, preservatives, phenolics, sugars. Yeast overgrowth. Q: What is it about french fries that kids-or at least my 8yo- go nuts about? (McDonalds) A: We use Cascadian farms and bake the fries. McDonalds is fried in soy oil. We eat McD's once in a while. Q: What are some GFCF toothpastes you recommend? I live in Canada... A: Toms of Maine non-fluoride, or Kirkmans non-fluoride ****************************************************** I want to tell you about another article I wrote. We all grieve at different levels. The article is coming out, I'd be happy to forward it when it comes out. In the meantime I'd like the share some tips in getting through this Autism diagnosis. You commiserate with friends, but there are various levels. 1) you're struck with fear, overwhelming, all-consuming. One or both of the spouses get stuck in that mode. 2) You're angry. You can also get stuck here. 3) Denial. Can get stuck here too. 4) Bargaining/guilt. If I do a little of this, the rest will go away. 5) Acceptance. This is something I need to deal with. What do I need to do to go forward. 6) Resolve to overcome. Create family normalacy; or overcome your child's health issue. If one spouse is stuck and another is at 6, that's where the conflict starts. You start to see real dissention in a family. I have some hints for how to get through these stages a little quicker. I mentored a friend. Dad wasn't getting the gf/cf thing, he fed the child the wrong foods, the child's behaviors were horrible and the mom had to deal with them. She wanted to make the dad's night miserable. Mary suggested giving dad a night he couldn't forget instead; then the next morning bring up the gf/cf thing and get him on board. That worked! Mary suggested that when the lady and her husband go away on vacation together, they again have a night to remember. Friday and Saturday…then Sunday morning bring up the biomedical stuff, and get him on board. That worked! From the other viewpoint, the husband trying to get the wife on board, give lots of TLC ***************************************** Q: Will my child ever be able to eat fruit with a serious yeast issue at present? A: Fruit is not a problem unless it's eaten in really large quantities. To help the yeast, control sugars, use antifungal, probiotic Q: My son also loves bananas. You were mentioning them in regards to the salicylates. Is there something about bananas that would not be good for him? BTW, what's a vacation! A: They're not really a salicylate. They do set off behaviors though. Like demonic laughing, that's usually caused by bananas. It's not that the bananas are not good for him…but might cause behaviors. Q: Did you use Benadryl and/or fever reducers immediately prior to each IVIG infusion? Any tips on how I can make the IVIG comfortable for her? What are signs of a bad reaction to the IVIG? A: One hour prior to IVIG, we got to the appointment. The nurse applied the EMLA cream. Then benadryl and motrin were both given. Then he was hydrated heavily. Hopefully the facility where you are going is well acclimated to dealing with children – tvs, video games, etc. With the benadryl your child will most likely sleep. Bad reaction – headache and nausea. That can be mitigated with benadryl and motrin for next 24 hours. Also a chicken pox type rash is a less common reaction. Q: I have two diff questions one would be have you ever met a couple where the father blames the mom A: yes, many couples, especially Asian and Hispanic families, the father blames the mom. Father thinks it's the mom's fault for not disciplining enough, or thinking about the behaviors too much, or whatever. If you can get your husband to go to the conferences, and be more involved, maybe that will work, but in many cases you can't get the husband on board. He's stuck between anger and denial. Q: How long is the IVIG infusion? I have heard it is something like 6 hours. How do you get a kid to stay put that long? A: 6 hours is about right. I never saw a child Q: Does the low dose naltrexone address some of the same immune issues as IVIG? A: Nothing is the same as IVIG, not even oral immunoglobulin. LDN won't do the same thing. Q: is IVIG permanent or is it a temporary thing that is done periodically - how many infusions typically. How do you know if your child qualifies for this treatment A: IVIG is temporary, in that it lasts 4-6 weeks before you need another infusion. You want to get to the point where the body can heal itself. It detoxes the body – heavy metals were coming out like crazy, because the body started doing what it was supposed to do. IVIG does exacerbate yeast – stay on antifungals and probiotics. How many depends on the child, we ended up with 19. Others have more, less. Depends on the child. You need to have an immunologist run tests to see if your child qualifies. Q: Will this test tell if the child has an immune deficiency? A: Yes, Dr Gupta is very careful about the patients he takes. He turns down many who he feels would not benefit. Again, it's very expensive, priced by the gram. Q: Any IVIG clinics in Canada - Ontario - Greater Toronto Area?? A: Canada is not real up on IVIG, because they have to pay for it. The folks I've talked to had to fly to the states for the infusions. Q: What about baygam as a "cheap" alternative to IVIG? A: Anything we do to improve the immune system is a good thought. I do try to caution parents that there is a difference between IVIG and any other treatment. It's up to each parent to decide what's best for their child. Q: Where will your article on relationship challenges be posted? A: As soon as it gets fully edited I'll let you know. Q: First, is yeast-free diet a must as long there is a gut-yeast issue? Next, how do you know that after some number of IVIG sessions, treatment is enough and can be ended? A: That was my number one question to Dr Gupta – your child will either plateau or regress. My child did plateau. At his 18th infusion, the pediatrician saw no more autism in my son. After that we did one more, then decided we were done. On yeast free diet, you're dealing with total dysbiosis of the gut, so clean the gut as much as possible, but don't go nutty about being totally sugar-free and carb-free, stay sane along the way. Q: Did your son have any gut issues? A: The gut issues were so bad. His poops (20 a day) were like barnyard animals in the way they looked and smelled. We went to Krigsman in NY, he diagnosed 2 autoimmune issues in his gut. We started IVIG because of all the gut issues, but they didn't clear up all the gut issues, he had to be on meds. Q: Did you use any chelation therapy prior to the IVIG? A: We didn't do chelation. It was on my list of things to do..but when we tested heavy metals, they were all gone. I give credit to the IVIG. Q: Do you know how the divorce rate of autistic children affects the kids? A: I've seen so much of that, a lot of families struggling. It can really complicate a child's recovery. I try to encourage parents to work it out. Q: Do you think IVIG is comparable to MB 12 treatment for detox/immune function? Which is better? A: They're different. Detoxing immune is totally different then MB- 12. They can be used in conjunction with eachother. You can also use antioxidants, like glutathione. Q: did your son have metals when tested before ivig? What is the approximate cost for a single IVIG session for approx 40lb kid? Could you explain the source of IG that is infused into the kid? A: He had both blood and hair tests, and was off the charts on quite a few metals. We had to address gut issues before chelation, and along the way went into IVIG instead of chelation. The IVIG is put through quite a purification process, it's donations of droplets of gamma globulin from thousands of donors. Q: every how often would one do ivig A: We did every 4 weeks, some go longer. Q: If you have a child that's a responder to MB-12, does that mean he's a responder to IVIG? A: He might benefit. He also might benefit from Tomatis sound therapy. We did that, and it helped my son's auditory processing delay. Q: AIT? A: yes, you need to choose which version of the sound therapy, AIT, Tomatis, etc. You need to decide which is best for your child. Q: If I'm going through a divorce, what was it you said about biomed? A: If the husband gets a court order, you might be stopped from doing a biomed treatment that's beneficial. It might also be hard to get the money from the husband to do the biomed. Q: Should there be any concern of impurities or issues coming from others' blood sourced IG? Does insurance pay a part of it? A: There is a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of a blood borne disease from IVIG. My sister is a cancer researcher, she asked Dr Gupta about the process, she felt it was a good process, safe enough for her nephew. The insurance might pay, especially if autoimmune is suppressed enough, like missing two antibodies when having titers tested, even though child was vaxed. Q: do you have your experience on ivig anywhere on website? A: We were published, but the magazine sold out of 250,000 copies! There was so much interest. It was Sept/Oct 2004 Mothering. You can go on and search Daniel's Story, you should find it. Or email me and I'll send you the pdf. Q: did you say if the child did not have 2 titers for vaccines they received they could qualify for insurance - does this mean the immune system is not functioning properly when they don't have the antibodies? A: Yes, that's what it means, missing 2 means the child is immune suppressed. Q: Would a regular pediatrician run that titer test? A: No, an immunologist. Q: will Canadian insurance pay for U.S treatment?? A: If you can get Canada to pay for it, let me know. All the families I mentor are fighting with the bureaucracy, they have not succeeded in getting it paid for. Q: How many titers are there to test for? A: I think there are about a dozen. Q: How many children recover from this therapy.. And from the dozen titers if two are missing the therapy is covered. A: I'm hearing from Dr Gupta it's about 30% recovery rate. He has narrowed who he accepts as patients. Yes, if 2 are missing, I'm hearing insurance will pay. --- End forwarded message --- ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Click Here! ">Help save the life of a child. Support St. Jude Children¿s Research Hospital. --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
kim Posted August 30, 2005 Author Report Posted August 30, 2005 Wednesday, August 31, 9:00pm EST Dr. Stuart H. Freedenfeld Dr. Freedenfeld has been involved in integrative medicine for the past 20 years. Board certified in family practice since 1978, he has been working with autistic children using the DAN!T protocols for 9 years. He will be discussing "practices for Safe Pregnancy", HBOT, and Chelation.
