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What I did was cut the sticks small enough so they fit in his mouth and go over this back teeth and then I told him to keep his jaw forward so he does not have an overbite. That is how they did it for me when i had my TMJ treatment if I remember correctly.... I don't think just holding his mouth open would work because you also have to have the jaw forward and him pressing on the sticks helps it stay where it should be...jmo

I have talked to different people chiro, ect and told them about what he believes with the nerves in the jaw and causing this to happen and ones I spoke too seemed to think that makes sense so I am thinking there is a pediatric dentist that I might call that does work with TMJ and give them some info and see what they think. I know when I had TMJ I was possibly going to have to have braces afterwards but got lucky and only was given a retainer which i stopped using at night years ago.


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If you do not mind me asking, what are the kinds of tics your son is displaying at this time?

I am waiting for your reply after you appointment. This will help me determine if I should make an appointment for my daughter.

I had my daughter bite down on her floss stick the other night (holding it sideways) I had no idea what I was doing but interesting enough her left eye movement stopped and she wasn't trying to clench down on that side as well.

Who knows what that means....

I am too torn to make heads or tails of this thing just yet. So I will wait your reply and decide from there.

We are on third/last day of Zith and advil and still no tics today that I have seen.

Topamax ia at 15mg for the 3rd night as well......so again....who knows what the calming is from.


Lastly what I found interesting is that she has not grinded her teeth while on the advil and Zith either. Maybe thats why the teeth and jaw clenching has stopped (it was very painful for her)


She has been a grinder since I can remember, but I always did as well.

Keep me/us posted please, and I hope if this works for some that you guys are included.


My Rose,


My son also grinds his teeth and Dr. Sims did say that it played a big part in the development of the jaw. His back molars are grinded down to where he barley has any groves. When he put the sticks in they were put sideways but the retainer height is longways. Don't know if it makes a difference.



Would it be possible to show a picture of your sons device on here? It would be great to see how it looks. Is your son wearing the device at all? Char...




I know there is a picture of the device on one of the posts, but I was curious if your sons device looked the same as in the picture of the device that in the picture. Gail who I talked to, said her sons device is not noticeable, when in her sons mouth. But you said the device is bulky. So I am just wondering how bulky is the device. Does your sons device look like the one in the picture? Char...


Hi everybody,

I want to express my grate regrets to mylittleangel regarding that appointment. How old is your son? My daughter is 11 and when Dr. Sims was taking her open mouth measurements she showed at list 3 cm undergrowth. But her jaw is still in growing stage. Imagine if a child is little (5-8 years old) and his jaw is just in the beginning stage of growth. It may be more difficult to adjust the mouth piece. When I asked Dr. Sims about a little boy on the video and told him that he is still in a process of growing Dr. Sims answered that this boy will have to wear the piece until he is at list 9 and only than he will be able to go to braces. Now, I just want to remind you something that I mentioned previously. When we were at the appointment with Doctor Sims he explained how all this works. As I remember nerve #5 is connected to nerve #8 #9 #11 and #13 . They all are responsible for motor tics of the body. Than all this bunch of nerves goes to the tube on the neck (back part) where as he explained there is like a net of nerves and through this net it can influence any nerve it wants. The vocal nerve is located somewhere there either on that net or very close to the net. That is may be why the vocal is very hard to catch. Also, when you start moving the jaw you can move it back and forth with lots of variations (upper back- lower forward, vice versa, or you may be need to move only one, ) plus what if you have to move a jaw forward but at the same time one side has to be lowered and another be picked up to bring it all to the correct stage. Also, my husband suggested that it might be that not only nerve #5 is involved. What if shoulder bones and upper vertebrates are pressing on something together with nerve #5. As I told before I feel that Dr. Sims does not have enough cases to prove his theory and also it has to be proved (or disproved) in time. Years have to pass by before we can come to the conclusion.


Regarding home trial of moving the jaw. We new (and Dr. Sims confirm it) that my daughter’s condition comes from my husband. He is extremely mild; we never pay attention to his little tick on the neck when he was nervous until it happened to my child. When we red about nerve #5 we started to examine positions of my jaw and his and he caught himself on pressing his jaws against each other (like if you in pain or under stress you usually squeeze your teeth) even if he is in relaxed mode, when I am in relaxed mode I usually keep my tong in between the teeth. I advised him to do that and he told me that this technique helps him to control that little tic and takes out pressure. After that I told my daughter to place the tong between the teeth and even open her mouth and move her lower jaw forward if she feels the ticking. In a week she started to complain very bad had ache which she was complaining for 3 days. When I told her not to move here lower jaw any more she answered that now this new position is more comfortable. Regarding the tics she told that she can better control them. Sometimes I do not see them at all but my daughter tells that when she is alone she tics more.


