cws Posted November 15, 2010 Report Posted November 15, 2010 Hi Chemar: I am trying to be proactive and get as much info as I can as early as possible. I have noticed heavy eye blinking in my 4 year old within the last week. No explanation and just coming out of no where. I would like to know what supplements - name and amount needed if I could get this - to start giving him to see if this helps subside these symptoms. He had eye blinking - not so heavy last year - went away and now back - so realizing this could be a small tic that I need to address. I printed out your list of supplements you reprinted, but am quite overwhelmed. I need a quick and easy list if it exists. What I am looking for is: multi-vitamin - name brand, (is there a specific favorite). I am giving him the calcium/magnesium combo (I had some left over from last year) and will continue to do so. Just looking for an easier list and name brand Ex: I see Taurine mentioned - what name brand do you or forum members recommend? Any info and help would be appreciated. While I am going to put a folder together on all this and keep it handy..exact info would be helpful.
Chemar Posted November 16, 2010 Report Posted November 16, 2010 Hi there, it really isn't possible to try to make suggestions as to doses and brands for your child as there are so many variables. Have you tried to find a physician or someone with knowledge of supplements (eg a naturopathic practioner). That really is the best way to go, and what we did. It is also a good idea to have the child's eyes checked, as well as an eval by the pediatrician to be sure you are in fact looking at tics. It depends too on why your child is ticcing, especially as all you mention is eye blinking. Remember, my son has genetic inherited Tourette Syndrome spectrum of disorders. But there are many other things that can cause tics so what we did is simply me sharing his story. My son's program was uniquely designed for him and has continued to evolve over the years, so what worked for him may not for your child. Cleaning up a child's diet of all artificial ingredients seems to help most people, while adding basic nutrients(vitamins, minerals etc) in sufficient quantities also seems to have a universal positive. Many seem to find magnesium beneficial for tics in general, both the oral as well as epsom salts baths. Beyond that it really is impossible to be more specific, other than to try things one at a time, at lowest dose, and then gradually work up if you feel it is helping
Lynn777 Posted November 16, 2010 Report Posted November 16, 2010 Hi CWS, I know you didn't ask me, but I just want to say that my son started with excessive eye blinking that the pediatrician said was nothing. It went away and returned 6 months later. We had his eyes checked, everything was normal and then two months later the tic onset occurred. We went to the neuro and she said, it almost always starts with eye blinking. Well, why is it that no other doctor even mentioned that to us. I am not telling you this to scare you, Chemar is right - there are many other things that can cause tics. I am telling you because I wish at the first eye blinking episode I would have known enough to at least clean up my son's diet, start him on a good quality multi vitamin, give him the recommended magnesium for his weight and even start occasional Epsom salts baths. Hindsight is 20/20, which is why I felt the need to share. None of those things are "harmful" to a child. Oh & it's true you should have his eyes checked first! Just my unsolicited 2 cents Best wishes, Lynn
Familyof5 Posted November 16, 2010 Report Posted November 16, 2010 I second that post as well! I wish someone told me that the eye blinking was the first sign of a tic disorder as well. I remember my daughter presenting with blinking at age two. She is now 11 and has some severe body and vocal tics. I also don't want to scare you, but recently I have found this site and put my dd11 on Bonnie's supplements, which I am convinced have helped her with her stimming, focus, memory, etc. If only I had started her on the supplements when she was two. I have also started to clean up her diet. Eliminating wheat and artificial sweetners and more. I am pretty sure I am seeing positive results. Wish I knew to try these things years ago. I could have spared her and myself a lot of pain. Good luck to you!