kim Posted September 10, 2005 Author Report Posted September 10, 2005 A child recently died while receiving IV EDTA. Please excercise extreme caution with use of this product and the qualifications of the Medical Professional who is administering it, especially until more is known about this death 9/12/05 Kim Dr. Cindy Schneider Dr. Schneider is a unique healthcare provider who has established a reputation for responsible and effective management of patients who have not found relief through conventional treatment. Her areas of special interest include innovative nutritional, environmental, and detoxification interventions for a variety of complex conditions including autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit disorders, and a wide range of autoimmune diseases. As the mother of two children with autism, Dr. Schneider offers both a medical and personal assessment of current and promising treatment options. She has developed and implemented multiple research studies relating to the treatment of autism and the identification of genetic risk factors for neurological disease and remains committed to advancing our current understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders through research and clinical standards of the highest quality. Credentials Dr. Schneider is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology. Her practice expanded to include the treatment of individuals with autism and other developmental disorders in 1995, and has been exclusively devoted to the treatment of neurological and immune disorders since 1998. She has been a member of the Defeat Autism Now! Think Tank since 1997 and served on the Research Committee of the MIND Institute at the University of California at Davis from 2001 to 2005. She has developed an extensive database that now contains detailed medical and developmental histories on approximately 1000 children with autism spectrum disorders and utilizes the insight gleaned from this information to continually improve her approach to treatment. Dr. Schneider was the founding president and medical director of the Southwest Autism Research Center and is currently the medical director of the Center for Autism Research and Education (CARE). She attends educational courses and conferences monthly and is committed to expanding her knowledge base and clinical skills throughout her career. ******************* Q: My son is a picky eater with a limited diet. He has multiple food allergies/intolerances, is on a gfcf, soy and nut free diet and is very thin for his age. He's 11 and only 58 lbs. He is a bit above average for height. Any suggestions on how to get him to gain some weight? Thanks He has no gut issues, never had BM problems. A: Is he weight so low because he’s refusing foods? (answer – he’s very active as well as very picky) He has a poor intake but is able to be active, so that’s a positive. Even if they don’t have obvious diarrhea, constipation, reflux, etc, it probably is still worth getting an endoscopy. Has he ever seen a gastroenterologist or had someone look for inflammation of the gut? (answer – yes, years ago, 2003, they saw problems with the mucosal lining of the stomach and small intestines, gastritis) So even though there are no obvious signs, he does have inflammation, probably still has it since he isn’t gaining weight and is a picky eater. What have you tried in the way of supplements/diets? (answer – inositol, no glucosamine) N-acetyl glucosamine is very helpful in healing the gut. Also MB-12 helps, and the diet. For the size of your child, 500 mg 2x a day. You should see some healing. Another intervention that might help is intravenous glutathione. If there is chronic inflammation, you might want to do genetic testing, see if he has normal glutathione genes. (answer- we are doing IV glutathione, 600 mg, every 9 weeks, also secretin Secraflo) With the kind of inflammation you’re describing you might be better off doing it weekly. I like to bring the inflammation down first with glutathione; then use secretin. Secraflo is the preferred brand, as far as I’m concerned, for safety. You might also try the transdermal glutathione from AMT in between if you can’t get the IV more then every 9 weeks. If it turns out genetic testing shows there are problems with glutathione production, try the IV and/or TD glutathione. (answer – reduced glutathione is low, cysteine is normal, dr thinks he has GST 1 defect based on test results; no yeast issues; not sure of taurine levels) Also if you have a feeding specialist in the area, they can work on him with his diet, and help with oral motor. In summary, best option is IV glutathione, if you can’t do that frequently TD glutathione; also probiotics and MB-12. Also could consider oral gammaglobulin. Q: I have enquiry re EDTA. We were having great success with iv EDTA and am now looking for alternative to iv while on hold . Would appreciate your thoughts on effectiveness of td-EDTA also CAEDTA in bath and Cilantro /Chlorella as a "reroute" to accessing lead. Thank you. Have you done any TDEDTA challenges??. OK and while I'm here what about really low motor tone and lead issues very tall child won’t pick up a pen, can't jump or run. Do you think these are lead toxicity type issues??? A: I’ve had very good results with IV calcium EDTA. Lead comes out first, then I see cadmium, mercury and other metals come out. It’s shocking to see how much lead is a problem to my patients. I have tried TD EDTA, I’m not happy with it, they can’t seem to concentrate the formula, it’s messy, smelly, you have to apply 3 x a day. I do use a lot of the Beyond Clear, the EDTA you put in the bathwater. I have not done studies on that bath water EDTA however, so I don’t know how much metal is coming out. I don’t have experience with cilantro and chlorella – I’ve heard from other doctors it’s not all that effective. We did a couple challenges on TD EDTA, not a lot came out; but then again I didn’t see a lot come out with TD DMPS challenges either. The calcium EDTA challenge showed a lot more. I get the sense that TD DMPS is slow and gradual, as you go on you see better excretion. Q: What precautions and preventive measures can be taken during pregnancy and after delivery by mother and baby to prevent autism? A: I thought I knew what to do to have as healthy a baby as possible, being an ob/gyn. I was always very conservative – avoid caffeine, alcohol, etc. You should look at your health very carefully before considering another pregnancy. Consider autoimmune; deal with amalgams; COMT testing and other testing that is for children on the spectrum; if you have MB-12 defect, consider taking that yourself; essential fatty acids; probiotics. Avoid flu shot. If you have to have rhogam get the thimerosal-free version. If you’re RH-, have husband tested, if he’s RH- too you don’t need to have the rhogam shot. After delivery, if you have one or more children on the spectrum already, avoid gluten/dairy for this child, and become well-informed on vaccines before making the decision to get them. I wouldn’t chelate someone who is pregnant, but I have chelated women before they get pregnant. Q: Have you heard of using Nebulized Glutathione to help with detoxification of metals while doing chelation? A: I’ve heard of it, but am afraid to use it. There could be some downsides, rare but serious, since it’s inhaled. Q: my son has lymphonodular hyperplasia, gastritis, colitis; found it because he was anemic from all the blood loss through the stool -- could you please just briefly list off the treatments you recommended for Barb in the first question, so that i can write them down? thank you so much! A: Heal the gut – MB-12; folapro; n-acetyl glucosamine; good probiotics; gluten/casein free and any other allergens; essential fatty acids (introduce these later on in healing process). For those that don’t respond to these, there’s IV glutathione, secretin, gammaglobulin. I’ve been using n-acetyl glucosamine for years now, usually have a very good response. Q: I'm a very picky eater adult. I gag with several foods. I have tourette syndrome & also have multiple food/pollens/molds/dust allergies. I have bad candida. I notice tics are a lot less when I avoid the foods I'm allergic to. I can't seem to get on a gluten/casein free diet because I'm still such a picky eater. My fruits are limited to 2 fruits and one I'm allergic to. My vegetables are limited to 3 and I'm allergic to one of those. Also I get really bad cravings for dairy products and bread. Do you have any suggestions? A: Most of the tourette patients I have are very sensitive to dairy. Follow the diet as strictly as you can, most of the time the diet helps. In terms of allergies, if you’ve done things to heal gut, you might be able to reintroduce foods that you couldn’t tolerate before. Cravings indicate that it’s a intolerance still. Q: My daughter is x, Dr. Neubrander is her DAN!. You left a very encouraging message on my answering machine re: IV EDTA and I listened to it everyday before she had her IV. The IV went well, she did get pale and sleepy afterward. Is there any reason why a child would not be a good candidate for IV EDTA and what can we expect after IV - such as sleepiness, etc.? Should a child on IV EDTA take any special or extra supplementation? A: Adults report some fatigue, some achiness, but not often. That might be from calcium and magnesium depletion, which we can easily supplement. I use red blood cell element testing, prior to any chelation at all. If there are low levels of minerals, we replenish before starting chelation. CBC, thyroid and other usual tests are done prior to chelation as well. Q: My son has a huge appetite. He wants to eat a meal every hour from 6 am until 5 pm and will scream and bang his head if not fed. He eats huge amounts of food, all healthy, GFCF but the quantity is huge. He has had bad stool bacteria for over a year. We tried treating it with the antibiotics on the stool test and he lost lots of language. I have tried megadoses of tons of good quality probiotics with no effect, lots of herbals , most of which he does not tolerate. His OAT is clean and his other stool markers are good except not enough good bacteria. Is there any other way to approach the bacterial problem? Should I try NAG? Does it ever have negative side effects? Thanks! A: Does he have frequent stools? Sounds like he might have a malabsorption issue. (answer – he does not have frequent stools, actually infrequent) How bad is his constipation? If you address that, you might solve your other problems. You might want to re-do a stool test, see if inflammation is a problem. You might need to address that. Otherwise address constipation. NAG does work; but you can try buffered vitamin C and magnesium taurate. Both help clear up constipation. Q: What is your opinion on Saunas for detoxification? And also, which High quality probiotics do you recemmend? My son has major yeast issues (aribinose and hippuric acid on oat test were high) and I am going nuts with his various diets (gfcfsf), but his behavior gets out of control. His stools smell nasty but are pretty firm, and he goes everyday (sorry for the detail). A: I do recommend far infrared saunas. Start with just 5 minutes for a child, see how he/she tolerates. It helps with pesticide exposure and many other chemicals, not just heavy metals. It’s not affordable however for some families. I prefer Claire Probiotic Complete, they ship it in perfect condition. There are other vendors with good products, but if they’re shipped warm, that kills the bacteria. You have to look at sugar intake, how constipated he is, in addition to the good probiotics. Hopefully you’ll see good results. Q: Do you have any opinions on lead wrt to maternal load affecting the fetal sink. Have you challenged any Mum's . ??? How long do you feel these children will require lead "extraction' given it is stored in the bones and what would your long term protocol be assuming some time in the future we will be able to resume iv EDTA. Were you giving weekly iv EDTA biweekly??? Thanks again A: I agree, we will never totally clear our toxic metal load. We do need to decrease the volume to increase our chance of having healthy children. Any toxic metals could potentially cross the placenta and go to the fetus. More often then not, moms are pretty toxic. My hobbies used to be making stained glass windows (solder, lead, etc); and I worked my way through school in chemistry labs. How often for EDTA depends on the individual and their mineral status. Q: My 17yr old son sees a conventional metabolic and GI specialist. He has had obvious mercury exposures and complications w/Rhogam along with other things. He has problems detoxifying in general (enzymes). My question is what is the best test for mercury in order to evaluate justification for IV EDTA? A: I’m not sure what you’re basing your statements on – have you done a hair analysis, urine test, challenge? Or are you guessing based on vaccines? You can try any chelating agent, and collect urine afterwards. EDTA is a viable option if you see high lead. There are very high lead levels in the patients I’ve tested. We’re dealing with kids that have very poor detox capabilities – they accumulate all heavy metals, whatever they’ve been exposed to. Q: I had my amalgams removed a couple months ago. I started on mb12 injections about 2 weeks ago. I plan on starting tddmps in about 3 weeks. Today I started having achy legs, which I had a couple weeks ago, but it went away. Is this likely to be a possible detox symptom? As far as magnesium I'm taking a supplement that has 100 mg of Magnesium (as Glycinate) and 546 mg of Magnesium Glycinate. How much magnesium does it actually contain? A: Monitor red blood cell elements. If you have achy legs, you’re most likely deficient in minerals, calcium, magnesium. Magnesium taurate and citrate are my preferences for magnesium, moreso then glycinate. Q: 1. Should a pregnant woman who already has an autistic child be on gluten-free, dairy-free diet during pregnancy and nursing period? 2. Is chelation using DMPS-IV regularly every month ok for a 6-yr old boy? as he was not tolerating more than 2 drops of td-dmps, huge stimming and regression. 