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Everything posted by philamom

  1. Given the time period the rash took place I would strongly recommend investigating Lyme disease. Late May/early June is the time when many tick bites go unnoticed beacause of their size (size of a fleck of black pepper). Like the person mentioned above, I recommend testing through Igenex (Western Blot IgM/IgG) - it is $200. You pay up front and submit the claim to your insurance. We received 80% back, but it really depends on your insurance. If you would like more information, you can post on the lyme forum.
  2. sptcmom- I have received no holistic suggestions for nutritional support and detox from Dr. J. Wow, that would be great to see you present at next year's conference!! edit to say I really like Dr. J. I just want people to be aware of it - if they are looking for a holistic approach in selecting a llmd.
  3. Hi...sorry I am just getting back to you. My son's D2 was 16,000. I really don't understand a lot of information about antineuronals, but I will tell you that when I was at the TX Symposium and asked Dr. C a question about my younger son (like the one I asked you guys here) when I mentioned the D2 of 16,000 she rolled her eyes as as if to say "my god that is high". So I believe that the antineuruonals are significant and mean something. Again, I really don't understand all the medical stuff, I just know that my son has stuff going on in his brain that is not right and these tests they did helped to indicate that. When I had my dd's Cam K done in June 2009 her Anti D2 was 16,000. We are dealing with PANS (strep,lyme,bartonella).
  4. Local doctor thinks it's a staph (cellulitis) infection. He feels she needs an antibiotic and prescribed Keflex for 10 days. Thought it would be easiest on the liver. He also feels dd may still have strep and the keflex should address both. I just need to run it by our llmd first.
  5. aidan's mom- Thank you. We have our next appt with LLMD in a few weeks - I'll let you know what he thinks. I should get the ASO/DNase results any day. Tomorrow I have an appt to have her leg checked out with our local doctor. By late afternoon it's really hurting her. Are you still pulsing abx?
  6. From what I read on the internet, it can be associated with streptococcus infections, EBV, inflammatory bowel disease. It can also be from cat scratch fever (bartonella henselae). Other causes are hepatitis B,tuberculosis,salmonella enteritidis,leukemia & lymphoma. And, I think you can also get them from non-infectious causes as well. My daughter currently has elevated D-Nase and a normal ASO (but increased from previous numbers). She also has elevated liver enzymes- AST-282,145; ALT 354,161. Waiting for new results drawn last week. I'll guess we'll see what the doc says. thx edit- just received partial results of labs. Dd's AST is now 61, ALT 53...so going down. Her Total Protein & Globulin (Hepatic Panel) is now elevated.
  7. Good point. I think I will have our DAN run it so I can try and submit it to insurance. A while back I ran the OAT test from Great Plains and our insurance reimbursed some.
  8. I think it's Erythema nodosum. Anyone have any experience with this?
  9. Thank you. They show a great sample report & interpretive guide on the second link you posted. I think i'll order this for dd.
  10. Here is direct information about the test- from here, a Dr. has to order it- http://www.metametrix.com/test-menu/profiles/gastrointestinal-function/dna-stool-analysis-gi-effects If you would like to get the test done without a Dr.'s signature, have the kit sent to you directly, you send it back, results sent to you- you may order it here, for a higher cost: https://www.mymedlab.com/autism/gi-effects-complete-stool-mmx2100 How much of a higher cost? Roughly, how much would you save going through a doctor? thx - looks like a great test.
  11. Looking forward to it - thanks for the reminder!
  12. bulldog - I pm'd you. I would call and beg the ENT to put your child on antibiotics until the surgery and afterwards. Maybe Dr. B's office could contact the ENT with the request, until your appt. I don't know if they would without being a patient yet - but I would try...beg. I don't have any experience with a tonsilectomy, but I do recall reading many posts on the importance of treating with antibiotics prior. Tons of bacteria released. Some ask for IV abx during the surgery as well. Hopefully, they will post their experiences. Too bad you can't see Dr. B before the surgery. You know I'm thinking of you! Take care of yourself too!!
  13. My daughter has a purple lump on her leg (shin area) that seems to be getting bigger. It looks like a bruise but sort of swollen too. You can feel the heat radiating from it. It hurts her and is slightly itchy at times. At first I thought it was just a bruise, then I thought maybe a spider bite...now I'm not so sure. I've noticed it for about a week, but she told me this evening it's been there much longer, just not as swollen and purple. Any ideas what it could be?
  14. Wishing you continued success Beesknees! Yay!!
  15. This is an issue for us. My daughter reacts to losing teeth and cleanings. When my dd was on a preventive dose of abx, he increased it for a few days before and after a dental procedure.
  16. I do feel if you have recurrent c-diff though, Florastor is not enough. My dd's last infection in 2010 happened while she was on Florastor for a few years. Unfortunately, your chances of reinfection increase once you've had it. We are currently doing 250+ billion CFU's, but I'm not sure if it is recommended for such a young age. My dd is ten. I'm sorry for everything you are going through! During my daughter's last infection I was told IVIG is also done to combat recurrent c-dif. I think I remember googling it at the time as well, and seeing some truth to it. But again...not sure for a younger age.
  17. I recommend Florastor for kids and/or Culturelle kids for the c-diff. Jarrow and Custom Probiotics also sell a good infant probiotic. We dealt with c-diff in the past as well.
  18. -The basic Spirochete/Borrelia Culture test is $595. -test is not covered by insurance carriers at this time. -initially offered in the US only.
  19. Actually - I read it wrong...it's time for a coffee break! You are a superstar MOM too!!
  20. Yes, I am also wondering what other supplements may be helpful. I have used Melatonin in the past, especially when my dd was in an exaberation, but felt it sometimes made her groggy the next morning. She is doing much better but recently is having difficulties falling asleep again. It's only been a short period of time, so waiting to see if it's a minor fluke. Anyway, last night I tried Calms Fort'e 4 kids. I can't say I saw a huge difference but I didn't exactly dose how it mentions, so I'm going to try again tonight - dosing every 15 minutes. I also have Calms Forte sleep Aid for adults...might give it a try. This was recommended by my dd's psychologist. Would love to hear other suggestions.
  21. See, I thought I was just stating my opinion, without being rude. It wasn't a personal attack on anyone - just my opinion. I appreciate the questions people are posting - sorry I offended you pandas 16. And sorry, PhillyPA, that I added nothing to the post! I just fear that when we are ridiculed for sharing our experiences or asking questions - we will not speak up at all.
  22. pandas16- I disagree. I think this is exactly what a forum is about- discussing questions/opinions form the person's (or parent) perspective. It's not a forum of Physicians giving their feedback. Even my 10 year old knows not to trust everything you read online, whether it be an advertisement, forum, solicitation! You then research yourself!
  23. That's what sort of started the ocd fear for my daughter...a child in her 2nd grade class told her she could die from eating too much sugar. No amount of correcting on my part could erase the thought. This was 2 years ago - no longer an issue for us. Now, I wish my dd would curtail some of her junk food habits.
  24. Great idea - my dd is always looking to earn a buck. Be careful of label reading if your child is dealing with ocd. At one time, my daughter was fixated with reading labels and consuming sugar. She was constantly checking foods/drinks and then would refuse it if contained any sugar.
  25. Ok - I told myself it was time to take a break from posting but here I am. I know this is not relevant to hookworm, but wanted to say that when my daughter had Giardia, she had SEVERE neuropsychiatric symptoms. She was VERY defiant & oppositional. I can't recall what symptoms you are dealing with your son, but it may be something worth treating. Again, I know nothing about hookworm though.
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