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    South West Florida
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    Being a dad and a husband is my life. I am interested in many things but really only enjoy the times with my family.

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  1. That is what the bottom line is. Even it there are large common groupings of things that could make an individual tic, not every one tics to the same triggers. Everyone has to try trial and error to find what works and what does not work for them or their child and everyone has to weigh how severe a trigger may be and is it worth it once in awhile. I agree with Chemar that if the chorline in the pool is causing severe tics then the pool should be avoided. On the other hand, I have heard that some kids can swim in the chorine pools for three or four times before anything shows and perhaps that is because the repeated exposure of the chorine is building up in their bodies. We have a salt pool. It still converts to chorine but it is not the same as adding straight chorine to a pool plus we keep it at the lowest possible level according to the seasonal heat and rain of Florida.
  2. what did you switch to he takes nystatin ketoconazole was used on two different treatment bouts with time off in between to kill enough yeast so the nystatin could then work. Probiotic is also used as well as other factors in the treatment plan. Every child could be different so I am not providing a model just an example. My husband has tina versicolor Its a skin fungus I wonder if it has anything to do with yeast Danny also has athletes food treated and gone but hummm My son took the oral form by pills to kill yeast/fungus inside of the intestial tract. Before Ketoconazole the treatment would have been by IV and inside of a hospital for a number of days.
  3. what did you switch to he takes nystatin ketoconazole was used on two different treatment bouts with time off in between to kill enough yeast so the nystatin could then work. Probiotic is also used as well as other factors in the treatment plan. Every child could be different so I am not providing a model just an example.
  4. We were told a number of times that we were foolish with what we were doing. We were told by a neurologist to prepare ourselves for our son to be in a special education class or home schooled. There were times when we did feel foolish and thought that home school was in the future. Our son is currently in the fourth grade gifted class and has many friends in and out of his class. His tics will not be noticed for the most part and he is eating more and more foods that were once on his "forgetaboutit" list. I once in awhile drop by here to let people know that things can change but you have to be in charge in finding what works for your child. It is not easy and has cost quite a bit but it was worth every cent and every hour invested. I had found this site to be a wealth of information and would recommend reading past posts as well as current ones. so hang in there and don't give up for it is your child that you are fighting for in so many ways.
  5. There is two theorys why the pool sets off the tics. One is the chlorine in the water and the other is the light shimmering off the surface and reflecting in the child's eyes. We have a salt pool and try to have our son swim in the evening hours or on cloudy moments of the day but the bottom line is for a special occassion I would let the child swim and ignore any tics for we have to let the kids be kids.
  6. There could be many reasons why this is happening and more then one for your child. There is one theory that if your child has a yeast infection or overgrowth in the intestinal tract then while your child eats the yeast is feeding and releasing its wastes which could be increasing the tics. There was no one answer for my child and I would recommend that parents look at everything and slowly rule out what does not work and keep what does.
  7. We did Nystatin for a couple of years and did not see the results we expected. Then we switched Dan doctors and after medical testing he prescribed a heavy medication to kill yeast and then use Nystatin to follow up as an on going treatment to prevent the yeast infection from becoming full blown again. Meanwhile we are still working on healing the intestinal tract which may have been damaged from heavy metals such as mercury that was once in vaccines as a regular additive to increase shelf life of the vaccine. Needless to say treating yeast and other treatments combined made a world of difference in our family case but every case may not have all the same pieces of the puzzles.
  8. It may never go away but see a good Dan doctor for my son has been treated by us since he was two and Dan doctors since he was five and every year we have seen improvement where now most days people would never know whereas when he was around four we were told to think about home schooling or special ed classes by a neurologist, As for Dan doctors I would recommend Dr. Berger out of Tampa. We hardly see him in person for everything is based upon test and treatment results and phone conferences. Our treatments were not to mask the tics with hard core drugs but try to find out what is causing them and to work on that.
  9. Buffered Magnesium from Kirkman. Three pills in the morning for a ten year old and three pills in the late afternoon, Be careful if you use it by judging time for it really cleans out the intestinal tract and the person taking it will need to use the bathroom. Which is a good thing too if you think about it.
  10. I believe that we used the Oat Urine test and a stool test to test for yeast markers. Treating for yeast is one of the most effective treatments that we have used.
  11. We have used melatonin in the past and never saw any side effects. It is very effective.
  12. eggs and pork are brain food regarding vitamin B's and aminos acids that they contain.
  13. May not be of anything but if I remember two of the best brain foods outside of untainted fish is eggs and pork.
  14. My thoughts are that most TS kids who have issues with sulfer do not have the CBS mutation. I do not thing that the CBS mutation is causing the ammonia levels. I feel that the ammonia levels are brought about by the waste product of yeast and fungus overgrowth in the gut. The waste product is the ammonia. Now Sulfer products can feed the yeast and fungus overgrowth inwhich brings more yeast/fungus and therefore more waste products which would be the ammonia. This is why IV chelation is done and not dmsa pills for example for those who have the gut issue to by pass the gut and go straight into the blood stream. Now treatments like Nystain, Treelac, grapeseed extract, and pro-biotics can cause a short spike in tics for these products kill the yeast/fungus which as it dies releases all of its wastes, ie-ammonia. Things that can cause yeast/fungus issues in the gut is mercury in the body and auto-immune dysfunction
  15. My thoughts are that most TS kids who have issues with sulfer do not have the CBS mutation. I do not thing that the CBS mutation is causing the ammonia levels. I feel that the ammonia levels are brought about by the waste product of yeast and fungus overgrowth in the gut. The waste product is the ammonia. Now Sulfer products can feed the yeast and fungus overgrowth inwhich brings more yeast/fungus and therefore more waste products which would be the ammonia. This is why IV chelation is done and not dmsa pills for example for those who have the gut issue to by pass the gut and go straight into the blood stream. Now treatments like Nystain, Treelac, grapeseed extract, and pro-biotics can cause a short spike in tics for these products kill the yeast/fungus which as it dies releases all of its wastes, ie-ammonia. Things that can cause yeast/fungus issues in the gut is mercury in the body and auto-immune dysfunction.
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