3. Any other chelator suggestions? He had 8 rounds of oral dmsa when 3yrs old but stopped becaue of yeast and increased liver enzymes. A: Yes, I do recommend moms be gf/cf/cornfree/soyfree during pregnancy. I recommend breastfeeding. Avoid things like MSG, artificial coloring too. IV-DMPS I don’t use, I know it can be used in the proper hands, but there are more side effects reported from this so I don’t use it. If your child doesn’t tolerate 2 drops of TD-DMPS, I certainly wouldn’t go to IV-DMPS. There must be something about the DMPS that your child is sensitive to. There is oral EDTA as an option, since he’s not tolerating DMPS or DMSA. Q: My daughter is 6 and non-verbal autistic. We are using TD-DMPS dr buttars protocol for almost 5 months and TD-ALA for 3 weeks now. She has made improvements but still no language. I want to continue but my hubby is loosing faith in chelation. How long before we say it will not help her learn to speak? And have other treatments like Hyperbarics and FIR sauna's help as well? What form of Glutathione do you suggest we look into? A: What else are you doing? I have heard good reports with hyperbaric in select cases, and I mentioned FIR sauna before. Are you not seeing metals come out? (answer – small amounts) You might want to try a different chelation agent. Maybe mercury isn’t the primary problem for your daughter. Q: We are almost a year on TD-DMPS and have not seen noticeable improvement. Do we continue? Could we take a break until we have done more EDTA's? We have done 3 IV-EDTA's and have seen good results - increased awareness. Could the previous poster’s child not be sensitive to the gsh in the TD-DMPS, not the DMPS? My guy could not tolerate the gsh in the IV-EDTA so we leave it out, although he does tolerate the lipo glut. so we use small amounts of that instead. A: There is always a possibility that the child can be sensitive to glutathione. I saw one. Ordinarily it’s tolerated well. If you’ve done a year of DMPS and see no improvement, yes, consider switching to another agent, consider oral EDTA. Q: I have amalgams, and I apply td-dmps on my son to remove his mercury. After applying the td-dmps (I use a glass to apply it on his skin), I sometimes get headaches which last for days. Can my headaches be caused by the td-dmps which I give to my son? A: Did you have headaches before you started your son’s TD-DMPS? Perhaps it’s from the little bit you’re inhaling. If you’re that sensitive to it, I wonder how sensitive your son is to it. Ask someone else to apply it on your son, see if that solves your problem. Q: Hi Dr. Schneider. My 4 year old son receives 20 mg of magnesium glycinate in his multi vitamin. He is chelating with TD DMSA. I have tried to add additional magnesium glycinate and recently magnesium citrate and he becomes noticeably irritable and less focused. When I pull the extra magnesium, he is making real strides. Any thoughts? A: You should test minerals to see what magnesium level is. Does he have loose stools, or is constipated? Glycinate is not my first choice – I like mag citrate or taurate. (answer – bowel movements daily, somewhat loose) Q: I have extremely high levels of uranium and high levels of arsenic. How does one get high levels of uranium? Is it pesticide related? I grew up on a farm. Is tddmps effective methods for these? A: I see high levels of uranium in quite a few of my patients. I know it’s naturally occurring in the soil in some parts of the country. Also can be a product of nuclear reaction. It might also be pesticide related. I have seen TD-DMPS help with the arsenic; I don’t know that it’s that effective for the uranium. Q: I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter - has had a history of sensitivity to treatments - ie: was a great responder to MB-12 but had huge side effects that were only cleared up after months on SCD - she had an oral DMPS challenge that found only high mercury - DAN Dr recommended trying NDF PLus - and she had a reaction almost immediately - first stimming off the charts and within a day speech regression - I stopped the treatment - would you suggest trying again at a smaller dose or maybe exploring other options? Thanks A: You said she was a great responder to MB-12 – what were the huge side effects? (answer – panic attacks, sleep disturbances, aggressive biting) Have you done genetic testing? (answer – no) That might shed some light on this. If she’s had very strong negative reactions, I wouldn’t repeat them – the NDF +, etc. I’d look into other options instead. Have you seen results with LDN? (answer – yes, great changes in her ABA sessions, more willingness to learn). So continue MB-12 since she’s good with it now, and continue LDN. Q: Why did the b 12 shots not work for us? We tried everything Dr N said to do and still no results. My daughter is non-verbal, autistic. She’s 6. She is constipated. We’ve used mag citrate, glycinate, sennekot, little tummies, miralax, enemas and dulcolax. A: Try buffered C, like Bioenergy C which you mix in juice or water. Suplement with magnesium. Epsom salt baths. Enemas. Probiotics, EFAs, n-acetyl glucosamine. (answer – we’ve done all that) How much vit C is your child taking. (answer 500 mg) Use buffered C, use ½ tsp 2x day, and work up as needed, until you see improvement in her stools. Monitor sugar intake. Once you can clear up constipation, you’ll see other things fall into place. Q: 1) Does oral EDTA remove mercury effectively? 2) Also, you mentioned genetic MT Testing, is it Metallothionein? If MT deficient, then should MTP be taken for a while before conception? A: 1) Truthfully most of my experience has been with IV EDTA. EDTA clears mercury, but clears lead first. 2) I think it’s helpful for any woman considering pregnancy to know if she would benefit from MB-12 and Folapro. I don’t think I would use the MTP during pregnancy. Do a red blood cell test to check zinc, selenium, so forth. Q: My son was on TD-DMPS for 8 months. We tested him before chelation and at 7 months. He was excreting some mercury and tons of lead in urine and stool before chelation and at 7 months he was not excreting anymore mercury in urine and less lead. He was also shaking his hands a lot. Why would this be? There were no big improvements but he was more affectionate during chelation starting the first week. I want to chelate again at a low dose. Should I consider a different schedule than every other day? A: Have you been following mineral levels, and is he on MB-12? (answer – we supplement lots of zinc) You should still test, and check other levels –calcium, magnesium, selenium. The shaking of the hands might have to do with remyelination (nerves regenerating, this feels like tingling). Keep him on MB-12. If the main problem seems to be lead, you might try oral EDTA at this point. Definitely check mineral levels – you don’t want to oversupplement with zinc either. Q: I had my amino acids tested and certain ones were high. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, Taurine, a-Aminoadipic Acid, Aspartic Acid, Citrulline, Glutamine, Anserine, B-Alanine, 1-Methylhistidine, Arachidonic, Docosatetraenoic, Arachidic, Behenic, Pentadecanoic, Heptadecanoic, Nonadecanoic, and Total C:18 Trans. My Isoleucine was low. It suggested several supplements which most of them I'm familiar with except for a-KG. Could you explain what a-KG does? A: The high arachidonic usually means there is inflammation. Do you have arthritis, sinusitis, inflammation in the gut, asthma? (answer – candida and allergies) I am not very fond of alpha keta glurorate (a-KG) – it can cause irritability. It can be beneficial in some cases, but I found it’s not well-tolerated in a significant percentage, so I don’t use it. Q: If an autistic child has high IGG antibodies for a certain food, should that food be completely avoided, or limited? How often should we do these IGG tests during chelation to check if the removal of mercury is healing the immune system ? A: IgG is one way to look for allergies, though not my favorite way. I would completely eliminate the foods that have high IgG reactions. Avoid them until you’re convinced there is significant healing of the gut. If you reintroduce the food before the gut is healed, you’re back to square one. Rotate the foods that there are no sensitivities. Reintroduce foods one at a time when the child is healthy, things are stable. The child may have outgrown the sensitivity. Q: You mentioned earlier that you thought Nebulized Glutathione had too many risks involved> We want to use it for our 6 year old autistic non-verbal daughter. What kind of side effects are you talking about and are they permanent damages? As I mentioned we are using TD-DMPS and TD-ALA and want to enhance her detoxification of mercury and other metals. My friend said her son became very hyper on oral glutathione. Would you suggest using transdermal for this as well? We can't find anyone locally who will use this in IV form and I am nervous about using IV anyway. A: I have not used it personally. Some kids that don’t cooperate with IV might benefit from it…but I’ve heard of asthma reactions, which could be life-threatening. That’s why I avoid it. If your child has asthma, definitely don’t try it. I don’t recommend oral glutathione, it’s poorly absorbed. Try transdermal – start with low dose to make sure it’s tolerated. Q: 1. Who is a good candidate for MTP? 2. What improvements and side effects can be expected? 3. What is the general usage protocol and how long should it generally be used? 4. What are good sources of fat on gfcf diet, what is your opinion on ghee ? 5. What is your opinion on blood thinners like nattokinase to enable blood flow to brain? A: Metallothionein promoter? It’s not always tolerated, causes irritability. I supplement zinc and B vitamins separately and don’t use the MT promoter. If a child has pyroluria, they will have to always supplement minerals. I prefer olive oil for good fat. I stay away from corn and soy oil, these kids shouldn’t have it. I stay away from cottonseed oil, high in pesticide. I don’t think these kids could tolerate ghee. I might allow organic ghee (clarified butter) if the child is ready to have it reintroduced. It’s certainly preferable to margarine. Blood thinners are effective. I don’t use them in children. I’ve seen dramatic improvement in adults. Q: What is your protocol for testing and treating for parasites? A: I use the standard 3-day digestive stool analysis. I’m fairly aggressive in treating parasites with traditional and non-traditional means. I do use some homeopathy, but I’m not a homepath. Some remedies have been helpful to my family, so I am learning about it and implementing it in small amounts. Q: my daughter drinks very little fluids - what do you recommend for children like this? A: I prefer she drink water instead of juices. For kids that won’t drink, try ice chips, or popsicles made from juice. Sometimes kids prefer broths. Bathe them frequently; they’ll get some absorption through the skin. Enemas with filtered water will make them absorb water through the rectum, if they are really dehydrated. Q: I've been using vitamin therapy for 8 years and still a year ago I had vitamin deficiencies in calcium, b5, and vitamin c. I also have pyroluria. I'm going to get the red blood cell elements test done. If I still have deficiencies is it suggested that I still start chelation or do I need to get these deficiencies in control first? Do the deficiencies ever go away?
kim Posted September 13, 2005 Author Report Posted September 13, 2005 Tuesday September 13, 9:00pm EST Amy L. Lansky, PhD Over ten years ago, computer research scientist Amy Lansky began a journey to try and help her three-year-old autistic son Max. She found the answer in Homeopathy. As Max gradually made a complete recovery, she began to study this alternative therapy and eventually became a practitioner herself. Her best-selling Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy (R.L. Ranch Press, 2003, describes the history, philosophy, and science of homeopathic medicine, and includes the story of her son's cure along with dozens of first-person testimonials of cures for a variety of physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Amy Lansky graduated from the University of Rochester in 1977 with degrees in mathematics and computer science, and received her doctorate in computer science from Stanford University in 1983. After many years working at various Silicon Valley research institutions in the area of artificial intelligence (including SRI International, NASA Ames Research Center, and three years as a consulting associate professor at Stanford), she made an unusual career move: she became a student, writer, promoter, and, most recently, practitioner of homeopathic medicine. This was prompted by the miraculous cure of her son's autism with homeopathy. Lansky now speaks and writes widely about homeopathy in general and especially its role as a treatment for autism. She is an executive board of the National Center for Homeopathy in Alexandria, Virginia. A health- freedom advocate, she is also an executive board member of the California Health Freedom Coalition, the organization that sponsored SB-577, the California health freedom bill that was passed in September 2002. You can learn more about homeopathic treatment of autism by visiting or by listening to Amy's monthly radio show on AutismOne Radio -- -- at 2pm EST the 3rd Friday of each month. Archives of old shows are available at To download the biochat software, goto to the chat/forum tab.
kim Posted September 14, 2005 Author Report Posted September 14, 2005 Amy L. Lansky, PhD Over ten years ago, computer research scientist Amy Lansky began a journey to try and help her three-year-old autistic son Max. She found the answer in Homeopathy. As Max gradually made a complete recovery, she began to study this alternative therapy and eventually became a practitioner herself. Her best-selling Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy (R.L. Ranch Press, 2003, describes the history, philosophy, and science of homeopathic medicine, and includes the story of her son's cure along with dozens of first-person testimonials of cures for a variety of physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Amy Lansky graduated from the University of Rochester in 1977 with degrees in mathematics and computer science, and received her doctorate in computer science from Stanford University in 1983. After many years working at various Silicon Valley research institutions in the area of artificial intelligence (including SRI International, NASA Ames Research Center, and three years as a consulting associate professor at Stanford), she made an unusual career move: she became a student, writer, promoter, and, most recently, practitioner of homeopathic medicine. This was prompted by the miraculous cure of her son's autism with homeopathy. Lansky now speaks and writes widely about homeopathy in general and especially its role as a treatment for autism. She is an executive board of the National Center for Homeopathy in Alexandria, Virginia. A health-freedom advocate, she is also an executive board member of the California Health Freedom Coalition, the organization that sponsored SB-577, the California health freedom bill that was passed in September 2002. You can learn more about homeopathic treatment of autism by visiting or by listening to Amy's monthly radio show on AutismOne Radio -- -- at 2pm EST the 3rd Friday of each month. Archives of old shows are available at *** Q: Hi, I believe my son has had multiple reactions to vaccines. The he definitely had an immediate reaction to his set of two flu vaccines. Do you feel that this is primarily because of mercury, or possibly the flu virus itself?. Also, with the cold/flu season approaching. Do you have any recommendations for keeping kids healthy, and fending off colds? A: I believe that most of the autism epidemic is caused by vaccines, both the mercury in vaccines and the fact that there are so many vaccines given. There’s an excellent article in Mothering Magazine by Richard Pitt about homeopathy. There is a lot of hype about the flu vaccine. Homeopathy has an amazing track record of treating the flu. Go to the website – there are great tips there to treat the flu. Skip the vaccines, they’re a bad idea. Especially if your child is already vaccine-damaged. Q: Hi Amy and thank you for being here. For someone fairly new to homeopathy where is the best place to start with a 3.5 yr. old with autism? We are currently doing some bio medical interventions. Will that interfere with homeopathic remedies? and are there ever any negative side effects from homeopathic remedies? thank you A: The best place to start is to learn on your own. Read my book Impossible Cure ( ; also the book by the Ullmann’s that just came out – A Drug Free Approach to Aspergers and Autism. Most biomedical interventions will not interfere with homeopathy. The homeopathy will certainly not interfere with them. Chelation will probably interfere with homeopathy. If you’re dead set on chelation, you might try that first, but you might find it’s not necessary once you start with homeopathy. Q: Amy can you explain what are the different definitions for classical, clinical, and sequential homeopathy? A: Classical is what my book discusses. Classical is what is defined by the founder, Hahnemann. Homeo means similar, pathy means suffering. You want to find a remedy that’s associated with the symptoms of the child. Healthy people take the remedy, find out what symptoms it causes. EG Coffee causes sleeplessness, heart palpitations, insomnia in a healthy person. The homeopathic remedy would match those symptoms. Clinical homeopathy refers to isopathic – child damaged by vaccine, so you give the vaccine in potency, or the thimerosal in potency. Sequential homeopathy is a philosophy in which you treat everything that happened to the patient in reverse order. EG first surgery, then vaccination, then your mother died. So you get grief remedy, then flu remedy, then remedy for the effects of the surgery. My view is that’s a bit of a mechanical approach, people don’t generally work that way. A classical homeopath will include clinical and sequential in their practice. If they only get so far in classical, ie find a block, they might go to an isopathic remedy to clear a vaccine, for example. Q: Do you recommend Chiropractic care for children as a form a treatment for Autism. How do you feel about cranial sacral therapy for treating autism versus just relieving subluxations at the chiropractor? A: I think manipulative therapies are really good, particularly cranial sacral and osteopathic. In my experience, I follow the practitioners that treat autistic kids, they say their cases go much faster if the kids are getting osteopathic/cranial sacral. These therapies don’t interfere with homeopathy, and do boost eachother’s effect. Q: Last time homeopaths were on Biochat, there were a lot of words defined with other words like miasms and similums, and I didn’t get an idea of how the homeopathic treatments work. Can you explain how homeopathy works in the body. A: Miasms is an advanced subject, I took it out of my book. The law of similars – coffee example – states that to treat a person with a set of symptoms you give them a remedy from a substance that can also cause those symptoms. Physical and mental symptoms. Samuel Hahnemann was having difficulty curing some diseases, and realized he had to treat things at a deeper level. He discovered often the disease progression begins with a particular disease (gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, etc). Then he realized there was a way to categorize remedies in general classes –miasms are broader categorizations of disease states. If he chose a remedy in the right miasm, he found he had better results. EG With tuberculosis, there are respiratory problems, and it might run in the family. To get rid of the chronic lung infection, you have to treat the miasm. Sometimes it’s treated by using a remedy made from the disease tuberculosis. Hahnemann felt there are 3 miasms, others feel there are up to 8 miasms. Q: Have you heard of Bioray's NDF+? What do you think of this natural chelator, and have you seen things like this work? Like milk thistle, chlorella? A: I’m not an expert on chelation, I don’t do biomedical treatments. My instinct is the natural chelators would interfere less with homeopathy. Q: You said that chelation might hinder homeopathic treatment. Can you explain this in more detail? I don't understand. A: I say this based on stories I’ve heard. I know of cases where the child was progressing nicely with homeopathic treatment, the mom got impatient and started chelation; all the gains were lost from the homeopathy. In the end the child was set back for about a year, and now the child is back with homeopathy and making progress again. I’ve heard this from other homeopaths too. If you’re seeing slow but sure progress, stick with the homeopathy. Homeopathic literature indicates that it can chelate metals from the body. There is a story in my book about a person who worked in an orchard and was dying from arsenic poisoning. Within an hour of taking the remedy, he sweated out huge amounts of arsenic. Another case was of a dental hygienist who started excreting mercury in her menstrual flow. So homeopathy doesn’t force a biochemical change in your body like a drug – it stimulates your body into helping itself. It will happen at the rate that the body can naturally handle it. Q: Is this a much easier way of treating the child rather than chelating? What is the success rate? A: I wouldn’t call it easy. Chelation, you see the results with testing, it’s a fixed form of treatment. Homeopathy is a more involved process. You have to find a good, experienced homeopath. Then the homeopath has to find the correct remedy for your child, and that’s a total individual thing. Each child gets a different remedy based on their symptoms. It takes time – several months – to get any results usually. Years of recovery time. But the homeopaths are getting really good results, very striking noticeable changes in autistic kids. The success rate for these homeopaths are 50-75%. Some get complete recovery, like my son, no residual symptoms – that happens in about 5% of the cases. Q: What homeopathic protocol/remedy did you follow for curing your son's Autism. How old was your son when you started to see improvements and how old was he when he was completely recovered? A: We brought my son to the homeopath when he was 3.5 (this is before all the biomed stuff was well known, and I was groping in the dark). The only thing we had done prior to homeopathy was food elimination, based on Feingold. My son was totally addicted to milk. That was when he started speaking. That was when he was 3. He was in speech and language therapy. We also eliminated food coloring, corn. He was speaking but had echolalia, was autistic. We hit the right remedy immediately. In a week, his therapists noticed a shift. Within 9 months, the therapist felt he didn’t need treatment any more. Within a year and a half, he was testing normally (age 5) and was released from eligibility for special ed. He was 80% - there was still social awkwardness, not completely responsive all the time, etc. We felt out of the woods, in another 3-4 years. So this was like a 5 year process. Q: How long usually takes to see the improvement by homeopathic approach? A: Once the homeopath finds the correct remedy, you should see something within a month. If you see nothing, you have to change the remedy. There are some remedies that take longer, say 2 months. You might see changes within a day or a week. You might notice the child reaching out for more contact, more eye contact. Even if it’s very subtle. Don’t expect your child to have a full recovery in two weeks. Q: I'll admit I don't understand homeopathy very well – I’m just learning about it - but I’m terrified when a remedy contains tetanus. Can you ease my thoughts? A: My son’s first remedy was made from cancer. My homeopath told me that. I was taken aback. But all the remedies are so dilute that not even a single molecule of whatever it’s made from is in the remedy. Also if you’re eating chicken, you might be eating cancer…you can’t get the disease from eating it. Lots of remedies made from disease matter – you wouldn’t find any of that disease matter if you tested the remedy. Homeopathy is completely and utterly benign compared to conventional medicine. If you start taking a remedy in high quantities over and over, you might start getting the symptoms that that remedy could cause. You need to find a homeopath that knows what they’re doing. Once you discontinue a remedy, the symptoms usually go away quickly. Q: Do rashes mean that a remedy is working? Will there always be improvements with rashes? Also, is it ever helpful to treat the parents and discover their constitutions in order to help discover the child's correct remedy, especially if the child is non-verbal? A: Rashes can often mean the remedy is helping. This is discussed in my book at length. If the disease began with an external rash and went inwards, if you see that rash coming out it’s good news, a good sign. Your homeopath can help assess that. It’s very helpful if parents go to the homeopath too, along with their children. If you’re treated, it will provide a better atmosphere for your family. That will help in your child’s recovery too. You’re going through so much anxiety, worry, etc. It can only help if the parents get treated as well. Q: Does the Homeopath need to see the child often? or can this be done long distance? A: If you can find a good homeopath nearby, I always recommend that, esp for the very first appointment. You don’t have to go that often. If you’re local, maybe once every 2 months, especially in the initial stages. If you are trying to work long distance, ideally go once a year. Q: Are you familiar with bioplasma or essential cell salts? Are they useful? A: Most classical homeopaths don’t use cell salts. They are low potency, made from mineral salts in your body. Some homepaths feel they’re like vitamins. But I feel they are powerful in their own right, and don’t advise their use in my practice. Q: My son was given 3 remedies at the same time (to detox), these caused his cough, fever and running nose but after that nothing happened. Would that be an indication of correct remedy not found yet? (you said, and also the practitioner said it too, that it is a good sign) A: I don’t normally give 3 remedies at once to detox. It might be a good sign…but the question is what happened next. If a month and a half has gone by, I’d say give it another month. It sounds like the homeopath is not classical, you might go back in another month. Q: We’ve seen great things with MB-12. What is your philosophy about homeopathy and the mb-12 phenomenon? In most of the kids we’ve seen there is a problem with the pathway. By injecting the vitamin, we get past the blockage. A: Homeopathy should correct the underlying problem in the body, so you wouldn’t need the supplement/vitamin anymore. Here’s another example, milk was aggravating my son, we took it out of his diet. Over time, his food sensitivity went away. Hopefully with the homeopathy, the child’s need for mb-12 will decrease as the child improves. Q: Can a strong die-off reaction from probiotics interfere with homeopathy? A: I don’t think that would interfere. But definitely tell the homeopath what you’re doing, so he/she can adjust your dosing. Q: I’m informed that the homeopathy can be added to biomed treatments except that it dislikes the aggressive chelations, any other factors we need to consider in order to combine these 2 approaches together? A: Yes, I would guess that they could be combined. Another thing that could interfere would be a strong oil, like oil of oregano. Sometimes things that are very strong can antidote the remedy. The remedies operate on a fine energetic level. Things like drinking coffee can antidote the remedy, it’s too much input. It depends totally on the person. Some people can drink coffee while they’re doing homeopathy, some not. If you’re going along fine and improving, and you take a substance and you get worse or it stops working, you can suspect the remedy was antidoted. There are ways around this. You can change dosing. I might give a low potency every day so they can get around the antidote effect. It’s possible that daily dosing might work better for someone doing a lot of strong biomedical treatments. Q: what would the average cost of homeopath be? A: In general they will charge by the hour at about the same rate as a therapist, 100-150/hour. Usually the first appointment is the longest, 1-3 hours. You might spend 2-300 on the first appointment. A followup is usually like ½ hour. The remedies cost essentially nothing, either very cheap or sometimes free with the appointment. Typical price for a remedy is $10. Q: is it caffeine in general that would antidote; or specifically coffee? A: It’s specifically the coffee – tea or coke would be ok. Q: Do people usually avoid mint toothpaste completely during homeopathy? A: Personally I don’t think it’s a problem. Some doctors are very strict about that…but I have never avoided it. Coffee is sometimes a problem; Camphor and eucalyptus and tea tree oil, Vick’s vapor rub. These are all effective antidotes. Q: Amy have you ever heard of Native Remedies brand? they use the homeopathic approach for treating autism/add etc etc A: I’m not familiar with it, no. But I can tell you Hahnemann Labs in US is very good. In England Helios Pharmacy is good. There are lots of other good suppliers. National Center for Homeopathy is a good site Q: Dear Dr Lansky , Can you pls. tell us about Zincum metallicum? how can it help increase zinc levels? My child has the symptoms. Is it recommeded to take Zincum Metallicum to increase blood zinc level? A: Zinc is a remedy. It can help autistic kids. However, it should not be used as a vitamin. It’s inadvisable to view a homeopathic remedy as a vitamin. If you don’t have the symptoms that zinc metallicum has, and you take it regularly like a vitamin, you could potentially get the symptoms. Go to a materia medica online and look up the zinc to see what the symptoms are. It will help your body regulate itself, so if it works, it would cause your body to improve the zinc level. Q: Are you familiar with Dandi Comp Liver, gallbladder, and hydrate I remedies? What are your thoughts on these? A: These sound like organ support remedies. They’re often used as organ support. If you’re using a good homeopath, I’d say it’s ok, someone familiar with organ support remedies.
kim Posted September 22, 2005 Author Report Posted September 22, 2005 Dr. John Green John Green, M.D. graduated from the University of Idaho in 1970 with degrees in psychology and chemistry. He graduated from the University of Utah Medical School in 1974 and completed a rotating internship at the University of New Mexico in 1975. From 1975 to 1980 he was Medical Director of Emergency Services at Tulare District Hospital, Tulare California, with a concurrent part-time general practice in preventative medicine and environmental medicine, allergies and the nutritional, emotional, and belief systems factors of chronic illness. Since 1980, he has continued in environmental and holistic medicine. In 1999 he began serious work with autistic children and in 2000 committed to full-time work with Autism Spectrum Disorders. He believes the collaborative holistic approach is the most effective way to solve chronic health problems and is committed to doing everything possible to help solve your child's problems. Q: What do you suggest for kids having frequent coughs and colds on TDDMPS? We just reach one third of my child’s full dose. Should we use Colostrum or Transfer Factor or anything else? which would you suggest we start with? Is a particular type recommended? I am concerned as Colostrum also has growth factors and my child (7 Year old)has some symptoms of precocious puberty(pubic hair), will colostrum cause more of such symptoms A: We see great responses in some children with colostrum and transfer factor; with other kids it misses the mark. Transfer factor is quite safe but not low cost. Colostrum is more reasonable, I haven’t seen problems with it. Kirkman’s makes colostrums. I’ll go up to 40 units a day with vitamin A (palmitate), up to 100 if child has a cold. Watch for dry skin, chapped lips. Also make sure you get vitamin C per day; zinc. Selenium is antiviral, can be used for colds. I like Echinacea/astralugus – Kirkman’s has that. I also use thymus extract a lot, 1 or 2 capsules. It’s inexpensive, safe, well-tolerated. Beta-glucan is helpful for some kids, except for the really yeast-sensitive. Hydrochloric acid injection has worked well. It’s infrequent that td-dmps stresses immune. Endocrine disruption – chlorine, PCBs, pesticides, plastics, phthalates – hormonally disruptive. Early puberty is happening more often. Eliminate plastics. Avoid high-meat diet. Avoid pesticides. Q: We are having problems with sleeping at our house. My son has been taking .5 mg. of melatonin for a few months now and it isn't working anymore. He sits up in bed and refusing to fall asleep, until he falls over with exhaustion. He is also getting up in the night. I don't know what to do. He has been chelating for about 6 months now on TD -DMSA and just added in ALA. He takes MB-12 injections, various supplements, GF/CF/ diet, TD-Glutathione, probiotics, and epsom salt cream. It takes him at least 45 minutes to get to sleep each night and he isn't falling to sleep until around 10:30 p.m. He attends 2 nd grade and is 8 years old. A: Sleep problems take a toll on everyone. It’s so important to treat that symptom, and get behind what’s causing it. Intolerance for enzymes, allergic reactions, gluten exposures, reflux esophagitus, hypoglycemia, yeast issues, pain, allergies, mold, all contribute to sleep disorders. ½ milligram of melatonin, up to 3 mg. I’ve been working with melatonin for years, no hormone disruption. Night lights and lights in the bedroom will disturb sleep. Melatonin is a great help for antioxidant instruction. We also use Gaba, trytophan, inositol, extra magnesium. Q: Dr Green, hi I was wondering if you feel that we should be looking at EDTA to chelate out lead - as you know, Dan's got elevated lead, and he's been on TD-DMPS for months- and his EDTA challenge shows he's still pulling lots of lead. Also, can you explain your "triple approach" to chelation? Also, at what point should we add ALA? A: EDTA is a good remedy - Orally, rectally, not sure about the transdermal. I’m still willing to do iv-edta too, but we’re careful about who we do it with and the circumstances, we use calcium edta. It’s not apt to cause issues like the dmsa/dmps coming through the gut. It’s slow to get out. Is your child tolerating the chelator, are you seeing good response? That is reason to continue. I like to use edta intermittently, to see how he feels on and how he feels off. The triple approach, transdermal oral and injected (for dmps). We vary the approach, switch from oral, to transdermal, to injected. We also use the ALA – it’s a great anti-oxidant, don’t be afraid of the ALA except for the yeast. I usually wait until the mercury is down a little before adding ALA, just in case there is redistribution. ALA, in an animal