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So, we had a family vacation planned for almost a year. When my son started with his tics I really wanted to cancel, but DH wouldn't hear of it. So, I agreed to go. The past few weeks DS has been doing so well with the diet changes and supplements, not sure if it's that or just waning, but the tics have been very minimal and I actually started to get excited about vacation. So, we left today and DS did great on the 6 hour car ride. Then we get here and he is ticcing like crazy, it's like every tic he's ever had started pouring out all at once and I just want to cry my eyes out. My husband and older son are being so great about it, but I'm a wreck. I don't want to sound like a complaining jerk, but it's just so unfair. Why now? Was a week of mild tics on vacation REALLY too much to ask? :blink:


I really thought I was coming to terms with this, but I guess I'm not as adjusted as I thought.


Thank you for listening. I really do find solace in knowing there are other people in this world that can sympathize with me and my situation.




Excitement, being overtired, and if at all nervous about new surroundings can worsen PANDAS symptoms. The tics may calm down once he gets a good rest and feels more comfortable in the different surroundings. If you didn't bring Ibuprofen with you, make a quick stop for some and try that.


I hope you are able to enjoy the vacation. Just try to see the positive. I hope it gets better...........


I totally know where you are. Been there. All I can do is give you a big hug and tell you to accept things as they are, and enjoy any time that you can spend together right now, tics or no tics. And have a Corona. Call one of us if you really need to talk.




Actually, he did have "regular" food and drinks when we stopped for breakfast. I haven't even had him tested for strep yet, I just joined this board the other day and realized that he is possibly a PANDAS candidate. Anyway, I just feel so sad...


His OCD was high too - UGH!


I'm just praying I can get through the week and get him home and tested and go from there.


Thanks for the quick reply and the (hugs).


I am trying to pull myself together and am telling myself it could be the excitement, being overtired, and nerves.


Also, my SIL said the same thing "oh Lynn, have a beer". I had 2 glasses of wine instead :blink:


You are all so great - thank you - I am going to try and put it into perspective and make the best of it. Why is it my husband deals so much better then me, what is wrong with me?


I hope this will make you feel better...telling you about our disaster vacation 4 years ago, just so you can say, "at least ours isn't that bad"


My hub wanted to get a vacation in before my daughter's T&A a few years ago...I didn't want to-she was REALLY bad, w/ ragey meltdowns out of the blue. We went to Disneyland and we had to be escorted out of the park, through the huge fireworks crowd, by a circle of park employees around us, carrying a raging, terrified, thrashing child! Seemed like it was a twenty mile, uphill trek!


Really hope things get better for your son and you. Try to relax. Maybe you could find one of those "mini-clinic" pharmacies and get him tested for strep.


I'm so sorry...nothing gets me more depressed than seeing my kids go backwards. Try to take a break b/c if you are anything like me, when you get back you will hit the ground running with research, calling docs, etc. All of that can be mentally draining.



So, we had a family vacation planned for almost a year. When my son started with his tics I really wanted to cancel, but DH wouldn't hear of it. So, I agreed to go. The past few weeks DS has been doing so well with the diet changes and supplements, not sure if it's that or just waning, but the tics have been very minimal and I actually started to get excited about vacation. So, we left today and DS did great on the 6 hour car ride. Then we get here and he is ticcing like crazy, it's like every tic he's ever had started pouring out all at once and I just want to cry my eyes out. My husband and older son are being so great about it, but I'm a wreck. I don't want to sound like a complaining jerk, but it's just so unfair. Why now? Was a week of mild tics on vacation REALLY too much to ask? :blink:


I really thought I was coming to terms with this, but I guess I'm not as adjusted as I thought.


Thank you for listening. I really do find solace in knowing there are other people in this world that can sympathize with me and my situation.




this episode stated on a 1st disney vacation with the 3 boys...it was tic i never saw before...

i feel you sorrow.your pain, the unfairness...

as a mom you just want to fix it!!!!

if you can try to absorb how your other family members are dealing with it.....

Know that, you know what it is...

so you will continue your journey of healing when you get home....

it just this trip...if you plan one for next year, your child will be better and so will you....

its just a slow process and the main thing is you are on the right path...just enjoy today.....

and please remind me of this when i have my next melt down....as i know...it is easier said then done....

please try to enjoy your time together!!!

A big cyber hug from me!!!


Just thought I would add a little something to make you feel better. Here's what your day COULD have been like: You could have gotten a phone call from your son's friend's mother telling you that your son peed on the neighbor's home's call box during their play date today. This was after he jumped the neighbor's fence, climbed their tree, and vandalized the cat's tree house.


There.... feel better?




Was it the fireworks?? My son has never been able to tolerate fireworks. We had to SPRINT out of the park before the fireworks really got going full bore. He was terrified, screaming, crying, and we thought that for once he would be able to handle it. NOT.


I am sorry to hear your son is not doing well on your vacation. Nothing is worse than seeing your son backslide and being away from your home and resources.


I remember when my son had a particularly "tic" filled vacation one year. We were staying at a friend's house and he had some sudden breath-holding, neck -wrenching, trunk flexing tics combined with a compulsion to flex forward on every third step. It was horrible, and it lasted the entire time we were there.


I ended up cutting the vacation short and heading home. About 2 hours after leaving my friend's house, the tics suddenly stopped - right there in the car. His whole body relaxed.


A few months later my friend told me that both she and her daughter had been sick for several weeks. A short time after that she noticed a black spot on the ceiling - yup .... mold was seeping through in their 100 year old historic home! They spent the next several months in complete mold abatement.


Take a look at your surroundings. Is there something your child could be reacting to? Try to notice if the tics decrease when you leave the immediate area.



You could try to write down what you are seeing and when so that you have it recorded for later - then try to find time / energy to enjoy yourself on some level.


Best wishes!

Was it the fireworks?? My son has never been able to tolerate fireworks. We had to SPRINT out of the park before the fireworks really got going full bore. He was terrified, screaming, crying, and we thought that for once he would be able to handle it. NOT.

No, not the fireworks. She had thoroughly enjoyed them 2 years before and plopped doen there in the lobby at @ 6:30 to await the festivities. (yeah, that was fun, too. :blink: ). It was when they roped the area off to maintain crowd control and traffic pathways. She had to go to the bathroom...and suddenly the way to the bathroom had changed!

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