melanie Posted June 19, 2009 Report Posted June 19, 2009 Wow, this seems to be much more common than I thought. Anyone else I've ever asked has just looked at me blankly. I thought I was being smart the other day, my daughter didn't want her extra toast so I scraped the TINY bit of egg off it and ate the toast. Barely any sign of egg left. but still, the tummy ache came full force. I certainly had never heard of anyone who could still eat the egg in cakes etc. Everyone said if egg is a problem than it's a problem in all forms. Obviously not right. Surely there must be some connection with the avacado. I bet there's alot more with this problem than us!!! Thanks for your input. Lyn. If you have an egg allergy is there something like a benadryl you can take to kindof counteract the allergy?
KRoberts Posted June 19, 2009 Report Posted June 19, 2009 Wow, this seems to be much more common than I thought. Anyone else I've ever asked has just looked at me blankly. I thought I was being smart the other day, my daughter didn't want her extra toast so I scraped the TINY bit of egg off it and ate the toast. Barely any sign of egg left. but still, the tummy ache came full force. I certainly had never heard of anyone who could still eat the egg in cakes etc. Everyone said if egg is a problem than it's a problem in all forms. Obviously not right. Surely there must be some connection with the avacado. I bet there's alot more with this problem than us!!! Thanks for your input. Lyn. If you have an egg allergy is there something like a benadryl you can take to kindof counteract the allergy? I don't believe it's an "allergy" per se, because then I wouldn't be able to eat anything with eggs in it at all. The only thing that I've found that helps is gravol - works pretty well too if I can keep it down.
mom2a Posted June 24, 2009 Report Posted June 24, 2009 If there is an egg sensitivity I would also test for chicken too! Every client I work with that tests weak to eggs also tests weak to chicken products. I'd keep them both out of the diet!!
KRoberts Posted June 24, 2009 Report Posted June 24, 2009 If there is an egg sensitivity I would also test for chicken too! Every client I work with that tests weak to eggs also tests weak to chicken products. I'd keep them both out of the diet!! No problem with chicken, I eat it all the time without any kind of reaction. The reaction to eggs is immediate and severe.
alex_182au Posted December 18, 2009 Report Posted December 18, 2009 i wanted you all to hear this i have tried the method of eating eggs that are less than ten days old and the results were exelent no reaction at all so to add to this i also ate mcdonalds eggs no reaction so i ate a frozen quiche no reaction these big companys use eggs supplied straight from the farm and due to high productivity they are allways fresh and once processed and frozen they dont get old like a fresh egg left for more than ten days i am enjoying eating eggs again in all the usual ways again i havent been game to do this with avacodes yet as i can not guarantee when they were taken of the tree and also just so you know with my new found confidence in eggs i ordered some for breakfast from a cafe and again the pain started after the first mouthfull i pushed on stupdly thinking it would go away but it just got worse and lasted the usual 6 hours i cramped up so bad i couldnt walk hopes this helps someone and also no problems with chicken love it and eat it more than once a week
laurena82 Posted December 18, 2009 Report Posted December 18, 2009 so to add to this i also ate mcdonalds eggs no reaction so i ate a frozen quiche no reactionthese big companys use eggs supplied straight from the farm and due to high productivity they are allways fresh and once processed and frozen they dont get old like a fresh egg left for more than ten days (jaded ) mind has a hard time believing that McDonald's and frozen factory produced quiche has "fresher" farm eggs than my local mom and pop cafe.......but obviously there is "something" different ....( jaded mind would think they found a way to put *less* actual "egg* in it somehow...! ) first time reading this thread......just to join my experience with the others: My middle son (not TS son) had definite egg allergies. When I first fed him eggs (age 12 months)....within about 10-15 minutes.....he got hives from his chest up, his eyes were all swollen shut, etc was clearly an ALLERGIC reaction. We had to avoid eggs for him....but he did eat other things that had eggs in them without noticeable dificulty. When I was making pancakes for breakfast, I deleted the eggs (very flat, but you can eat them), etc.....but when making cookies, for example, I left the eggs in....he ate the cookies with no noticeable problems. He also had MILK allergies....similar thing.....cows milk (and goats milk...tried that also) gave him hives all over (esp chest up over face)......but as he got older, I'd add some cheese onto things, and it didnt seem to cause a problem..... HOWEVER.....when he got old enough to talk with me and think things through early elementary (maybe second gradish?).....he had noticed that if he had ice cream or a grilled cheese sandwich, the palms of his hands and feet would get really itchy....... ANOTHER interesting aside re: food allergies...... back in the day that I was dealing with all of these food allergies....and older gentleman shared with me how whenever he ate TURKEY, he would get this HORRIBLE metallic type of taste in his mouth....that he just couldnt bear to eat more than a couple of bites of it because of this metallic type of taste he'd get.......he also was HIGHLY allergic to working with an allergist.....he learned that the REASON for the metallic taste in his mouth with the turkey, is because commercially raised turkeys are fed such HIGH does of penicillin, etc while being raised (turkeys are VERY susceptible to illness....we raised them years ago...I know this to be true).....and he was so highly allergic to the penicillin, he was sensitive to the amount in the turkey meat.... .....this was hugely interesting to me, as this same middle son of mine is HIGHLY allergic to cows milk (and goats milk as well...tried that one, hoping for no reaction ).........ANYHOW......when son was born, of course I didnt know of his milk allergy. I breast fed, but that first night, of course there isnt all that much milk there yet, and (I had a home birth with him.....didnt have nurses taking care of him....just me and my husband after the midwife left....and my husband had fallen asleep after the "hard" work of birth LOL !!), I figured I wouldnt get much sleep with the baby wanting to nurse every hour, so I'd just mix up a bottle of this powdered formula and feed him , so I could get a good stretch of sleep that first night......... ......well....let me tell you.....he had been FINE at nursing....but that bottle....he gagged and wretched, and gagged and wretched.......he absolutely refused to drink it......finally fell asleep after gagging and wretching as I kept trying to feed him this bottle..... ...................he nursed exclusively again until 6 weeks later.....I left him home with my husband when I went to 6 week checkup with broke down, and I was delayed getting home......told husband to go mix up a bottle of that powedered formula to feed him since I was delayed getting back......... HAH!....again!.....gagged and wretched....wouldnt take it........fell asleep without it! Skip ahead to when he was 6 months old, and I started him on some baby cereal, that I had mixed a bit of cows milk in .....where it dribbled down his chin turned red and hives......then his entire face/chest etc had hives......!..... Ah, yes......cows milk allergy (also explained how he always had blotchy/itchy skin that came and went while totally breastfed......turns out it was mild hives.......that was from the cows milk protein coming through MY diet........hah!....I was trying to be such a GOOD nursing mom by drinking lots of milk (that I really DONT like....!)......... So when that gentleman told me about the terrible metallic taste he'd get when trying to eat the penicillin/laden turkey......ah ha! LIGHT BULBS went off! How cool....!.....No WONDER my son *knew* not to drink that cows milk formula!! ! !! The other experience with food allergies and this son..... One time when he was probably six-eight months old, sitting on my husband's lap as husband was fininshing up eating, he gave son his spoon to play with.....spoon husband had used to eat his cereal (with milk)....but he had wiped the spoon clean before giving it to son.......son played and chewed on it....and got some blotchy hives around his mouth/face from just whatever few invisible molecules of milk were left on that spoon! And it's funny....this son NEVER then, drank milk. I bought orange juice with calcium, and he got calcium that way. He also got into the habit of putting apple juice on his cold cereal instead of milk. (hah....and , his youner brother...not allergic to milk....would some days eat milk on his, other days eat apple juice....and ond day, at about age 3, the younger brother is looking at picture on cereal box and says, " come they always show MILK on the cereal?".....LOL! though it's completely normal for the rest of the world to put applejuice on it as welll!) But,...funny thing.....these two are now both "vegan".....and the milk allergy son still prefers apple juice on his cereal........he tells me that while he doesnt dislike soy milk in any way......"I've just never gotten used to that creaminess, and it's hard for me to want to drink it"..... ! Oh well....long winded.... But I did want to add to thread that: Yes, experience is also that you can have true "allergy" (e.g. hives/swelling) to eggs, but be "able" to eat in other products (although there probably ARE lesser symptoms....e.g. the itchy palms.....that perhaps no one is aware of??? ?? ??) and.... The story with the bad/metallic taste when given something the person is highly allergic to....(e.g Turkey/penicillin; formula/cows milk)... quite cool in a way.....that it's nature's way of telling my baby NOT to drink that cow's milk!! !!