body, appears to be curative, appears to get into the brain. Q: I'm wondering how many of your patients are testing positive for lyme and WA babisia? Have any of your patients with ASD tested negatively at IGENEX? Do you recommend antibiotics for these patients, what other approaches have you tried? Is this something most parents should check into? A: A lot of the kids are testing positive for lyme. Igenex - I have had a lot of negatives a couple positives. I just tested myself, thought I had lyme (I’m a deer hunter) and I had some symptoms. I did Igenex. I’m taking it with a grain of salt, in terms of where to go. If we had an easy antibiotic regimen, I’d jump in. But I am selective about antibiotics for kids. I’ve been able to control my achiness with Echinacea, etc. If you live in an endemic area, make decisions about intervention using alternative. Vitamin C and saline. Full dose vit C will however cause diarrhea. Transfer Factor from Chisholm(sp?) Labs is lyme specific. Cats Claw is of some help. Artemisia(sp?) is helpful. Intramuscular penicillin not bad. Q: We are using TD DMPS for our son. We are wondering if there is any impact on us from inhaling it when we apply it on our son? A: What you’re smelling must have a few molecules of dmps, but I can’t imagine any risk with inhaling it. I’ve never heard of an anaphylactic risk from dmps inhalation. I’ve heard of allergies to dmps. If you don’t have amalgam fillings, you can use your bare hands to apply. Then you will be chelating a little too. If you have fillings, be very careful. If your husband gets headaches, he must be chemically sensitive. Not dangerous, but he probably should stay away. Q: Do most ASD kids have low adrenals? If a child has low adrenals can it get in the way of other interventions? What can be done? A: I would do more testing if I could get more saliva. It’s not only low adrenals we find – often we find that they’re dumping a lot of cortisol. They don’t store much cortisol, they don’t make much either, have to have decent bile function in order to make it. Low adrenal is part of the problem for many kids, tends to be an aspect of hypoglycemia and allergies. Adrenal cortex is a good gentle cortisol to take, often helpful. It may help with energy. Vit C, manganese, licorice root are all good helpers. We check most of our kids for sodium and potassium – most are low on potassium. Use light salt to get sodium down and potassium up. Licorice root tea is a good support. No more then a cup a day. Thorne makes a good adrenal cortex. Q: Are you getting good pulls of mercury at the one year point with TD DMPS? If yes, is it fecal or urine? What age kids? A: I haven’t heard anyone say they can get a significant dump from td-dmps. We don’t see it in the urine, the stool. Is it going out in the skin? It certainly helps some children. I use IV or oral challenges to get a read on the mercury. Mercury generally goes down gradually with td-dmps, not as fast as oral. Q: My 8 yr. old son with tic syndrome had a blood serum zinc level of 76. I started supplementing with about 35 mg of zinc every other night. I had read where white spots or lines on the fingernails could be a sign of zinc deficiency. Since I started to supplement the white spots on his nails have gotten so much worse. My husband thought he actually had white paint on his nails. Do you think there is a connection? Do you see many kids with tics? Thanks! A: I have white spots on my nails too. I take 120 mg of zinc a day, that usually clears it up. It’s either calcium or zinc deficiency. Some folks believe it’s related to celiac and malabsorption, but that’s out of the question. With a level of 76, he has a ways to go. He might need twice that dose (35 x 2) daily. Tics, yes I see quite a few kids with tics. High dose krill (4-8 5 mg capsules a day) seems to clear it. I like krill, nice delivery of essential fatty acids. Also B1, magnesium help with tics. Q: First, thank you, Dr. Green, for taking the time to speak to us. I would like to start chelating my 3 yr old son. Is it ok to chelate him while on a regular multivitamin (in addition to other supplements) or is a supplement like SuperNuThera necessary? He is currently on the following supplements: Magnesium Glycinate Powder; Calcium Powder; DMG w/ folinic acid & b12; B3-Niacinmide; Cod Liver Oil; Zinc Cream; MethylB12 shots; Enzyme Complete DPP-IV; and a regular children's chewable multivitamin. He used to take SuperNuThera but can't tolerate the taste any more - and will not swallow capsules without vomiting (as he is so orally sensitive), therefore, I replaced that particular one with the regular kids chewable multivitamin... is that enough for chelation? A: Yes, the td approach is gentle and sustainable; one doesn’t have to be aggressive about mineral replacement, at least getting started. I’m not a big fan of zinc sulfate cream, I like liquid zinc during chelation. You don’t have to use SuperNu Thera. Lots of kids don’t tolerate B6, because of gut issues, etc. Do keep an eye on minerals. When you do tests, get nNutrient elements and toxic metals. Better to do the test when you haven’t taken extra minerals that day. Q: Hi Doc G....can you give me the "recipe" for mixing and dosing K-III for potassium supplementing again? (and dose) I have spaced it out (woops). Also , when you do the minerals test along with chelation and things like zinc and molybdenum are high, does this mean they are getting too much? A: I like K-III, it’s pharmaceutical level, we use ¼ tsp of powder once or twice a day, but test potassium first. You’ll see other minerals moving after an iv, molybdenum, copper, zinc, potassium, etc. The chelator pulls out some of this. Depending on how much you get 24 hours before the test. We often tend to over supplement those. We see selenium get too high when kids get over 100 mg/day. Q: Do you have any recommendations for fighting stubborn eczema? We are GF/SF/CF/CnF etc... strictly following her food sensitivities blood test. A: Eczema is a big issue. For kids with eczema, do IgE test. Virox cream by Biogenesis is touted as an eczema remedy, I’ve had good results sometimes. Bioset and acupuncture are helpful. LDA and allergy shots are helpful. Q: What is your suggestion for boosting the immune system after LDN and high Vitamin A protocols as well as several natural immune boosters are used? What are your thoughts on IVIG? My son is a candidate for IVIG according to our DAN! and Immunologist. Insurance not being an issue as they will cover the high costs if we decide to go this route. We're still trying to make the right decision for our son and appreciate your opinion. I do want to say that my son is sleeping for the first time ever since starting LDN. A: If you have a child showing immune dysfunction, consider zinc, thymus, astralagus, Echinacea, etc. Boosting immune in a child with autoimmune issues is not an easy matter. I’m a big fan of IVIG except for the cost and the stress involved. There is no test to predict if IVIG will work for your child, except you must make certain he has enough iva(sp?), otherwise don’t do the IVIG! I’m glad LDN is working for you. I would encourage you to do a trial of IVIG to see how he tolerates. After 3 rounds or so you should know if he tolerates. Oxidative stress – make sure enough antioxidant support and inflammatory support. Ginger, ashwaganda(sp?), etc. are good for inflammation. Those are immune-supportive. Q: I have tourette syndrome. I'm using td-dmps, one week on and one week off. I'm on my first week and am only using 2 drops every 8 hours (starting low). 2 days after starting I had a black spec in my urine. 4 days after starting there were about 5 specs. No one's heard of this happening before in urine. I’ve never had this happen before starting tddmps. Could it be metals? I had a sample checked for bacteria and infections and those weren't a problem. I had a low grade fever come on today. Is this normal with tddmps? What's the normal zinc serum level? A: Black specks are probably not metals. You can check urine, but we haven’t seen metals coming out as black specks in urine. 100 or 120 is the normal zinc serum. Labs will say normal is 70-130. People may have sensitivities to dmps. You can play around with higher dose; or work up slowly. Q: Hi Dr. Green. We are about to start the B12 shots end of this week. What exactly is the B12 for and what are we looking for? Also she has started school in a newly constructed school. Teachers have told us that the walls are made of a wheat product. Is this something we should look into for exactly what it is, or because it's in the wall not a concern? Thank you for all your help, you and your staff are wonderful. A: If she’s allergic to wheat, or has IgE allergy to it, then the dust is a problem. Get on Jim Neubrander’s site to read more about MB-12. It’s one of the most beneficial and gentle remedies. Make sure to use methyl. Q: Hi Dr. Green What results are you seeing with LDN? Does it have any side effects during chelation? We are starting later this week and are two months into chelating. Also - I've always wondered, how far back can our kids come? Prognostically speaking, how do you gauge expected outcomes? Have you seen any/many come all the way back ? Have always wanted to ask. Our son is making amazing progress (in your care) but we want to temper our hopes and our family's. A: I have no fear of using LDN, not during chelation or anything else. If you’re doing too many things at once, it’s hard to tell what’s doing what. Often, LDN starts out negative, and turns around to positive. Dr McCandless’ work with this is so beneficial. We hope it will help with the inflamed bowel and Crohn’s. I haven’t seen as much benefit as Dr McC, but moodwise it seems to help. I’ve seen a lot of young non-verbal kids make great gains, get language back, so age is an important factor. Harder with a non-verbal 8 year old. Q: Can TD-DMPS be harmful for kids with chemical sensitivities? What about other chelators? Also, my son headbangs a lot. While I know this can be caused by gut pain, for my son it is head pain becuz he wants us to rub his head. Whenever my son starts to get better socially he headbangs more. Why would this be and can I do anything? A: Giving dmps to adults with chemical sensitivities, it has been poorly tolerated. A lot of them are mercury-toxic. I expect a little better tolerance for edta then the sulphur-y chelators. I agree, head-banging is a sign of head pain, migraine or something. Vascular headaches. Some of the migraine remedies, like Feverfew, can be helpful. We might give ibuprofen, to see if there is good evidence there is a head ache. Suppressing the behavior is not smart if he really is telling you he has pain. Q: How do you feel about IV Glutathione? Would weekly IV's help GI function? Also, would it help to chelate a child? Thanks so much! A: I would do it for every kid as a trial, if I could. Some kids are too far away. We try to boost NAC, or other things, if they’re too far away. I don’t see it as a chelator, supports metallathionein, helps to clear out intracellular toxins. Could help GI function. Q: 1) What is protocol do you recommend for the FIR Sauna? 2) What other "natural chelators" do you recommend, ie Metal Free, NDF+, Clay baths, Foot bath, etc. 3) What about the metals bound to the natural chelators - ie cilantro? Do you ascribe to the notion that the mercury is so tightly bound to those substances that it will just go in and out? A: I don’t have a protocol for FIR-as long as the child can handle. Start low, 100 or 105 degrees, for few minutes, work your way up. MetalFree is unimpressive. Clay and foot bath are harmless, but I haven’t seen big value. I have had good feedback on NDF. I worry about cilantro, because it grows, rain falls, rain has mercury. Chlorella too, I worry about. Joe Mercola swears he has a brand that is clean, no mercury ( I don’t know the answer on the mercury being tightly bound, need more studies. Q: For the kids like my son who seem to be non responders/gut kids, is there any new treatments or studies that are going to talked about at the next DAN! that may be of some help? A: This is what the think tanks are for. Children who are non-responders – you need to keep expanding your range of possibilities and testing. Q: does 'n phenol' help with phenol intolerance..thanks dr green.. A: It helps more often then you think. Has helped with responsiveness of the kids. Coconut oil also has the potential to help. Q: We have always had hearing sensitivities. Done AIT 3 times. We are doing TD DMPS. We give zinc picolinate at body weight plus 20 mgs. Double on off days. What do you think about zinc monomethionine? Which is absorbed better? A: I don’t think the different types of zinc make that much of a difference. Magnesium is at least as important. What about doing a trial of acupuncture? More work on the essential fatty acids, up to 2000 or 3000 EPA; or the krill oil, 3-6 capsules.GABA, inositol, l-theanine, 5HTP; can all help settle. The older girls, 10, 11, 12, before puberty, progesterone support like td-progesterone can be helpful. That’s relatively ok for anyone (male or female), in low doses Q: Have you ever seen a child react negatively to magnesium cream? My 4 year old Aspergers son said today his bone hurt where I put the cream. When I used it on him the 1st time the knuckles of that hand ached. A: No I’ve never seen a child react with pain to magnesium cream. Maybe the other ingredients? I am a bigger fan of Epsom salts. He might be sensitive to magnesium sulfate, try dissolving it in the bathtub.
kim Posted September 28, 2005 Author Report Posted September 28, 2005 Hilary's biochat notes Rudi Verspoor FHCH, HD(RHom.), DMH Rudi Verspoor has been studying Hahnemann's medical system for more than two decades and has acquired extensive clinical experience, particularly relating to complex and chronic cases, in the application of this system. His abiding interest in history and philosophy has led him to undertake continual research into various problems and issues that have arisen in traditional homeopathic treatment. This research has led to the development of a systematic dynamic approach to therapeutics that is now being offered in a comprehensive form to others through a five-year program. Patty Smith FHCH, DVHH, HD(RHom.), DMH, BScEd Patty worked with Rudi Verspoor on Homeopathy Renewed, and she has contributed many articles to newspapers, and wholistic and homeopathic journals and magazines in the United States and Canada. She is currently editor of the Heilkunst Journal, a publication of the Hahnemann Center for Heilkunst; Resonance, the newsletter of the Hahnemann College; as well as News and Views, the newsletter of the Hahnemann Clinic. She currently is working on A Patient's Guide to Heilkunst and A Patient's Guide to Vaccinations, and Homeo- and Homo-prophylaxis. (sorry, no Q&A tonight, I couldn’t write and talk at the same time, so here’s what I jotted down) • As far as supplements, they believe in whole food supplements. They like the body ecology diet. Some products they mentioned: juice plus, Nordic Natural cod liver oil, Ande bars, Living Fuel ( • Their website is and practictioners can be found at . To write Patty, (patty at homeopathy dot com). • They wrote a book, available from Amazon, called Autism: The Journey Back. • They’ve seen good results from using potentized vitamin B-12 (as opposed to doing the shots) • They do feel bioplasma (12 essential cell salts) is important. They also mentioned celtic sea salts, green foods and super foods with enzymes, and chlorophyll (as a good source of magnesium). • Vitamin C is one of the greatest and cheapest anti-inflammatories. • Homeopathy and Heilkunst can work along with the DAN! protocol. (Homeopathy will not interfere with DAN!, but DAN! might interfere with homeopathy.) • They can treat pretty much any issue, from autism spectrum disorders to motor disorders to lack of eye contact to focus to gut issues, etc. with Heilkunst. • Average monthly cost is $90 for a ½ hour followup which includes a remedy/energy medicine. They recommend supplements that you can purchase outside that price. The initial consultation is slightly higher. • They’re in Ottawa, Canada, but they do work long distance by phone and email. • They offer courses in Heilkunst, as well as a short course called Homeopathy at Home (see their website ) You get an online tutor, and work by email and teleconference. There’s also an online study group. ps My novice understanding of Heilkunst is homeopathy plus supplementation/nutrition.
