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Everything posted by philamom

  1. What does MACRONS stand for again? I thought it was staph in the sinusus and that it was diagnosed by a deep nasal swab? I asked our family doctor about ordering the Metamatrix stool test, but he deals with Great Plains and suggested their stool test. I was ok with it because 9 mths ago our insurance picked up a good % of the OAT urine test. But when I got home and read the paperwork I found out Aetna no longer participates. So now I might use the link you posted for ordering the Metamatrix test on your own. Thanks!
  2. I'm so glad your son is doing much better!! Boogie Su is soo cute! Thank you for sharing!
  3. Keep the faith. It will happen. DD10 went to sleep on her own in her own bed! Happy Dance. This is awesome Susan! Congratulations!
  4. I received some more labs on Dd: 11/07: -ANA positive. Nucleolar was 1:320 and Homogeneous was 1:40. Negative is <1:40. -DNA AB (DS) Crithidia was positive. Titer was 1:2560. Normal is <1:10. -Sed rate was 96. -LFT's 55 & 44. coming down from triple digits. -dnase- 588. 11/19: -ANA positive. Nucleolar is 1:160. Mentions the presence of cystoplasmic fluorescence on HEp-2 slide. -Sed rate elevated at 92. -CH50 Complement is elevated. -PTT LA Screen is elevated -DNA (DS) ANTIBODY is negative. This test appears to be different (I think) than one done previously. There is no AB listed and the referenge range is not the same. Normal is < or = 4. -CD 19 Lymphocytes absolute & percentage is low. -Dnase still elevated at 490. -M. Pneumoniae Igg is slightly elevated at 1.02 -LFT's at 46 & 37 - still coming down. Still waiting on more labs. thoughts?
  5. I'm interested in what you're saying about MSH and OCD connection. But what I'm not getting is that 32 would be critical when 0-40 is the normal range. Is this supposed to be critically high or low? Thank you, Susie I'm not sure about this - hopefully, someone else will chime in. I think Dr. Shoemaker has the results flagged at this level from his perspective. Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong here.
  6. Nothing to offer here since I haven't had the chance to do anything regarding dd's results yet, but our ACTH was 20 (normal). Interesting that Dr. T suggested MSH being related to OCD. Dd's MSH was 32 (labeled critical). Although, her OCD is not nearly as bad as it was in the past. Thank you for posting your results. I need to look into this again. Dd's results from labcorp (June 2011): TGF-b1 5260 H (range is 344-2382) ACTH, Plasma 20.5 C-reactive Protein 0.3 VIP, Plasma 21.1 L (range is 23.0-63.0) MSH 32 Critical (range is 0-40) Flagged in red as Critical
  7. What brand purifiers are y'all purchasing? Years back (when I had some funds) I purchased an IQ Compact for my dd's constant sinus infections. I haven't used it in a while - need to pull it out and clean/change filters.
  8. Thanks guys. I need to address this again at some point but right now I'm focusing on some recent positive lupus results. Just ran a bunch of labs and awaiting the results. I guess I should check out Shoemaker's site again and consider some more labs/ERMI. Christianmom- couldn't open the second link.
  9. JAG 10- so funny. MTHFR - another test? That's how I read it ...kiddin of course. LLM- is the genetic testing the Nutrigenomic test? thx
  10. Ok LLM - you lost me at PB & Jelly (which by the way is my dd's fav). Just kiddin - thank you for your rough description. I just wish I wasn't so darn tired by the time I get to log on. Instead of enjoying Sponge Bob with my daughter - I'm trying to remember what little I learned about the Kreb Cycle. (lol)
  11. Here are my daughter's results from a few months ago. I haven't had the chance to check Shoemaker's Rosetta Stone for an explanation (not sure I could figure it out anyhow). I was already told prior to this test that my dd has the HLA DR4 genotype, but I still need to investigate if mold may be an issue as well. DRB1*04:01 DRB1*07:01 HLA DQB1*02:SS HLA DQB1*03:JWKX DRB3*- DRB3*- DRB4*01:ARYE DRB4*- DRB5*- DRB5*-
  12. We had a love/hate relationship with the Tindamax, especially in the beginning. My dd took it on Sat/Sun, would herx for a few days and then we would see great improvement. I also feel it was the Tindamax that made a huge difference in her treatment. We did have problems with it though, when combined with IVIG. It caused an extreme herx...too much for her to handle. I hope you had a relaxing massage - you deserve it!!
  13. Chemar- can Candida Clear be used in a 10yr old (70lbs)? Does it cause "die off" or nausea? Thanks.
  14. I'm going to hold off on the Nystatin for now (reacting to it already). Anything else easier on the stomach?
  15. Ok - one last question. With or without food? I'm so worried it's going to increase my daughter's nausea. edit- I looked at Florastor's website. They do not recommend taking Florastor in conjuction with antifungals.
  16. Drat - I gave dd her first dose this evening 1/2 hour after giving culturelle. She has an RX for 10 days, three times daily (500,000 unit). Normally she would balk at the liquid, but she is having some difficulty swallowing again, so it may be my only option. She is not currently on any antibiotics. I will seperate 2-3 hours starting tomorrow. How about the Florastor? Can it be given while on Nystatin? Also, is there any side effects - specifically nausea and/or vomiting (hope not)? Thanks.
  17. I know this has been addressed before, but I'm drawing a blank. Does Nystatin need to be separated from probiotics, especially florastor? Also, is there other options besides the oral tabs? My dd is having a difficult time swallowing them. Thanks. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!
  18. sending you a pm sptcmom- your box is full.
  19. sending you a pm
  20. Waiting to hear back today on the results of additional tests drawn for lupus. Will speak to Dr. Jones tomorrow. I haven't seen Dr. Schwartz since the summer. Since being off abx for elevated lft's and the addition of erythema nodosum, my daughter's GI symptoms have returned (vertigo, stomach pains, loose stools, GERD), and her fear of them as well. No longer in school - couple hours here and there, sometimes. She dealt with the same symptoms before lyme treatment in 2010. Thanks sptcmom- I do read your post and always enjoy hearing (reading) what you have to say.
  21. PhillyPA- You're a strong & amazing mama, please don't let someone discourage you from posting. Many here (including me) look forward to reading your posts - and this is from someone who respectfully disagrees with some of them :-) KEEP POSTING MAMA!!! Melanie- you've been around to know to be patient and try to offer Danny all the support and love he needs right now. Sending prayers your way!! We're all thinking of you!
  22. Very nice Laura. Congratulations!
  23. Nothing to offer. Just wanted to send prayers to you and your family.
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