Crued Posted December 18, 2009 Report Posted December 18, 2009 ANOTHER interesting aside re: food allergies......back in the day that I was dealing with all of these food allergies....and older gentleman shared with me how whenever he ate TURKEY, he would get this HORRIBLE metallic type of taste in his mouth....that he just couldnt bear to eat more than a couple of bites of it because of this metallic type of taste he'd get.......he also was HIGHLY allergic to working with an allergist.....he learned that the REASON for the metallic taste in his mouth with the turkey, is because commercially raised turkeys are fed such HIGH does of penicillin, etc while being raised (turkeys are VERY susceptible to illness....we raised them years ago...I know this to be true).....and he was so highly allergic to the penicillin, he was sensitive to the amount in the turkey meat.... I'm also very allergic to pennicillin and its dirivitives. I break out badly. Some sort of connection here with the egg thing and the pennicillin thing.
Chemar Posted December 18, 2009 Report Posted December 18, 2009 I am also allergic to penicillin and must say I havent had any reactivity to turkey or eggs but maybe my senstivity isnt as intense or perhaps the fact that we use only free range organic eggs, tho when I get turkey I get Butterball so not sure if they also use antibiotics on their birds?
Suzier Posted August 4, 2010 Report Posted August 4, 2010 Thank you! Thank you! I am so pleased that I found this thread. I developed the intolerance to eggs while I was pregnant with my 2nd child (20 years ago). I discovered a few years later that I could not eat avocados either. I get so sick sometimes and the stomach pain is almost unbearable. Oddly though, every now and then, I can get away with a few bites. I have never been able to determine why it is not consistent. Has anyone figured that out yet?
laurena82 Posted August 6, 2010 Report Posted August 6, 2010 FWIW, One of my sons (not with TS) had allergies to (among other things) milk and EGGS. When he was young, if he had a few bites of eggs or milk, within a few minutes, he'd start getting hives, and his eyes (skin around them) would really swell up. It was clearly an allergy. (dont know about an avocado connection.....we never ate them!) However, he COULD eat baked goods that had some egg or milk in them, and didnt seem to have a problem with them. So it probably depends on how severely allergic you are, as to how small amount you can tolerate. The other thought.....the "reaction" might be small enough to not be really noticed , but still be there. For example, with my son and the egg/milk allergy/hives/eyes he got older (preschool age)....I noticed he could eat cheese without symptoms, so sometimes he'd have a grilled cheese sandwich, etc. When he got older, say age 8 or 9, he told me that he noticed whenever he had eaten cheese like that, he would notice the palms of his hands and feet start feeling hives or anything, but apparently there still was some sort of "reaction". ALSO, re: the "egg beater" question....this is a purchased product (name brand "EggBeaters"...) my understanding, they DO contain egg....but just the white of the egg (which is generally got more allergans that the yolk), but has minimal cholesterol, and they do/add something to make it taste like a whole egg instead of just the white. Anyhow, it's a product you can use if you're avoiding eggs because of the cholesterol issue............ ............having spent alot of time trying to bake without's difficult. There are substitutions you can make....but most things arent as good as products with can substitute applesauce for eggs in a boxed cake mix and it's not TOO bad.....there's something by "N-R-G" called "egg replacer" that kinda/sorta can just add extra baking powder to the recipe (about as useful as the "egg replacer" in my opinion.....which is to say, not real great, ....but better than nothing)....... *******IF ANYONE HAS ANY OTHER GOOD METHODS OF SUBSTITUTING THINGS FOR EGGS IN RECIPES......THIS WOULD BE A GREAT FORUM/THREAD TO SHARE WITH US!!****
sarahv2480 Posted September 3, 2012 Report Posted September 3, 2012 I wish I knew what caused this, but I too get awful stomach aches (kind of a severe burning sensation) about 1-2 hours after eating eggs and avocado. I can eat foods (baked goods and stuff) that have been cooked with eggs in them, but eating just plain eggs (scrambled eggs, omelets, etc) absolutely kills me. I've never been tested for any type of food allergy because I feel like I can avoid them fairly easily... though I went to a mexican restaurant a couple of days ago, ate guacamole and ended my night curled up in a ball because my stomach started hurting so badly. I don't think it's the fat content because I can eat other fatty foods without a problem. I wonder if there's some sort of enzyme in these foods that just don't agree with me... I don't think it's an allergy because I don't get any other allergy symptoms and I can tolerate foods that contain eggs. I also do get a little upset stomach if I eat bananas, though I don't love bananas so I don't eat them... but the couple times I've eaten them, I haven't felt great. Anyway, not sure if this helps at all but it's good to know that I'm not the only one going through this! I'll continue to do some research and update if I find any other specific information.