kim Posted October 4, 2005 Author Report Posted October 4, 2005 Tonight on the live chat accessible from Dr. Neubrander's site- will have guest speaker Susan Owens. See the information below and please come join us!! Tuesday October 4, 9:00pm EST SUSAN OWENS Since completing her masters degree at the University of Texas in Dallas, Mrs. Owens has lectured widely in the U.S, including the Center for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health in Bethesda. She has also lectured as far afield as Scotland, England, Australia, and Norway. She brings into her lectures information she has gained from ten years of interacting with parents and doctors of children with autism while she maintained an intense study of the medical literature, including literature that we need to understand today's issues, but which got lost in earlier decades. This effort has been directed mainly at finding the basic science that can tell us how the sulfur system works: how it is integrated, how it matures, and how it interacts with other systems. Oxalates appear to be part of that system, but their role outside the role of binding to calcium and incidentally forming kidney stones, is little understood. As a member of the Defeat Autism Now! Thinktank (a project of the Autism Research Instiute), she continually dialogues with physicians and scientists who treat children with autism. She also consults with sulfur scientists and other basic scientists who are on the cutting edges of their fields, attempting to recruit them into studying autism, but also attempting to cross-pollinate information that generally stays behind disciplinary barriers. She does extensive analysis of labwork, specializing in studying ratios and their meaning in the plasma amino acid tests and studying correlations within other tests. By comparing the findings and reference ranges from labs all over the US and world on different tests, she has developed some concerns about the suitability of how reference ranges are calculated for urinary tests on young children. She is working actively at getting some policy changes in place to assure more accurate testing for this age group. Two years ago, in order to gain from the experience of those outside autism circles, she began an internet list where people discuss successes and failures they have had with sulfur-related supplements at It now has over 720 members. She recently opened a new group called Trying_Low_Oxalates, with 170 members, currently, where people can learn how to implement a low oxalate diet. She is delighted to be here to talk about the amazing improvements children are experiencing on the low oxalate diet. *My plans for this evening have just changed-kim
kim Posted October 5, 2005 Author Report Posted October 5, 2005 Hilary Downing from ASD_Solutions- Biochat Notes Speaker Susan Owens Q: Can you tell us what oxalates are, and the basics of the diet? A: Oxalates are two carbons joined together with 4 oxygens. It’s a structure similar to sulfur. There are a lot of problems with sulfate chemistry in autism, so it’s interesting that the oxalate structure is so similar. Dr. Rimland did some studies (16-18) that showed B6 was affected in autism. B6 is key for the sulfur chemistry, and for oxalates. When you have inflamed gut, Crohn’s for example, very few oxalates are absorbed. So since autistic kids often have inflamed gut, it made sense to have a low-oxalate diet. We did a pilot study with 7 kids. All 7 were high in oxalates, and started the diet. They had problems with frequent urination, GI pain, etc. within a couple hours of eating. They had changes in behavior following eating. Things started changing with the diet. A lot of the things we’ve been calling yeasty behaviors go away with a low-oxalate diet. A lot of these kids had trouble taking DMG and TMG, glycine in general. We saw problems with constipation/diarrhea in these kids before the diet, even after being treated by GI docs. A lot of these children had trouble when introducing nuts, legumes, soy. A lot of these kids craved high-oxalate foods. Q: What foods are high in oxalates? A: Nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables, spinach, chard, black raspberry, soy, pecans, refried beans, almond, beet, okra, sweet potatoes, chocolate, cocoa, a lot of different teas, black current, dried fig, canned fruit salad, concord grapes, rubarb, tamarillo, tapioca are all extremely high in oxalates. If you google ‘oxalate contents of food’ you should find all the details of high-oxalate and medium-oxalate foods. It makes sense to try low-oxalate diet for at least a week before moving to medium-oxalates. Q: My son only eats PB&J, sugary juice, pretzels, milk, and chocolate. I have tried to limit his diet, but he refuses to eat longer than I can hold out. Any ideas on how to get him off this diet without starving? A: Some of the food preferences of these kids are changing on the diet. Rice/corn caused one child to break out – now that she’s on a low-oxalate diet, those same foods aren’t making her break out anymore. Chocolate and peanut butter are high in oxalates, jelly might be too. Milk is generally ok, but soy milk is extremely high in oxalate. Oxalates are very easily produced by sugar. If you eat a lot of sugar, it depresses thiamine chemistry. Enzymes then turn things into oxalates. So don’t eat a lot of sugar. Q: My son is SCD legal, but still does not have a healthy appetite. Do you have any advice on how I can increase his appetite? A: Is he trying a low-oxalate diet yet? (no, just scd, no juice, lots of proteins). There are children that are eating an awful lot of food, and not putting on weight, and they act starved all the time. When on a low-oxalate diet, they stopped acting starved, gained weight and height. I went on the low-oxalate diet myself a few months ago. I found that foods taste better now. Oxalates deplete glutathione in a big way. Oxalates may be changing the trafficking of zinc. Oxalates and inflammation seem to go hand in hand, more research needs to be done on oxalates and inflammation. Oxalates induce oxidative stress and reduce glutathione, could possibly affect TH1 to TH2 shift. Q: Hi Susan, thanks for taking my question. Do you recommend doing a low oxalate diet with a gfcf diet? What is your web site? A: I think when you start the diet, it’s a good idea to keep in place what you are already doing, and see if getting off the oxalates changes your sensitivity to certain things. Some folks who couldn’t tolerate rice or corn can now tolerate. Another person has reintroduced gluten and casein, and is doing well. You can sign up to the yahoo group Trying_Low_Oxalates. You can sign up as “no email” and not be overwhelmed by the mail. Q: Would you discuss B vitamins and oxalate chemistry...We are SCD but I have been reading LOD yahoo board and caught bits and pieces of discussion regarding thiamine and biotin. I am interested because I am unable to get my son on B vitamins without alot of hyperactivity. A: The rules about intolerances to different supplements are changing. Zinc is depleted with oxalate. A lot of kids have been on very high zinc. Now they’re reducing their zinc on the low-oxalate diet. The parents trying this diet move low and slow (low dose, go slow with changes). Q: Might the oxalate issue be more important than GFCF issues for some kids? Do kids who respond to GFCF tend to be the same ones who respond to this diet? Are oxalates related to metals at all? A: Gluten is metabolized towards oxalates. Casein is not a problem – but lactose might be, because that can be metabolized towards oxalates. Oxalates are related to metals – they are very potent in their chelating abilities. Not sure how this relates to DMSA or DMPS, but ALA seems to reduce oxalates. So while we might have thought it was a great chelator, perhaps the effect we’re seeing is from the reduction of oxalates. ALA is anti-oxalate, noone has ever thought to test the other chelating agents to see if they are. Q: We've been LOD for about 1 month. I tried it because my son urinates constantly. However, I haven't adjusted supplements. Are there supplements that we should avoid? We are starting td-ALA soon. A: The ALA should help. There are quite a few supplements that are helpful. Taurine is anti-oxalate, give more taurine. Oxalates bind beta-alanine. If your son is urinating constantly, this diet might very well help. Q: Hi. My son had an allergic reaction after 12 weeks to the DMPS. We are now using DMSA. I am worried he may have reacted to the sulfur. DO you think the low oxalate diet could help him not react to sulfur? A: I do think there is a possibility that some of the kids with sulfur-sensitivity could be the oxalate kids. A few parents reported that on the diet they were seeing sulfur-sensitivity diminish. Children eating swiss chard and spinach every other day don’t see the differences from day to day – it may be because their bodies have so many oxalates, they’re not seeing the difference. Q: My daughter is taking custom amino acids after being tested through Metametrix. She was quite low in her profile across the board. Do you have experience with these types of products? I don't know if it is helping A: I’ve been looking at the reference ranges on urinary tests. The creatinine doesn’t seem stable enough. Also the reference ranges are based on adults, and the kids doing these tests are 2 and 3. Write me off list. Q: What are some indicators that LOD might help a have said problem with sulfur supplements, urinary issues, what else? A: Issues in speech (that’s the area we see improve the quickest); a lot of yeasty behaviors; if you’ve been on a lot of antibiotics. Q: Can you tell us more about your work as a thinktank member? What is that like? How do the members get together to share ideas? A: It’s been fabulous. There are a lot of totally dedicated people in the think tank. The doctors compare notes, compare success stories, listen to how other doctors solved problems for their patients, etc. We’re getting past our growing pains, and really accomplishing a lot. The internet really helps, and the working relationship between doctors and parents. Q: I give my son 1 peeled pear and several peeled apples/ day - do you know if oxalate levels are lower without the peels? It seems like some lists are conflicting. Also, I've heard that food high in phosphate (such as peas i think) may also cause problem. What would indicate that? A: There may be issues with phosphate with some kids, I haven’t looked at it very closely. Even different varieties of the same type of fruit/vegetable will have different oxalate content. Kiwi fruit has 100+ varieties. The oxalates vary greatly between each variety. It may also vary depending on the soil it was grown in. Some foods are always high; others vary. Q: How long is it taking for kids to respond to the diet? Are any kids reacting badly to the diet? What is the difference between oxalates and "oxidants"? A: Astonishingly some kids show improvements in just a day or two. Occasionally a child will start and have worse behavior. If you’ve been really high oxalate and you remove them, oxalates get trafficked to the gut and cause really high oxalates there. We’ve been experiencing with calcium citrate and magnesium citrate, which are both anti-oxalate. The calcium is important in the gut – if there is calcium in the gut, the oxalates won’t be reabsorbed in the body, they’ll stay in the stool. Oxalates are oxidants. And oxidant creates oxidative stress. Molecules that are not supposed to be bound together get bound together during oxidative stress. Proteins work differently when under oxidative stress. Q: Do you know of any thing that may become an "enzyme" or "helper" for oxalates? Like Petizyde helps with cross contamination gluten... Also, what about IP6 - that helps break apart kidney stones??? A: We have to rely on our bacteria – it breaks oxalates apart. There is a company trying to make a probiotic, but it is about a year out. The enzymes available are not what we need to break oxalates. Acidophilus is an oxalate eating species, but if you get too much oxalate it kills off acidophilus. I’m not familiar with IP6. Q: I have heard the NAC is helpful in detoxing poisons such as mercury (not a chelator but aids in ridding the body of these chemicals) My daughters doctor said there are too many negative side effects but I recently realized that she takes NAC 100mg a day in her D-Hist supplement for allergies. She seems fine should I look into giving her more NAC since it seems that she is tolerating it with the D-Hist? Also is LDN something that is helpful? My daughter is 6 and non-verbal autistic. A: We have had folks doing both LDN and low-oxalate diet. One of our parents had such good results on low-oxalate that she stopped LDN. It may be they’re working on a similar system, it’s too early to know. The one consistent thing in autism is that sulfur is below the reference range. We need to explore the role of oxalates. Q: On the diet, is the ultimate goal to do LO foods and then you may have a certain percentage of MO foods that child tolerates and never high oxalate? A: We’re trying to let the children tell us. We know oxalates are a problem, but from child to child there are different levels of absorption and other differing factors. We do know that the kids that stick to low-oxalate foods are doing very well. Q: Do you know if whey is high or low oxalate and if it can help with oxalates? Also, you mentioned using calcium and magnesium citrate at first. Should the child get regular doses or megadoses? A: We’re learning about the cal and mag citrate. Start low and slow. There was one child that started having worse seizures after the cal citrate, but overall she had less seizures on the low-oxalate diet. It seems the kids do better to be on the diet several weeks, then start the cal citrate. If you start the low-oxalate diet and see behavior issues, you might want to try low dose cal citrate. Q: You mentioned issues with speech. Have you had non-verbal children begin talking on the diet? A: We haven’t had someone non-verbal try it yet. We had a child who could speak a few words, and a week into the diet was talking in 4-word sentences and making good eye contact. Q: Can you talk a little more about children who have problem digesting fats and oxalates? A: The idea of taking calcium in the meal is to bind the oxalate so it’s not absorbed. The bound calcium in spinach is not a problem, it’s the free oxalate that is a problem so take calcium with it. Even better, leave out the foods with high oxalate altogether. Q: 1) what might help with dyspraxia and motor planning? 2) how are people deciding what might be low oxalate if there isn't a test on that food? A: We have a scientist willing to test foods that are common in the autism community. You can list the food that you want tested on the yahoo group website, and he will test. We have had children improving in motor skills. We totally did not expect that gain. One of the children went to see his grandparents, and they were astonished at his motor skill improvements, and all his improvements. Scientists have shown there are oxalates in the brain. There are probably certain areas of the brain that are more vulnerable. The autistic kids might have areas of the brain influenced by oxalates. If your oxalates are higher outside the cell, you might be dragging sulfates out of the cell. These are the areas you would expect to see more functional problems. Hippocampus and cerebellum are two areas that are problem areas in autism…and have high oxalates. Q: Are pumpkin seeds particularly good for oxalates? Are oxalates related to autoimmune? A: Most seeds are a problem with high oxalate, but for some reason pumpkin seeds are not. Some of our moms grind up pumpkin seeds to make flour. Autoimmunity relates to the body making antibodies to bind things that the body will get rid of. If you have an injury, the body makes antibodies to do a clean up. In autoimmunity, something keeps the reaction going, the clean up keeps going. It could be that a lot of these processes could be cut back if we reduce oxalates. Q: Would a GRADUAL transfer to LOD possibly avoid the potential release of oxalates from the tissues in to the gut that causes initial worsening of symptoms. A: I don’t know, it’s kind of a tradeoff. Like chelation, some folks go slower then others. Q: My son had a urinalysis which showed urine cloudy, crystals-present and _morph Ur 4+ is any of this significant-he's 8 yrs. old. A: It could be calcium oxalate. There are a lot of internet sites where you can look up, but calcium oxalate is one of the major ones. Certain crystals will dissolve certain substances added to them. If you refrigerate urine and it gets cloudy, it’s probably crystallizing something. Q: Can you talk more about how the cerebellum is affected? My son has mild hyperplasia of the cerebellar vermis so I am interested A: The cerebellum is a modulator of info for the rest of the brain, a traffic cop. You can actually get by without one (a cerebellum), but if the one you have isn’t working right, it can really mess you up. One of our best responders did really well for a month, then had a bad diaper and terrible behavior one day. Afterwards he said his words were stuck. Maybe the reason some of these kids aren’t talking is not that they don’t have language, they just can’t get it out. Q: Susan, thank you so much for your work in this area. We think we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for GI pain in our daughter! Will this be a topic at the next DAN! ? A: The oxalates will be mentioned by Maureen McDonald, and Jacquelyn McCandless, but it will not be a feature this time at DAN! The first tests were in June, and the conferences are planned well in advance, so this is a little too new. I am going to do a session, there will be a room set aside to talk about issues that are not part of the main conf. I’ll be in that room. Q: Have kids who were not able to tolerate TMG before the diet able to tolerate after? A: I don’t know that we’ve had anybody that happened to, I don’t recall anyone saying that. If excess glycine was causing a backup, that might not be addressed by the diet. Some kids have GI issues and inflammation; they are absorbing more oxalates from their diet. Some kids have weaknesses in pathways; they might be producing more oxalates. This will take a lot of sorting out. I’m not satisfied with current testing either, so we need to recruit scientists, laboratories. There is also work needed to characterize enzymes that were studied in the 50’s and 60’s. The research is so old, the studies need to be redone. This will take fundraising and serious organizational push.