Chemar Posted November 16, 2010 Report Posted November 16, 2010 I really do have to add a word of caution here to avoid jumping to a diagnosis simply because of a single symptom.... where eye blinking can be the "first tic" in many tic disorders, this does not mean it is *always* the first tic, nor does it mean that every child who exhibits unusual eye blinking is manifesting the beginning of a tic disorder One of the reasons I mentioned having eye tests is that some kids who need prescription glasses can have eye blinking manifest. Eye movements can also be associated with seizures, allergies etc. So where yes, this may be the first sign of a tic may also be indicative of something else and therefore an evaluation by a physician and a pediatric opthalmologist really is recommended.
cws Posted November 17, 2010 Author Report Posted November 17, 2010 Thank you Chemar and all those who responded to me. I appreciate all of the comments and feedback. I am trying to be a little more wary - my husband says, "oh it's nothing" but then i don't want to look back and wish i had done a little something to start working on these areas of concern. I used the calcium/magnesium supplement last year when the eye blinking habit started (then went away magically in 30 days) and am restarting this supplement again. I took him to the pediatrician last year and got the same old canned response "oh, no big deal, it will go away". I can honestly say I don't foresee big progress on that front. I need to find a naturopathic practioner somewhere in my area as a better option. I feel I can work safely in conjunction on the supplemental front. I ordered the following items yesterday off the Vitacost website (where i originally purchased my calcium/magnesium liquid supplement last year) Source Naturals Taurine Powder -- 3 oz Childlife Liquid Calcium & Magnesium Orange -- 16 fl oz Liquid Health Children's Multi -- 32 fl oz Liquid Health Attention -- 32 fl oz I will get his eyes checked - i promise and will do my best to try and clean up the diet. How do i stop a 4 year old who i hate to admit is a sugar lover??? I'm in trouble, I'm a bad mom, i know!! Other thing I noticed him doing in the last week or so - he is doing "heavy sighing", large breaths like 3 or so within a minute. I am starting to time him and I told my husband - look at these signs...these are not what our other child is doing. He started watching him and said, you are right. I feel all these signs are tied together...eye blinking, sighing and once in a while i have heard the "clearing of the throat" one too many times -for a 4 year old that doesn't have heavy phlegm or like a smoker would do. It's my instinct inside me that says all these are one of some big picture. I'm sure you would all agree. Chemar and others: where do i find a naturopathic practioner? I do not want to self diagnose him or do any of my own mixing of supplements. Thoughts or ideas?? Thanks to those who responded....I really appreciate the info and the help. Oh, one other thing..what does an Epsom Salt Bath do??? I hadn't read about that...please advise.
Chemar Posted November 17, 2010 Report Posted November 17, 2010 Hi I do not know the supplements you purchased, but as long as they do not have artificial ingredients in them, it should be ok. If you Google the words Naturopath and your city you should come up with some results, though you will need to check first what they practice. I would suggest an Integrative Doctor (again Google with your city or area) They are trained MDs or DOs who have also specialized in alternative & naturopathic treatments. Epsom salts is magnesium sulfate. bathing in it seems to help calm tics and promote relaxation and detox. Most of us use 2 cups epsom (get at Target or your supermarket) in a tub of warm water, soak for 20 min before bed. One can also do foot baths
cws Posted November 17, 2010 Author Report Posted November 17, 2010 Hi Chemar: I just booked a 15 minute consult for this Friday with a local naturopathic doctor. I was able to find this doctor through a referral/a compounding pharmacy just down from my work. This doctor was just recently featured on TV talking about how parents over medicate their children and should consider a more holistic approach, check blood panels, hormonal levels and also consider an alternative to prescription drugs. Link if interested: I feel like I'm on a more organized track now and can work towards helping my son eliminate and subside these minimal symptoms (I know compared to some of the other mom stories/blogs) with a doctor on my side. I am not a doctor and do not feel I can diagnose this on my own and just give my son various levels or amounts of supplements. I feel through this forum I have been informed and appreciate the responses and help. I will keep you guys posted on my progress and send any info I find out as well if anyone is interested. I meant to ask you: have you have heard of in your studies/forums this constant 'heavy sighing, deep breaths' as a symptom from someone else? Or does it just sound like, based on my comments something that would fall in line with what would be considered a 'tic'??