alex_182au Posted September 3, 2012 Report Posted September 3, 2012 This worked for me sarah I stopped eating egg and avacardo for about two years then after reading this forum i started slowley I ate an egg fresh from a chicken on advice from another member of this forum that said she could eat eggs less than 10 days old I had no problems at all so after a while i was game to try again with the same result no pain over the next year i did this a few times (scared every time but still no pain) then i ate a supermarket egg and the pain was instant and just as bad as before I left it a while and went back to eating fresh eggs only one or two days old no pain then i read that a member could eat mcdonalds eggs I tried it and no pain I went further and it seemed I could eat eggs that had come from large companys ie frozen keich (sorry my spelling is not so good) egg pie which i believe is because companys like mcdonalds have such high turnover and their own farms that the eggs are always fresh anyway after a another year of enjoying eating eggs and enjoying it i decided i might try avacado I had a very mild reaction six months later i tried again and now i can eat eggs and avacodo again without fear i used this method of slowly reintroducing these foods into my diet after reading everything people had to say in this forum some advice i took on and other advice didnt seem relevant to our problem but everyone is entitled to their opinion the other advice i got was from a food and alergy specalist here in australia that told me it was possible to reintroduce some foods into your diet by waiting a few years then doing it slowley This worked for me I hope it helps I did not have a problem till i was 34 with either of these foods and now im 41 and i can eat both again The reaction i used to have would curl me up in a ball for 4 to 6 hours the pain would bring tears to my eyes , it felt like i had been kicked between the legs Good luck people and try to read between the lines as some of these posts are not relevant to our paticular problem and only talk about what may be wrong not how to fix it I have seen many specalists and searched the internet and it seems nor science or doctors can explain it and there is too few of us for them to want to spend money on research Again I hope this helps someone And thanks for the advice from other forum members that helped me
mar Posted September 18, 2012 Report Posted September 18, 2012 I replace a half a banana mashed per egg in the muffins and pancakes I make and has worked out. Also flax seed eith some water can replace egg. It's on the box and can't recall at the moment. Mar
Wombat140 Posted September 21, 2012 Report Posted September 21, 2012 Xanthan gum sometimes helps to hold baked things together if you can't use egg (or if they're gluten-free and inclined to fall apart anyway). We've got a book called "A User Guide to the GF/CF diet" (by Luke Jackson, Jessica Kingsley Publishers) that has a long list of different substitutes for egg suitable for different recipes. (I'd recommend that book to anyone. Apart from practical merits, it was written by a 12-year-old boy with Asperger's syndrome and a wacky sense of humour - I admit I sometimes read it just for fun, even though we gave up on that diet ages ago!)
broghan Posted October 16, 2012 Report Posted October 16, 2012 I had to reply to this post because I have some pretty serious reactions to avocados and eggs also. i'm 21 and it started when i was in my early teens and i had no idea what the problem was. finally i was at a restaurant and had a salad with avocado-ranch dressing and i had a reaction where i couldn't even swallow my own spit. my esophagus is very sensitive and whenever i eat avocado or egg-whites i get horrible, horrible indigestion to the extent that my spit gets very thick and i can't swallow anything. the solution is to burp, a lot. finally after lots of burping my esophagus loosens and i'm able to swallow again. its extremely uncomfortable and lasts for several hours to an entire day. i had an allergy test done once where they drew blood and figured it that way. the results were that i was allergic to milk and egg whites (among many other things). not sure how avocados connect with milk or egg whites but the same esophageal issues happen. i take nexium everyday to help with the issues and i avoid the stimulants at all costs. i drank a protein shake after the gym today and didn't realize it had milk and egg in it so i'm struggling pretty bad right now. if anyone else has this indigestion/esophagus problem let me know!! P.S. egg beaters have no effect on me. i dont know why but they are safe.
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