Guest Posted November 8, 2005 Report Posted November 8, 2005 Hilary from Chelating Kids Biochat Notes Dr. James Neubrander He will be discussing his new High Dose Daily protocol presented at the LA DAN! conference. Also, how to "Tweak" MB12 to make it more effective, and the corollary to this "Why Is This Not Working". and thoughts from the Long Beach DAN! Conference. Q: We have been doing biomed with my 7 year old. Asd son for 3 years now. Nutritional- maintaining perfect gut, proper diet and supplement regimen. Chelation- 36 rounds - continuing "gains with every round" My son has been doing your Mb-12 protocol for over one year now. Lots of "wows" in the beginning, mostly language and eye contact. Still some good stuff. Spontaneous and social. Every 3 days works best/ every day too much. My Questions are about the Methylation cycle . Do you feel there is a point when it will correct itself? And How do you know when? When do you decide if Mb12 is no longer appropriate? Also does Folinic Acid aid in the process also what about DMG? A: MB-12 is a process. At first it’s like going to school to start 1st grade, you start learning things fast, you can see it. It’s the groundwork; we need it like food, air and water. Then patients start adding things, some things block it, other things aide it. Over time, the stuff is still working, but you can’t tell as much. Enzymes can possibly correct themselves. There is a theory that a binding domain is not present. If the 3rd binding domain is not present they will not be able to recharge the b-12. If that’s a genetic defect, we’re not sure if it will self-correct. Three-year patients are better then two-year are better then one-year, so right now I’m thinking you don’t have to quit. Folinic acid is really unrelated to mb-12 – they’re both involved in the methylation pathway. Like hand and glove, they go together, but do different things. DMG breaks down, the pre-methylated folic member works with MTHFR to become methylated folic acid. If you’re giving enough mb-12, you probably don’t need DMG. DMG does help with speech and language, goes to creatine. Q: What is the proper dosage for MB12 for a 42lb 3year old child? Also, I have him on every 3 days now for 6 months now. I want to do a trial of every 2 days. Do I do the trial for 6 weeks before I know if it is working better that way, or will I know sooner? A: 25 mg/ml for a 42lb child at .05cc. For my patients, I don’t them make major changes. Putting kids on mb-12 is easy, taking them off is hard. I would want to know there weren’t other things blocking the mb-12, like TMG or high dose folinic acid. I would want to make sure that the 3rd day is really a plateau. I might go to daily rather then every 2nd day if I was to make a change. I know if I have a responder within 4 weeks. Q: What I'm asking what can we expect to see happen when we start with Dr. N., knowing that previous treatments (supplements, enzymes, NAET, energy treatments, etc.) haven't seemed to help. A: I don’t know, but we will work on it together. When people come to see us, we create an opens list, where you’ve been, what you’ve done. That’s our approach. I don’t know why it works, but I love my results. Q: Have two children on MB12 since May – every other day. 14 yr. old daughter has been having dry palms- 12 yr old son is taking his ear lobes (both) and folding them up to is head and pressing - he is in pain-have checked his ears they are fine. Are these due to the MB 12? A: I don’t know. If you’re my patient, ask me when you come to see me. If you’re not my patient, I don’t know what else you’re doing with it. I also don’t do every other day. If you are seeing things sometimes, not always, it’s probably not the mb-12. Q: My son's urine appears a bit of reddish after the shot, would that be indicating the shot is not given correctly? (we definitely follows the instruction precisely but still have that redness) A: If a child is really thin, you can’t get shallow enough to get in the subcutaneous tissue. Red urine means the shot is in muscle. Speed of injection might be too fast. Or the child is too thin. Q: Hi Dr. Neubrander, My son is 3 1/2. He is non verbal and we have been doing biomedical intervention since. Jan. So far, we are seeing no results. We have been doing the MB12 for about 4 months (every 3 days)and no results with that either. We added the folinic acid right away, we did not wait. We are also using TMG. Any advice to get better results? I am sure I am injecting it at the correct angle. His yeast issues have gotten worse also, could that be from the MB12?Thank you A: TMG is against my religion. Too many of my kids do not get the mb-12 benefit until we take the TMG away. Two enzyme systems competing with each other. If the parent uses my parent-designed report, we find things that aren’t easy to see. You have to understand what it out there and what the mb-12 responses are. Use the parent-designed report form, hold yourself accountable, write every six weeks, and you’ll be surprised what you see happening. Otherwise you might not see that this is really working. MB-12 doesn’t directly increase yeast issues. I can think of ways that it might indirectly increase yeast. Anybody can get my dose range online. It’s important to make mb-12 work. Supplement review program is on Dr Neubrander’s download page. Q: My son's MMA is not coming down with MB12 injections (over a year). Talk about the use of a mixture of adenosyl- and methyl-. Will this bring the MMA into range and will I see more progress when the adenosyl is added? I did see an initial response (mostly energy--much needed) with the MB12 alone. I am injecting according to your specifications. A: MMA is not related to mb-12. MMA is a problem when you don’t have enough adenosyl b-12. I use adenosyl b-12 very cautiously, only in those with MMA problem. MMA is not going to come down with mb-12. Use the parent-designed report, otherwise you won’t be able to see the mb-12 progress. Q: 3+yo, mB12 every 3 days for 7 months, 800mcg/day folinic, no TMG. No changes noticed. Keep going? I.e., have you seen kids with not much for that long, then improvement? A: Mb-12, if the child is a responder, might be needed forever. But the only way to know if a responder is use the parent-designed report. If you don’t know what mb-12 does, you’re going to miss the “little green hair and freckles” thing. When you come in and start mb-12, it’s like planting a seedling to watch it grow. 6% of my kids I can’t get to “grow”, in other words they’re not responders. But the other 94% I come back and say I don’t know if your child will be a bush, a pine tree, or a redwood. Everyone wants a redwood, but a bush is still better then grass. There are a lot of other supplements that are needed to make this all work. And there are some supplements to avoid because they get in the way, DMG, TMG. Stay off dairy. Q: My son is 9 years old. We have been giving MB12 for 1 month with positive changes. It seems I hit a little muscle every time because my son's urine is a light pink. I have changed location and angle but it is still a little pink just after each shot. Is this common? Should I be concerned about the impact to the kidneys, short term or long term? Also, we do every 3 days, and by day 2.5 we see it wear off. Should we/could we do every 2 days? Why does it wear off and we see regression in language (spontaneous), concentration and calmness? Thanks. A: We need to get the shot into the fat, if at all possible. Any time you get it in muscle, it’s immediately starting to go out of your body. The lower the surface area, the slower it comes out. If you take two 5 gallon buckets of water to a tennis court in Death Valley, the bucket you throw over the court will evaporate very quickly, the other in the bucket will be there a day or two later. Any time the shot goes into muscle, it’s in the blood, the kidney starts clearing that in minutes. MB-12 doesn’t hurt the kidney at all. But if you’re getting it in the muscle, you’re not getting the build effect. When you get the fat, it’s a slow leaching effect, all the time, and it does wear off after 2.5 days. HDD – High Dose Daily It’s very important for me to know who is and who isn’t a responder. I don’t care what you’re on when you come to me, as long as you don’t change anything biomedically during the 5 weeks when we start mb-12. That means don’t start anything new, don’t stop anything old. After the 5 weeks, fill out the parent-designed report form, and we see if the child is a responder. That’s the Y-axis. I’m looking for a change in the rate of improvement of your child. Things will be inconsistent at first. MB-12 opens up a pathway, so learning will start kicking in. Most important is for one or two 6-week cycles, so I can tell the slope. Just adding more mb-12 is not necessarily better, only about 40% of kids do better with a higher dose and increased frequency. I don’t do a HDD until I have patients on my supplement ranges. They might be higher then what other doctors use, but those are my numbers. Then I go to the next stage, and test High Dose Daily. It’s the same dose and volume, but I switch to every day. Then patients need to come back and talk about undeniable change. Not like ‘his eyesight might be a little better’. It has to be undeniable. In the 40% that do better with HDD, they will pick up more things they never had before with the every 3-day protocol. One of the things I see higher-then-expected are parents talking about socialization and expressive language with HDD. When we try to take HDD away from a patient that sees “his eyesight might be a little better”, the patient might then see that it clearly was a gain. I have a way that I stop the HDD for a certain percentage of parents. People sometimes want too much too soon. More, bigger, better, longer, stronger. But more is not necessarily better. If I put in more then the child needs, that is something that the child’s body then has to get rid of. In my practice, again, it’s about 40% that see the benefit, so don’t just take more because you think more is better. I do get more side-effects with HDD. If they are the tolerable side effects, they might leave after 4 to 6 months. There is more chance for intolerable side effects. If the side effects are intolerable, stop for a day or two, then move back to the once every three day protocol. The main thing is to let the mb-12 grow. We have big things in my practice: MB-12, the diet, the GI issues that Dr Krigsman takes care of, chelation, HBOT, supplements – those are my major players. I love what I do, it works, I have a very sane way of doing this. I have a PA that is really sharp and a nurse practitioner that is really sharp. Q: Hi Dr. Neubrander thank you for your time this evening and all your work on behalf of our children. My question is can a zinc deficiency have a significant impact on the effectiveness of MB12? What amount do you recommend for a 50 pound chelating child and do you have a type you prefer? A: Absolutely. Zinc is necessary to take adenosine off of adenosylhomocysteine. Typically for a chelating child, 70 or 75 for zinc, the child’s weight plus 15 or 20. Sometimes if zinc deficient I’ll give them double their weight. I monitor this. Q: Hi, what are your thoughts on DMAE for non m-b12 responders? Also, my son's test results just showed clostridia, how do you recommend treating this? A: I’m not sure your child is an mb-12 responder unless I do it and you use the parent-designed form. DMAE is not a major player in my game. Clostridia – flagyl can help. Start with the herbals, less expensive and more tolerated. If those don’t work try flagyl, vancomycin. Q: Hi Dr.Neubrander, 1) similar to mouthing side-effect with MB12, could similar symptoms like tingling sensitivity at the tips of the fingers/ arms be caused because of MB12? If so, do we expect it to go away within a few months? Also, is it a positive negative? 