I also disappointed why Dr. Sims send us home to do the full mouth x-ray and MRI and nobody else mentioned the MRI yet. Plus we did not try any mouth piece there. He also told us that everybody is being video tape when they try mouth piece. Did he video taped your son when he was trying the mouth piece.


This theory is still in trial stage and price for those who is ready to experiment has to be much less. Pease, excuse me for such broad expression.




my husband said the sticks were put in so the back teeth were what was biting down on them and he had to cut them so they would fit in his mouth. So it looks like how one would chew on a pencil, then think of the sticks cut to fit in the mouth so that the cut part of the sticks are touching the sides of the cheeks. Stack the sticks until maybe your child says something or you notice the jaw or teeth line up a bit.





my son has been having a neck turn tic for quite a while now, and about two months he is doing the head shake. the vocals were pretty much always a constant so they are there now too, a "huh" sound. So the two together is a little noticeable. I woudn't say he is mild now, more moderate now. Also I have mentioned here that I am NOT currently adhering to any diet and only minimal supplements (natural calm, and I feel giving a GABA capsule in the morning seems to take the edge off the vocal. this morning I did not have any left and he "huh"ing pretty regularly all day. I have no doubt that he may be more milder if I was sticking to a strict diet plan, but I admit it has just been too difficult due to his small size for his age and alot of non-compliance on his part, so I can only "limit" best I can. I had been doing NAET since January hoping that removing his sensitivites may take care of some of this, but so far it has not.


mary and csp, thanks, I think I understand, but I don't have anything here to try this. maybe tomorrow on our way I'll find some wooden ice cream spoons from 7/11 or someplace, lol. but I have tried to ask him to hold his jaw forward for a bit, but he still shook his head while he did that. I will tell you that if I do not see any clear evidence of anything during our visit, I don't think I will go ahead and order the device. I may give this poor guy a run, you all know me and my questions, lol. I'll ask every question twice in three different ways until he throws me out! :wacko:


gemi, when are you going back, or are you persuing this in your area? Are you also saying that he did not do this stick test with you during your visit? are the x-rays needed before he tries this? were you saying that this price is actually lower than would be after the theory is proven? sorry, didn't understand that. (also, I think you are referring to ccc in your post, right?)


one other thing, ..are we to understand that what we know as tics and tourettes is actually a mild form of TMJ? but do all people who have TMJ have tics? there is also something called Trigeminal Neuralgia, where peopel have terrible pain, and I think I can understand if the milder form of that would cause a ticle or the "urge" to tic (which for those that don't understand, the movement made is an attempt to "get rid of that urge" however, it doesn't satisfy and the "urge" comes again, so the movement is made in another attempt, and so on and so on. .... so if anyone else has any knowlledge of how TMJ is treated, let us know.




Dr. Sims did the full x-rays there and did not make my son have an MRI due to the fact he would not be still enough. What is so hard right now is that today I have watched my son all day and his tics are worst than when we left. I feel so frustrated!!!! My sons device looks like the one in the picture but he had to add more height to it with an acrylic mixture. When Dr.Sims first pulled the device out of the package he did not even put it in my sons mouth to try it because he said they made it to large and he went and filed it down then later said he needed more height. His is very noticeable. He looks like a vampire with it in bless his heart. I asked him tonight if he felt like it was helping any and he said maybe a little but I feel like he is just saying that because he so badly wants it to work. I feel like I gave my son false hope. He is only 9 and it is so hard for him to understand.




I have TMJ. I have had it for many years. I have jaw pain and stiffness. It is hard to open my mouth wide and my dentist said my bite does not match up. I also have headaches and a stuffy nose all the time and sinus problems. I do not have tics but sometimes my lower eyelid on one of my eyes twitches. My dentist said that is common with TMJ. I have a splint and I wear it in my mouth at bedtime. It seems to help, but if it needs to be adjusted then it does not help. My dentist said that braces might help more to correct my bite and jaw but then again he said it may not. So I haven't gone that step yet. Advil seems to help a bit. I went to my family doctor about it and he wanted me to try celebrex. Yes I know the warning for this drug but I decided to try because I am in pain all the time. To my surprise this really help the stiffness and pain in my jaw. Also it helps my mouth open wider. So now I only take it when I can't stand the pain and stiffness and it helps. So the last dentist appointment my son had, our dentist said my sons jaw is just like mine but not as bad. So that is why I starting thinking maybe the device could help my son. The device did not help ccc son and that got me thinking. When my splint is not adjusted just right then it does not help. Maybe the same thing with Dr.Sims device, maybe it needs to be adjusted just right, to help. Just a thought maybe I'm totally wrong here, but just thinking. Hope all goes well at your appointment. Please keep us posted. Char...


