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what is the right amount of probiotics for a child on antibiotics? what brands does everyone use??



Our ped recommended Jarrodopholis. We use 2 capsules in the morning and 2 at night and put it in her milk. But, I also would like to know what others use.


Klaire Labs complete Therabiotics is heavy duty stuff, one a day should be fine.


We have been avoiding the S. Thermophilus strain in everything - just to be save.


Custom Probiotics, on-line, has a good reputation for probiotics. We buy the dairy free capsules with 50 billion organisms in each capsule. I do have to say that our son's digestive system is so much better since we started doing this.




Hi, both my boys (5 year old twins..both have PANDAS) have been on Augmentin for 3 months now. We have been giving them FloraStor. They have a kids version, but we gave the adult and it has been working wonderfully. We break one capsule and mix it with peanut butter along with the Augmentin tablet for each child. I will warn you though, Florastor is expensive and there may be something else less expensive that can work just as well.


good luck.







what is the right amount of probiotics for a child on antibiotics? what brands does everyone use??




Florastor was the one Dr K recommended for us. He said not to worry about the S. Thermophilis that that is just a rumor going around and shouldn't affect our PANDAS kids. He said Walgreens carries it and it doesn't have to be refrigerated and it's about $22/month, but so far we can't find it. Going to search online today.

Florastor was the one Dr K recommended for us. He said not to worry about the S. Thermophilis that that is just a rumor going around and shouldn't affect our PANDAS kids. He said Walgreens carries it and it doesn't have to be refrigerated and it's about $22/month, but so far we can't find it. Going to search online today.


Pixiesmommy--Thank you so much for posting this!! Good to know what Dr K suggests certainly. Also, our Whole Foods has a two-for-one coupon on the "Good Belly" fruit juice probiotic juices right now--our girls love them.



I asked Dr. Latimer what she would reccomend she said Pearls by BioGro products. just need to take one a day.



Florastor was the one Dr K recommended for us. He said not to worry about the S. Thermophilis that that is just a rumor going around and shouldn't affect our PANDAS kids. He said Walgreens carries it and it doesn't have to be refrigerated and it's about $22/month, but so far we can't find it. Going to search online today.



I have found that MANY doctors feel the same about probiotics with strep strains - that it's just a rumor. Here is my 2 cents: we were prescribed a probiotic with a strep strain in it and my son immediately (within 24 hours) had an awful PANDAS episode. It wasn't until 10 days later that I looked at the bottle and saw that there was a strep strain in it. I stopped it and gave him Oil of Oregano and 3 days later he was better. I have "spoken" with many women online who say they see the same problem with their kids who have PANDAS issues. I would STAY AWAY if I were you :-)


Florastor is a brand name for the strain called Saccharomyces Boulardii. There are other brands. S. Boulardii is the best strain to give with antibiotics, b/c the antibiotic won't kill it. Also, if your child begins to develop symptoms of yeast (giggling, spacey, wetting the bed...those are my son's yeast symptoms) a 10 day round of Diflucan helps. This is all per my son's DAN doctor.



Florastor was the one Dr K recommended for us. He said not to worry about the S. Thermophilis that that is just a rumor going around and shouldn't affect our PANDAS kids. He said Walgreens carries it and it doesn't have to be refrigerated and it's about $22/month, but so far we can't find it. Going to search online today.



I have found that MANY doctors feel the same about probiotics with strep strains - that it's just a rumor. Here is my 2 cents: we were prescribed a probiotic with a strep strain in it and my son immediately (within 24 hours) had an awful PANDAS episode. It wasn't until 10 days later that I looked at the bottle and saw that there was a strep strain in it. I stopped it and gave him Oil of Oregano and 3 days later he was better. I have "spoken" with many women online who say they see the same problem with their kids who have PANDAS issues. I would STAY AWAY if I were you :-)


Florastor is a brand name for the strain called Saccharomyces Boulardii. There are other brands. S. Boulardii is the best strain to give with antibiotics, b/c the antibiotic won't kill it. Also, if your child begins to develop symptoms of yeast (giggling, spacey, wetting the bed...those are my son's yeast symptoms) a 10 day round of Diflucan helps. This is all per my son's DAN doctor.




