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My son has been complaining that his neck hurts. The mag taurate that he has been taking has thankfully stopped the neck tics. However, he complains that his neck really hurts. I am not sure what to do for this. Chiropractor? He will occasioanally ask me or my husband to massage his neck but not for too long. He has a little touch sensitivity issues so I question whether or not any massage or chiropractor/therapist would be helpful for him. Any ideas?



How old is he? would you consider giving something like motrin or aleve to see if it helps? How long after starting mag taurate did he stop his neck tics?




he may well need chiro adjustment . my son has frequently gone "out" on his cervical vertebrae from tics


best to choose a NUCCA chiro ( http://www.nucca.org )


rubbing some epsom salts cream in may help to sooth. also soaking a cloth in warm epsom salts water and rest it on the neck




My ds is 8 1/2. As far as how long it took for the neck tic to really, really decrease (I rarely see it)...well, I would say about a month. But, school has also ended during this time. I am super vigilant with his diet, though, he has had a few cheats of the "forbidden" food and I did not notice any neck tics. He does, however, stretch his fingers a lot and move his tongue back and forth when he is eating. It's hard to explain. He doesn't lick his lips but he touches the corners of his mouth with his tongue. Thanks for your advice. I will try the motrin or aleve. Can I give aleve to him?






Thanks so much for the advice. I will try soaking a cloth in epsom salts and putting it on his neck. I will also check into the website your recommended. By the way, does your son frequently go to the chiropractor for readjustments? For how long does he find relief?






Is your son's neck pain as a result of the neck tic or the neck tic caused his tic?


I am asking because my son had neck pain that triggered his neck tic. If that is the case, craniosacral therapy was very effective for my son. And it is less invasive than chirop adjustment. Also, Motrin relief the pain and eliminated the tic. I believe it worked because inflammation is the source of my son's cause.


If the pain is the result of the neck pain, acunpuncture is good w/ pain & tic reduction and chirop is important to realign the neck.


Hope this is helpful.





When my son started with tics about 2 years ago, it all started as a neck tic. He didn't complain about his neck hurting initially. However, as time went on, he complained that his neck did hurt. Now, I don't really see the neck tic but he does complain about the pain. So, I am not really sure which came first. Any thoughts? I suppose I could start with the motrin to see if he does get any relief. He only complains in the evening when he is in bed.




That sounds like his neck pain is the result of his neck tic.


My son's neck tic stopped and only comes back when he complains that his neck hurts.


Yes, i would start w/ the epsom bath and motrin. I would also look into chirp because 2 yrs of neck tic probably would cause misalignment on his neck. Unless you get into the underlyining problem, the neck pain will not go away. Craniosacral is also very good at relieving pain and it is noninvasive.






I am wondering if he always has this neck pain. if it has been a short time, this may be the beginning of a new neck tic. you say he doesn't have it now, but I'd be interested to know if this is a new pain that precedes the tic?

If he has it all the time, then I don't really know, but I suppose it could be pain from prior ticcing. then I would think chiro would be worth a try, and of course soaking up to the neck in epsom baths.




I remember when my son started his tics over 2 years ago that his neck jerks were so severe and hard that I worried that he would hurt himself. So, it seems, that he really may have. It all makes sense. Cheri suggested a nucca chiro. The closest one to me is about an hour away. How long should I expect his appts to last? How frequently does a chiro see him? Will the chiro be able to fix his neck if it is misaligned? Can the chiro tell if it is misaligned? This is obviously new territory for me so I am completely unfamiliar with it. Does insurance cover it?


Thanks for all of your help!



insurance should cover chiro care, tho they sometimes limit how many visits per year


NUCCA chiros are especially good as they are very gentle and specialized in cranial chiropracty. they are also real good with kids


first visit is usually longer as they take x rays to set a baseline and then do primary manipulations to put the vertebrae back in place. the xray plus their examination will indicate if vertebrae are out


after the first visit they usually suggest weekly or fortnightly for a few weeks to keep things aligned


monthly "maintenance" visits are a good idea for anyone with tics that can cause continuous spinal misalignment


My son had once ticced so bad that his atlas vertebra had moved!!!! and our NUCCA chiro gently moved it back.Much relief of pain for him!



most chiro is covered by insurance, they usually accept your co-payment, and if they don't work with your insurance, sometimes they may just charge what your co-payment would be.

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