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Everything posted by MichaelTampa

  1. Yes, false negative on bart very possible. Among other reasons, there are so many strains, and the immune system can be so messed up, hunting around for just this or that antibody isn't going to cover the substances the body makes in reaction to presence of various straing.
  2. I am very sensitive to perfumes, so the deodorant issue has been one I've spent some time on. I use the Thai brand deodorant stone. They actually have one rub-on style, but another spray style. I like the spray, because I know some went on. The rub-on, I can never tell. It doesn't smell. If smell isn't an issue, there are probably more options. But it is a clean product with some effectiveness.
  3. Are you talking about first teeth that are going to fall out, or permanent teeth? Fluoride is a poison and a neurotoxin. Really a bad idea for someone with lyme disease. Nothing good about it. Having bad oral care is going to make it a good bit harder to get her healthy. The body with lyme is very sick and only chance to restore health is to clean it up, and having a cesspool in the mouth is not helpful. Time to strap her down and brush and floss her teeth.
  4. I have used this off and on, also 600mg per capsule. Normally 1-2 a day, sometimes just breakfast, sometimes just lunch, sometimes 1 each. Just the last few days I've been doing 2 at dinner, never had that happen before, perhaps to help with massive amounts of pills I am now taking in midafternoon, as I hear the pills work the liver as well.
  5. When I was taking that, I found the Jarrow brand to be a good one for me. It is 5 billion each as laure says. I took it after meals, I suppose we all have our own strategies on timing.
  6. WHAT?!! Here is a link to a youtube on this topic. It is tediously long, but you don't have to watch the whole thing to get the idea.
  7. Vitamin D can definitely help the lyme bugs out. This is one particular supplement where energy testing whether it should be taken is more important than the others. I really think energy testing is extremely helpful for everything, but, for vitamin D, goodness, definitely it could be helping (and causing herx as suggested) or it could be hurting. I have used vitamin D2 in the past, before I could find a vegan D3. I never got too much of a response from it, consistent with what "they" say about it.
  8. I believe NAC is another good one for aluminum. By the way, the U.S. government is also purposely flying airplanes around dropping aluminum from the sky, putting it in the air you breathe and of course the soil and water. No official comment, but it seems some speculate it is an attempt to deflect some of the radiation and thereby slow down global warming. There are other speculations, too, of course.
  9. Buhner certainly leans toward the whole plant kind of supplements and is a fan of japanese knotweed. I want to point out I have found Country Life's "Resveratrol Plus" supplement by far the best for me in terms of herbs in the knotweed/resveratrol category. This product contains a combination of whole herb and concentrated resveratrol from 4 different sources (one of them japanese knotweed)
  10. I also have heard good things about Ann Corson.
  11. Before starting treatment, I did test for bartonella with IGeneX, along with a few other tests. The bartonella was negative, but all indications based on energy testing and response to various treatments and symptoms before and after, all point to the fact that I had/have bartonella.
  12. Bartonella is a.k.a. cat scratch fever, so perhaps it can be standalone for cats, but, agree, don't here too much about it being standalone for humans.
  13. My guess would be, absolutely, plenty of potluck infections they will have that could trigger, depending on what causes the exacerbation (strep or virus or mycoplasma...). Mycoplasma is a common lyme coinfection, and anyone with untreated lyme for a while is going to have a heavy viral load as well. Unless they live isolated, I would guess they would have strep hanging around as well.
  14. Levaquin is a 3rd generation fluoroquinolone. I was treated for bartonella with gemifloxacin (a 4th generation fluoroquinolone) directly targeting the bartonella, but taken along with tindamax and telithromycin targeting the borrelia, and, for a period of time, also with clindamycin to get the babesia. If one can tolerate it, one can be more successful targeting all the coinfections/infections at once rather than trying to go at it one at a time.
  15. Gosh, yeah, in a way I'm glad someone's thinking and writing about the two of them at the same time, but they started the paper out by saying they are mutually exclusive, with no explanation or footnote justifying that comment (despite the multitude of footnotes for other claims). They lost quite a bit of credibility in my mind starting out like that. I haven't finished the paper, by the way, just started reading it this morning.
  16. If two of them are CDC positive from a standard lab, my goodness, that's quite a high hurdle, in my guessing likely several more also have lyme.
  17. IGeneX requires and MD to sign for it. It doesn't need to be an LLMD, but an MD, so, you can get that done if you know an MD who is willing to sign the test requisition for it. IGeneX has their own test requisition you can get from their website. Be aware there is not just one test, so you and/or this MD would have to decide what test(s) you want. Also, you'll need to find some place to draw for the test and ship it to IGeneX. I think in some instances people have managed to get this done by LabCorp/Quest, perhaps with other LabCorp/Quest labs also being done at the same time, but not all such labs will do it. I went to an independent lab named Granite Labs that in my locality does blood draws for $15 and then send it off to LabCorp or Quest or Whoever (in that case IGeneX). So, it can be done, I imagine a number of us here have done that, although it is a bit of effort as you can see.
  18. The IGeneX standards refer to so many bands of this and that positive, not from what lab it was run at, so from that announcement, you can't tell if it was from a standard lab or IGeneX.
  19. In case you are not aware, the testing for lyme has been generally very unreliable, although more reliable results can be obtained with some tests than others, and certainly having someone who is an expert in lyme attempt to read results. Do you know what type of testing (ELISA, Western Blot, PCR, ...) and what lab (Quest, LabCorp, IGeneX, ...) was used for the lab testing, and what type of doctor reviewed the results. Word is there is a new PCR test out that is more reliable (although I personally have no experience with this test).
  20. Then there was the rheumatologist familiar with lyme who spoke at a lyme conference a couple/few years ago who said that she felt all RF she had ever seen was caused by lyme.
  21. Good reminder here. If the antibodies the body is making are busy attacking the brain, perhaps there aren't any/enough actually dealing with the strep.
  22. Dr. Klinghardt has said he finds about 90% of the autistic kids he runs into end up having lyme and get better with lyme treatment. Of course, he is a famous lyme doc, so there may be some selection in terms of cases he sees. Also note, he is not just an abx-giver, he does a lot of treatments for general overall well-being, that perhaps are similar in goal to what DAN docs would give, such as detoxing metals and making sure nutrition is good. Nonetheless, yes, it does seem many cases of autism have an infectious component. Also, he notes that degree of autism highly correlated with EMF exposure for mother during pregnancy. There is a real link between EMF exposure and infection.
  23. Vomiting from zinc with food or zinc on empty stomach? Vomiting from zinc on empty stomach is fairly normal and thus it is not recommended that way.
  24. What type of immune work has looked so good? Has IVIG/PEX shown to be helpful when the immune work looks good? With chronic reinfection, seems like there is something wrong with his immune system or with his surroundings (other people chronically infected, home/school/daycare with mold, something else I'm not thinking of...). Have you done any lyme kind of decent lyme testing?
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