I'm not up on this stuff-what are the strains or names of probiotics that have strep in them?


Also, my daughter started having issues with wetting the bed at night and some occasionally some minor accidents during the day. This started about two months ago-she never wet the bed prior to that even during the potty training months. She has been tested for a UTI (negative) and I have talked to my Ped about a yeast infection but she doesn't believe that someone her age can have a yeast infection even if they are on propabx. I want to rule this out as a cause of the bedwetting-what test do I need to ask for??



Florastor was the one Dr K recommended for us. He said not to worry about the S. Thermophilis that that is just a rumor going around and shouldn't affect our PANDAS kids. He said Walgreens carries it and it doesn't have to be refrigerated and it's about $22/month, but so far we can't find it. Going to search online today.



I have found that MANY doctors feel the same about probiotics with strep strains - that it's just a rumor. Here is my 2 cents: we were prescribed a probiotic with a strep strain in it and my son immediately (within 24 hours) had an awful PANDAS episode. It wasn't until 10 days later that I looked at the bottle and saw that there was a strep strain in it. I stopped it and gave him Oil of Oregano and 3 days later he was better. I have "spoken" with many women online who say they see the same problem with their kids who have PANDAS issues. I would STAY AWAY if I were you :-)


Florastor is a brand name for the strain called Saccharomyces Boulardii. There are other brands. S. Boulardii is the best strain to give with antibiotics, b/c the antibiotic won't kill it. Also, if your child begins to develop symptoms of yeast (giggling, spacey, wetting the bed...those are my son's yeast symptoms) a 10 day round of Diflucan helps. This is all per my son's DAN doctor.




I'm not up on this stuff-what are the strains or names of probiotics that have strep in them?


Also, my daughter started having issues with wetting the bed at night and some occasionally some minor accidents during the day. This started about two months ago-she never wet the bed prior to that even during the potty training months. She has been tested for a UTI (negative) and I have talked to my Ped about a yeast infection but she doesn't believe that someone her age can have a yeast infection even if they are on propabx. I want to rule this out as a cause of the bedwetting-what test do I need to ask for??




If she does have a bunch of yeast in her tummy-will it show up on the endoscope??



my son also had bed wetting at times i did email Dr. Latimer and she did say yes to probiotics she recommended a brand call pearl I did look at the type of organism no strept in this one, if anyone needs more info send me an email.



Florastor was the one Dr K recommended for us. He said not to worry about the S. Thermophilis that that is just a rumor going around and shouldn't affect our PANDAS kids. He said Walgreens carries it and it doesn't have to be refrigerated and it's about $22/month, but so far we can't find it. Going to search online today.



I have found that MANY doctors feel the same about probiotics with strep strains - that it's just a rumor. Here is my 2 cents: we were prescribed a probiotic with a strep strain in it and my son immediately (within 24 hours) had an awful PANDAS episode. It wasn't until 10 days later that I looked at the bottle and saw that there was a strep strain in it. I stopped it and gave him Oil of Oregano and 3 days later he was better. I have "spoken" with many women online who say they see the same problem with their kids who have PANDAS issues. I would STAY AWAY if I were you :-)


Florastor is a brand name for the strain called Saccharomyces Boulardii. There are other brands. S. Boulardii is the best strain to give with antibiotics, b/c the antibiotic won't kill it. Also, if your child begins to develop symptoms of yeast (giggling, spacey, wetting the bed...those are my son's yeast symptoms) a 10 day round of Diflucan helps. This is all per my son's DAN doctor.




I just ordered some s boulardii from Kirkman's. They now include the info on their website that boulardii needs to be given separate from antifungals (diflucan, nystatin) because antifungals kill it. I'd wondered about that for awhile, since boulardii is a yeast-but a beneficial one.


I did find that the only "yogurt" that didn't have the S Thermophilis in it (in OUR grocery, at least) was Kefir.

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