mommyfor4 Posted November 18, 2010 Report Posted November 18, 2010 Hi Chemar: I just booked a 15 minute consult for this Friday with a local naturopathic doctor. I was able to find this doctor through a referral/a compounding pharmacy just down from my work. This doctor was just recently featured on TV talking about how parents over medicate their children and should consider a more holistic approach, check blood panels, hormonal levels and also consider an alternative to prescription drugs. Link if interested: I feel like I'm on a more organized track now and can work towards helping my son eliminate and subside these minimal symptoms (I know compared to some of the other mom stories/blogs) with a doctor on my side. I am not a doctor and do not feel I can diagnose this on my own and just give my son various levels or amounts of supplements. I feel through this forum I have been informed and appreciate the responses and help. I will keep you guys posted on my progress and send any info I find out as well if anyone is interested. I meant to ask you: have you have heard of in your studies/forums this constant 'heavy sighing, deep breaths' as a symptom from someone else? Or does it just sound like, based on my comments something that would fall in line with what would be considered a 'tic'?? Hi cws, Our son has breathing tics and they sound similar to what you describe, I think you also mentioned a coughing tic? or ds had this as well. Those tics for him seemed to be related to his wheat and dairy intolerance. We rarely hear the coughing tic anymore since removing wheat. The breathing tic for us seems to be an environmental trigger for example scented candle, perfume, hairspray, laundry detergents etc. I also noted you said your son loves sugar...we found the things our son was craving, sugars, breads etc. were his worst intolerances. Keeping a list of his cravings for us helped to try eliminating those things first. A clean diet, a good multi, magnesium and epsom baths are a really good base and then if need be you can add as needed. You may not want to try too many things at once as it makes it difficult to see what is working and what is a trigger. I hope your Naturopath gives you a sense of clear is amazing to have someone to guide you... it can feel very overwhelming at times. I wish you the best. Megan
cws Posted November 18, 2010 Author Report Posted November 18, 2010 MommyFor4 - Thank You!! I love this website/forum. Your information is great and I will keep your email response handy for tomorrow's call/consult with your insights as to what has worked for your child. I agree, too many quick changes to what is going on now and I won't be able to point a finger to a specific trigger. It's funny, the eye blinking has subsided and now the deep heavy breaths are the focal point. The "clearing of the throat" isn't really obvious, I only seem to hear them once in a while and am very tuned into his every movement, I'm sure others wouldn't even notice. So the blinking is gone for now, just this constant taking of a deep breath. Did your son's breathing tics subside or go away at all after making the changes you suggested? How do you suggest I tackle the breathing tic - first step? Thoughts. This one seems very broad - since the coughing tic could be a quick fix on the wheat/dairy removal. I have ordered the liquid multi I mentioned in my other post. Can you post what exact multi, magnesium you are using? I would like to check out on the websites the kind you are using to the one i will be using. There are so many, it's slightly confusing. I will also get the Epsom salt this weekend. How many of these baths do you recommend per week? Re: the breathing and deep breaths - I have found that he is doing this like at least 2 to possibly 3 times a many counts of these are you hearing and noticing in your child? I'm very curious to have found someone that has this same symptom. Any help and comment I would appreciate. Thanks for your help. I really am grateful to all of you who are helping and commenting. Did anyone by chance see last night on the discovery channel last night (Wed) - at 7:30pm PST - Tourette's Syndrome show? Murphy's Law - I've never seen this before - was a great show on various tics and how it is affecting and how they have made some changes to deal with it.
