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Everything posted by justinekno

  1. Did I read somewhere that there were some potential issues with Actos - talk of a recall?
  2. It is free and open to the public. Could be a full house for that reason though.
  3. We have been using Krill Oil for about three weeks. Not sure if I see any improvement (we are trying to conquer brain fog and focus). Although our LLMD has recently suggested we switch to salmon oil as it is supposed to be more helpful in people who have mold exposure. We have yet to try it though. Since I have this very expensive bottle of krill oil, I have been taking it also. I haven't seen any benefits either. Am wondering if krill oil doesn't help people with mold exposure or if salmon oil is just better. I will have to ask LLMD at our next appt. I'm not too clear on the reason for switching.
  4. Neither of us are. My son will be taking the clay. I haven't decided for myself yet.
  5. In our case, it was just one piece of the puzzle to show the probability that we were dealing with mold toxicity as well as Lyme. It didn't change our Lyme treatment but did cause the LLMD to up our detox protocal (Cholestyramine or clays). It was also suggested to investigate the mold issue (ERMI) since the clay or Cholestyramine will only be band-aids if the mold isn't addressed.
  6. Just wondering if you hired a mold removal expert or if you hired a general contractor/bath remodeler? We are going to tackle our bathtub surround which is over 10 years old and I always see black stuff coming out of the seams when I clean but I'm wondering who we call if we're suspecting mold but don't necessarily know definitely yet.
  7. We did all of our labs through Labcorp. The ones that Labcorp couldn't do, they were sent out. C4a and C3a were sent to the Jewish lab and took the longest to get back (2 weeks). Our LLMD has been in contact with Shoemaker so I feel pretty confident on how the labs were handled.
  8. Oops, I meant 10 years ago! I have heard of people using mold sniffing dogs too. Now that's an interesting concept.
  9. I'm not completely sure but it has something to do with seeing if you have a genetic disposition for certain problems. Our LLMD has a chart he uses for codes that come back from the lab (Labcorp). I believe he called it HLA Gene testing. Our insurance paid for it. So by coming up positive for mold and chronic lyme, it shows that my son has a predisposition for having potential issues with Lyme and mold. I'm sure it's not that simple but I think that's the gist of it. Justine- can you elaborate on the test for chronic lyme...what test was it? Also, what HLA's were positive? Thanks!
  10. Thanks for this info. Once you knew to look for mold, how did you know where to look? Did you hire someone? I'm just wondering if it makes more sense to have someone come find the places where there is mold rather than do a test that just tells me I need to look for mold. We have hardwood ithroughout our house except for our family room which has carpet that we put in 10 years ago.
  11. For those that have gone down the mold path, did you do the ERMI testing or have someone come in and check for mold? My ds and I did the labs recommended by Shoemaker and it looks like we have a high probability of mold exposure secondary to Lyme. Our LLMD has recommended the ERMI testing but I'm wondering if it makes more sense to have someone come in and find the mold (and then remediate) versus spending $300 for someone to tell us we need to hire someone to find the mold.
  12. My son and I had the HLA testing done. My son tested positive for chronic Lyme and mold and I tested positive for mold.
  13. What are the ideal ingredients for a sunscreen?
  14. We have been going through something similar with my ds11. Within the past 6 weeks we have had an increase in emotional outbursts. Striking out in baseball, he will cry at the plate or if something is bothering him, he will have a complete meltdown. This is very unlike him. We started A-Bart about 6 weeks ago so I'm wondering if this is a lonnnnggg herx or if we should stop the A-Bart for a few days. LLMD is out of town until Wednesday so may just stop it and see if the outbursts improve. Yesterday we had no eye tic and happiness and then today it is back with the mood issues. I feel like we are creating a new set of problems while trying to get rid of Lyme.
  15. Great article and what an adorable little boy! Thanks for sharing. We definitely need more articles like these.
  16. We have been treating Lyme for 7 months and have made progress in areas that I didn't know were Lyme related (mood, behaviors) and we've dug up some issues that I wish had stayed silent (mold) but it's definitely heading in the right direction. The brain fog for my son is better and even though we haven't gotten rid of his eye tic, I can definitely see it lessening. We switched from antibiotics to herbs within the past couple of months so that has been an adjustment also. For us, just being with an LLMD who is helping us peel the onion has been a huge blessing. We have not had much herxing either but we are going slow and steady too.
  17. If you have a Whole Foods near you, they have some pretty good options. Also, we use flavored coconut water as another alternative.
  18. Yes, this is true. Apparently, a high number is not uncommon in children. Our dr got a second opinion from dr. J. who confirmed that it is normal in kids going through puberty - as long as all the other liver numbers are within normal range.
  19. They looked somewhat like hives, kind of blotchy and square like- if that makes sense. Not really like a Scarlet Fever rash, at least not like what I've seen when my kids have had it. Scarlet fever is the first thing that comes to my mind. Did they only do the rapid? I think I would want a 72 hour culture & strep titers ran.
  20. My friend's daughter broke out in a rash the other day - almost like hives all over. They didn't itch but the next day she had a fever and her muscles hurt. One day she couldn't write, the next day she couldn't walk. She is better now and the dr says it was just a virus. They ruled out mono and did a rapid strep test. Anyone have any suggestions on what it might be? Of course I was thinking Lyme because of muscle aches and fever but with a full body rash? Justine
  21. My son who is away at college noticed that the two times he hasn't had his pendant on, he gets a very sore back. He plays basketball and the muscle aches have always been an issue for him. Since he's worn the pendant, they haven't been nearly as bad. Three days ago my husband decided to experiment and not wear his pendant. He had a very stressful day (he drives 120 miles round trip to work every day) and said he immediately felt the difference. The past two days he is now battling a cold. This is his first time to get sick and feel achey and tired since having the pendant. Coincidence?!
  22. Biotics Research Corp. - FC-Cidal which is a mixture of Artemisia, Tinospora, Horsetail, Thyme, Inner Bark, Stinging Nettle Extract and Olive (leaf).
  23. Great idea for this thread. I am dealing with Candida myself. I am taking Diflucan and an herbal mix. Stopped taking the herbal mix and started to feel crummy again (tiredness, sore muscles) so I will be starting it up again. My dr has also increased my diflucan from 100mg once a day to twice a day but I'm waiting for my metabolic profile results to come back before I do that.
  24. I think you can be on antibiotics for the regular IGG and IGM testing but not for the PCR tests. I called Igenex when we did our testing and I believe that's what I was told. We ended up going off of antibiotics for other reasons so I didn't retain the details but I'm pretty sure that's what I was told.
  25. Thank you! Paid for the test with credit card when I ordered test but was not put on card until results sent via email. ($290)
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