I have to apologies. I did want to give my best wishes to ccc.


I am sill trying to get the MRI done, we did the x-ray already. After the MRI I am planning to get back to Dr. Sims. On our appointment he did not do any stick test. He did not insert anything into my daughter’s mouth; he just took the measurements and pressed some points on her neck, head and back. May

be because that time she did not have many tics. Somehow at doctor’s offices she is not ticking a lot. Regarding the price I think it is a lot of money for something that is not 100% proven, but it seams that if you decide to try this that is the price you have to pay. When we were at doctor’s Sims office he told us that so far everybody who tried device noticed the difference. Please, ask him if he had anybody who was not helped. We know now the ccc case.

I think that the adjustment of the device is a very hard and tricky procedure. Though Dr. Sims told us that some cases were hard and he had to adjust the device couple of times to nail down the ticks.


Good luck on your appointment.



I would make a call and ask if it is necessary to have the MRI, that you are having problems getting it covered or that your daughter is afraid.

edit: oh and were you able to get the x-rays covered or did you have to pay out of pocket? if so, how much? i think you said MetLife? I have that too.


ccc, how is this being handled now? did he say to just try it out and see what happens? I do think you should call in a couple days and report that nothing is changing. I'd be interested in what he says.


so did anyone do anything interesting in DC while there? :wacko:


I'll report as soon as I can, I'll have my laptop, but don't know if I'll find free service.




ok...i have decided to send the Pilot Study to as many professionals i have at my disposal. i was initially going to wait before posting them until i could compile everyones opinions however, it seems as though decisions on whether to book appointments are being made quickly... Below is the opinion from a periodontist who is also a full time prof at the university (Dentistry) where i live. Needless to say, i think i cried all day last week after reading his take on the paper.

i am sorry if it upsets anyone but i think its important for us to have a much knowledge as possible. if i recieve any more opinions i will post them. i am currently waiting for two more...

Here it is....




First a disclaimer: I have not followed the TMJ/TMD literature closely for some years now. I am not a neurophysiologist or neurologist. I have not researched the most recent work on TS, in particular those that address etiology and treatment outcomes. I an unsure how many Randomized Clinical Trials there are but those should be carefully reviewed. My short note reflects my impression of the single article you had given me (Sims, A. Tourette’s Syndrome: A pilot study for the discontinuance of a movement disorder. J. Cranio.11-18,27(1), 2009.


If I were to do a comprehensive review I would start with the Cochrane Collaboration (http://search.cochrane.org/search?q=tourette&restrict=review_abstracts&scso_cochrane_or)


A quick look at a paper on Nutrition and TS has been withdrawn - http://www.cochrane.org/reviews/en/info_74...1509502848.html I wonder why?


At any rate the paper is a very poorly reported and documented case report. Although the inclusion criteria for the six patients seem well defined there is virtually no reporting of the results and certainly no analysis at all. There are no clearly defined outcome measures. My summer students could not get away with this. The hypothesis for the NCVD to work is based on speculation of neurophysiology that may result (if cross talk really happens) in elimination of noxious stimuli into the CNS via the auriculotemporal nerve and if used in developing children would redirect the child’s growth pattern. These are two huge presumptions that theoretically could work but one wonders whether there is any evidence for them (non presented in the paper). The only good thing about the NCVD is that it is unlikely to do harm because it is non-invasive. As many pseudo-scientific notions aired by poorly trained pretend-scientists this one plays into creating false expectations for patients and their families offering non-invasive method vs unpleasant, complicated and very invasive once – this in itself, in my view is a very “invasive” act because it plays on vulnerable people. Of course, some of these ideas may work and may be proven in time to have good science behind them. After all great ideas come from simple observations (the lowest level of evidence in science). The difference is that real science then sets up hypotheses and test them by well-defined and proven scientific methods. What this paper proposes does not pass the test by which trained health care professionals work: recommending unsubstantiated and unproven treatment equals malpractice, it is unethical and a flagrant violation of the Hippocratic oath. This stands in contrast with non-trained lay people who could recommend treatments that are non-invasive and are unlikely to harm. But than again would you take advise from the unwise?


I wish I could say that this is it for little J . But I cannot -again within the limitations of my review outlined in the disclosure.


Thanks Vanessa I was not at this point going to persue this route but think it will be helpful for all those contemplating this--thanks for taking the time to post. The more knowledge we have then the better it will be for us trying to make inofrmed decisions. have a good day.



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