Cj60 Posted November 18, 2010 Report Posted November 18, 2010 "A clean diet, a good multi, magnesium and epsom baths are a really good base and then if need be you can add as needed." Hi cws. Megan has given you some great advice! It's pretty much what we do. I'd just add to her list a probiotic and vitamin D. And raw honey (so delicious). Here are the specifics of the things we know have helped us and how we implement these things: 1) We eliminated all artificial flavors, colors and preservates. This was hard, but for us it was the foundation for our being able to control our son's diet and to start to pick up on possible triggers. 2) We eliminated all dairy, substituting with soy (milk and yogurt) and a natural 'butter' substitute. (This was an elimination we did on our own, but one that was indicated as appropriate a little later by allergy tests.) 3) We started supplementing magnesium (Kid's Calm powder, no longer available, so we're moving on to the Natural Calm powder--same stuff). At first, I gave 1 tsp. in the am, but eventually added another tsp in the pm, as the evening regularly brought an increase in tics. 4) We started him on a multi. It wasn't adequate, and I recently changed it (see below). 5) We started him on a flax seed oil drink for additional omegas. I have recently stopped that, and am waiting to see whether or not to continue with it or another. (He may be getting adequate omegas through his diet...). We did all these things pretty much at the same time, when we were in the desparate moments of trying to get a grip on things. Later, we... 6) Started nightly epsom salt baths. I recommend you don't wait to start incorporating these into your routine. 7) had a urine test taken and tried a supplement recommended by our environmental dr. We stopped that fairly quickly. 8) stopped all supplements except the mg while waiting to do another urine test. This happened to be a crucial moment, since, toward the end of the week of no supplements, I noticed a decrease in tics. Following the urine test, we started up with the regular supplements again, and noticed an increase in the tics. So... 9) I questioned the multi and the omega supplements, eliminated both and tried a new multi (a real one this time, not a generic one) that I learned about here (well, let's face it, I've learned just about everything here...): Kirkman Labs Spectrum Complete powder. (I chose this one for some pretty specific reasons.) I should say that our "route" hasn't been quite direct; there have been lots of twists and turns and little moments in between these big ones that led us to to one thing or another. So where we are now (in addition to all our dietary changes)? a.m.: multi (1 tsp), mg (1/2 tsp), vit. D3 (drops); p.m. mg (1/2 tsp), epsom bath, soy yogurt / probiotic (2 or 3 times a week). May consider going back on omega supplement, but not sure at this point. Without a doubt, my son is in a better place now than he was when we started making these adjustments. I hope you find the case to be the same. Regarding the breathing tic, my son has had that. It is rare right now, but once in a while he does it. A slow deliberate deep breath. Usually associated with the end of a question when he's contemplating one of life's many mysteries. Good luck Chris
cws Posted November 18, 2010 Author Report Posted November 18, 2010 Chris/cj60: Amazing. Thank you for this advice and path. I am going to have to print this out.....very detailed. You are hired!!! I have my call tomorrow to understand the Natural/Environmental Dr. and what his path would be in conjunction with all this info. I like having this as ammo and good info ready prior to my call. You mentioned the urine test - what were they looking for? Did the enviro Dr. order this test? You also mentioned a supplement was recommended, then you stopped. Can you explain what you noticed and why you stopped. I am not even there yet, but curious. Also, if you don' t mind me asking, if it's not too much, what tics did your son start with - a summary, and then what does he have now, only a certain few, or all the same original ones but now just at a lower level/lesser degree? I am just curious if they are all the exact same ones - eye blinking/ mine has or if you are dealing with a larger list of issues. Just me being curious. Also, how long has your journey been, since you first started the supplementals/enviro doctor to where you are today? Thank you for your time spent and your detailed/specific write-up. I had found a few past topics in the forum but only vague and broad answers. I am busy at work "working" and deciphering forum comments and can't for the life of me figure out what multi to buy or how much to give (along with a doctor's advice and consult, of course). If you have a plan that works, I don't want to recreate the basic wheel - I will work with the baseline and tweak it as necessary....I will keep you posted. Thanks again, Christy/Sacramento Area
mommyfor4 Posted November 18, 2010 Report Posted November 18, 2010 Yes Chris is absolutely right...I didn't mention vitamin D but it is a regular part of his supplements as well. We use the D drops, easy for everyone just drop in juice or on food. Be aware with probiotics that some of us have found the powder supplement has increased our kids tics, I was shocked by the increase with our son! Soy can be a trigger for some people so a probiotic is great, but watch for soy as a possible trigger. Other than that again, such a good place to start after as Chris said cleaning up the diet. It means read, read, read and avoid anything artificially coloured, flavoured and preservatives (nitrates, BHT, MSG etc.) You're on the right track but like Chris said expect some swerves in the road along the way Keep us updated and for sure PM me anytime! Megan
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