2) Who is a good candidate for HDD? 3) Is DMPS-IV as a chelator (not just as provoking agent)safe for a 6yr-47lb boy who didn't do well with DMSA-oral-yeast issues? A: there are 5 b-12s, cyano, hydroxyl, glutathionyl, adenosyl, and methyl. The cobalamin heals nerves. You first feel tingling around your tongue, lips, mouth, because it’s the shortest peripheral nerve. Then hands, then feet and legs. That’s perfectly normal, and that’s a positive negative. Anybody who has been playing the game and knows that they plateaued and are using all the supplements, they are a good candidate for HDD. I believe in DMPS-IV, but has to be done safely, done right. DMSA oral does cause yeast issues. Nothing works as well as iv, but it’s expensive, invasive, etc. Q: I have a question about adding NDF+ to my daughter's chelation(TD-DMPS). Do we have to stop/reduce Probiotics? What are other do's and don'ts? A: We allow NDF if you want it, the NDF people have their protocol, and they see good things. Q: Hi Dr. Neubrander, I'm Aidan. I'm 7 and have been on MB-12 for one year now. One day I'm so grumpy and want to hit someone (Mom says that's day 3) and another day I feel so much better it's like the sun brightened me. I think it's the MB-12 that makes the days good. How can I get more bright days and fewer grumpy days? I weigh 48 pounds and my dose every three days is 1750mcg or .07 cc. I don't take TMG, but use TD-GSH, folinic and LOTS of supplements. My diet is low polysaccharide, gfcfsf. Thanks for helping me! A: You might try daily, or every other day, if you see it’s wearing off. That doesn’t mean you need more/higher dose. Just a greater frequency. You’re not doing anything wrong, but there are a lot of other things to add to your program. That’s a great start. Q: Dr. Neubrander what's your opinion re using MB12 shot and TD-DMPS together. We're on mb12 shot for 6 weeks and now our doctor adds in td-dmps. How do think of that? A: I like it, not a problem. One of the purposes of mb-12 is to increase glutathione. If you don’t have the glutathione, you can’t get rid of the heavy metals. You need the glutathione, so I always prime my people with mb-12 before chelation. Q: How would you recommend adding DMG with a child already on MB-12 with moderate results but still no speech. At 61 lbs and 6 years old what is the recommended dosage of MB12 and DMG? Is Kirkman DMG with folinic acid what you would recommend? Our dosage of MB12 is 25mg / 0.07ml A: That’s a fine dose, it sounds close, and Kirkman’s is fine. But I would first try more mb-12. I don’t think it’s a DMG issue, as much as an underdosing of mb-12. The mb-12 needs to get in for speech and language, to create creatine. Q: Lots of talk about HBOT recently. When is the best time to try this-before, during or after chelation? How many dives are needed? Any indicator as to who will be a responder to this? A: You’ll hear different people say different things. In our practice we won’t say whether you need to do HBOT before during or after. If you want to do it, get here. I’m pretty convinced that we’ll use it any time you want to get in the chamber. It’s a great thing. There are very few things I’ve been this excited about. Q: Hey there Dr. N, my question for the evening is my 2 and a half year old 33 lbs son has a mutant MTHFR gene, what would you recommend? Also his hair test showed very high aluminum, our td dmps challange showed up with nothing...would you continue it?? A: About 40% of kids on the spectrum have a mutant MTHFR gene. Give the mb-12, you bypass the mutant MTHFR problem. Aluminum is not pulled out by dmps. EDTA pulls aluminum. When I do a challenge I use an oral pill, then parents see what is pulled out. With transdermal, we don’t know how much is absorbed, etc. After we see the challenge works, I switch to transdermal. Q: Hi Dr. Neubrander, thank you so much for all your wonderful work. My son has done very well on MB12. He is 6 years old and has been on it since he was 2 1/2. Last year we did the high dose daily and after a few weeks he got a fever and then he doubled his expressive language practically overnight. Now we are back to every 3 days. Do you have any experience with children coming off the shots after a few years? A: Most of mine stay on the shots. Some come off, you could try it and see. The fever and mb-12 isn’t connected. Sometimes children have their best language when they have a fever. Q: Twin daughters on Methyl-b12 since Oct. 18 from another DAN! doctor. First appointment with your PA on Nov 19. My question: Previous DAN! doc had girls on l-theanine. I am about to run out of l-theanine and don't really want to start again, but worried about changing mid-stream. Thoughts? A: Don’t stop. You’ll be in soon enough, keep going for now. Q: Is a MTHFR SNP a primary indicator for MB12 shots? The reason I ask is my son tested negative for the SNP. He is, unfortunately a consistent non-responder to therapies. Also, in your experience with HBOT, how long does it usually take to see the greatest benefit and how many dives would you generally suggest for maximum benefit? We did 10 dives in mid-October with-so far-not much impact. A: MTHFR SNP about 40% of kids have. We have 94% response, not saying the intensity of the response, but 94% respond. The body knows what it needs, a lab test doesn’t. Doctors put too much trust in lab tests. They sometimes lead you to not do things you should. For HBOT, don’t even think about analyzing whether effective until 20-40 dives. Q: (1) Even though I do understand that 99.9% of the time it is against your religion, what are the exceptional circumstances under which you would say TMG is OK to use along with MB12 and folinic acid? (2) If using TD-DMPS, what would you use to "challenge" orally--is oral DMSA ok or would oral DMPS be more appropriate as a challenge? A: I always use mb-12 and folinic whenever a child can take it, only 20% of my kids can’t tolerate. I haven’t seen TMG work enough to want to use it. Oral DMSA is ok. DMPS is stronger, but DMSA does a fine job. If you’re going to chelate, chelate a year or a year ½, and try not to drive yourself crazy with the urine challenges. Q: Hi Dr N my 8 year old son, who I’ve been giving m12 for about 3 months, I haven’t seen any negative or positive things yet. I've been following your protocol what am i doing wrong? no TMG and I’m giving him Nu thera and also battling yeast and I'm also doing chelation and NO improvement whatsoever. He is also has no speech. On the other hand my 7 year old son has been doing a lot of improvement but he has a lot sensory issues and he's very jumpy. A: Use the parent-designed report form to look for changes. I don’t know if you’re doing anything wrong. You might not be at my dosage of nuthera. Get the yeast under control. Get on the full dose of supplements. Very jumpy, you have to figure out if it’s from the mb-12, and if it’s tolerable or not. Make sure you use the parent-designed report. Make sure you’re off dairy, because dairy blocks. Q: My son is 7, very mildly ASD (always has been). Very insensitive to any supplements or interventioin except ABA. We started chelation recently saw some good results (rare for him) . My question is we can't do GFCF diet 100% anymore as he tell lies and do tricks on us to eat them at school or friends' houses. Is it better we just don't do the diet instead of on and off on and off with it? Someone say it's a lot of harm to be back and forth on the diet. A: It’s not harmful to be on and off. The harm is that you might expect benefit, and it’s not. You have to make a decision if it’s going to drive you crazy or not. I don’t see if you’re doing mb-12 or not. Q: My question was re transdermal NAC -- concerns from Pangborn and Baker book re possibly "worsening contamination" by binding Hg without excreting it. A: There is a lot of hypothesis on NAC. I know a lot of the doctors are using it. I haven’t read that yet, so I don’t know. Q: I ordered the shots from one pharmacy(which is on the certified list) but these shots came with air bubble inside, the pharmacist is OK with that but just want to confirm that if you have a concern or not? thank you and its so amazing listening to you tonight. A: Air bubbles don’t really matter. When they fill them, as long as the caps aren’t full of the medicine, they pull it back ,and air bubbles get in. I guess it could be a little contaminated with air, but the air bubble will not kill you. It’s a tv thing. Air bubbles are bad when you go into a big central vein. But this little air bubble in a syringe is safe. Q: my son is 7 an 80 lb. he is on vitamins and minerals - brainchild ..mb12 and folinic . his attention is getting worse no focus at all A: I don’t know enough from what you’ve told me. Brainchild has tmg in it. Q: Hello, Dr. I know nothing about Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. Can you basically explain what does it consist of and what is it that it's supposed to do? A: Oxygen under pressure. Hospitals have used it for years, for stroke, diabetes, cerebral palsy. They use chambers that can be under high pressure. You go in for a certain amount of time. We have smaller chambers to just under 2 atmospheres. Not dangerous. Nothing that will hurt a person. Can’t go in with congestion. It oxygenates the blood in the brain, allows more oxygen to get in deeper. There is theory that the cells that sit further from a blood vessel are not dead, but sleeping. Under pressure the blood can get to them, and make the sleeping cells active again. In SPECT scans, you can see before and after the brain scan. Purple and blue are cold. After 20-40 you will see more orange and red, hot, the brain cells back on. Q: We've been doing mB12 shots for the last 10 months or so. The problem is that we never did a 5-weeks-B12-only with the parent report, like you recommend. My son is doing very well, but I have no idea whether it's the B12 or other things (or the combination) that's responsible for the improvements. Is there anything you recommend for patients like my son who are on B12 but haven't done your 5-week protocol? Should we stop for a time, then restart and do your 5-week protocol? Or just keep going? Thanks for all your advice! A: The mb-12 and the other stuff is probably all working. Don’t stop and restart. The brain is coming alive, the pathways are starting to work. Do not stop. It’s working well for your son. Once you’re a responder, take for 2-3 years, maybe for life. Q: My ASD daughter is on GFCFSF diet. Recently her hair is thinning. She is a very picky eater; could this be low protein (only meat she eats is bacon)? A: These children as a rule have poor absorption, esp with protein. Could be her diet, could be low protein. She might need a lab test. Q: A question not directly related to mb12 but I hope can get your insights, it's always puzzled us: my son performs better when he has certain mild fever, and does better in the evening than in the day, very consistently. Any thoughts? A: Better in the evening - we all have our own circadian rhythm. I can’t say what it is, but there are different things in day/night. Some kids do do well during fevers. Q: Do you treat many kids for PANDAS? What is your treatment protocol if so? Also, back to HBOT, is it critical that the 20-40 dives take place within a short time frame? Thanks so much. A: I do treat some. We have different treatment protocols, I won’t go into it here. With HBOT, we don’t know that yet, the general consensus is if you do fewer then 3 x a week you’re probably wasting your money. Daily is probably better. We’re still studying that. Q: my son is 7 on mb12,folonic acid, gfcf, probiotics, dmg and omega 3 and enzymes. His attention is gettng worse and he is unable to focus in class or at home with his homework. In fact I could say his attention seems to be worse than ever. Any thoughts ? some suggested i stop DMG and see what happens but I know it started before I introduced DMG.He is also on brainchild vitamins and minerals .he gets the mb12 from hopewell and we use your protocol. folinic is from thorne twice daily 800mg,probiotics and enzymes from Klaire 1 tablet twice daily. by the way his mb-12 is 2110 mcg..,twice a week. I read about calcium deficiency and I see he is not getting enough calcium. Can that create this much problem ? or anything else? A: I don’t know, it takes individual hand-holding, I can’t tell from this if it’s seasonal, or what else you’re doing. Brainchild does have tmg. 2110 mcg is a funny number – I don’t know his weight. Get on the supplements according to my approach. Q: Dr Neubrander What works with Methyl B12 and how do know when to add what works with it? A: Basically my protocol is available. My full supplement schedule program is available. Q: What is your experience with transdermal NAC -- what benefit do you notice from it. My son is on GFCF, TMG, betaine, Zn, methyl B12 750 mcg twice a week (he is about 50 lbs). He is supposed to start transdermal NAC, tho I have not after reading the concerns by Pangborn and Baker. A: You’re not anywhere close to my protocol, so I can’t tell you what to do. TMG and DMG are against my religion. I don’t know how this is going to work. It could be right, but it’s not my protocol, and I can’t compare it. People are making claims NAC gets rid of mercury, Pangborn and Baker said ‘not true’ and that it might even sequester it. I don’t have time to get into all that here. I can’t comment on your protocol. Q: Thank you Dr N, my son has been on MB12 for a year now. We got good result. Recently we switched MB12 to follow your recommendation. It's really big gain. Thanks. But we also saw some hyper behaviors. Any recommendation. We don't want to switch back. A: I get more side effects, but also more results, then others. The doses I give might give more side effects (about 30% of my kids). The angle should be 30% or less. Stay out of the muscle. Less side effects if you can get the shot into the fat. Q: Anything from the DAN! conference you are particularly excited about and are going to incorporate into your practice? Thanks for your MB12 work -- I have a slow and steady responder! A: Higher dose vitamin C, HBOT, LDN, Actos, a lot of exciting things.
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