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Any one heard of Dr. Sims


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This may help everyone in understanding the device. It states it can help eliminate or reduce the movements but apparently doesn;t work for everyone and sometimes cannot eliminate the movement disorder completely (may reduce though)


I found him in Novemeber 06 when this all started for us.





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TTo me it makes so much since if you are willing to look outside the box of what traditional medecinie tells you. So many doctors would be proven wrong and nobody ever wants to admitt they were wrong..


ccc in all fairness that is exactly what we DO do here...look outside of the box!

very few of us use "conventional" or as you put it "traditional" medicine here..(altho to me traditional medicine means holistic or naturopathic )




however, although many of us have found success with varied treatments, we sure dont presume to say, as this dentist does, that it works for *all*. we fully acknowledge that different people respond to different treatments MAINLY because we understand that there are SO MANY possible causes/triggers for tics!


That is my problem with this...not that it may not be of great help for some, or even many, people...but the claim that all other info re TS, including genetics, infections etc is invalid and *only* this method of his is "the cure"


I hope it does help many....but I remain wary of someone who makes such broad claims to a "cure" while negating all else.

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DEFINITELY keep us posted. Are you in or near Maryland or will this be a long journey for you? I read some of your initial posts and see that you were working with a dr before on the aminos/vit deficiencies. I'm just wondering what his opinion is on this orthodontic device. Is he skeptical as i would expect most drs to be? or have you consulted with him on it?

I am very interested as well in finding out more about this. some of what read in his study made sense.........especially the sensory stuff. I feel my mouth/teeth/tongue tics are a direct result of a sensory issue.

Best wishes on this journey. You have NO idea how much i want this to work out for your child.

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No we are not in Maryland but live in Georgia so we will be flying up. I will keep you posted.


As far as my comment about thinking outside the box I was referring to the Medical Community.

Also when I was talking to him about the word "ALL" He has helped "ALL" patients He has personaly treated. Does that many that everyone with TS will be cured I don't know but I like to have Faith that it could and if it does help my son I will do everything in my power to help others. As all of us parents do not want our children and loved ones to suffer I will always remain hopeful for a cure.

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we certainly all hope it will be a successful treatment for your child ccc and look forward to hearing your updates :)


nomatter my feelings about what I see as possible hype in claiming a "cure all" ....nothing would please me more than to see another potentially helpful treatment produce positive results !

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Thank you Chemar,


My husband is going to study all this tomorrow and he will make the phone call to the dr. He feels he could explain more about his own tics as a kid and and see if we want to make the app. I don't know if he can do anything with my son's braces at this time. We are only about an hour from his office so this would be worth a trip for us, but I really need to know if the vocals are helped, our son really does not have motor tics.



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I found the links to Dr. Sims videos on U TUBE.



There is a series of 4 videos. They are worth watching.


I'm curious about the cost? And, how this device looks/feels for the patient?


From the pictures it looks very bulky. Nonetheless, I think this is very interesting and I'm so glad that their are doctors out there that are taking an interest in TS and tic disorders.


Everyone keep us posted on your experiences!

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I called the office as I just like to keep up on everything regarding tics. The receptionist said it is not hard to get in for an appointment (about a week) and the total cost for appointment and appliance would be about $3,000. They would give forms that can be turned in for reimbursement for insurance, but I am not sure if insurance would cover it.

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We’ve been having problems with tics for almost six years now and I have went through all the rounds like gluten free diet, chelation, etc. Thank you guys for all the information you have posted for all these years. We talked to Dr. Sims yesterday. His opinion is that TS is a genetic syndrome of underdevelopment of the jaws. By nine years old, the jaws are already about 90% developed. The rest of the 10% that isn’t yet fully developed can be worked on. He said that treatment would require 3 steps: step 1: usually takes 6 months -1 year or maybe more depending on the person. Step 2: braces. Step 3: retainer for the rest of their life (usually such dental work requires a retainer so that it can support the work done). The retainer can be worn couple of times per week. Here is the link to the patent of his advice:




Here he explains how it works and what kind of nerves are being suppressed by the improper jaw alignment. We scheduled an appointment with him for the end of June.

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OH MY, $3000! I have already paid in full $5000 for my son's braces.


I could see that maybe my husbands jaw was realigned during his growth and that is why he no longer has tics, but I have a hard time understanding about all the tic triggers out there. If this is a jaw issue why are the tics triggered by food, chem. allergies, ect...


On the other hand my son is underdeveloped in all parts of his body so that makes sense too.



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I am trying to reason this out as well. In a lot of ways, it makes sense and yet in other ways it doesn't. Is it possible that food and allergies and strep could cause infammation in the brain and nerves around the jaw and cause tics? The allignment of the jaw relieves pressure on these nerves and tics stop? That's all I can come up with. My husband has minor tics. His jaw does pop while eating like he may have TMJ. My son has PANDAS which IVIG seems to have mainly cured. I don't know where this would fit in or if it even does! I did read some successes from parents on another board with Dr. Sims though so who knows. Parents that see him please post results.

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I have been discussing this with my son and he says he can sure see where some tics originate in his jaw area...


but what doesnt make sense to either of us ishow this would explain the many triggers, and the waxing waning cycles characteristic of TS with tics coming and going in different parts of the body and with different vocals.


how does this theory explain tics like coprolalia and also the OCD behaviors, which clearly respond well to increased serotonin


also why would magnesium bring such immediate relief of tics if this is a structural issue. Bonnie Grimaldi's research shows magnesium deficiency is a common denominator for people with TS. for my son just putting his feet in an epsom salts tub brings tic relief!!!


anyways, I am sure you are all rolling your eyes at me going on about this already.

I just dont like to see false hope held out, and would feel much more comfortable if this was being touted as a way of relieving certain TS tics for some people rather than hyped as the only cause of TS and therefore the only cure


when my son saw what the procedure involved his response was that would trigger tics for him!


but my hope remains that this will be very very beneficial for all of you who plan to try it :) and I will be following the development of this theory with interest

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Hi, on what other board where you reading from some parents, of the successes from seeing Dr. Sims? I wonder if the parents who got the device for their children and it stopped their child's tics, would come on this forum and share their experience with us. It is always great to hear success stories from others!! It really gives others and me hope!! Wouldn't it be great if this device helped with stopping tics. Please anyone on here who tries this device, keep us posted good or bad. I truely hope though, their is great success for anyone who tries this device for their tics!!! I also think Dr. Sims is awesome for taking an interest in trying to help others with tics! Char... :)

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Like some others, I am skeptical and hopeful about the idea of this working, but not wanting to get my hopes too high.


But, I can see how something that would work with the physical tics would also work with the "comorbid" conditions such as OCD and depression and bipolar and anxiety. Influenced by the doctor that diagnosed me, I come from the school of looking at these other conditions as really just TS symptoms--NOT other conditions. This approach looks at TS as uncontrolled movements (motor tics), uncontrolled vocalizations (vocal tics), uncontrolled thoughts (thought tics), and uncontrolled emotions (emotion tics). Certain combinations of thought tics and emotion tics end up looking like OCD and other mental disorders, but, are actually neurologically based, just like the physical tics.


So, if you have something that can relieve all sorts of various physical tics in the body, it is likely fixing the neurological problem, and, if so, I would expect it to fix these other "comorbid" conditions, since they stem from the same neurological basis.


Well, that's my belief anyway.

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